My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and forty-three, helping Mr. Xia realize his dream

“After Google withdraws from the Chinese market, nearly 20% of its search engine market share will be released.

If 360 can seize this golden opportunity to launch its own search engine brand, I believe it will not be difficult to gain a foothold in the search engine market. "

Xia Jingxing pointed to the wine glass on the table and said, "There is a saying that when the water is full, it overflows.

It is actually not a good thing for Qianxun to monopolize the market! This is true for the country and its people!

I heard that Qianxun has become more and more aggressive recently, accepting all kinds of advertisements, including some false medicine and medical advertisements, as long as you are willing to pay. "

Zhou Hongyi understood in an instant, and then said righteously: "360's search engine will definitely not accept those false advertisements. It is true to make money, but you cannot murder people."

Xia Jingxing chuckled and said, "Don't rush to boast about Haikou yet. Medical advertising is very profitable. The Qianxun family has a big business, so they can't help but stretch out their hands. Can you hold back?"

Zhou Hongyi's face didn't look good, and she once again felt that she was being underestimated by Xia Jingxing. He still knew what he did and what he didn't do.

Xia Jingxing shook his head gently, "Capital is all about profit. Now Vision Capital is the largest institutional shareholder of 360, and you are the largest individual shareholder. We can still talk to each other now, but what about after the company goes public?

The stock price needs a boost, revenue needs to increase, and that’s your true intention. "

Zhou Hongyi remained silent, seeming to be thinking carefully about Xia Jingxing's words.

"Okay, I don't mean anything else when I say this!"

Xia Jingxing stared at Zhou Hongyi with burning eyes and said, "Just to express one point, Qianxun's medical search advertising problem is not small!

You can ask someone to investigate and see if what I said is true or false.

Medical advertising can become Chihiro’s Achilles’ heel today, and it can become 360’s Waterloo tomorrow.

Many people shout that "the Internet does not do evil", but what is the real situation?

Including me, no one dares to say that he has not done any evil at all.

Online games developed by domestic games have caused many immature teenagers to become addicted to the Internet, which has delayed their studies and even affected their physical and mental health.

In the past two years, we have continuously upgraded the anti-addiction system, and are also trying to develop facial recognition technology to identify the user's true age.

In order to break the anti-addiction system, some children use adult ID cards for account verification, and some Internet cafes reserve a large number of adult ID cards and provide them to teenagers who use the Internet at any time.

Domestic games are also unable to guard against this. The so-called anti-addiction systems are all superficial and do not really play a role in curbing the uncontrolled gaming habits of teenagers. We are also very troubled by this. "

Zhou Hongyi smiled and nodded, "It all depends on people. It seems that the search engine we launch in the future will also add an audit department. Not only medical advertisements, but other advertisements that are successfully launched must also be checked more."

Xia Jingxing didn't say any more. He had just said this, and it all depended on Zhou Hongyi whether he listened to it or not.

"I originally thought about launching the search engine in two years?"

Xia Jingxing asked, "Why?"

"I am short of money. I originally wanted to list 360 first. After raising a large amount of funds, I would then start a battle with Qianxun."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Then you will miss this good opportunity."

"Yes! It's indeed a good opportunity now. Alas, let's not talk about it anymore."

Zhou Hongyi punched the table hard, then looked at Xia Jingxing, with a small fire burning in her eyes, and said, "If we want to have a fierce battle with Qianxun, we need to raise another round of financing."

"No problem, Vision Capital will support you unreservedly!"

"Then it's settled. I will arrange financing and launch the search engine project as soon as possible."

"I'm waiting for your good news!"



The next day.

Xia Jingxing took Tudou CEO Wang Wei, Jupin Pictures CEO Zhang Zhao, and Domestic Pictures CEO Liu Kun to the wine shop hosted by the Huang brothers Zhang Luo.

The wine shop is located in a private restaurant in a certain alley, and the environment is very quiet.

Two brothers, Huang Huazhong and Huang Hualei, took Feng Pants and stood at the door early to wait. When they saw the convoy arriving, the three of them immediately came forward with smiles on their faces.

Although he was already the CEO of a listed company, Huang Huazhong still kept a low profile when facing Xia Jingxing. While opening the door for Xia Jingxing, he reminded Xia Jingxing to get out of the car more slowly.

"Old Huang, why are you so polite? Thanks to you, I made a lot of money from China Film and Television's listing.

I was supposed to serve you a drink to thank you, but you served it first instead. "


Xia Jingxing laughed loudly, then walked through the door and walked into the private restaurant surrounded by stars like a moon.

Hearing the commotion, a group of people who were already sitting in the room went out to greet him.

"Hey, everyone is here!"

Xia Jingxing took a quick look and saw that Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, Zhao Yifang, Cai Yinong... half of the domestic film and television industry bosses were present, and without exception, they were all "own people" who had received capital injections from domestic cultural industry investment funds.

Yu Dong smiled like he was worshiping Maitreya Buddha, "Mr. Xia, we are all here to drink."

"Yes, yes, Boss Huang is serving wine, and we will follow Boss Huang to take advantage of it."

Others chimed in, and it seemed as if they were just here to have a drink.

Xia Jingxing turned his head and glanced at Huang Huazhong, who still had a smile on his face.

Xia Jingxing didn't say anything, but he already guessed what Huang Huazhong was thinking.

A group of people welcomed Xia Jingxing into the box and sat down one after another.

Xia Jingxing was arranged to sit at the top of the big round table, while Huang Huazhong sat down next to him and chatted with Xia Jingxing.

After drinking for three rounds, Huang Huazhong noticed the looks everyone was looking at him, and finally got to the point: "Mr. ?

The film industry is booming right now and it’s a good opportunity to launch blockbusters. "

Xia Jingxing noticed that everyone at the table was focusing on him, and thought to himself, I really guessed it right.

A group of people are probably all thinking about the "Oriental Xianxia Universe"!

To be more precise, the Oriental Xianxia Universe is just a cover, a bridge. What they are really after is my wallet!

Huang Huazhong is just a representative elected by this group of people.

In their eyes, I am probably not much different from a coal boss, as a tycoon who combines the Internet with finance and industry.

They are all equally quick to take action, they all have the same understanding of movies, and they don't interfere in the company's operations and creations. They are even easier to deal with than the coal boss, because they don't even praise female stars.

It is simply the best investor plus a good person! Wool is very good!

Domestic cultural funds have spent RMB 2 billion in the past year or two, and the entire industry has been affected, and these people have already tasted the benefits.

Now the domestic film industry is vigorously promoting that the next ten "Swordsman of Shushan" films will be filmed, which means that billions of yuan will be invested.

Once the plan is successful, all participating film and television companies will get a share of the pie.

Of course, in their view, failure is more likely!

Because there has never been a related concept in domestic movies, there have been almost no popular series of movies.

But then again, even if the movie ultimately fails, they will not foot the bill—their companies have received investment from domestic cultural funds.

As long as Mr. Xia is made happy, a little leakage from his fingers will be enough for them to eat for several lifetimes.

But "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" has been shouting slogans for so long, but it has been delayed without filming!

This made a group of film and television bosses see it and feel anxious in their hearts.

Therefore, they decided to have a serious chat with Xia Jingxing to see if they could deceive the big benefactor.

Xia Jingxing said nothing and turned his attention to Zhang Zhao and Liu Kun.

Liu Kun, as the CEO of Domestic Pictures who became a monk halfway, has been in charge of the "Legend of the Shushan Swordsman" project. He is also the one who mainly deals with Huang Huazhong, Yu Dong and others.

Liu Kun said: "Good things don't come from being busy. "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" is a super big project, and we need to be fully prepared before starting filming."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "I think the time is actually very mature. I wonder if you have paid attention to the magical movie "Painted Skin" that was released the year before last.

This movie is also adapted from the strange novel "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio". After its release, it made 232 million box office, second only to "Red Cliff Part 1", ranking second in the mainland box office rankings in 2008.

Considering that the production and distribution cost of the film was only 80 million yuan, this film can be considered a very successful one. "

Wang Changtian added: "Yes, the commercial performance of "Painted Skin" actually illustrates another problem. The era of blockbusters in the mainland has arrived.

As long as "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" is well-produced, the production and distribution costs of 200 to 300 million yuan can hit the box office of more than 500 million yuan.

There is also the development of a series of movies. I heard that several major producers of "Painted Skin" are interested in making a sequel.

This is actually an exploration of the entire industry!

Judging from the feedback from fans after the release of "Painted Skin", there is a high probability that the sequel will also achieve good results. "

Huang Huazhong nodded slightly, "Zhongqing Film and Television has recently talked with several major producers of "Painted Skin". Next, we will participate in the investment of "Painted Skin 2"."

Wang Changtian's eyes lit up, "Really? That's really good news. Congratulations to Mr. Huang!"

A group of people talked to each other and hyped "Painted Skin" and its sequel that had not yet started filming.

Xia Jingxing looked amused and interrupted: "Okay, okay, I understand what everyone is saying, but "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" still lacks some shooting conditions."

Huang Huazhong asked in confusion: "What conditions are missing?"

"What it takes is a good director and a group of good writers."

Xia Jingxing will not listen to these people's nonsense. If he shoots according to their ideas and routines, he will definitely be ruined.

Especially in the aspect of screenwriting, the long-term shortcoming of the Chinese film and television industry is that it does not pay enough attention to screenwriting, and the plot is often difficult to describe in one sentence.

A multi-million-word novel like "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" is condensed into ten movies. Each movie needs to highlight one or more protagonists and connect the stories continuously, which is a great test of the screenwriter's skills.

And the director is also very important. If you meet a director who likes to change the script a lot and add his own whimsical ideas, the film will probably be a mess.

Xia Jingxing very much hopes that "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" will set a benchmark for the Chinese film and television industry, and he cannot allow hasty projects and random filming.

"There is no shortage of good directors! There is one here right now."

Huang Hualei held the shoulders of Feng's pants and said with a smile.

Xia Jingxing was confused. Can Feng Pants film Xian Xia? A Beijing-style fairy?

Huang Huazhong glanced at his idiot brother displeasedly, making no fuss.

Even if Mr. Xia doesn’t understand movies, the people around him do!

After Xia Jingxing came to his senses, he smiled and said, "Director Feng's film is indeed outstanding. Why don't you give it a try?"

Feng Tongtong quickly cupped his fists and said with fear: "Mr. It's a small joke because I'm afraid it will delay Mr. Xia's important event."

Xia Jingxing felt that Feng Pants was quite self-aware and knew that this job was not easy to do.

Huang Huazhong asked: "Mr. Xia, what kind of director and screenwriter are you looking for?

Just make your request, everyone will listen, and they will definitely find people according to your standards. "


Xia Jingxing glanced around the crowd, and a group of people nodded in unison.

It seems that he is determined to help Mr. Xia realize his dream in the film and television industry!


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