My Age of Investment

Eight hundred thirty-two, cheating little expert

Chapter 829

"In 2000, Honda Motor began to try to perform OTA upgrades to T-Box (Telematics Box, telematics processor).

T-Box has a SIM card, which can provide car owners with some network services, such as road assistance, car factory customer service, emergency calls, remote car condition inquiry, remote control of doors, windows and air conditioning switches, etc.

Since then, some car companies have started to provide OTA services for in-vehicle infotainment systems, such as navigation maps, music and so on. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly towards Straubel who was speaking, "The OTA services you mentioned are mainly limited to the car-machine system and some simple component controls, which can all be regarded as software upgrades.

There is also a firmware upgrade that deeply changes the car's control system, battery management system and performance.

If the two are combined, I call it the vehicle OTA.

This kind of vehicle OTA can not only send software upgrades to the vehicle communication unit in the vehicle, update the map and application programs and other software in the vehicle infotainment system, but also directly transmit software supplements to the relevant electronic control unit ( ECU) to achieve safe and reliable function upgrades. "

There are often car enthusiasts who upgrade the ECU for the performance of the car. In fact, it is a firmware upgrade to improve the power. It can be regarded as the car version of the mobile phone jailbreak.

One of Tesla's core competitiveness is vehicle OTA. Because of this magic weapon, Tesla has envied major automakers for a long time.

For users who enjoy the OTA service of the whole vehicle, after a while, they feel that the car has new functions or performance improvements. Accurate...

And all these service experiences do not need to go to Tesla's offline direct sales store to complete, and you can upgrade your car as easily as upgrading your mobile phone system by staying at home.

The Model S is also the industry's first complete vehicle OTA car, leading the industry trend. After that, whether it is a traditional car Toyota, Ford, Volvo, or Wei Xiaoli, they all began to actively deploy OTA.

Car companies must talk about OTA in almost every press conference, otherwise it will give people the impression that the car is not smart enough...

After hearing Xia Jingxing's words, not only Straubel, but even Franz was a little dumbfounded.

Franz used to design traditional cars. He knew the difficulty of realizing the OTA of the whole car. He couldn't help asking: "Daren, you are using the car as a mobile phone!"

"This is the trend!"

Xia Jingxing began to teach the two of them: "When the car was first born, it was full of mechanical parts. In recent decades, with the rapid development of electronic technology, all walks of life have begun to advocate mechatronics.

Today's cars consist of hundreds of electronic components at every turn, and bundles of car lines control the coordination of multiple units in the car.

I am telling you some statistics. In 1991, the average cost of electronic products per car accounted for only 10% of the entire vehicle. In 1998, it was close to 15%. In 2003, it had increased to 20%. high.

In the future, cars will become "electronic cars" sooner or later, and we should lay out early and seize opportunities as soon as possible. "

Franz nodded, "It sounds very good, but it's a bit hard for our R\u0026D and manufacturing departments."

While talking, Franz glanced at Straubel. He felt that the CEO was not easy. The main boss was too difficult to serve, and all kinds of whimsical ideas emerged one after another.

Straubel has nothing to say. The big boss seems to think that it is too easy for him to get his salary, and keeps adding burdens to him.

Thinking that Model S should have a central control touch screen, vehicle OTA, centralized electronic and electrical architecture, and the fewer the better electronic control units...

Straubel felt bad all over. If this was compared to a game, what he entered was definitely a hell-level dungeon.

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "If Tesla wants to lead the development trend, it has to do things that others dare not do.

I didn't ask for a one-step solution, but just proposed a development direction, and everyone can work together towards this general direction.

Why do others buy our Tesla cars? Isn't it because Tesla has higher technological content and can bring a new driving experience? "

Franz smiled, "Alright, Darren, I will do my best to cooperate with you in completing this difficult task.

I also want to see what the Model S looks like with all the functions you mentioned. This must be an amazing work. "

Straubel also nodded: "Let's do it and lead the development trend of the industry. This is a must-have quality for a top car company."

Xia Jingxing also knew that he had increased the degree of difficulty in the research and development of Model S, but hardware technology is like this, there is no shortcut to take, and he can only climb up step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

The three of them chatted very intensely. They discussed in the conference room for several hours, until late at night, before leaving.

Leaving the Tesla campus, Xia Jingxing drove back to his villa in Palo Alto.

After getting out of the car, he glanced at his watch and found that it was already eleven fifty on December 31, 2006.

Before you know it, it will be a new year.

As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw the foreign girl curled up on the sofa and asleep.

He walked over slowly and found that the blanket covering the foreign girl had slipped to the floor.

After approaching, he picked up the blanket and covered the foreign girl, and then sat on the sofa next to her.

After pregnancy, the foreign girl became much rounder. At this time, she seemed to have dreamed of something beautiful, with a faint smile on her mouth, looking a bit cute.

After an unknown amount of time, the foreign girl's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then she opened her eyes.

Seeing Xia Jingxing dozing off at the side, she smiled slyly and deliberately kicked him to play a prank, "When did you come back? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Xia Jingxing's thigh was kicked, and he became sober all of a sudden. He was about to say haha, but unexpectedly he yawned, "I just came back, and I was discussing Tesla's new car with them today. If I don't pay attention, it will be dark."

The foreign girl sat up and looked straight at Xia Jingxing, "Are you sure? Why do I feel like you've been back for a while?"

"Then you must have felt wrong." Xia Jingxing shook his head.

The foreign girl glanced at Xia Jingxing, but didn't bother to expose it. She knew what was going on in her heart. If she didn't wake up, he would probably be able to sit on the sofa until dawn.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to spend New Year's Eve with you. Where do you want to go tomorrow? I'll go with you."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing felt a little ashamed, he was busy with work and often had no concept of time, and he forgot that there was a pregnant woman at home who needed company.

"I don't want to go anywhere. Go and do your work tomorrow. Remember not to go home." The foreign girl stretched her waist.

"Angry?" Xia Jingxing approached the foreign girl and asked with a smile.

"That's right!" Yang Niu deliberately turned her face away.

"Tolerance is a virtue, Your Lady Queen, you must give a chance to make up for your mistakes."

Xia Jingxing knew that a pregnant woman had a bad temper, and he was already at a loss, so he had no choice but to follow the foreign girl.

"I told you not to go home tomorrow." The foreign girl rolled her eyes.

"Why?" Xia Jingxing realized that the foreign girl didn't seem to be joking.

The foreign girl looked into Xia Jingxing's eyes and said word by word, " parents, grandparents, younger siblings and the whole family will come to see me."

"Come here as soon as you come, we are all family, what am I afraid of? Do I have to go out and hide for a day?" Xia Jingxing said with a smile.

"My dad also brought a gun. He said he wanted to have a good chat with you."

Seeing the foreign girl's extremely serious expression, Xia Jingxing's smile gradually subsided, "What does the old man mean by this? They... know?"

The foreign girl nodded slightly.

Xia Jingxing suddenly felt troubled, why was he a little afraid to face the foreign girl's family?

Seeing Xia Jingxing's helpless look, the foreign girl burst out laughing.

"Are you that scared? My dad just said that he is powerful, but he has never shot anyone to death."

Xia Jingxing was speechless, the co-author must be murdered to be considered a threat?

However, he is not afraid that Walsh will kill him with a gun. What he is worried about is that he will not be able to give the foreign girl's family an explanation. Then the scene may be more embarrassing, and the foreign girl will still face criticism and pressure from her family.

"Well, Christina, or else..."

The foreign girl waved her hand to stop, and said with a smile: "I lied to you, they don't know anything, but they haven't seen us for a long time, and they plan to come and visit us.

Don't go out to hide tomorrow, pay attention to cooperate with me, and don't reveal your secrets. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at the foreign girl's slightly swollen belly, frowned and said, "You're so big, can you trick me?"

The foreign girl looked down at her stomach and said with a smile, "I'll just wear something thicker, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Xia Jingxing held the hand of the foreign girl, and there were thousands of words in his heart, which finally turned into one sentence: "I made you feel wronged."

"I didn't feel wronged, on the contrary I felt very happy."

The foreign girl's big eyes are bright and energetic. She and Xia Jingxing looked at each other with a bright smile on her face: "Everyone's definition of happiness is different. From my point of view, you appeared in my life and let me have happiness. Love, career, wealth, fame, each of which is beyond the reach of most people in their entire lives, this is happiness.

People can't be too greedy, want everything, and everything must be perfect. "

Xia Jingxing remained silent. From the matter of insisting on having a child, it can be seen that Yang Niu is a woman who dares to love and hate, and from the matter of her resolute disapproval of marriage, it can be seen that she is a very rational woman.

If it weren't for the reasons of nationality and status as a top capitalist, or if the two of them were willing to take a step back, they should be able to live a more relaxed life.

But just as Yang Niu said, people can't be too greedy, they want everything, everything must be perfect, and if there is gain, there will be loss.

"Persist for a few more years. After a few years, I will definitely give you and the child an explanation." Xia Jingxing held the foreign girl in his arms and said softly.

The foreign girl's eyes lit up, and then she smiled and said, "Why are you in a hurry, we are only in our twenties, and we will only be thirty in a few years, and life is still very long."

The corners of Xia Jingxing's mouth rose slightly, and he knew that the woman wanted it when she said she didn't want it.

"Oh, after my parents come, you have to find a way to make them owe you favors."

The foreign girl looked up at Xia Jingxing, and said persuasively, "The more favors you owe, the better. If there are too many, they will be too embarrassed to trouble you."

Xia Jingxing knew what the foreign girl was planning, and he could be called a cheater, so he said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Yang Niu stood up and said: "Then let's come to rehearse now, and don't show your feet tomorrow."

"Go to bed, what time is it?" Xia Jingxing looked helpless.

"No, it's too late, we have to rehearse now." Yang Niu's attitude was very firm.

Xia Jingxing sighed, resisting sleepiness, and began to plan with the foreign girl, how to trick her parents tomorrow.

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