My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and twenty-four, another surprise

When the news of the cooperation between Fuxing Mobile and Fleissen was announced, it quickly aroused heated discussions in the United States.

The executives of local technology companies such as Motorola and Palm are still the same, and they jumped out to make some cynicism.

"I don't know how Darren Xia convinced Mr. Seidenberg that even though ZTE Mobile solved the problem of sales channels, it still needs to conquer consumers if it wants to truly succeed in the United States.

Priced at US$499 and US$599, this is the price of the world's most high-end mobile phones.

Fuxing Mobile launched the first mobile phone, and even the first product aimed at such a high-end market. I really don’t know whether to call it courageous or overly optimistic..."

"The price of the iPhone is so high, at least it is supported by Apple's 30-year brand heritage of consumer electronics. What is the revival of mobile phones? It is supported by a history of 4,000 years of civilization?"


Apple and ZTE mobile phones are like two aliens breaking into the mobile phone market.

Some time ago, peers in the mobile phone industry were concentrating on criticizing Apple, because Apple and AT\u0026T have already reached a cooperation, which is obviously prepared.

In their eyes, Fuxing mobile phone is not as big a threat as Apple.

But now that Fuxing mobile phone has opened up sales channels, it is clear that the car and horse are going to do a great job in the United States.

How can the executives of major mobile phone companies tolerate this? They have shifted their firepower from Apple to Fuxing mobile phones.

Xia Jingxing naturally didn't bother to pay attention to these barking dogs, they would cry after a while.

At the same time, Apple has also noticed the revival of mobile phones.

The newly appointed CEO Cook, as a supporter of smartphones, not only did not look down on Fuxing mobile phones, but regarded the company as an enemy.

While urging various departments to speed up the work progress, Cook began to deal with the patent lawsuit with the revived mobile phone.

At present, the patent lawsuit between ZTE Mobile and Apple has entered a new stage.

In the territory of Rabbit Country, the relevant departments have accepted the lawsuit, and the court will be held in the near future.

On Eagle Country's side, the lawsuit is still dragging on, but it won't be too long. Sooner or later, the court will start.

The only advantage for Apple is that in the United States, it usually takes two or even three years from patent application to certification.

In other words, many patents of Fuxing Mobile are still being applied for, and have not been certified by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Based on this alone, Fuxing Mobile cannot completely crucify Apple.

And some patents may not be applied for, such as multi-touch.

As early as 20 years ago, there have been applications for multi-touch patents.

What Fuxing mobile phone applied for is only the expression method of multi-touch, not the decisive technical function.

In the previous life, Apple won part of the multi-touch patents, and also launched a patent lawsuit against several manufacturers that launched smartphones, and the result was both winners and losers.

Elan of Wanwan won the patent lawsuit. Apple compensated the company US$5 million. At the same time, the two companies cross-licensed two patents to stop the patent lawsuit.

Elan is an IC design company that focuses on integrated circuits and touch module solutions. In 1998, it applied for a patent called "Detecting one or more fingers on a touch panel".

It is the first time that the touch screen is applied on the mobile phone, but before the renaissance mobile phone and the Apple mobile phone, some touch screen devices came out, so it is difficult for a company to take all the patents of the touch screen.

If you can’t eat all the patents, the sued company can find a way to counterclaim, and finally reach a settlement with each other and cross-license patents to each other.

In the previous life, Apple tried to use a number of core smartphone patents to choke the fate of other smartphone manufacturers, but found that it couldn't be choked.

Because there are too many various patents in various regions of the world, many consumer electronics brands have long formed a patent situation that you have me, and I have you.

Therefore, patents can only be used as a defensive means in many cases to prevent being threatened by other patent trolls. If you want to take the initiative to attack, you must build a thick enough patent wall. It is still rare to have a patent like Qualcomm.

In short, it is very difficult for ZTE Mobile to use lawsuits to clean up Apple in the United States.

But in China, the revival mobile phone has been approved a number of patents.

Cook consulted professionals, and it is almost impossible for Apple to win the lawsuit in China.

It is not only the reason why Fuxing mobile phone has applied for many patents in China. The words of the former CEO Jobs deeply offended 1.3 billion people.

There are only two choices before Apple, either lose the lawsuit and lose money, or prevent the controversial product iPhone from entering the Chinese market. There is no third way to go.

Cook was a little undecided and decided to wait and see.



The time came to the end of December.

silicon valley.

Inside the Tesla campus.

"The gearbox problem has been solved, and the Ministry of Transport's certification test has also passed. What about delivery?"

In the conference room on the second floor, Antonio, the partner of Value Equity Capital, shouted loudly, his sharp eyes wished he could eat Eberhard and Tarpenning sitting opposite him alive.

Eberhard and Tarpenning bowed their heads in shame, not speaking.

Compass, SDL, Waterfall Investment, Bezos Ventures, DFJ and other shareholder representatives all looked solemn.

Xia Jingxing and the other founder of Android, who is also the head of Envision Capital's US VC fund, Rich, sat next to each other. The two of them kept their eyes on their noses, their noses, their noses, their noses, their hearts, and their minds.

Antonio let out a burst of negative emotions, and his anger subsided a little.

He turned his head to look at Xia Jingxing, said in a relaxed tone, "Dai Lun, you are the chairman and the major shareholder, so tell me, how should this matter be resolved?"

Hearing this, Eberhard and Tarpenning looked up at Xia Jingxing with a hint of hope in their eyes.

Xia Jingxing looked at the two with complicated eyes, and sighed, "Hey, can't the cost be lowered?"

"It can't be reduced. Due to the switch to a single-speed gearbox, the cost has increased significantly. A car needs at least 120,000 US dollars in manufacturing costs. If the sales volume can be increased several times, the cost may be reduced to less than 100,000 US dollars." Tappen Ning replied with a very helpless expression.

Hearing Tarpenning's words, Antonio became furious again, "The sales have increased several times, do you still think the compensation is not enough?"

Antonio got angry again and again, which also angered the stubborn Eberhard. The latter said coldly: "We convene the shareholders to negotiate and solve problems, not to vent our emotions. Mr. Antonio, I hope you can Calm down."

"Will you tell me to calm down?"

Like a wild beast, Antonio stood up tall and tall, pointed at Eberhard and said, "Say it yourself, how much money did you spend in order to build this broken car? How much investment did you spend?" People trust you?"

Eberhard replied without showing any weakness: "I repeat, the Roadster is not a broken car. If it is a broken car, what are you? A broken investor?"

"Fack squid! You idiot, son of a bitch... I shouldn't have invested in Tesla, a bottomless pit."

Antonio's eyes were red, and his chest kept heaving. When he thought that the nearly 20 million US dollars he had invested might be in vain, his liver hurt, and he even wanted to kill Eberhard.

Value equity capital is not a big venture capital institution, they cannot afford such a big loss.

"You decided to invest by yourself, and we didn't force you."

Hearing Eberhard's words, the rest of the shareholders couldn't help but frown.

From their standpoint, they actually understand Antonio quite well.

Because Tesla is such a toss-up company, they will surprise them every once in a while.

If it were an investor with a bad heart, he might have to go to the ICU and lie down.

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