My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and ninety, I can't live this life

"Why hasn't there been any movement? I'll just send another one."

In a large hotel conference hall in Singapore, Xia Jingxing held a glittering Fuxing FX3 mobile phone and kept tinkering with it.

Just as he was holding down the voice input button and preparing to send another voice message, his phone suddenly vibrated and a voice message was sent.

Seeing that it was sent by Zhang Dalong, Xia Jingxing immediately clicked on the playback button.

"Okay, Mr. Xia, I will accept this bet. If I lose, I will risk my life to run a half marathon."

Internet practitioners and young students from Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia all stared at the large screen on the stage with wide eyes, which clearly projected the entire chat conversation interface.

Just now, they witnessed with their own eyes how Xia Jingxing sent a voice message, and now they saw and heard the reply voice message from the other side of the capital.

The distance between Singapore and Beijing is 4,477 kilometers, which is almost 10,000 miles. The term "Thousands of Miles of Sound" is too low-key, and "Thousands of Miles of Sound" is not an exaggeration.

Although in the past, with the emergence of telephones and mobile phones, the history of human communication has long enabled calls across thousands of miles, but they have never seen such a scene where voice intercom can be easily realized through a mobile phone application.

This mobile application called WeChat gave them quite a surprise when it debuted, and they are undoubtedly looking forward to today's product launch conference organized by Xia Jingxing.

Then, through their mobile phones, Xia Jingxing and Zhang Dalong sent voice messages back and forth.

Audiences in Beijing and Singapore watched the two jokingly chatting quietly.

Soon, Zhang Dalong sent a picture.

Xia Jingxing clicked to enlarge the picture, and what appeared in front of everyone in the audience was a picture of the audience.

"This is a picture of our press conference. I took it and sent it here a few seconds ago." Zhang Dalong sent a voice message and added.

Xia Jingxing also raised his mobile phone, took a picture and sent it to the audience. At the same time, he introduced to the audience: "This is the picture sending function of WeChat. As an instant messaging product, we believe that it should not only be able to send text and voice messages , it is better to send picture information.

The video message sending function will also be launched in the future. At present, the network speed cannot easily realize this function, and it is not so convenient to use. "

Then, Xia Jingxing began to demonstrate the group chat function.

He invited Zhang Dalong and Zhang Yong to quickly establish a work group called "Singapore-Beijing" and quickly sent several sets of documents to it.

Zhang Dalong and Zhang Yong played the role of subordinates very well together, receiving documents, sending messages to inquire and reply.

"Only three employees of our domestic holding group are in the group chat. This is not acceptable."

"There are still many employees who have not registered for WeChat? As a boss, I can't call one by one to promote our new products, right?"

"What should we do? It's simple. Let's read the address book and see who has registered for WeChat?"

Xia Jingxing was talking to himself while operating his phone and came to the address book interface.

This is a vertical column interface like the main interface, and you can clearly see the friends column.

Xia Jingxing has many friends. More than a dozen of them have registered on WeChat and have their own avatars, but most of them are a series of numeric numbers, showing that they are not registered on WeChat.

“This is a small function. Through the address book, you can clearly see whether your friends have registered for WeChat.

If there is no registration, we send him an invitation. Click this button to send a text message to friends in batches. The content is probably "My so-and-so has registered for WeChat. This is a very magical application. Come and follow me." Let's have fun together."

However, this text message does not actually need to be sent by the user, but is done by WeChat officials.

Users only need to lightly press the invite button, and then a large number of friends will come to play with you. "

Many Internet practitioners in the audience held their chins with pensive expressions on their faces.

They feel that they have learned that this is a kind of viral communication and marketing, and it is in the name of text message recommendations from acquaintances, not the kind of spam text message marketing.

“The essence of WeChat’s product is reflected in the word ‘convenience’. The more acquaintances we have, the more convenient it is to contact us.

It's the same as storing your phone's address book for easy phone calls and text messages. "

Many people in the audience nodded. Although they knew that Xia Jingxing said this to facilitate promotion, users should not object to being "used" - anyway, it doesn't cost money, and there are good free products, so naturally Want Amway for your good friends and family around you.

Xia Jingxing continued to introduce and demonstrate various functions of the product. Every small function gave people a refreshing feeling, and a group of Southeast Asian audiences watched with gusto.

Soon, Xia Jingxing's product demonstration session ended and he walked off the stage amidst applause.

The next person to take the stage was Zhang Yong, who delivered a speech as the CEO of Domestic Holding Group.

“As an Internet group that serves hundreds of millions of Chinese users, Overseas Holdings Group has provided Chinese users with many rich, interesting, convenient and practical Internet products in the past.

Starting from this year, we began to enter the international market and chose Singapore as our first overseas stop.

At present, Domestic Holdings has launched and operated MOMO Voice, a gaming voice communication tool that is very popular among gamers, in Singapore and the entire Southeast Asia region..."

After Xia Jingxing returned to the stage, he sat quietly and listened to Zhang Yong's speech.

Li Xiaodong, who was sitting next to him, said softly: "Mr. Xia, this WeChat product is really good. There is a real lack of such large-scale Internet platforms in Southeast Asia."

Xia Jingxing smiled, feeling that Li Xiaodong's words had several meanings.

First of all, the development of the Internet industry in Southeast Asia is extremely backward. In the PC era, there were almost no well-known Internet companies, and they were not even regionally famous. They have completely become a playing field for giants such as Google and Facebook.

The arrival of domestic holdings is actually no different from those international Internet giants who came to encircle land.

However, the relationship between Overseas Holding Group and Vision Capital and Garena is different after all. The better the development of Overseas Holding, the more Garena will benefit.

Therefore, listening to Li Xiaodong's tone, he felt that he was eager for the big brother of Haihai Holdings to go overseas to help his brothers.

After receiving investment from Vision Capital, Garena has acted as an agent for almost all online games produced by Overseas Holdings, which is equivalent to being an agent supported by Overseas Holdings in Southeast Asia.

However, if the entire domestic holding business goes overseas together, there will be no soup for Garena.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing still felt that there was something in Li Xiaodong's words, and he wondered if he was worried that his elder brother would take away his younger brother's job.

After Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment, he said: "Although the Internet industry in Southeast Asia missed the PC era, it has now entered the mobile era.

Southeast Asia has a population of more than 600 million. As long as the infrastructure is improved a little, there is still a lot to be done. "

Li Xiaodong smiled and said: "Yes, you single-handedly started the mobile Internet era. I heard that mobile Internet entrepreneurship is very popular in China now, but it feels like Southeast Asia is still a little slow.

Moreover, the domestic market is an overall market. First of all, it is large enough. Secondly, it can develop according to a set of standard models. Thirdly, the Chinese people are relatively wealthy, and the flowers of the Internet are blooming more brilliantly than in Southeast Asia. "

Xia Jingxing listened with a smile and said nothing, knowing that Li Xiaodong was deliberately telling him about the "difficulty" of the Southeast Asian market in order to give up his idea of ​​"direct sales".

Li Xiaodong still has some tricks up his sleeve. Let's not talk about his affairs with Chen Ou. Let's just say that Penguin spared no effort to support him in his previous life, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Now, the other party obviously wanted to trick him into supporting him like he tricked Xiao Ma.

Regarding the development strategy for the Southeast Asian market, Xia Jingxing has his own calculations in mind and will not be easily persuaded or changed by others.

Li Xiaodong grimaced and lamented: "In comparison, the Southeast Asian market is still too fragmented, and the economic development of each country is not even, and can even be described as vastly different.

For example, the per capita GDP of Singapore and Brunei is more than ten or twenty times that of Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

The political situation in some countries is still unstable, and it is difficult to invest and operate.

There are also religious factors that must be considered, otherwise it may accidentally arouse the hostility of the people in some countries. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. What Li Xiaodong said was true. In his previous life, the first stop for domestic Internet overseas was basically in Southeast Asia, but the business results were hard to describe.

Many companies are unwilling to go overseas. It’s not that external competitors are too strong, and no matter how strong they are, they can’t be as strong as the Chinese Internet that has been nurtured by Chinese experts. It’s that the foreign business environment, political environment, and religious environment are all accompanied by a lot of troubles. It is domestically comfortable, although it is curled, it is not messy.

If you are not careful, you will be banned, fined, and extorted, and it will be difficult to do business abroad.

However, going overseas to Southeast Asia is something that domestic holding groups must do. They must not be trapped in the domestic market and insist on expanding the market no matter how difficult it is.

"The Southeast Asian market is indeed complex, so domestic holding groups insist on promoting social business."

Li Xiaodong looked at Xia Jingxing, waiting for his next words.

"We are a social giant. If we can't even capture a Southeast Asian market and can only dominate the country, what kind of giant are we?"

Li Xiaodong sneered. He understood Xia Jingxing's subtext, which was that Domestic Holdings only does social business in Southeast Asia and would not touch games.

But he was still a little worried. After all, for their company, the money was provided by Vision Capital, and the games they represented were provided by Overseas Holdings, which meant that their lives were all in Xia Jingxing's hands, and they could be crushed to death with just a few clicks.

This kind of insecurity is quite worrying, for a person who wants to make the company the top Internet company in Southeast Asia.

Xia Jingxing saw that Li Xiaodong was hesitant to speak, and secretly felt funny. What the hell do you think I care about the bottles and jars in your house?

"Lao Li, what do you think is the difference between Overseas Holdings and Facebook? In other words, are there any areas that need to be strengthened and supplemented to bring Overseas Holdings to the capital market?"

Li Xiaodong suddenly realized it and replied: "Lack of a huge number of users and an international concept?"

Xia Jingxing nodded and smiled, "Yes, this is the biggest shortcoming of overseas holdings at present, the Chinese market. We are currently in a fierce battle with Penguin. When we win the Chinese market and go overseas, I am afraid that we will not have a place in the international market."

Li Xiaodong frowned slightly. Hearing this tone, it seemed as if he was competing with Facebook for territory. Aren't you afraid of cannibalism and internal strife?

Oh, that's right, Mr. Xia has been "cleansed and left the house", losing both his people and money.

“We will not think about the European and American markets for the time being, but we will capture the Southeast Asian market no matter what.

Like your company, we can slowly cultivate this market.

When Domestic Holdings' social business grows in Southeast Asia, it can also form an alliance with your company to deal with local startups and international giants together. "

Hearing Xia Jingxing's words, Li Xiaodong suddenly felt a lot more at ease. At least Mr. Xia didn't look down on his three-acre land for the time being. He came to Southeast Asia to do big things.

On the stage, Zhang Yong's speech was coming to an end, and the audience burst into warm applause.

As soon as the press conference ended, Xia Jingxing left by car.

On the way to the airport, he saw an overwhelming number of WeChat advertisements.

From bus body advertisements to roadside billboards, WeChat's logo and slogan are everywhere - WeChat is a way of life.

Seeing this scene, Xia Jingxing couldn't help but smile and asked Liu Xiaoduo, who was sitting in the passenger seat: "Dahua, do you think we can win this battle?"

Liu Xiaoduo was stunned for a moment, turned around and asked, "Mr. Xia, are you worried about Penguin?"

"I'm not worried. The one who should be worried is Bonima."

Xia Jingxing withdrew his gaze from the window and said with a smile on his face: "I heard that his life has been very difficult recently!"



"I can't live this life!"

In the Penguin Building in Pengcheng, as soon as Bonima returned to the company's office, he punched the table hard, his face full of anger and unwillingness.

Liu Zhiping sighed, "It doesn't matter, WeChat just created a bigger momentum. After a while, the popularity will naturally decline.

Penguin is not that easy to beat. They launched a mobile app, and we can launch it too! "

"Launch? Where's the money?"

Bonima spread his hands towards Liu Zhiping, "We are almost out of money now.

WeChat can advertise all over the place, but we can’t.

Even Penguin Weibo is laying off employees, so there is no money to support the promotion of a new product. "

Liu Zhiping glanced at Bonima, feeling somewhat resentful of the other party's insistence.

The billions raised through private placement last year were used by Bonima to hire celebrities, compete with domestic Weibo, and acquire and invest in game companies everywhere...

Now that the core business has encountered major challenges, it is time to really spend money. When I look at the account, the money is gone.

No money, what a fight!

"No, I want to talk to Li Yikai again. If it doesn't work, I will agree to his conditions."

Upon hearing what Bonima said, Liu Zhiping couldn't sit still at all.

"Bonnie, don't be impulsive! Li Yikai is not a good person. You must not fall into his trap."

“Even if it’s a trap, we have no choice but to escape it! Is it possible to just watch WeChat exert its power and erode our market share step by step?

Penguin's stock price is already falling, and we don't know what will happen if it continues to fall.

At this stage, only Li Yikai has the ability to help us and is willing to help us. "

Liu Zhiping opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him a few more words, but found that he couldn't find any reason. In the end, he could only let out a faint sigh: "Drink poison to quench your thirst!"

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