My Age of Investment

Two hundred and seventieth, contract canteen

"The positioning of Chinese food in the United States has never been a high-end brand, but it has been in the middle and low end.

what is the reason? "

Xia Jingxing compared the chopsticks in Bi's hand, "Habits, eating habits, eating habits.

If you want to go out of Chinatown and cater to the tastes of foreigners, the dishes need to be changed. "

Qiu Zhiyi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Brother Xia, you are so right.

My cousin has been running this restaurant for more than ten or twenty years, but his influence has never been able to leave Chinatown.

Even the foreigners who come to eat are generally tourists, and they mainly want to be fresh.

The old customers are mainly the neighbors and new immigrants around Chinatown.

My cousin tried to open restaurants in other boroughs of San Francisco before, but it was very dismal. "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "That's it, foreigners are not easy to earn money.

Now that you know how difficult it is to open a store outside, have you ever wondered what to do with your own store? "

"I thought about it, it's still in the Chinese community, such as the Chinese community in Los Angeles."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "This is a method, but the competition should be fierce, right? There should already be quite a few Chinese restaurants in those places."

"Yes, we went to Los Angeles to investigate, and there are many old Chinese restaurants, some of which have a longer history than Hongyun Restaurant.

In the past, a new store like ours may not be able to open the situation. "

Qiu Zhiyi said with a sullen face, "This is exactly what worries me the most.

Maybe this is the chance to go for it once in my life. If I succeed, it is the best. If I fail, I may have to work in my cousin's shop for the rest of my life. "

Zhang Chenguang didn't interrupt, and quietly listened to the conversation between the two.

"Why don't you open your store in Silicon Valley!"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "In addition to the Chinese students at Stanford, there are also many Chinese employees in Silicon Valley.

I can even give you the canteens of Facebook and YouTube, and your Chinese restaurant will provide food delivery several times a week.


Qiu Zhiyi was a little moved, and asked with a smile, "This won't cause you any trouble, will it? What if your company's employees are not used to Chinese food?"

Xia Jingxing looked at Qiu Zhiyi with a light smile and said nothing.

In large Internet factories, the canteen is standard, and it has also become a benefit that attracts employees to join.

In general, the cafeteria has delicacies from all over the world, but all Chinese food is definitely not acceptable. Facebook is an American company after all, and its employees are mostly Americans.

Chinese food can only be classified as a restaurant in the canteen.

But this seemingly insignificant business can make a lot of money when done well, because Facebook may have tens of thousands of employees in the future.

"It won't cause any trouble, and it's not like eating Chinese food every day, just order it a few times a week! If the staff prefers your taste, then order it every day.

Don't think that this is a favor. If you don't order food from you, we will also find other restaurants to cooperate.

We now have a small number of employees, only more than 100 people.

If the number of employees reaches 500 or 1,000 in the future, we may lease an entire building or build our own headquarters.

At that time, there will be a staff canteen, and your Chinese restaurant can contract a part. "

Qiu Zhiyi nodded, he understood, Facebook can give them a few lists at present, if the taste is good and the employees like it, there will be more lists.

And if Facebook becomes bigger and stronger, and builds its own staff canteen like a big company, it will also contract the Chinese food area to him.

This is a huge support for him.

Qiu Zhiyi smiled and said, "Brother Xia, I really don't know how to thank you."

Xia Jingxing raised his hand and stopped, "Don't rush to thank me, let's wait until the restaurant business is fully completed!

Also, you have to rent a place in Silicon Valley, not too far from Facebook.

If it is too far, it will be very troublesome for you to deliver the food, and the food will easily get cold. Once the Chinese food is cold, the taste is not so good.

The rent around our company is not cheap. It is recommended that you don’t rent too much space first. If you don’t do dine-in, you can deliver meals to our company first.

If the group of foreign employees in our company agrees to eat, then you can rent a larger store and start dine-in.

In this way, you can save a certain amount of rent, you don’t need to hire too many employees in the initial stage, and you can save a certain amount of manpower.

When the taste of your dishes is completely remodeled and foreigners can adapt to it, you can expand the scale. "

Qiu Zhiyi's eyes lit up again and again. Brother Xia has treated Facebook as a guinea pig for himself. The help is not much, and it has reduced his risks a lot.

"Brother Xia, don't worry, if these foreigners find it unpalatable, I won't charge you.

I didn't charge until they were happy with the taste. "

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, he didn't bother to take advantage of this, he just simply wanted to help the other party and realize the other party's dream of a restaurant.

If Qiu Zhiyi could seize the opportunity and become a tycoon in the restaurant industry, it would be due to the good fortune and efforts of the other party, and he would not be able to help much.

After the meal, Xia Jingxing stayed for another hour and gave him a lot of advice.

Qiu Zhiyi found a pen and a notebook, and wrote down all Xia Jingxing's suggestions.

In the end, Qiu Zhiyi sent Xia Jingxing outside the door of the restaurant, waved his hand, and turned around and walked into the restaurant with a happy face after seeing the car leaving.

Xia Jingxing drove Zhang Chenguang to the company and went through the onboarding procedures for the other party.

Next, the other party did not directly start working for Facebook, but paid training and entered a security consulting company for a month of training.

Then, Xia Jingxing took Zhang Chenguang around the company's third-floor office, ready to introduce him.

Seeing the idol coming, the little dog rushed up and shook hands with Zhang Chenguang enthusiastically.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I'm a dog. I admire your Chinese Kung Fu very much. Can you teach me if you have time..."

The little dog turned into a kung fu fan, pestering Zhang Chenguang to ask questions.

Not only the puppy, but the company's engineers and operators all gathered around, ready to take a look at the Chinese kung fu master who defeated the eight little blacks.

The enthusiasm of his colleagues made Zhang Chenguang a little unbearable, and kept answering these people's questions.

In desperation, Zhang Chenguang had no choice but to turn his eyes to Xia Jingxing for help.

"Let's all go to work. There will be more opportunities for everyone to work together in the future. Mr. Zhang has only arrived in the United States and needs to rest."

After hearing Xia Jingxing's words, these employees finally dispersed.

After walking around the office with Zhang Chenguang, Xia Jingxing took him to his office.

Yang Niu made a cup of tea, brought it into the office, handed it to Zhang Chenguang, and said in Chinese: "Insect basket cauldron, please Huo tea!"

Zhang Chenguang got up and thanked him again and again.

He finally no longer doubted what Xia Jingxing said, and felt that the company atmosphere was really good and it was worth working on for a long time.

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