My Age of Investment

422, 3 requests (4600 words, 2 in 1 chapter)

"What investment ambassador?"

Xia Jingxing got a little more interesting, but still wanted to ask a little bit more clearly.

"Although two districts, A and B, have been built in this park, the occupancy rate is too low, and the quality of the enterprises that have settled there is also very uneven, so it is difficult to form a scale effect."

Mao Xiongzhi shook his head while talking, with a bitter smile on his face.

Xia Jingxing knew that at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the new century, there was a "software park fever" in China, and software park projects were launched in various places to develop high-tech industries and transform cities.

Tianfu Software Park was born under such a background.

But to be honest, this has something to do with the strength of the city. No one has money, so what is the comparison!

However, there is still a sense of rationality. Tianfu Software Park, which is planned to be 2.2 million square meters, has only two parks, AB and AB, with a construction area of ​​230,000 square meters, equivalent to only one-tenth of the development, otherwise the vacancy rate will be even higher. high.

"Have you ever considered why the effect of attracting investment is not good? What concerns do companies have?"

Facing Xia Jingxing's question, Mao Xiongzhi had no choice but to tell the truth: "Companies have too many worries, some cities have poor infrastructure, and cannot attract and retain talents;

There are also considerations that it is located in a remote corner of the southwest and cannot attract investment;

Jing Xing, you know best when it comes to investing. The current foreign venture capital companies are all concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

In Rongcheng, they don't even have a branch, let alone invest in technology companies here. "

Ge Zhifu felt that his secretary had talked so much and missed the point. He added aloud: "The most important point is that there is no siphon effect, but other cities have gradually formed a siphon effect."

Xia Jingxing was silent for a moment, then asked, "What do I need to do?"

Prefect Ge said with a smile: "Vision Capital should open a branch in China this time, right?"

Xia Jingxing could only lament that the other person's nose was not ordinary, he nodded and admitted, "Yes, there is this consideration."

"I don't know if we can put this branch in Rongcheng, in the software park, so we can provide the most convenient services.

I will greet the administrative department of the park,

If you need anything, Jing Xing, you can just ask them directly, whether it is office rent preferential policies, tax relief, loan support, all of these are no problem. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing really had the idea of ​​opening a branch in China, Zhifu Ge burst out laughing.

The city government did enough homework, and even asked a few young people to collect foreign news reports, and calculated the valuations and assets of several companies under Xia Jingxing, and even Xia Jingxing's personal assets.

The work that was originally reserved for Hoogewerf has been done in advance.

If you don't check, you don't know. If you check, you will be shocked!

Big fish, definitely big fish! Don't let it go! This is the unified consensus of the city government.

So, led by Mao Xiongzhi, the city government set up a working group to do nothing but research on Xia Jingxing.

What are you studying?

How to keep this golden phoenix who flew back from overseas?

How to match resources with Xia Jingxing?

How to achieve a win-win goal?


Xia Jingxing didn't know that he was almost included in the city government's work outline.

No, he was greeted grandly as soon as he got off the plane. This is one of the work planned by the working group.

They want Xia Jingxing to feel the all-round and thoughtful service and the enthusiasm of the people in his hometown.

There was no other way, since the hard power of the city was not dominant, they could only use these tricks of asking for warmth, in an attempt to influence Xia Jingxing, a golden baby.

Xia Jingxing was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Prefect Ge, you may not know much about the venture capital industry.

Let me give you a brief introduction. First of all, venture capital institutions operate in an asset-light mode with not many employees. "

Prefect Ge nodded. He knew this. He went to Canada to study for a doctorate in the late 1980s, and he had stayed abroad for several years. He was not an old-school official, and he had some understanding of economy and industry.

But he didn't interrupt Xia Jingxing, and motioned for him to continue talking.

Xia Jingxing nodded, and continued: "If we open branches in China, we may set up offices in several cities, so as to provide comprehensive post-investment services to the invested companies in each place.

So, where is the office? It doesn't matter at all, what matters is the flow of money across the country.

If there is a suitable company here in Rongcheng, we will definitely not ignore it.

Of course, with all your sincerity, Zhifu Ge and Director Mao, Envision Capital will definitely set up an office in Rongcheng to pay close attention to and support enterprises in your hometown. "

Hearing this, Ge Zhifu and Mao Xiongzhi finally showed a satisfied smile.

They had made a plan and came to the conclusion that it was impossible to lock Xia Jingxing in Rongcheng. Capital was all about profit, and there was no place left in Rongcheng. If they could share a little money, they would be content.

However, just setting up an investment office to solve the embarrassing situation that there are no well-known venture capital institutions in Rongcheng does not satisfy them.

Zhifu Ge couldn't keep making demands, so he had to give Mao Xiongzhi a look and let his leader charge for him.

Mao Xiongzhi understood, and said with a smile: "I heard that there are such business incubators abroad. Can Vision Capital cooperate with local universities in Chengdu?"

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips, he finally realized how deep the routine was, and it was obvious that he had put in a lot of hard work.

"This is not a big problem, we can cooperate for a while. But..."

Xia Jingxing decided to bring the ugly words to the fore, and then said after a pause: "This is an industry with long investment and slow results, so patience is needed."

"That's no problem. Isn't the country developed one by one with the "Five-Year Plans"?"

Zhifu Ge waved his hand, expressing that he and others will never be short-sighted.

"Also, the three monks have no water to drink, and the incubator can only have one leader, and that is us. Universities can participate, but only at the research and development level."

The incubator that Xia Jingxing wants to set up is not a simple one. Renting a big office and providing it to students in small squares would be boring.

What he wants to do is to provide colleges and universities with funds for research and development, and the joint construction of schools and enterprises. The schools get funds and have money to conduct research and development; companies get patents for commercialization.

There are a lot of bullshit in this, and he must say hello.

Prefect Ge knew somewhat of the impetuousness in colleges and universities, and understood Xia Jingxing's thoughts.

They regarded retaining Xia Jingxing as a political task, after some consideration, they nodded: "Don't worry, we will try our best to coordinate.

It's just that 985 and 211 colleges and universities are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, and our local language may not be so easy to use. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Then I will invest a little at the beginning, and then decide whether to invest more depending on the results of the cooperation."

Zhifu Ge and Mao Xiongzhi looked at each other and nodded, not particularly satisfied, but they will be dead.

"Oh, by the way, Jing Xing, since Vision Capital will seek investment targets across the country, can you help attract some start-up companies you invest in to settle in Rongcheng Tianfu Software Park?"

Mao Xiongzhi almost forgot, this is also the point they have studied, let Envision Capital act as a communication bridge between technology companies and Rongcheng Tianfu Software Park.

Ge Zhifu also added: "Again, we will do our best to create an investment environment, improve the level of government services, and at the same time improve the living environment.

Just like the term "living and working in peace and contentment", living in peace and contentment comes before working in peace and contentment.

Only by building a good living environment so that the local people and foreign investors and entrepreneurs can live in peace, will they actively invest in development, the cohesion and attractiveness of the city will be further enhanced, and the economic and social development will be more coordinated, healthy and rapid. "

Xia Jingxing felt that these words were a bit level, but he still couldn't express his position lightly, let the start-up company move its nest, what if it died?

It's not impossible! Talent is always the first priority. If good talents are not recruited, the efficiency of various functional departments such as R\u0026D and operations will decline, and Internet companies will decline quickly.

Seeing the embarrassment on Xia Jingxing's face, Zhifu Ge said empathetically, "Well, Envision Capital will try to recruit as much as possible, it's best to move the headquarters here, if not, we also welcome to open a branch company.

Of course, depending on whether the relocation is the headquarters or a branch, we will give different policies such as taxes, loans, park rent reductions, quotas for settlement, and so on. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "If that's the case, then there's no problem.

Because we are only one of the shareholders, we can persuade them, but the willingness to relocate depends entirely on the entrepreneurs themselves.

To be honest, I have never heard of any investment institution that persuaded people to move, and they still moved out of a city. "

Xia Jingxing said with a chuckle, "If we do this, the governments of first-tier cities may not welcome us in the future."

Prefect Ge laughed loudly, "Jing Xing, we and the people of your hometown will definitely remember the contributions you made to your hometown."

After making the three requests of "opening a branch investment institution in Rongcheng, establishing a university incubator, and helping to dig corners in first-tier cities", Zhifu Ge and Mao Xiongzhi kept silent about other requests.

This made Xia Jingxing quite surprised. He thought he would open a factory or something, but this was the result?

After all, the Tesla factory and the mobile phone factory are also projects to be launched in the future.

As a result, the two leaders didn't mention it, and they didn't see far enough!

In fact, the two leaders are already very satisfied.

Vision Capital is just an investment institution, and it is already exhausting everything to be able to do this. You can’t ask Facebook to come to Rongcheng to open a Chinese branch, right?

They had thought about it, but after inquiring about it, it was not easy for Facebook to enter China, and it required layers of approval, so they gave up.

As for Tesla and Android, they are not investment bank analysts. Even if they are investment bank analysts, they probably can't see why.

In short, the wool is in hand, and the next step is to implement it one by one.

Although there is no actual investment of a penny, these three are the only magic weapons to enhance the city's soft power, and they are not bad.

It's just that the effect seems to be a bit slower, which is not conducive to the short-term increase of GDP, which made Zhifu Ge secretly sigh.

However, he can be regarded as a capable official, and he didn't care too much about short-term gains and losses.

Zhifu Ge realized that the three of them had been talking non-stop just now, leaving Xia Yuan and his wife in the cold, so he quickly greeted them for food.

Xia Yuan and his wife really listened to God, they didn't interrupt a word the whole time, one was inappropriate, and the other was they didn't understand.

Xia Yuan understands a little bit, but he is not suitable for talking, speaking for his son, offending the city government; speaking for the city government, how can he cheat his son?

He simply pretended to be dumb and was happy to be quiet.

But although he didn't speak, he paid attention to the content of the conversation the whole time.

At this point the conversation was over, and seeing that the outcome of the conversation was very good, he was very satisfied with his son's adaptability, so let him do it!

After drinking for three rounds, Xia Yuan hurriedly gave his son a look.

Xia Jingxing received the signal, so he said: "I saw that the sports infrastructure in elementary schools is very complete abroad, and I was very impressed by this.

I was an elementary school student in the city, and everything I saw was fine.

In our hometown, the sports infrastructure in those rural primary schools was almost non-existent, the playground was still muddy, there was an empty basket, but there was no basketball in the sports equipment room..."

Ge Zhifu smiled, hearing this tone, could there be some unexpected joy?

Xia Jingxing sighed, "Now I have the ability to give back to the society and my hometown, so I want to donate 10 million yuan of sports equipment and other materials to the rural primary school in my hometown."

Prefect Ge did not expect to donate a few hundred million. In his opinion, 10 million is already a lot, much more than he expected.

At this time, there are not many donations of 100 million yuan. Once a donation is made, it will inevitably cause a sensation in the whole society. It can achieve the best advertising effect, but it will also attract all kinds of gods to visit and beg for food.

Xia Jingxing didn't have so many karma to melt away, so he decided to keep a low profile and donate every year, but avoid being too public.

After all, for him, what is more important is the actual effect of charity, rather than the various additional influences.

If he really wanted to engage in marketing, he didn't need to use this method.

He originally wanted to donate 50 million yuan at once to bring sunshine to the rural primary schools in the city, but was dissuaded by his father.

It's not that I feel sorry for the money, but that I'm afraid of being too high-profile and causing unnecessary trouble.

The reality is like this, Xia Jingxing can only suspend his charity plan.

Prefect Ge would not force Xia Jingxing to donate money, but if he was willing to donate, in his opinion, it was a good thing.

Immediately got up, shook hands with Xia Jingxing, and thanked Xia Jingxing on behalf of the people of the whole city.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, not greedy for merit, and after chatting for a few words, he stopped mentioning this matter.

After the meal was over, Zhifu Ge and Director Mao basically achieved what they wanted to achieve, and walked out of the Jinniu Hotel with the family of three talking and laughing.

After bidding farewell to the two leaders, Xia Jingxing got into his father's car, sat in the back seat with his mother, and drove slowly towards home.

"Okay, you're making a donation, you're setting up an investment company in Rongcheng, and you're also sponsoring research and development for colleges and universities. Do you have enough money? Don't make yourself fat."

The mother sitting next to her started to think about it, Xia Jingxing comforted her, "Mom, these are meaningful things, worth doing.

You don't have to worry about money, it doesn't constitute any financial pressure, and I won't try to be brave. "

Seeing the sincerity on her son's face, Zhang Yuqiong didn't ask any more questions. She knew that her son had really become a big boss now, otherwise Mr. Zhifu wouldn't have personally invited him to the banquet.

She asked a few words out of concern and love for her son.

Looking at the mother and son in the rearview mirror, Xia Yuan asked while driving, "Where is the building? When will you buy it?"

"What building?"

Xia Jingxing subconsciously asked back, and then remembered, isn't this the apology gift he planned to give to his mother?

He sneaked a glance at his mother, and saw that she was looking at him with a straight face, her arms folded.

"Buy it, buy it tomorrow!"

Xia Jingxing didn't know the situation, so he could only follow what his father said.

"I see how long you will keep it from me?"

His mother's words directly made Xia Jingxing kneel.

He reacted quickly, and quickly knelt down in the back row, hugged his mother's thigh, and began to "cry" about his difficulties "with tears in his eyes".

In his mouth, Facebook was about to close down at that time, and a lot of partners and employees were counting on him. He also made this decision out of helplessness.

Yang Niu and others dropped out of school with her, and he also told her about it.

He didn't even have time to ask whether his father had betrayed him, and the most important thing was to apologize quickly, and he was full of desire to survive.

Seeing that her son was out of shape, Zhang Yuqiong couldn't help laughing out on her originally stern face.

She only found out about her son dropping out of school not long ago.

It was mainly due to the numerous reports by the news media, coupled with the voices of various discussions in the work unit, that she figured out that her son had dropped out of school more than a year ago.

It's really no wonder that Xia Jingxing's father didn't do a good job of keeping secrets, it mainly depends on the media.

Seeing that her son and the prefect were able to talk and laugh happily at the same table, even if Zhang Yuqiong felt dissatisfied, it almost disappeared.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend to cry there, and don't force yourself to explain. I'm just angry that you two father and son have been hiding it from me. If you really make it clear to me, will I object?"

Both father and son nodded.

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