My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and thirty-six, the blue blood nobleman

Chapter 833 Blue Blood Nobility

After bidding farewell to Silicon Valley, Xia Jingxing arrived in New York by private plane.

As soon as he walked out of the airport passage, he saw the convoy coming to greet him.

"Jing Xing~"

Liu Hai was originally standing beside a car, when he saw Xia Jingxing appearing, he walked over with a smile on his face.

"I'm so busy with work, you don't need to pick me up in person." Xia Jingxing smiled and patted Liu Hai's shoulder, and then the two walked towards the car side by side.

Liu Xiaoduo, Zhang Chenguang and several bodyguards followed behind them.

After getting in the car, Xia Jingxing looked at Liu Hai with a smile and asked, "How is the situation recently?"

"It's calm."

Liu Hai thought for a while, and added: "But I feel that the wind is going to blow."

"How to say?"

Liu Hai replied: "Mr. Blankfein has been contacting us recently, making all kinds of insinuations."

Xia Jingxing narrowed his eyes slightly, "That old fox must have smelled something."

"Well, Goldman Sachs is flourishing, and even served as the finance minister several times."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Yes, there is a reason why they narrowly escaped death every time."

Liu Hai said: "I just don't know how big the wind and waves can be? I don't think it will be small."

Xia Jingxing smiled, but didn't answer.

"Oh, by the way, is the banquet ready?"

"It's all ready."

"That's fine."


Goldman Sachs headquarters is located at 200 West Street in Manhattan. It is a dazzling high-rise building. The glass exterior wall is shining in the sun, as if it is coated with a layer of golden yellow.

At the entrance of the building, a vice president warmly welcomed Xia Jingxing and his party, and led them into the building.

Seeing this scene, the staff coming and going in and out of the hall couldn't help but stop and look at this group of imposing Asians.

Taking the elevator to the top floor, the vice president of Goldman Sachs brought Xia Jingxing and Liu Hai into Blankfein's office, while the rest waited in the reception room outside.

"Daren, long time no see. I heard that you recently built a nice car and a nice mobile phone. Congratulations!"

Blankfein smiled and went forward to shake hands with Xia Jingxing, carefully looking at the young man in front of him.

I haven't seen you for a few months,

Dai Lun Xia made another move.

Even though he is a high-ranking CEO of Goldman Sachs, he has to admire the young man in front of him. He is really talented and full of business talents and skills.

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Thank you! In the future, mobile phone and car companies will need a lot of help from Goldman Sachs."

Blankfein understood what this implied, and smiled, "Goldman Sachs will definitely provide you with the most considerate service."

After exchanging some pleasantries, Blankfein called Xia Jingxing and Liu Hai to sit down, and asked the secretary to bring coffee, and the three of them drank coffee and chatted.

"Daren, all the tasks you entrusted to Goldman Sachs have been completed, and there will be a large group of distinguished guests attending the banquet tomorrow.

At the banquet, I still need you to say a few more words, so that Goldman Sachs can match business for you in the future. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "No problem."

After chatting for a while and confirming that tomorrow's banquet was fully prepared, Xia Jingxing left.

Then he went to Morgan Stanley and met with Mack.



The next day, at night.

A manor villa on Long Island, brightly lit, luxury cars parked at the door, a well-dressed guest stepped out of the car, including men in suits and leather shoes, and women in sexy evening gowns, but without exception, All white.

Wearing a well-tailored suit, Xia Jingxing, accompanied by two generals, Blankfein and Mack Jinheng, greeted the guests who came to the banquet one by one.

"Mr. Forbes!"

"Mrs. Winthrop!"

"Miss Cabot!"


Heng Ha Er will whisper to Xia Jingxing the family background of each guest.

"Forbes is a big family in the United States. Before coming to the United States, it was originally a big nobleman in Scotland.

After spreading in the United States, not only the Forbes family, a financial media group, but also John Forbes Kerry, who ran for the presidency with Bush Jr. a few years ago.

In 1996 and 2000, Steve Forbes, the head of the financial media group, also paid 67 million US dollars out of his own pocket to participate in the nomination of the leader of the Elephant Party..."

Listening to Blankfein's introduction, Xia Jingxing nodded his head from time to time in response.

Ying Jiang is such a virtue, regardless of politics and business.

It is by no means a delusion that Steve Forbes can run for the Grand Commander. More than ten years later, a businessman became the Grand Commander just like this.

At this time, Mack took over the conversation: "The Forbes family started their business through trade with China more than a hundred years ago.

After earning enough capital in China, this family entered the American railway, oil, real estate and retail industries, and at the same time generously funded Harvard, Yale and Princeton University, just like a "cultural chaebol". "

Xia Jingxing didn't speak, the Forbes family came to China for business more than a hundred years ago? What kind of trade do you do? When you come, you pull a boat of opium, and when you leave, you pull a boat of porcelain and tea.

In fact, many of the so-called "blue blood nobles" in the United States made their fortunes through the opium trade with China. For example, Roosevelt's maternal grandfather was an opium dealer.

According to statistics, there are at least 33 U.S. commanders who are related to Taipan of Qichang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., who was engaged in the opium trade in China. Ao Guanhai is also among them, because his ancestors once came to China to sell opium.

Many Chinese people think that Britain is the culprit of the opium trade, but in fact, the United States followed suit and took a big sip of the soup.

The huge profits from the opium trade created the prosperity of Boston in the 19th century. The descendants of the opium dealers all became blue-blooded nobles, and they are still enjoying their ancestors Yuze two hundred years later.

At that time, the United States had just gained independence and was extremely poor, while China in the 19th century was economically strong.

The Americans exchanged opium for tea and leveraged China's economic development. The opium trade was a way for the United States to transfer China's economic power to the American industrial revolution.

In addition to the descendants of these opium dealers being the generals, many colleges and dormitories in universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are still named after the opium dealers.

Because they used the profits from the opium trade to donate to these famous schools two hundred years ago, and their descendants went to study in these famous schools. The class solidification is just like the aristocratic families of the Han and Tang Dynasties in China.

In addition, these opium profits were also invested in the construction of hospitals, railways, and factories, which helped the rapid growth of the national strength of the United States. The World War I directly attracted the attention of the world.

Blankfein said: "The ancestor of the Forbes family, John Murray Forbes, went to China to seek gold in his early years and became one of the main partners of Qichang Foreign Firm.

At that time, he also got the help of Thirteen Hong merchant Wu Bingjian. In the middle of the 19th century, he returned to the United States to invest in railways and real estate, becoming a railway tycoon. He also brought Wu Bingjian's funds to the United States for investment.

Go to the Forbes Museum some other day, there is a portrait of Wu Bingjian in it. "

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, a comprador, you asked me to pay homage to you while riding a horse, but I pay homage to a hammer.

"The cooperation between the United States and China has a history of hundreds of years, almost throughout the history of the United States.

Darren, we need to strengthen our cooperation in the future, maybe it will be a good story in a few decades or a hundred years. "Said Mack.

Blankfein nodded in agreement, "That's right, you can see that these families, through cooperation with China, have been passed down for hundreds of years and are still active at the top. The cooperation between the two countries breeds unlimited business opportunities."

"Yeah! You are so right! We should cooperate more!"

Xia Jingxing looked at the two of them with a smile. He had already made up his mind that he would build a family museum in the future and hang up the portraits of the two CEOs of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to tell future generations how the CEOs of the two investment banks helped Your ancestors shorted subprime mortgages and searched for the fat and anointing of the American people.

Two hundred years of reincarnation, retribution is not good!

If he used to think that shorting subprime mortgages was not so benevolent, then he has no psychological burden now. The Chinese are still too kind, and they are always restricted by the rules of benevolence, justice and morality that have been passed down for thousands of years.

Shorting subprime mortgages only indirectly makes the American people have no houses to live in. The main culprit is the United States itself, and it does not want human life.

The opium trade, how many people's lives have been hurt, and how many families have been ruined.

Decades later, it doesn't matter that his reputation has become a mess in the United States, those opium dealers have a bad reputation in China, and there are Internet writers editing them, but in the United States, they are great benevolent people and donors to famous universities , descendants of princes and princes for generations...

Reading history makes people wise. It seems that he also wants to learn from opium dealers like Forbes, make some dignitaries in the United States, share some profits, and then hollow out the American economy to develop new technologies in China.

The more Xia Jingxing thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

"These rich merchant elites engaged in trade with China in the early days formed the commercial aristocracy of Boston.

Their family members went to the same university, worshiped in the same church, intermarried with each other, and were closely intertwined through blood, marriage, religion, and business, which profoundly affected American history. "

Blankfein looked at Xia Jingxing, and said again: "Today, the members of these big families include scientific and cultural elites, industrial and commercial tycoons, many American leaders, a large number of members of Congress, judges, governors, etc."

Xia Jingxing nodded, this is the origin of "Boston Brahman".

Below these people are the white middle class and white trash.

The white middle class is divided into high, high and low. The grassroots civil servants, company employees, and teachers are considered to be the middle and low-end groups; the high-end mainly refers to doctors and lawyers, various financial elites, and prestigious tenured university professors.

The white garbage is divided into several layers. The lowest level is the homeless. The slightly better ones are engaged in relatively low-end jobs. Many of them are not full-time, or deliberately do not look for full-time jobs in order to meet the standard of receiving government subsidies.

"Let me tell you another gossip, the father of John Forbes Kerry is actually a descendant of German immigrants. His original surname was "Cohen", with a strong Jewish color.

Later, in order to better integrate into the mainstream American society, Kerry's grandfather changed "Cohen" to "Kerry".

Look at Kerry's long face, it looks very Jewish.

Later, Grandpa Kerry, who made a fortune in the American gold rush, paid special attention to his education.

As a successful diplomat, Kerry's father, an outstanding elite who is not a "blue blood", took great pains to marry a lady from the "Boston blue blood family".

Therefore, after marriage, Kerry's mother was not willing to give up her noble surname Forbes, but used it side by side with her husband's surname, and seriously passed it on to her son John Forbes Kerry. "

Xia Jingxing asked with a smile, "Then, does the surname Forbes bring any benefits to Kerry?"

Blankfein chuckled, "A benefit? It helped him successfully join the Skull and Bones at Yale University when he was in college in the last century, and accumulated a lot of contacts for his future political career. Is this considered a benefit?"

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, this is Democratic America.

In China, since the reform of Shang Yang and the implementation of the prefecture and county system, there has been a system of promoting meritorious deeds, which later developed into an imperial examination system, and got rid of the feudal system of the royal family and nobles very early.

The constitutional monarchy system and royal privileges retained by European countries are the remnants of feudalism.

The blue-blooded nobles in the United States are also feudal remnants, that is, the collusion between property and marriage power.

From the perspective of political civilization, China's political system is much more advanced than Western political systems.

Blankfein grew up in a low-rent housing area in New York, his father was a mail sorter, and he didn't like the blue-blooded aristocrats who sometimes showed a sense of superiority.

Mack is the second generation of Lebanese immigrants and has suffered from discrimination since he was a child.

Therefore, there is no pressure for the two to complain about the blue-blooded nobles.

Xia Jingxing was also happy to hear some gossip from the upper class in the United States.

In this pleasant atmosphere, the three of them quickly finished greeting each other.

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