My Age of Investment

Five hundred and fourteen, empty city plan


Sheraton Guancheng Hotel.

Hearing the news from the Japanese that "the talk has collapsed", Zeng Jiqun, as a representative of the company's management, came to the hotel where Envision Capital and his party were staying, ready to greet him with concern.

Sitting on the sofa in the executive lounge, Zeng Yanqun, Xia Jingxing, and Deng Yuanjun drank two glasses of red wine, and slowly started talking.

"Mr. Xia, didn't we have a good talk? Why did the talk suddenly collapse?"

Zeng Yanqun looked at Xia Jingxing with concern, he was very concerned about who would get ATL in the end.

But the occurrence of such a incident cast a shadow over his heart.

Mr. Xia is young and energetic, and he refuted the Japanese's face. I am afraid that TDK will not let it go, and the acquisition will increase a lot of difficulty.

Deng Yuanjun looked at Xia Jingxing thoughtfully. He didn't participate in the negotiation in the afternoon, but went to Pengcheng and just came back.

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "The Japanese are too irritating, telling them to give up the acquisition, insisting on being stubborn, and even cursing that ATL will be made a pornographic by Envision Capital.

It's easy for me to scold them. If it wasn't for the fear of causing diplomatic disputes, I would want to beat them up.

When they came to the land of China, they were still so domineering, who would give them face. "

Zeng Yanqun felt a headache. He also heard it from hearsay, so he didn't see the scene at that time.

But Tetsushi Shanxi, an old Japanese man, went crazy, and he saw it himself.

Not long after Xia Jingxing and his party left, the three founders of ATL walked into the meeting room.

In front of the three of them, Shanxi Zhesi got angry in various ways, saying that he would teach Xia Jingxing, an egomaniac, so that Vision Capital would not want to successfully acquire ATL.

When the three of them were working in Xinke, they met Shanxi Zhesi, who was the immediate boss of their immediate boss.

The old man became very angry, which made them realize the seriousness of the matter.

As the saying goes, you don't hit someone in the face when you hit someone!

Mr. Xia really passed it this time!

Although the Japanese are not pleasant to speak,

But you can't just flip the table all of a sudden.

If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess, so how can we talk about it next?

The three founders of ATL all have the same idea, knowing that the acquisition may be suspended.

So Zeng Yuqun came here, besides greeting him, he also took on the important task of testing Xia Jingxing, to test whether this big boss still had the determination to be All in.

"Mr. Xia, I understand what you're talking about. The matter has come to an end, so it's useless to say more."

Holding a red wine glass, Zeng Yanqun looked at Xia Jingxing solemnly, "The point is, the Japanese may trip you up next."

Deng Yuanjun asked, "For example?"

"For example... when bidding tomorrow, the Japanese will deliberately drive up the price with you in order to save face."

Zeng Jiqun hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth, lest Xia Jingxing's party was not fully aware and prepared for the seriousness of this matter.

Xia Jingxing shook the red wine in his glass, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the Japanese offer ruthless prices, and we will only be more ruthless than him. They don't want to succeed."

Looking at the confident Xia Jingxing, Zeng Jiqun always felt a little uneasy, and reminded: "Mr. Xia, don't be careless. Although TDK is not a big consortium, a small consortium is definitely one.

Annual revenue of billions of dollars and net profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

In our country, it is definitely the best among private enterprises. Their strength is not weak, and their financial resources will not be weaker than Envision Capital. "

Xia Jingxing took a sip of the red wine, smiled and said, "I know that, but how much money you have is not the same as how much money you paid for this acquisition, do you understand what I mean?"

Zeng Yanqun nodded, "Although that is the case, but with the backing of a powerful parent company, TDK will not be shy in terms of acquisitions, and will not be able to compete at all."

Xia Jingxing smiled and did not argue.

Deng Yuanjun interjected, "Mr. Zeng, how much do you think ATL is worth in the eyes of the Japanese? What is the highest price they can afford?"

Zeng Yanqun thought for a moment, and replied truthfully: "Actually, they don't pay much attention to ATL.

Carlyle, 3i, and Handing have been clamoring for several months to withdraw, and they have been looking for buyers everywhere.

If ATL is really valued, TDK has already made a move, so how can it be delayed until now.

Their group is divided into two factions, and there are loud voices opposing the acquisition of ATL. "

"It is also possible that TDK is grinding the patience of Carlyle and the three of them in order to reduce the acquisition cost."

Zeng Yanqun looked at Deng Yuanjun and nodded, "Yes, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

But in terms of the reasons for Carlyle's exit, most shareholders are slightly pessimistic about the future of ATL.

At the same time, ATL is not within the scope of TDK's main business.

Combining these reasons to analyze, ATL is not important in TDK's mind.

At present, the quotation of 100 million US dollars, I guess, has reached the limit of TDK's tolerance. "

Speaking of this, Zeng Yiqun glanced at Xia Jingxing who was drinking, "But Mr. Xia, if you scold me like this, maybe they will raise the upper limit of quotations in order to win the tone."

Xia Jingxing didn't get angry because of the other party's complaints. To a certain extent, Zeng Yanqun was able to say that because he didn't treat himself as an outsider and stayed close to the Vision Capital side.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing also decided not to keep it any longer and to explain to the other party, because there is still a plan that needs the cooperation of the other party to carry out.

"Face is worthless. I swept Shanxi Zhesi's face today. Will the consequences be serious? TDK will bid with us at all costs?

The red-eyed price increase on this quotation, 110 million US dollars, 150 million US dollars, 200 million US dollars, 300 million US dollars..."

Zeng Jiqun frowned, what he said seemed to make sense.

Xia Jingxing put down his wine glass, and said confidently, "Zhesi Shanxi is not a major shareholder of TDK, nor is it the president or president, but just a senior manager.

Does he dare to ask TDK to pay tens of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions of dollars, for his own selfish desire?

Think about it, which vice president of any domestic company has such a big face?

The Japanese pay attention to superiority and inferiority. He will definitely report to the group headquarters today, and may add details to the report to obtain a higher quotation authority.

But is the president of the Japanese a pig? Will spend money specifically to save face for an executive.

I scolded the executives, but I didn't scold the founders of their companies, nor did I scold the major shareholders or the families of the actual controllers. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled, he had already planned everything out.

If it was the president or major shareholder of TDK who came here today, he wouldn't be so stupid to swear, it would really tear his face.

Whether it is to maintain personal dignity, or to maintain the dignity and brand of the company, TDK will never stop with him.

Otherwise, if the matter is exposed and widely reported by the media, the corporate brand will be damaged, and the loss will be real benefits.

All business in this world revolves around the word "profit".

Now he just "criticizes" the workers. The TDK president doesn't have any real pain and can't empathize with his subordinates.

For the face of an executive, spending tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars more, what kind of company is that? A capitalist who eats vegetarian food and prays to Buddha, right?

If this happens, Xia Jingxing admits to himself.

Xia Jingxing lazily said: "The reason why I acted so impulsively today is to help the Japanese evaluate me personally.

This is a stunned young man, moody, rich, and face is more important than anything else...

If you fight someone like me, you have to be prepared for your wallet to be damaged.

In short, I just want the Japanese to "throw the mouse". "

After listening, Zeng Jiqun completely understood, what the hell is this stunned young man, an absolute ten thousand year old fox.

From the perspective of the Japanese, to participate in this bidding, it really has to be weighed.

Even if TDK has a big business, it still needs to consider the issue of acquisition cost, especially when the opponent still "values ​​face" so much.

Zeng Jiqun gave a thumbs up, "High, Mr. Xia, your move is really high. I'm afraid the Japanese won't dare to bid at will tomorrow."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "But we must also guard against the Japanese setting us up."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing took a look at Deng Yuanjun, "Old Deng went to Pengcheng today and chatted with the people from BAK Battery.

You need to release this news to the Japanese and stage an "empty city plan" for them.

Let them understand that ATL is our goal, but not the only one! "

Zeng Yanqun nodded heavily, "Don't worry, this matter is on me."

After Xia Jingxing gave some instructions, Zeng Jiqun felt much more at ease, and left with a smile all over his face.

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