My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and thirty nine, wind

Chapter 836

After a few days.

40 Wall Street.

With a folder between his hands, Liu Hai hurriedly pushed open the door of Xia Jingxing's office, and saw this scene as soon as he walked in.

A blond girl with a graceful figure sat leaning on Xia Jingxing's lap, hugging his neck affectionately.

"Heck, stop scratching, itchy!"

Seeing the sudden intrusion of bangs, the woman's silver-like smile stopped abruptly.

Xia Jingxing noticed that Ivanka became quiet suddenly, and sensed that something was wrong. He moved his head away from the tall tower in front of him, and then saw Liu Hai who was frozen in place, motionless.

"It's okay, you go ahead, I'll come back later."

Liu Hai's brain stopped functioning for two seconds, and then he reacted quickly.

He was about to leave the office when Xia Jingxing stopped him, "Wait!"

Liu Hai stopped immediately and stood where he was.

"Go! I'll look for you again tonight."

Xia Jingxing patted Ivanka's round buttocks, immediately drawing a pair of big white eyes.

Ivanka stood up without any panic. She straightened her messy clothes and hair, glanced at her bangs, and walked out with a smile on her lips.

Hearing the sound of high-heeled shoes touching the ground in the distance, Liu Hai glanced behind him, and saw that the door had been gently closed.

He turned his head and saw Xia Jingxing who was looking at him with a smile but not a smile. Liu Hai said very embarrassedly: "Jing Xing, I'm sorry, I was too anxious and forgot to knock on the door."

Although he said so on the surface, Liu Hai was complaining in his heart, why didn't he lock the door behind him when he was doing business? I was really unlucky, fortunately I didn't see anything less inappropriate.

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It's okay, you are not an outsider."

Hearing this, Liu Hai's heart warmed up, Jing Xing was taking himself as his confidant.

In fact, Liu Hai had already become Xia Jingxing's most trusted person in the company, including the acquisition of the building under his feet, the construction of the Palace of Spring, and the establishment of the S Fund... All these things were Liu Hai's busy schedule.

As for today's scene, Liu Hai was not too surprised. He had contacted Ivanka before, and he had already guessed that she might have a story with the boss.

What he saw today undoubtedly confirmed his guess.

"What's in your hand?" Xia Jingxing pointed to the folder in Liu Hai's hand, guessing that the latter might have something important to do with him, so he didn't leave Ivanka to continue flirting, after all, work is the most important thing.

"The guests who attended the banquet that day have all given their answers,

This is the statistical fund subscription form. "

Liu Hai approached the desk, handed the document to Xia Jingxing, suddenly saw the lipstick mark on the latter's cheek, and didn't know whether he should remind him.

After thinking about it, he decided to remind him: "That...Jing have something on your face."

Xia Jingxing wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, and then saw the mark on the back of his hand.

He didn't speak, just randomly took a piece of paper from the table and wiped his face. After cleaning up, he began to seriously check the report in his hand.

The previous charms were just adjustments in life, and the documents in his hands are the foundation of a man's life. He can still tell which is more important.

Liu Hai watched all this silently from the side, and nodded secretly. He wanted to remind the boss not to be too obsessed with flowers, but it seems that the boss can understand clearly.

"These blue-blooded nobles are not very good. At a glance, they are full of 5 million or 10 million."

Xia Jingxing casually threw the documents on the table. To be honest, he felt that he had overestimated the financial resources of this group of dignitaries.

Liu Hai laughed and said, "It's definitely not comparable to you, but compared to ordinary Americans, they are very rich.

Before taking public office, these people are generally corporate executives or lawyers, and their income is not low.

After retiring from public office, they usually serve as consultants for some large companies, which can be regarded as a return for the "help" provided by large companies to public officials while they are in office.

Large companies will also invite them to give speeches, paid speeches, and for members of parliamentarians and above, the one-hour appearance fee can reach tens of thousands of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is reasonable and legal.

Or write the memoirs of the commander-in-chief like Zipperton, and publish books. You know, people at the bottom of the United States like to read these interesting stories from the upper class. The royalties are very expensive, often tens of millions of dollars.

Of course, what I am talking about here is the income on the bright side, but secretly it is too much.

If you observe carefully, you will find that their children have the same life trajectory as them. After graduating from an Ivy League school, they go to Wall Street and become lawyers.

Relying on parental relationships, promotion opportunities and salaries are far superior to others, because those big bosses are supporters of their parents.

When these people are in their thirties or forties and earn enough money, they will go back to the old path of their parents and enter the political arena. While refreshing their resumes, they will inherit political resources, pave the way for the next generation, and maintain their family status...

This is a cycle, which is a bit like the aristocratic family in ancient China. "

Xia Jingxing applauded lightly, "The analysis is very thorough! Very American!"

Liu Hai sneered, "What is this? Military spending is a real bottomless pit, and we have to fight bad battles every year.

This year's budget has come out. Afghanistan and Iraq alone will invest 127 billion US dollars. Now more than 600 billion US dollars have been invested in the two battlefields. I don't know how many military contractors' pockets have been enriched. It is estimated that it will not be a few trillion US dollars. Get in, this isn't going to end anytime soon. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It's normal, if you have a big family and a big business, you can't make a lot of effort and leave it to the next generation?"

Liu Hai pursed his lips and smiled, "Okay, don't feel too little, the life of the blue-blood nobles is not easy these days, and the landlord's family has no surplus food.

Of course, they have just come into contact with Envision Capital, so they will definitely have some reservations.

As long as this S fund can create a good rate of return, a lot of money will flow in. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, Liu Hai was right, if these people's pockets were to be drained, they had to taste something sweet.

"Counting a few business families that have invested tens of millions of dollars, the intention subscription of more than one hundred households is only more than one billion dollars, which is far below our expected 3 billion dollars."

Liu Hai sighed, shook his head and said, "There is no other way. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have contacted many people, but our reputation is still not good enough to attract so much capital. Besides, you require LP to only need powerful capital, and The wider the coverage, the better."

Xia Jingxing didn't say a word. This kind of profit sharing and alliance naturally requires both rain and dew. There are many people who are powerful.

"It will be fine after this year, the Lixia Fund will soon enter the liquidation period, you should work harder and strive to create a 60-fold rate of return.

At that time, the whole Wall Street will know that a talented investment manager has turned out with a star fund, and Vision Capital can also use this to make a name for itself. "

Liu Hai smiled modestly, "How dare I call it a genius, it's all because of your good guidance."

Others don't know the inside story, but Liu Hai, as the party involved, can be regarded as witnessing how Xia Jingxing gained more than 50 times the rate of return. There is no other better adjective to evaluate besides "fucking".

"Well, apart from these individual LPs, the remaining vacancies of the S Fund will be filled by several institutional LPs, such as pension funds and university endowment funds."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing remembered something, and said again: "Let's contact the Stanford University Endowment Fund first, they have supported us since the first fund, and they can be regarded as old friends.

Some time ago, we did something that I felt sorry for them. "

Liu Hai's eyes were rounded, and he said with a puzzled expression: "Why do you feel sorry for them? We helped them earn a lot of money, so why not feel sorry for them?"

Xia Jingxing chuckled, "The 200 million US dollars of the Sequoia China Phase I Fund was all invested by Stanford University, and they are the only LP."

Liu Hai was speechless for a moment. This kind of thing can happen. Vision Capital gave Stanford a blood transfusion, and at the same time gave Stanford a bloodletting.

He knew how Xia Jingxing dealt with Sequoia in China, the fund was about to be ruined, and the LP behind it, Stanford, suffered an unwarranted disaster.

"People from Stanford didn't talk to you?" Liu Hai joked.

Xia Jingxing shrugged, "Why are you looking for me? Bullets don't have eyes on the battlefield. If you want to blame, you can blame Stanford himself for shooting randomly."

Liu Hai smiled, "I reckon, after they know this, they should value you more, because it's too dangerous to be your enemy, it's better to be friends!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, because of this matter, the old man John, who hadn't contacted him for a long time, even called him himself, but he didn't have the slightest intention of incriminating him, and only made one request: think about his alma mater when raising funds.

Anyway, everyone's money is money, and he has a romantic relationship with Stanford, so he happily agreed to Old John's request.

The Stanford University Endowment Fund has a scale of tens of billions of dollars. It is a rich man and an object that can be drawn into socialist construction.

In fact, in reality, Stanford University has invested in many Chinese VCs and PEs, including Gao Ling, Sequoia, CDH, Jingwei, Hony and so on.

Many of the dividends from China's technological growth have been taken away by American capital. This is because many founders and investment managers studied in the United States and can only get money in the United States, and the early Chinese Internet also directly copied the United States.

"Okay, hurry up and get busy. Get the S fund affairs in order as soon as possible, so I can feel more at ease."

Liu Hai nodded, and was about to leave when the phone rang in his pocket, and he answered it.

"What? Okay, okay, I see, you keep staring."

Liu Hai looked happy, and after hastily hung up the phone, he said with a very excited expression: "Daren, please read the news. New Century Financial Corporation issued a profit warning for the fourth quarter, and HSBC Holdings announced an additional increase in US subprime housing loan reserves." $7 billion in gold."

Xia Jingxing was startled at first, and then smiled very brightly.

After waiting for so long, is it finally windy?

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