My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and ten, the plan will be released

"It's nothing serious..." Xia Jingxing told Andrew everything about him and the foreign girl.

As a shareholder, business partner and friend, Andrew would know sooner or later that Xia Jingxing didn't hide anything from this fat man.

After listening, Andrew's eyes widened and his expression became extremely exciting.

Then he smiled and said, "This is a good thing! At such a young age, I even have an heir to a business empire. It's not like me. I'm still single at the age of forty. According to Chinese customs, should I prepare red envelopes? "

"What a good thing..." Xia Jingxing smiled, and then told Andrew about his and the foreign girl's speculations.

Andrew's expression became more serious as he listened, and he sighed leisurely after a long while: "Then this child came at an inopportune time."

"Is there any way? I've met all of them, and it's not advisable to escape. I've walked all the way, and there's no step I can get easily."

Andrew nodded. As a witness, he witnessed Xia Jingxing's hardships and heartbreak in a foreign country.

"Hey, don't be discouraged. Facebook's development to today is already an amazing achievement, and you are only 22 years old. Many people have just graduated from college at this age."

Andrew patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder, and said righteously: "Since the reform and opening up of China, the one who has gained the most wealth is Shire. If you start an overseas business, there is no suspicion of swallowing Tianjia's assets, digging into the corners of capitalism, and no search for Chinese people meaning."

The corner of Xia Jingxing's mouth twitched. He didn't know what Andrew was researching all day, so he said with a smile, "Based on your words, you can be called a master of Sinology."

"Don't dare, little Doyle!" Andrew stroked his chin lightly, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"As my crouching dragon and phoenix chick, shouldn't you give me some advice?" Xia Jingxing said with a smile.

"The plan will be settled?" Andrew chuckled.

Xia Jingxing had black lines all over his head, "Am I asking you? Or are you asking me?"

"Oh, the trick comes from me."

Andrew had an embarrassed expression on his face. His Sinology skills were still a bit weak, and he almost exposed the essence of half a bucket of water.

But he quickly returned to normal, and said lightly, "Do you want this child?"

"Christina must want it, otherwise she wouldn't have kept it secret for three months before telling me that the Catholic Church itself is against abortion."

Xia Jingxing just pretended not to know about some things,

But that doesn't mean he can't speculate at all.

No need to think about it, she knew that Christina was afraid that he would kill the child in cold blood and ruthlessly, but in fact, how could he be willing to kill the child, the child in the previous life was an unspeakable pain in his heart.

"The key is do you want it?" Andrew continued to ask.

"I want it!" Xia Jingxing replied without hesitation.

"Okay, since you have decided to have this child, you have to pay some price."

Andrew looked at Xia Jingxing with an extremely serious expression, and asked, "I wonder if you are mentally prepared for this?"

"I did. My worst plan is to sell all of Facebook's shares."

Andrew slammed the table and pointed at Xia Jingxing's nose, "Hey, you are so confused!"

Xia Jingxing looked at Andrew with a tense face, he suspected that this guy was taking the opportunity to teach him a lesson, but there was no conclusive evidence.

"If you can't bear a little coercion, then why do you want to start Facebook in the United States? Wouldn't it be better to go back to China to start it?

If you want to sell the company, why didn't you nod when Amazon, Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft came to buy you in turn a few years ago?

When Murdoch united with the five major media groups to put pressure on, why did you take it hard and find a way to break the situation? "

Andrew issued a series of soul tortures, and then he said earnestly: "These tribulations and setbacks have paved your way to glory.

If you sold the company early, could Vision Capital have the spectacular scene it is today?

When a problem arises, the most important thing is to find a way to solve the problem. I have full confidence in you, and this problem should not trouble you.

Besides, now that the knife is not on your neck, you are going to die, who will show it? "

Xia Jingxing felt that Andrew's mouth was too bad, so he seized the opportunity to scold him to death.

"When the knife rests on the neck, it's too late to say anything. There is an old saying in China that says to plan ahead."

Andrew said disdainfully: "Then be prepared, look at your expression, it's like eating ten dead mice."

Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed, "Don't be too busy criticizing me, just tell me your suggestion."

"Look beyond the surface!"

Andrew stared straight at Xia Jingxing, which made the latter feel a little nervous.

"Essence?" Xia Jingxing asked.

"Yes, what is the essence? Eagle sauce is the essence! When national interests and the interests of the rich and powerful conflict, the rich and powerful are the essence!

Facebook is like the Monkey King in the hands of the Tathagata Buddha is the essence! It is also the essence that Facebook has put on a magic spell! "

Andrew glanced at Xia Jingxing, "Do you think you can still make trouble on Facebook?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "This is impossible, all the data is open to them."

"That's the end of it. In their eyes, you are no longer a threat. Facebook is in Silicon Valley. If you really want to concoct it, isn't that a fish on the chopping board?"

Andrew said again: "This is like a rabbit's Internet company. If you really want to run it, do you think it is difficult?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, he hadn't heard of anyone being prosecuted, but he didn't think it would be too difficult.

"You are a fan of the authorities, and you take yourself too seriously."

Andrew shook his head, "The current Facebook has been incorporated, is it necessary to do it again?

Not to mention that Americans and American funds now occupy more than half of the shares, even the Imperial Association Army, the little devils have to pay some food!

It’s really fucked up, leaving the opportunity to Bebo in the UK, OK and VK in Russia, Cyworld in South Korea, Mixi in Japan, and Haineiwang in China? These websites will be handed over by dedicated personnel and Facebook with open data?

As long as Facebook doesn't try to mess things up, the White House won't mess with it.

Looking at the cases where the Eagle Sauce government ended up suppressing the competitors of Eagle Sauce companies, without exception, they all use "law" as a weapon of economic warfare, apply different laws, and use extraterritorial legal powers to achieve the goal of controlling global commercial flows and global trade. Purpose.

As a doctor of law, I can tell you responsibly that this is the priority of eagle sauce, and the powerful drive political power. "

Xia Jingxing nodded. He already had some judgments and thoughts in his mind. He found Andrew to confide in him because he still had a lot of bad things in his stomach. He used to do some shady things for major companies.

"However, it still cannot be taken lightly."

Xia Jingxing gave Andrew a sideways look, and the latter smiled and said, "Why are you looking at me like this? Didn't you ask me for advice? Seeing you look so lost, I have no choice but to give you a 360-degree Thomas maneuver analysis. "

"Stop talking, talk quickly." Xia Jingxing raised his chin.

"People usually take action when the effort is directly proportional to the harvest. Otherwise, something goes wrong, and that is to steal the chicken and lose the rice."

Xia Jingxing chewed Andrew's words carefully, and said after a while: "My nearly 50% stock is a chicken?"

"Of course!"

Andrew nodded, and then pointed at himself, "If you are like me and have no flesh, which powerful person will think of you.

Of course, there is generally no one who is full and has nothing to do to make troubles, but I am afraid that you will create opportunities for them. "

Xia Jingxing took a look at Andrew's ball-like belly, nodded and said, "That's right, you are indeed skinny, and your teeth hurt when you chew."

Andrew smiled, "It's not a good thing to look too fat, just like me, people think I'm the boss wherever I go, and call me poor if I don't give enough tips."

Xia Jingxing ignored Andrew's nonsense, the latter's suggestion was combined with some of his own ideas, and a new plan was about to come out.

"If you continue to deal with it, grievances and misunderstandings will be inevitable."

Andrew looked disgusted, "Come on! I think you have been away from the masses for too long, and you don't even know the sufferings of the world.

In Chinatown, many people from your hometown are working illegally. Apart from being exploited by unscrupulous bosses, they also have to be on guard against surprise inspections by the Immigration Bureau.

They are all working overseas, so why can others suffer while you can't? Just because you are the richest man in the Mainland? This title does not work in the US. "

"That's right, people like us who poach the corners of capitalism are, in my grandfather's words: unsung heroes on the hidden front."

"So enlightened!" Andrew raised his thumb.

Immediately, both of them fell into a silence.

After a while, Andrew patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, just "do it" and you're done.

Even if the situation is a mess, I believe you can straighten it out, isn't that how it happens every time? Tell me, what are your plans? "

"I have a solution, but I still ask you?" Xia Jingxing shook his head.

Andrew pointed at Xia Jingxing and nodded, "Dishonest! I don't know you yet, I don't know much about you, how can you make it this far?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "I just have an immature idea."

"Really? I also have a bold idea!" Andrew winked.

Xia Jingxing picked up the two pens on the table and handed one to Andrew, "Then let's write it on our hands and make it public together."

"This plan is brilliant! It's a legacy from the past!" Andrew touched his bare double chin again.

After a while, both of them finished writing, and they opened their palms at the same time to show each other.

Seeing the big letter in each other's palm, both of them laughed.

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