My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and thirty-two, redefining football

For the next period of time, Xia Jingxing personally sat in London, directing Fu Jixun to speed up the pace of reorganizing Qimonda while waiting for good news from Stephen.

In the middle of the month, the legal battle between Royal Bank of Scotland and two Liverpool shareholders, Gillette and Hicks, finally opened.

London's High Court ruled that plaintiffs Gillette and Hicks lost the case and that they had no right to interfere with Royal Bank of Scotland's decision to sell the loan collateral, 100% of Liverpool FC's shares.

This lawsuit attracted the attention of many die-hard fans who were concerned about the fate of the club. They held high flags with the Liverpool crest and gathered at the door of the court shouting slogans.

Of course, they are not here to support the bloody duo, but to tell them to get out of the club.

In recent years, with the continuous commercialization of European clubs, speculators like Gillette and Hicks have emerged one after another. They have no money at all in their pockets. Instead, they acquire football clubs through financial leverage, gain nothing, and then use it. Human and financial skills turn the club into a cash cow for himself.

Some people have succeeded, such as the Glazer family of Manchester United.

Some people fail, such as the bloody duo who lost the lawsuit.

When the bloody duo walked out of the court dejectedly, they were met with abuse and curses from the club's fanatical fans.

I believe that if there were not a large group of police blocking the scene, these indignant fans might have rushed up and beat the two of them to death.

In the past two years or so since the two bloody heroes took over Liverpool, they have completely ruined a good Premier League giant. Their competitive results are poor, core players have been sold off, and the promised new stadium has never been seen...

The fans were angry and felt that they had been deceived, and they directed all their grievances on the bloody duo.

The two American businessmen quickly got into the car and fled amid overwhelming boos.

Stephen, CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland, enjoys different treatment.

"Mr. Hurst, will Royal Bank of Scotland swap debt for equity and buy into the club?"

"Can you find a good buyer for the team? You don't need to be too good, just a little better than Abramovich."

"Please give priority to British buyers, gringos are completely unreliable!"

A group of fans surrounded Stephen and politely expressed their opinions.

They all know that Stephen and the Royal Bank of Scotland behind him are the key men who will really determine the fate of Liverpool Club. Therefore, they do not dare to offend Stephen at all, so they can only ask the other party in a gentle manner.

Stephen smiled and waved his hand to the noisy crowd, "Please be quiet, everyone. I have heard your thoughts and will seriously consider everyone's opinions.

Liverpool is a club with brilliant achievements and supreme glory. We will definitely find a new buyer for it that matches it 100% in terms of financial resources, social prestige, and public image!

We already have some clues, and the answer will be revealed to everyone in three days. "

After that, Stephen strode away, leaving fans looking at each other.

From this tone, the new buyer seems to have quite a lot of background!

Three days later.

A grand press conference was held in the conference hall of the Pullman Hotel next to the Liverpool Stadium.

Xia Jingxing attended the meeting in person and took over the Liverpool FC equity transfer document from Stephen.

Only then did many fan representatives and reporters at the scene realize the profound meaning of what Stephen said three days ago.

The famous richest man in Asia, founder of Facebook and YouTube, chairman of Vision Capital and Fuxing Industrial Group... Darren Xia can be regarded as a powerful buyer.

His financial resources, social prestige and public image are all matched by the century-old giant Liverpool Club.

Except for a few people who feel that Xia Jingxing is not white and not perfect enough, most rational fans welcome Xia Jingxing's arrival at Liverpool.

As soon as the signing ceremony ended, reporters and fan representatives immediately raised their hands to ask Xia Jingxing questions.

"Mr. Xia, your acquisition of Liverpool FC in the name of family office Daxia Capital, does this mean that you will run this club for a long time? What positive changes will you bring to this club?"

Facing the reporter's question, Xia Jingxing, who was sitting on the stage, pointed at the microphone and replied loudly: "Yes, in my opinion, sports investment requires patience. Long-term and stable continuous investment is the key to ensuring a football club's success in the arena." Core factors for maintaining excellent performance.

What positive changes will I bring to this club?

This is a good question, I can answer you now, I will redefine the football industry! "

Redefine football!

A burst of laughter immediately broke out in the audience, but it was not ridicule, but a kind of good-natured laughter.

Anyone who is familiar with Xia Jingxing knows that he will redefine an industry if he disagrees with his words, and all the boasts he boasted have come true.

Starting from redefining social, he has redefined many industries such as hedge funds and mobile phones.

Can football be redefined?

Fans were skeptical.

A fan representative immediately raised his hand, took the microphone and asked: "Darren, I know you are a genius entrepreneur and investor, but football is not a business. What we need is someone who can win the Premier League championship and the Champions League. Champions League Liverpool.

Can the redefinition of football you mentioned lead the club to win championships? "

As soon as these words came out, hundreds of fan representatives and reporters in the audience craned their necks to look at Xia Jingxing, wanting to hear his answer.

“Competitive performance is actually only part of it, redefining football is a very broad concept.

I not only want to lead Liverpool towards a "great renaissance", but also make it the coolest and most technological football club in Europe. "

Before everyone could recover, another reporter immediately asked: "Darren, can you give us a detailed introduction to what you said about redefining football?"

“I just said, this is a very broad concept, and the introduction only stays on the surface.

I implore the fans and reporters here to carefully observe the changes in the team and discover the mysteries. That will be more interesting and convincing than my introduction. "

Xia Jingxing's words were a bit tantalizing, and neither the reporters nor the fans were satisfied. They continued to ask questions without giving up, but Xia Jingxing still held the pipa half-hiding and refused to reveal the full plan.

There was no choice but to give up on extracting useful information from Xia Jingxing's mouth.

Then, the reporter began to ask other questions: "Darren, Daxia Capital also acquired the NBA's Golden State Warriors before. I heard that Daxia Capital intends to build a new multi-functional stadium for the team.

When you take over at Liverpool, will you renovate or expand Anfield? "

Hearing this, the fans outside the stadium all looked at Xia Jingxing eagerly. Can this new rich man fulfill their little wish?

"There are no plans to renovate or expand."

The fans were stunned for a moment, is it so straightforward? Don’t you have the patience to even lie to us?

Just as the fans were about to lift the table, they heard Xia Jingxing continue: "Didn't the Liverpool City Council grant Liverpool Club a piece of land in Stanley Park?

When we take over the club, we will take over the land as well.

Next, we plan to hire a top design firm in the industry to redesign the plan and build the largest stadium in Europe with a capacity of 100,000 spectators in Stanley Park. "

100,000 spectators seated! The largest stadium in Europe!

The fans off the field were all dumbfounded, and when they reacted, they were all ecstatic.

Is this going to make Liverpool great again?

"Is this true? Isn't it a bad check?" A fan representative eagerly grabbed the microphone from the reporter's hand and asked Xia Jingxing on the stage.

"Didn't I just say that we want to redefine football? There has never been a legendary stadium in European history that can accommodate 100,000 spectators.

If Liverpool were the first to accomplish this feat, would it be regarded as redefining football? "

The fans nodded one after another, and it seemed to make sense.

Xia Jingxing paused, and then continued to speak impassionedly: "Last season, Liverpool beat Manchester United 4-1 at Old Trafford, and a few days later they beat Real Madrid 4-0 at Anfield.

Although the team worked very hard, they still lost to Manchester United at the last moment, allowing them to win the 18th league championship trophy with cheers from all over the UK.

Manchester United has equaled Liverpool in terms of the number of league championship trophies.

If we turn the time back to 1990, the moment when the Premier League was born two years later, Liverpool held 18 top league championship trophies, while Manchester United only had 7 championship trophies.

At that time, if someone had said that Manchester United would catch up with Liverpool one day, I am afraid everyone would laugh at him and go crazy.

But looking at it now, Manchester United has really done it and caught up with Liverpool.

On the other hand, Liverpool has not won a championship trophy for twenty years since the birth of the Premier League. Is this an achievement that a century-old giant should have?

If nothing changes, Manchester United will soon be riding on Liverpool's neck.

I want to ask everyone here: Can you tolerate being suppressed by Manchester United? Do Liverpool need to redefine football? Do we need to move towards a comprehensive renaissance? "

The enthusiastic fans in the audience were completely aroused by Xia Jingxing's exciting speech, and they all responded in unison: "We need it! We need it!"

Stephen watched all this with a smile and thought to himself, this Darren is so good at demagogueing people, and he is almost catching up with Mustache's demeanor back then.

Once the pie is drawn, all the unruly Liverpool football hooligans have been subdued. Are they going to attack Manchester United next?


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