My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and four, no ambition

Xia Jingxing didn't know why Wang Tao's complexion suddenly became ugly. Could it be because he was robbed of the limelight?

If that's the case, the current Wang Tao is so tender that he can pinch water.

"Wang Tao, your company has just been established, right?"

Xia Jingxing stopped chatting with Lu Zhihui, and chatted with Wang Tao directly by name.

"It's only been established for a month."

Wang Tao's words were very concise and to the point, and he immediately cut off the chat.

Xia Jingxing felt tired for a while, I've already asked you this, what else should I do?

There was no other way, Xia Jingxing had no choice but to continue asking.

"I remember when I first met you a few months ago, you were still studying at the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong. In the Asia-Pacific University Robot Contest, you led the team to win the third place in Asia.

At that time, you wanted to commercialize the unmanned helicopters that participated in the competition, and you also tried to make the first sample, and then sold it on the aircraft model enthusiasts forum.

I happened to see this information, so I bought the sample, and then I met you like this.

I wanted to meet you, a netizen, earlier, but I was delayed because I was on a business trip abroad some time ago.

Hey, by the way, where are your two classmates who participated in the competition and assembled the plane with you? "

Wang Tao looked a little frustrated, and shook his head: "They don't like our entrepreneurial project, one is working, and the other is studying abroad."

Xia Jingxing said "Oh", "That's a pity!"

"It's nothing to regret, it only shows that they are short-sighted."

I don't know if it was because of anger, Wang Tao suddenly became talkative.

"I don't believe it, you can't make a flight control system that makes a helicopter hover in the air.

They want to go, go theirs, and I can continue to engage in research and development by myself. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at the gloomy Wang Tao, knowing that the other party's heart was not as relaxed as he said.

It is true that Wang Tao is a master of technology, but his two HKUST classmates are not ordinary people. The departure of the two actually broke his left and right arms.

Although Wang Tao has established DJI now,

But it is a manual workshop and laboratory.

And among the four members of the team, only Wang Tao understands drones, and the other three are laymen.

Xia Jingxing was chatting with Wang Tao, but Liu Xiaoduo didn't sit still. She held the model helicopter and kept asking the three DJI employees for advice.

Seeing that a beautiful woman was interested in their work results, the three of them were very enthusiastic, answering and explaining Liu Xiaoduo's various questions.

Xia Jingxing secretly praised Dahua for being sensible, while he continued to chat with Wang Tao.

"What's your plan next? Just keep doing research and development in this warehouse?" Xia Jingxing asked.

Wang Tao nodded, "Well, there are still many technologies that have not been fully understood. They are mainly experimental and do not sell products externally."

Xia Jingxing frowned, "Then how can the company survive?"

"This warehouse belongs to my uncle, and he also runs the magazine outside. The rent is free."

Wang Tao didn't have too much thoughtfulness, and explained everything in detail.

"What about the salaries of the employees? You have to spend money to buy experimental equipment, right?"

Wang Tao said nonchalantly: "My mother invested 2 million Hong Kong dollars in me, which should be enough for us to make the product."

Xia Jingxing wasn't too surprised. In fact, Wang Tao's family was very well off. His father was an engineer, his mother was a teacher and later became a small business owner, and his uncle was also the owner of a magazine.

In the first few years, DJI engaged in research and development with its head covered. When there was no income, it survived only with the support of the family.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said in a low voice, "Then have you ever thought about what the employees expect from the company?"

After finishing speaking, Xia Jingxing glanced to the side, and the three nerds circled around Liu Xiaoduo non-stop, taking Dahua to look at the schematic diagram in their computer.

Wang Tao said indifferently: "If they think the company is not good, just leave.

This company, except for me, can do without anyone.

They don't know anything at all, and it's all about me teaching them.

If they're leaving, I'll just recruit another group of people. "

Xia Jingxing had never dealt with Wang Tao in his previous life, but he had also heard that this person was ignorant of the world, had a clear distinction between likes and dislikes, and often made outrageous remarks in public.

In the previous life, DJI exposed the "Billion Corruption Case", which exposed some flaws in Wang Tao's management.

Maybe he is not a qualified CEO, but Wang Tao has nothing to say about technology.

When preparing for his graduation project at HKUST, Wang Tao decided to study the flight control system of remote-controlled helicopters.

In fact, very few undergraduates can decide the direction of the graduation project themselves, and most of them are assigned by the tutor.

But Wang Tao was determined, and he found two classmates to persuade the teacher to agree with their research direction.

Under the hard and soft struggle of him and his classmates, the tutor finally let go and agreed.

For this reason, Wang Tao applied for the school's 18,000 Hong Kong dollars in funding. During this period, he did not hesitate to skip classes and stayed up until five in the morning every day. This state lasted for 5 months and finally completed his graduation project.

However, during the demonstration, the plane still fell from mid-air, and Wang Tao barely got a C in his graduation project.

However, it was a blessing in disguise, and he was appreciated by Li Zexiang, a professor of robotics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, who recommended him to study as a graduate student.

In the development of Dajiang, Li Zexiang also brought great help to Wang Tao.

As for the establishment of the company, Wang Tao became even crazier. He often worked for more than ten hours in a row, and he especially liked working at night. He often worked from 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening until the daytime, just like many Internet writers.

And as soon as he has a good idea, no matter day or night, he will immediately contact the employees to discuss it, which makes the employees miserable and often shuts down the phone after work.

The most exaggerated thing is that Wang Tao asked employees to write "Times" and report what they did every hour.

What this reveals is actually a love for drones and a spirit of extreme perfectionism.

Xia Jingxing discovered that any epoch-making invention or product had to be paranoid.

"You managed to train a group of people. You have to keep them. Otherwise, how can your company grow?" Xia Jingxing felt that Wang Tao had some problems with his concepts, or he was too immature.

"What are you doing to make the company bigger?"

Wang Tao shook his head again and again, "I didn't want to make the company bigger, one or twenty people is enough."

Xia Jingxing felt that Wang Tao's entrepreneurship was still at the stage of hobbies. He never thought of making it into a big business. As for going public with financial freedom, he probably never even thought about it.

"Then do you want to make a drone that can fly to an altitude of several thousand meters and last for a few hours?"

Xia Jingxing stared straight at Wang Tao. After all, he had to talk about ideals, which he was best at.

Wang Tao really became interested, and excitedly said: "Of course I do, is it the multi-rotor drone you told me about last time?"

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Yes."

"But we haven't even fully understood the technology of unmanned helicopters." When the excitement passed, Wang Tao thought of the current situation, and his tone became a little depressed.

"You are now like Yugong Yishan. Of course, the progress of research and development is slow. If there are thousands of engineers, think about what kind of scene it will be. I am afraid that you can try to develop drones that fly out of the atmosphere."

Wang Tao looked forward to it for a while, and then smirked, "I don't dare to think so far, I will be satisfied if I can have 10 or 20 people in DJI."

Look at how promising you are!

Xia Jingxing hated iron but steel very much, but he also liked this kind of paranoia about technology, and he was suitable to be used like a donkey of the production team.

"Then have you ever thought about how your small company of ten or twenty people can compete with those big companies with thousands of people?

Their products are better than yours, and their prices are cheaper than yours. How can you compete with them? "

Wang Tao was about to speak, but was stopped by Xia Jingxing, "Don't say I'm not afraid of their thoughtless words.

Think about it for yourself, how domestic mobile phone companies were strangled by foreign mobile phone companies. Their sales volume is large, their revenue and profit are high, and they can invest more money in research and development.

Conversely, the greater the R\u0026D investment, the more powerful the technology, the more advantageous the product, the greater the sales volume, and the higher the revenue and profit...

This is a virtuous cycle!

If you want to live a life in a paradise, you have to ask the big factory if they agree. "

Wang Tao looked puzzled, "But now I don't see any drone companies on the market!"

"That's because the industry has not ushered in an explosion. I am very optimistic about this industry and think that many companies will definitely flood in in the future.

Only by working hard to become a big company can DJI live the nourishing life you expect. "

Wang Tao thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Hey, what on earth are you doing?"

Xia Jingxing smiled wryly, we've been chatting for over an hour, and you only remembered to ask me this now.

"I, a VC investor who likes airplane models! Oh, yes, my dad likes it too."

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