My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and forty-seven, small SuperMan

"Mr. Xia, this is the founder of Hengtai Group, Mr. Xu Tingyin."

Following Zhu Xinli's introduction, Brother Hermès, who trotted over, quickly held out his hands to Xia Jingxing, with a low posture, and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xia, hello, hello."

Xia Jingxing shook hands with Xu Tingyin with a smile, and then looked at this "Five Tigers of South China".

Hengtai is not yet a real estate overlord with trillions in debt in the future, but a well-known regional real estate company.

He didn't know what Xu Tingyin asked him to do, but he guessed that it was mostly to solicit investment. After all, for a real estate developer, he has nothing but money.

"President Xu also came to watch the launch of Huiyuan Juice today?" Xia Jingxing asked.

Xu Tingyin nodded with a smile. Watching the ceremony was just an excuse on the surface. In fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to get acquainted with some capital.

Stimulated by R\u0026F and Agile's successive listings in Hong Kong stocks, Xu Tingyin also thought about the addiction of listing Hong Kong stocks.

At present, the attitude and valuation of A-shares to real estate companies are not very friendly, and Hong Kong stocks are the first choice for mainland real estate companies to list.

But before going public, Hengtai must introduce strategic investors.

With the money, they can buy a large amount of land and lay the foundation for the valuation of the listing through the rapidly expanding land bank.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing asked a question and suddenly stopped talking, Xu Tingyin hurriedly said in order not to be cold, "Today's listing ceremony is very grand. After watching it, I am very moved and a little envious."

Xu Tingyin turned his head to look at Zhu Xinli, and held out his hand with a smile on his face: "I haven't had time to congratulate my brother, congratulations, your career has reached a new level."

Zhu Xinli laughed loudly, and said while shaking hands: "You Mrs. Heng are coming too soon. The time to ring the bell is either this year or next year."

"Haha, I'm working hard and learning from you!" Xu Tingyin said modestly.

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips and smiled, you two are playing Errenzhuan in front of me? Want to seduce me with the news of preparing to go public?

Seeing that Xia Jingxing kept silent and had a lukewarm attitude, Xu Tingyin felt a little anxious.

Why didn't he find someone else, but Xia Jingxing? It's not because of the halo of the richest man. At the same time, the news of Shunco's acquisition has spread throughout the real estate circle.

This is the real richest man! rich! Capital boss!

Xu Tingyin sighed in his heart,

Know that the richest man in front of you is not an ordinary young man. If he didn't take the initiative to speak up, Xia Jingxing probably wouldn't take the initiative to ask Hengtai about things after the show ended.

So, he had no choice but to be more passive, and took the initiative to talk: "Mr. Xia, I heard that you have acquired Sunco, and there are rumors that you plan to enter the real estate industry."

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "I have no idea of ​​entering the real estate circle, Sunco is just a conventional equity investment (acquisition) behavior."

"Oh, I see!"

Xu Tingyin smiled, "I'm just curious, Mr. Xia, you are engaged in high-tech and financial investment mergers and acquisitions, why are you suddenly interested in real estate?"

"It's just a routine operation! If Mr. Xu is interested in Sunco, we can cooperate in the future."

Xu Tingyin waved his hand quickly: "President Xia, you misunderstood, I have absolutely no idea about Sunco."

Zhu Xinli watched all this silently from the side, a little appreciative of Xia Jingxing's composure, and with a few words, he took the initiative in the negotiation.

Xu Tingyin also felt the maturity of the young man in front of him. After all, he had done such a great job, and he must not be underestimated just because of his age.

"Mr. Xia, I know there is a secluded private club nearby. The environment is not bad. I would like to treat you to a morning tea together. I wonder if you are free, Mr. Xia?"

Xu Tingyin glanced around, there were too many people talking, and it was not suitable to talk about too in-depth topics.

Xia Jingxing nodded, and replied happily, "Okay!"

Xu Tingyin was overjoyed, knowing that something was going on, he immediately led the way and led Xia Jingxing and his party out of the trading hall.

Zhu Xinli wanted to host the thank-you reception, so he didn't go with him, and he had only promised to help Xu Tingyin thread the needle, but now that the thread was threaded, there was nothing wrong with him.

Xu Tingyin took Xia Jingxing to the 13th floor of the Bank of China Building next door, where there is also a private club of the China Club.

The one in Beijing and the one in Singapore belong to the same organization. They were all founded by Deng Yongqiang, and weaved a network of Chinese entrepreneurs and executives covering the world.

Walking into the China Club Club, you will see dark red carpets, antique furniture, circular wooden stairs, art paintings on the walls, and some antiques in the hall.

Led by a waiter, Xu Tingyin led Xia Jingxing towards the stairs, and was about to go up to the second floor.

At this time, there was a sound of "tattling" upstairs, and a large group of people were about to go downstairs.

The indoor stairs are a bit narrow, and it would be indecent to squeeze in the stairwell, so Xia Jingxing and the others didn't go upstairs, and stood aside, ready to let the people who went downstairs pass first.

Li Yikai took his girlfriend and a few friends to finish their morning tea, talking and laughing, and was about to go downstairs to leave.

Suddenly, he saw Xia Jingxing standing downstairs, and his smile froze instantly.

"Richard, what's the matter with you?" Li Yikai's Chinese-English mixed-race girlfriend Luo Aixin noticed something strange about her boyfriend's expression.

"Isn't that Darren Xia?" Pan Disheng's daughter, Pan Chuying, was very surprised when she saw Xia Jingxing. She signed up for Facebook when she was studying at Harvard, and was the earliest user of Facebook.

"Where is where?"

Yang Shoucheng's niece, Yang Yongqing, was studying at Boston University and had heard of Xia Jingxing's name. After looking downstairs, she withdrew her eyes and said with a pursed mouth, "He's pretty handsome, but he's too serious, no Edison's temperament."

Hearing Edison's name, other celebrities, including Xing Jiaqian, He Chaoyi, Xie Tingting, Cai Jiayi, Huo Yongshi, Lu Tianer and other celebrities' eyes flashed, and they quickly returned to normal.

After all, they have all played one or more friendly matches against Edison, and suddenly they heard his real girlfriend named Edison, somewhat uncomfortable.

Li Yikai heard Zou Xuan mention Xia Jingxing, not only rejected the investment from their family fund, but also disrespected his old man very much.

After thinking about it, Li Yikai felt that since they met today, they couldn't act as if they didn't see anything.

Before his mother died, Li Yikai had always been a playboy, hanging out in nightclubs and bars all day long.

His mother passed away in 1990, and his father had an extra confidante, Zou Xuan.

In addition, there is a big brother in front of him, Li Yikai sensed the crisis, and obtained 400 million US dollars of venture capital from the old man, founded satellite TV in 1991, and sold it to Murder for 950 million US dollars after two years of operation. Doc earned the first pot of gold in his life.

Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the sons of mice can make holes.

Since then, Li Yikai has followed his father's path, hoarding all kinds of things, buying low and selling high. The Cyberport battle is the best proof, and he was awarded the title of little superman.

Of course, it was others who praised him.

He got a lot of land without spending a penny, instead of building a science and technology park, he went to his father's hard-core partner HSBC to get a loan of 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Snake Tunxiang acquired Hong Kong Island Telecom.

All these loans have no mortgage procedures, which are equivalent to swiping face cards. It is fooling people to stand on their own and not rely on their father.

After the merger and reorganization of Yingke and Telecom, No. 8 boy had a market value of nearly 600 billion at its peak, but now its market value has evaporated by 90%.

It was equivalent to stabbing a big basket, and in the end it was the old man who helped wipe his butt.

It is said that in order to raise enough funds for the acquisition of telecommunications, this guy sold the 20% stake in Penguin for 12.6 million US dollars.

At this time, Xia Jingxing also saw Li Yikai, instead of looking at each other, he turned his gaze to the people around him.

Good guy!

Xia Jingxing said that this group of celebrities looked a little familiar, so it turned out that they had seen the popular drama starring Guanxi and Komaeda in a previous life, and Komaeda was wearing a police uniform...

To be honest, most of these celebrities in Hong Kong circle are of average figure.

"Mr. Xia, I heard from Ms. Zou that you have some complaints about our family?"

Li Yikai led a group of people down the stairs, stood at the entrance of the corridor, and looked at Xia Jingxing.

The ladies around felt that they had eaten a big melon, and their expressions were different. Someone suddenly remembered that some time ago, after the news of Xia Jingxing's rebellion against Mu Zhixin spread to Hong Kong Island, Zou Xuan personally went off to criticize Xia Jingxing.

Combined with Li Yikai's behavior of discussing the explanation today, it seems that there is a real grudge.

Xu Tingyin glanced at Xia Jingxing, not knowing how the richest man in the mainland offended the richest family in Canada.

"I didn't accept the investment from the Li family, so I just have opinions on you?" Since Li Yikai questioned himself aggressively, then Xia Jingxing would not give him face. He stared at Li Yikai without showing any weakness, and the latter also looked at him with cold eyes. he.


Xia Jingxing laughed suddenly, "Second Young Master, you are overthinking, it is because your bid was too low, and you were overtaken by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

This is actually the same as when you do real estate. You need to keep the disk warm to sell it. "

Li Yikai immediately sensed the irony, and retorted: "Oh, you are in the high-tech industry, and you look down on those of us who are in the real estate industry."

Xia Jingxing was amused, and said with a smile on his face, "Second Young Master, you've got it wrong, it should be that you look down on the high-tech industry, the Cyberport land has a lot of office buildings and residences, but I haven't seen you attracting investment. "

Li Yikai stared at Xia Jingxing, his chest was burning with anger. Cyberport has now been completely reduced to a joke. Hong Kong Island's Silicon Valley dream has been shattered. , no one can touch.

Yang Yongqing and other celebrities looked at Xia Jingxing without blinking their eyes, why did they suddenly feel that he was more handsome than Guan Xi?

No matter how handsome Guan Xi is, would he dare to taunt Mr. Li Er with such a playful smile? Aren't you afraid of being taken to sink into the sea?

"If I remember correctly, Fuxing mobile phone is preparing to go on sale on a large scale, right? The Hong Kong Island market is not so easy to eat, Mr. Xia can do it for himself!"

After speaking, Li Yikai prepared to leave with a group of people.

Xia Jingxing understood the threat, and said with a light smile, "Your little mother also told me to take care of myself, but I didn't see her act."

Mom! ! !

Li Yikai stopped the steps he had just taken, and the blood rushed to the top of his head, and his whole body was about to explode.

At most, he called Zou Xuan "Aunt Zou" in front of the old man to make the old man happy, but he never regarded Zou Xuan as his little mother.

He was about to turn around and scold Xia Jingxing, but was stopped by his mixed-race girlfriend.

As a professional lawyer, Luo Aixin was very calm. She stared at Xia Jingxing and said, "Mr. Xia, you have to be responsible for what you said. I think you are attacking Ms. Zou Xuan personally and violating her right to reputation. law……"

Li Yikai also reacted at this time, yes, you can sue!

So he followed his girlfriend and shouted loudly: "You wait to receive a court summons! If you don't publish your apology in the newspaper, this matter will never end!"

Xia Jingxing still looked confident, even more arrogant than Brother Wufly, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, hurry up and sue, and see if your father doesn't break your leg."

The reason why he said this was that Xia Jingxing knew very well that old man Li didn't want to make the matter of him and his confidante known to the whole world, and it was too late to cover it up. How could it be possible for Chinese people from all over the world to come and see his family as a joke.

People often say that the most beautiful thing is the red sunset, but old man Li has been shrewd all his life, how could he admit to Zou Xuan, or marry Zou Xuan, wouldn't it be nice to prostitute her for nothing?

Li Yikai also quickly figured out all this, and indeed he cannot sue! He was suddenly so angry that his liver hurt, and the bad breath in his chest was hard to get rid of.

"With our Li family in Hong Kong Island for a day, you don't want to earn a Hong Kong dollar on Hong Kong Island." In order not to show timidity, Li Yikai had to change the subject and continue to speak harshly.

Xia Jingxing's counterattack was also very straightforward: "Canadians, hurry up, Hong Kong Island of China does not need you foreigners."

Hearing the noisy movement, many employees and members in the club gathered around at this time.

Seeing this, Li Yikai didn't want to make news, so he didn't stay any longer, and quickly slipped away with a group of celebrities.

Xu Tingyin glanced at Xia Jingxing with complicated eyes. He didn't know how to comment. He was so slick and immature.

However, Mr. Li's attitude is too lofty. Mr. Xia, whose career spans China and the United States, and who has flourished in the Internet, industry, and finance, do you need a meal from your Li family? I think too highly of myself.

After going upstairs and sitting down, neither of them mentioned what happened just now, as if it never happened.

After ordering some morning tea, the two chatted while eating.

"Mr. Xia, let me tell you the truth, now that Hengtai's development has reached a critical stage, we urgently need a large sum of money to expand before going public.

If Vision Capital is willing to invest in us, there will be returns within a year or two. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, he understood what Xu Tingyin meant, and wanted them to invest in a round of pre-ipo financing from Vision Capital, just like investing in Huiyuan Juice, with a high probability of making money.

"How much money do you want?" Xia Jingxing asked.

"Not much, 400 million US dollars is enough." Xu Tingyin glanced at Xia Jingxing, feeling uneasy in his heart. For Vision Capital, this should not be a big deal, right?

Xia Jingxing did not have the idea of ​​aggressively entering the real estate industry. The acquisition of Sunco was mainly for the staff housing plan, to give outstanding talents a shelter.

However, land sales are the main fiscal revenue of each region, and no one can shake this policy.

In this regard, he can only watch from the sidelines, and it would be good if he can manage his own one-acre three-point land.

The reason why he came to drink morning tea with Xu Tingyin was that he mainly wanted to talk to him about cooperation in the smart home business.

Real estate companies have mastered the users, and can sell hardcover houses that can be moved in with bags. When renovating the house, they can complete the installation of a complete set of smart homes, and even incorporate property services into the overall planning of the smart home system.

For users, this also saves time and effort, and the experience of a complete set of smart home is definitely better than three or two pieces of smart home in bulk, and it is easier to create a brand effect.

When Xia Jingxing told Xu Tingyin that Fuxing Industrial Group wanted to cooperate with Hengtai in smart home, Xu Tingyin was stunned for a long time, that's it?

"Mr. Xia... Do you want Mrs. Heng to help you sell appliances?" Xu Tingyin's eyes were complicated.

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It can be said that at the same time, we are also helping Hengtai build a more advantageous house. Let me tell you what Bill Gates' house is like..."

Listening to Xia Jingxing's introduction, Xu Tingyin smiled wryly, but it was difficult to interrupt.

After Xia Jingxing finished speaking, Xu Tingyin nodded: "It sounds really smart, full of sense of technology, and it is also the development trend of houses in the future."

Then he changed the subject: "But Mr. Xia, now that the real estate market is highly competitive and facing major policy adjustments, Hengtai is vying for a ticket to go public.

Only after the listing is completed, can Hengtai survive and become bigger and stronger.

And your smart home technology is still under development, it should take a few years to mature.

Mr. Xia, how about this, you invest in Hengtai, and we form a strategic partnership. From now on, all the buildings under Hengtai will be equipped with home appliances under Fuxing Group.

This is called strong alliance, cross-border cooperation!

Needless to say, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this can be done, Zhong! "

Xu Tingyin spoke his hometown dialect excitedly, because he suddenly thought that since Fuxing Group wanted Hengtai to bundle their products, it might develop into a long-term investor, which is much more reliable than those short-term speculative capital.

Xia Jingxing thought for a while, if the real estate companies were tied up according to the investment method, wouldn't it be necessary to invest in Yike, Green Longan and other real estate companies all at once.

Of course, investing in these real estate companies can definitely make money right now, but it is a bit too expensive.

"Or, when you go public, I'll let hedge funds invest in you?"

Xu Tingyin laughed awkwardly, is this riding a horse to fool a ghost? Do I still need funds when I go public? Moreover, hedge funds are not called investments, but stocks, and the funds have not entered Hengtai Company, unless it is a private placement.

"Mr. Xia, to be honest, Temasek, Merrill Lynch, and Deutsche Bank have already contacted us, and the two sides have actually talked for several rounds, but I still want to find a real strategic partner, not short-term speculative capital."

Xu Tingyin stretched out his thumb and index finger, and made a gesture: "Evaluation of 800 million US dollars, invest 400 million US dollars in, one-third of Hengtai's shares will be yours."

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