My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and twenty-eight, Da Mao’s final stubbornness

"Our Russian rocket engine technology is inherited from the Red Empire. It is the most advanced in the world in this field and has many leading technologies that even the United States does not have..."

In a mysterious base on the outskirts of Moscow, in a tall and empty exhibition hall, huge rocket engines are neatly placed.

A fair-skinned, beautiful and tall Russian female officer led the way. She stopped and walked along the way, constantly introducing the performance of various rocket engines to Xia Jingxing, Liu Hai and Yuri Milner who were following her. parameter.

As soon as she talks about the big rocket, this beautiful officer can't stop chewing Xuanmai. Her words reveal a strong sense of pride for a big country.

In fact, she did not make false propaganda. Russia's rocket engines are indeed unique. There is no way, the Red Empire's military industry foundation is so strong that it can last for decades.

Suddenly, Xia Jingxing stopped, pointed to the rows of rocket engines in front of him that were several people tall, and said, "Ms. Popova, I want this model of product."

Natasha Popova, who had already walked to the front, turned around and stepped back, pointed at the engine and said, "Want this?"

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, keeping his eyes fixed on the engine in front of him, as if he was looking at some peerless beauty.

"Sorry, this is not for sale!"

Xia Jingxing was speechless. Since it is not for sale, what are you doing here? Are you kidding me?

So he turned his eyes to Yuri, and his eyes seemed to say: Brother, your plan seems a bit unreliable!

Purchasing Damao's rocket engine was Yuri's suggestion yesterday. The reason why Xia Jingxing adopted this "making is worse than buying" plan was because he repeatedly consulted the technical staff of Fuxing Aerospace and even the external technical experts of the two aviation companies last night. He believed that The final decision is made only if it is desirable.

At present, the technical foundation of China's renaissance aerospace industry is still very weak. It lacks people, lacks technology, and lacks everything except money.

Then buying a few rocket engines from Russia, returning to China, assembling them and building rockets, then flying them into the sky to hear the sound is the most pragmatic development path.

Of course, it’s not just about listening. The ultimate goal is to master rocket technology other than engines by assembling and launching rockets. While running the team, we can complete the construction of the most basic technical framework.

It is not easy to build rockets in any country. Renaissance Aerospace cannot poach NASA's talents at will like SpaceX, or even use connections to obtain technical authorization from NASA. Naturally, it will not be able to stand on the giant's side. With so much weight on my shoulders, I can only rely on myself, accumulate R\u0026D strength bit by bit, and find out the development path that best suits me.

Xia Jingxing didn't complain much about this, because Fuxing Aerospace made a three-part agreement with the two airlines not long after its establishment. One was not to poach their core technical experts, and the other was to avoid wasting resources and not make copies of the two airlines.

If the renaissance of aerospace industry wants to truly reflect its own significance and not become a simple toy for the rich, it should explore a differentiated development path and form a beneficial complement to the national aerospace power.

Of course, the two aerospace giants, Aerospace Science and Technology and Aerospace Science and Industry, have not spared any money. Both companies have promised to license Fuxing Aerospace with some outdated rocket technologies from the last century, such as rocket body materials, propellants, multi-stage rocket separation, etc.

But for the rocket engine, known as the "heart", the two airlines also said they were helpless.

Even if they hand over the most advanced products to Fuxing Aerospace for use, they will not be able to achieve the goal of manned landing on Mars. They are not even close to landing manned on the moon. The main difference lies in rocket thrust, and more specifically in domestic rocket engine technology. Needs to be improved.

This is also an old problem in China. From aviation and aerospace to automobiles, they all lack good engines.

Da Mao really has a great advantage in this area, so some veteran aerospace experts suggested that Xia Jingxing spend a lot of money to get a few more rocket engines back. Although they are already old bones, they can still move, so they can volunteer to help disassemble the engines and study them. .

One of the old experts specifically pointed out that if there was a chance to obtain the rd-180 rocket engine, he suggested that Xia Jingxing should buy one and return to China no matter how much it cost.

Xia Jingxing had just walked over and immediately saw the model number marked in big red letters on the casing of the rocket engine in front of him, which happened to be rd-180.

Yuri also looked at Popova with puzzled eyes at this time. The latter explained slowly: "Sorry! The rd-180 is the most powerful liquid rocket engine in the world. We have an agreement with the United States. This The engine can only be exported to Lockheed Martin.

The agreement was signed in 1998 and required a total of 101 engines to be delivered to the United States. Currently, only 50 engines have been successfully delivered. In addition, the agreement will not expire until 2018.

More importantly, this engine can be transformed into a very powerful ballistic missile. If sold to you, it may cause great controversy internationally. "

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, signaling Popova to stop talking and start talking about money directly, "How much does this engine cost?"

"10 million U.S. dollars!" Popova tried her best to tell this astronomical figure in a calm tone, but she completely underestimated the generosity of a man after he encountered his favorite big toy.

"We can spend US$20 million to buy 10 units at once for Fazhong Aerospace!"

Xia Jingxing spit out a few figures in an understatement, and almost had the words "not bad money" carved on his forehead.

He thought the price of this engine would be very expensive, but this is the result? Not as expensive as a photolithography machine.

Popova felt the aura of a rich man coming towards her face, and her eyes towards Xia Jingxing changed a lot, as if a beautiful saleswoman from Northern Industries looked at a big customer with a piece of cloth on her head.

"Please wait a moment, I'm going to ask my superiors for instructions."

Xia Jingxing nodded, and then watched Popova walk away briskly on her high heels.

"Dylan, this is a heavy-duty rocket engine, can you use it?"

Yuri looked at Xia Jingxing with a hint of confusion. He now wondered whether his old friend had some important mission.

"We won't use it now, but that won't be the case in the future. Let's buy it and study it first."

Yuri didn't quite believe Xia Jingxing's explanation, and was suddenly worried that he was involved in some big whirlpool.

The bangs on the side were also a little confused, but he could probably guess the boss's true intention. Since the occasion was not right, he didn't ask any more questions and quietly became a spectator.

After a while, Popova came back dejectedly.

"Sorry, Mr. Xia, I still can't sell this rocket engine to you."

Hearing this reply, Xia Jingxing frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy.

However, he gradually came to his senses. The old expert in the country had probably expected to hit a wall, and it was just an idea to try his luck when he fooled himself into trying it.

Thinking about it, I can't introduce this rocket engine in the name of the country, let alone myself as a businessman.

Even though Da Mao shouts loudly all day long about how good the two brothers are, he is actually still wary of his brothers.

Seeing the rapid development of my brothers' military industry, aerospace and even economy, I'm afraid I have mixed feelings.

Fortunately, there is an eagle hovering over the two brothers. Whether they are real brothers or fake brothers, they have to continue to do it.

"Okay, let's look at other types of rocket engines!"

After figuring out the joints, Xia Jingxing did not dwell too much on it. He planned to focus on engines with smaller thrust and slightly behind-the-scenes technology.

Popova didn't know whether it was because she had witnessed Xia Jingxing's arrogance with her own eyes or because the big business had not been completed, but she became obviously more enthusiastic when she introduced the products next.

Soon, she and Xia Jingxing finalized the rocket engine model to be introduced - rd-120.

This rocket engine belongs to the same rd series as the rd-180 just now. It is also a direct descendant of the V2 rocket that the head of state once proposed to develop. Its thrust reaches 84.7 tons.

China introduced three rd-120 rocket engines from Ermao's Southern Design Bureau in 1990 and 1991 for principle research. On this basis, it spent more than 20 years developing and launching the yf-100 with independent intellectual property rights. The rocket engine has a thrust of 120 tons, which is greatly improved compared to the rd-120, but it is still far from the rd-180, and the thrust is less than one-third of the latter.

The group of veteran aerospace experts who had tried to cross the river by feeling their own way was very experienced. The tip they gave Xia Jingxing was that if the most advanced rd-180 could not be introduced, then the next best option would be to introduce the rd-120, which was several generations behind. The reason why the engine was originally chosen by China Aerospace was precisely because of its merits.

After Fuxing Aerospace truly studies the principles of this engine, it can carry out a certain degree of independent innovation. After a few years, Mao Xiong will no longer be able to survive, and it will still sell rd-180 engines and even complete sets of them. technology.

By then, because the rocket technology platforms are similar, there will be another handful of bears to pluck out.

After identifying the model, Xia Jingxing acted very grandly and purchased four rd-120 engines at once, two of which were intended to be disassembled for reverse development, and the other two were used to assemble and launch the first rocket.

It has been almost a year since Fuxing Aerospace was established. It has not launched its first rocket yet, and it has not even started assembling the rocket. It has been recruiting.

Xia Jingxing was a little dissatisfied with the progress of this work. No matter how difficult it was, he had to work hard and quickly without delay.

The goal he set for Fuxing Aerospace is to launch at least the first rocket next year and fire the first shot.


I can't write anything today, just one chapter. In addition, I would like to reply to everyone’s feedback that the pace is too slow. The pace is already accelerating. Industrial manufacturing is not like the Internet. The lack of domestic industry is so serious that it is laborious to write a book, let alone catch up in reality.

The Rockets section is over. I will write about the European plot tomorrow and jump directly to 2010. There are more plots this year, so there is no need for so much foreshadowing.

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