My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and seventy, the truth comes to light

Two days later.

The press conference was held as scheduled at a large conference center in Palo Alto. Journalists who received invitations came from all over the United States to see how Darren Xia would explain to the injured and society.

As soon as they entered the venue and sat down, a group of reporters couldn't help but exchange opinions with their colleagues around them.

"Hi, man, I'm John from ABC TV station. Did your CBS TV station also send someone here today?"

"John, I'm Mason, nice to meet you. The media present today are far more than just you and me. I just saw people from NBC and CW TV networks. Except for Fox who didn't send anyone to attend the meeting, the five major TV stations in the United States Net visited a total of four companies today."

"Haha, I heard that Murdoch and Daley had a lot of grudges a few years ago, so you can often see mouthpieces owned by News Corporation and Fox reporting some negative stories about Daley and his industries. For example, the brake failure incident this time has been reported the most, most widely and comprehensively by Fox TV.”

"What do you mean by Darren Xia's press conference?"

"My guess is to respond positively and clarify the negative news these days. After all, this has affected Tesla's listing promotion work."

"I think so too, but I don't know how he will clarify it? Saying "our car is fine" with empty teeth will not convince the public."

"Perhaps Tesla has investigated the crash."

"This is highly likely."

The conversation between John and Mason represented the true thoughts of most of the reporters participating in the meeting today. They all speculated that after seeing the negative public opinion, Dai Lunxia finally couldn't sit still and tried to clear Tesla's name.

How can we correct our name?

Most reporters believe that Tesla must provide tangible evidence, otherwise they will not be merciful in their writing.

Soon, the lights in the venue suddenly went out, and then everyone shut their mouths in a wise manner, and the noisy scene quickly became quiet.

Then, Xia Jingxing's figure appeared on the stage.

"I guess everyone must be very curious, what will this guy Darren Xia talk about today?

Talking about Tesla? No, we are not talking about this company today. "

Upon hearing this, the reporters in the audience were no longer calm and looked at the figure on the stage in stunned silence.

Not talking about Tesla? So why are we here? Are you going to give a technology lecture?

There were also many people who thought Xia Jingxing was joking and were waiting for his next words with amusement on their faces.

Xia Jingxing, who was on the stage, said slowly: "I'm not kidding you. We really won't talk about Tesla today. Let's talk about other more interesting topics."

After saying that, before everyone could react, Xia Jingxing pointed to the audience and said, "Come on stage."

As soon as he finished speaking, two people stood up in the front row. One had gray hair and the other had shiny hair without a single hair. They were Gates and Bezos.

The two of them turned around and waved to the audience, then walked onto the stage side by side, surrounding Xia Jingxing one on the left and one on the right, as if they were humiliating two generals.

Xia Jingxing looked at the two of them with a smile on his face. These two old friends could still get along well, and they were able to help with the platform with just one phone call.

Of course, there is some affection here. Anyone else would not be able to summon two wealthy people who are leaders in science and technology in the United States and even the world.

Although their family offices Waterfall Investments and Bezos Venture Capital are both shareholders of Tesla, they cannot and should not stand idly by when they see Tesla in trouble. But then again, the shares held by the two institutions Tesla's shares are less than 1%, which is dispensable. This alone cannot win the two people's dedicated help.

When Xia Jingxing called the two of them, he promised that Tesla would open a certain investment quota to the two institutions when it went public to raise funds.

As it turned out, Gates looked down on Tesla's shares at all and rejected Xia Jingxing's kindness, but he agreed to help stand up.

Xia Jingxing helped Gates earn tens of billions of dollars during the financial crisis. Gates naturally wanted to maintain the friendship between the two that went beyond ordinary friends.

However, Bezos is very interested in Tesla and believes that this kind of electric vehicle can cooperate with Amazon's logistics and distribution business in the future.

In addition, the friendship between Bezos and Xia Jingxing is not as deep as that between Gates, so after hearing that Xia Jingxing asked Amazon or Bezos Venture Capital to strategically invest in Tesla, Bezos immediately agreed.

Seeing the three technology leaders appearing in the same frame, reporters pressed the camera shutter one after another, and several large cameras installed under the stage also moved their positions to give each of the three big shots a close-up frontal close-up.

“Today we invite two guests here mainly to hold an interview with the theme of “Subverting the Old World.”

Next, Mr. Gates and Bezos and I will ask each other questions and answer various questions we experienced during the entrepreneurial process. You can regard it as an entrepreneurial memoir of the three of us. "

Gates, like Xia Jingxing, also wore a microphone on his chest. He smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, today we will tell you a lot of interesting things. This is content that has not been seen in several books published in the past."

Bezos added with a smile: "It will also subvert everyone's past understanding of the three of us."

The reporters all had thoughtful expressions on their faces. Many of them didn't quite grasp the train of thought of the three big guys, but a few people noticed the theme of the interview that Xia Jingxing just mentioned - subverting the old world.

If you connect this theme with Tesla's recent series of changes, it will be a bit imaginative.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Enough chatter, let's start recording the show!"

After that, the three of them sat down on the sofa on the stage, formed a semicircle around each other, and started talking to the reporters in the audience.

"...When Microsoft launched the first retail version of Windows in the 1980s, it encountered pressure from the old world forces.

They felt that the graphical user interface GUI introduced in Windows 1.0 infringed on their patent rights because Microsoft had previously used the command line interface CLI to design it.

This is just a cover. The real reason is that Microsoft entered the field of home computing and touched many people's cheeses, so they began to slander us as thieves.

But I can responsibly say that Microsoft has definitely not stolen anything from anyone. We rely on innovation to continuously bring new user experiences to users.

Facts also proved that I was not talking nonsense, because Xerox soon took the company that sued Microsoft to the federal court on the grounds that they infringed on Xerox's GUI patent.

How ironic!

Darren once told me a Chinese idiom, called a thief shouting to catch a thief. This is probably the story that happened to Microsoft.

In the end, the federal court ruled that the lawsuits of Xerox and that company were dismissed, and Microsoft was cleared of the grievances it had suffered for several years. "

Xia Jingxing guest-hosted and asked, "Who are you referring to by 'that company'?"

Gates gave Xia Jingxing a meaningful look, smiled, and said without naming him, "That's the family that's best at calling a thief to catch a thief!"

There was a burst of laughter in the audience, and everyone understood that this was the Inner Wisdom Fruit.

Wisdom Fruit had a fierce battle with Microsoft in the 1980s, and lawsuits were commonplace.

After entering the new century, Wisdom Fruit faced off against Fuxing Mobile again, and the two companies also fought countless patent lawsuits.

Wisdom Fruit slandered Fuxing Mobile as a thief just as it had slandered Microsoft in the past. As a result, the lawsuit was repeatedly dismissed by the federal court. It can be said that it lost both people and the battle.

Xia Jingxing laughed and said, "I understand when you say that, they are indeed better at this!

By extension, I think this is the persecution of latecomers by the first-mover companies. No matter how much the latecomers innovate, the first-mover companies always hold their proud chins up: You are thieves!

This performance actually further proves their unbearability. They are afraid that latecomers will surpass them, so they can only suppress the development of latecomers through smearing and spreading rumors. "

After hearing these words, the reporters in the audience suddenly realized.

Although Xia Jingxing did not mention Tesla at all, they have automatically transferred the experiences of Microsoft and Fuxing Mobile to Tesla.

A small car accident in which no one was killed ended up causing Tesla to be like a rat crossing the street, with everyone shouting and beating him.

As long as you think about it calmly, you will find that this matter reveals various abnormalities.

Before the California Highway Patrol could find out the truth about the car accident, rumors began to spread on the Internet. A series of incidents were full of conspiracy.

After interviewing Gates, Xia Jingxing continued to interview Bezos.

“… During the founding process of Amazon, it also experienced what Microsoft and Fuxing Mobile had experienced. They were smeared for the poor quality of their products and untimely logistics and delivery.

But that’s not even the worst thing we’ve ever encountered!

The worst thing is that some giants suppress suppliers who have settled on Amazon, including but not limited to removing suppliers' products from the shelves, requiring suppliers to give them higher discounts, and choosing one of the two platforms.

Darren is right when he says something. Latecomers need to face the suppression of the evil forces that represent the old world. However, they never reflect on themselves and refuse to make changes. They simply think that by killing the latecomers, they can continue to enjoy exclusive rights. market.

This unhealthy culture exists not only in the technology world, but also in all walks of life, and has greatly curbed American innovation. "

The reporters in the audience looked at each other in confusion. After listening to Bezos complaining so much, the more they listened, the more they felt that the evil forces in the old world he was talking about were Walmart!

If Amazon and Wal-Mart are divided into a group for comparison, then who is the evil force in the old world that Tesla corresponds to? Ford? Universal?

The reporters thought of many things in an instant, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that it might be the fuel car companies that were behind Tesla.

But Tesla’s current size is so small that even if fuel car companies want to take action to suppress it, they don’t have to do it now.

With countless questions, the reporter focused on Xia Jingxing on the stage.

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "I fully agree with Mr. Bezos's view that innovation is the magic weapon for the United States to stand on top of the world. If innovation is discarded, the United States will no longer be great.

What these people are doing is simply digging up the roots of the United States. "

Bezos nodded slightly, "Yes, Darren, I have the same concern.

The reason why I am here today to communicate with you and Mr. Gates is to discuss a solution that will benefit the entire technology circle. "

Gates said with a calm face: "The technology community must unite and resolutely fight back against those companies and people who do not abide by the rules and moral bottom lines.

Only when this unhealthy trend is eliminated can U.S. technological innovation truly achieve rapid development. "

Xia Jingxing felt that Gates had not said it well, the pattern had not been opened up, and all he said was the United States. I am a Chinese. You said that, but you did not isolate me as an advocate.

Gates also quickly noticed that there was something wrong with his words, which would make Xia Jingxing feel embarrassed, so he immediately changed the subject and said, "Darren, during the founding of Facebook, have you ever experienced anything similar?"

"Of course there are, and there are quite a few..."

Xia Jingxing imitated the way Gates and Bezos spoke, and began to Google with subtle connotations.

In fact, he has not wronged Google. It is common for the other party to secretly suppress the development of Facebook.

The three of them chatted for more than half an hour, and the three of them chatted for more than half an hour. Secret stories about entrepreneurship were poured out like beans from a bamboo tube. The reporters in the audience commented that they were very happy, and they all felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Near the end of the interview, Xia Jingxing made a concluding speech: "Business competition is a very normal thing, just like the law of survival in nature, natural selection, survival of the fittest!

But when competition is mixed with factors such as deliberate smear, slander, malicious retaliation, etc., the whole thing will develop in the opposite direction. In the end, bad money will drive out good money. Those who are truly innovative can bring better services and benefits to users. Experience-based companies can’t get ahead, rotten companies continue to dominate the market, and users can only silently endure high prices and poor services. "

The reporters in the audience nodded one after another, not to give Xia Jingxing face, but the three big guys came together to bring everyone present a series of intrigues hidden behind the glory of entrepreneurship, so that everyone accepted a spiritual baptism.

Although the three of them never mentioned Tesla's name, reporters all knew that they were clarifying for Tesla that an opponent was deliberately messing with us.

At this time, most reporters believed that Tesla had really been framed and wrongfully accused, and expressed sympathy for Tesla in their hearts.

But the rational side tells them that everything must be based on evidence.

If there is no evidence, they will not be able to help Tesla clarify.

Just when Xia Jingxing was about to announce that the press conference was over, there was a sudden commotion in the audience.

"Wait a minute!"

With a shout, a tall white young man appeared at the gate.

He quickly stepped through the door, then walked through the corridor between the rows of seats, and walked toward the stage with flying strides.

Sharp-eyed reporters recognized the man who suddenly stopped the press conference as Tesla CEO Straubel.

Seeing that the press conference was interrupted, the reporters immediately started talking, wondering what Straubel was doing here.

Like this group of reporters, Xia Jingxing looked at Straubel who was walking quickly towards him with a surprised expression.

In fact, these were all pretended by Xia Jingxing. He knew very well what Straubel was going to do next!

After Straubel walked onto the stage in two steps, he waved for a microphone and said loudly: "Sorry! I'll bother you for a minute. At the end of the press conference, I brought you a big news.

I had just rushed from the California Highway Patrol's office building, and in my hand was a car accident investigation report issued by the police. "

Upon hearing this, the reporters craned their necks to look at the stage, and the photographer also took a close-up of the document Straubel held high in his hand.

“This report proves that the car accident that occurred a few days ago was man-made and has nothing to do with the quality of Tesla’s cars!

Tesla Motors was deliberately framed! "


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