My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and fifty-six, if you don't move, you will be alone, and if you move, you will be

"It doesn't matter whether the name is elegant or not. It is always just a code name. The most important thing is that it is easy to remember and pronounce."

Xia Jingxing thought about the names of various online payment companies, and all of them could not escape the keywords such as "pay", "qian", "tong" and "bao".

The copper coins in ancient times were printed with so-and-so Tongbao.

The names of Huang Xinbao cannot be considered vulgar. The companies that pioneered the online payment platform must have considered how to name them to facilitate brand communication.

It's too elegant, but it's making things difficult for myself.

"Then I will collect opinions internally and try to come up with two names that are best remembered and pronounced."

Huang Xin smiled. His family also knew that his naming skills were not good enough, so he planned to gather the strengths of all the families.

Xia Jingxing nodded with a smile. The online payment platform is a standard configuration of the giants. Sooner or later, they have to start it. It is not too late for them to do it now. Tenpay was only launched the year before last, and Alipay was born a year earlier in 2004.

However, everyone is at the same level at present, and the gap is not that big.

Alipay may develop faster, because the usage scenarios of e-commerce are stronger than virtual currency recharge and game props trading.

But when the market share is really determined, we have to wait until the mobile Internet era.

"Mr. Xia, I went to South Korea last month and inspected the game companies there. I found two good games. We can consider winning the agency rights in the mainland market."

Wu Yimin laughed and said: "Shanda and Ninetowns started their business by acting as an agent of games. At present, our research and development capabilities and experience are insufficient. Acting games, strengthening ourselves, and strengthening self-development are the only way to grow from weak to strong. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, evaluating objectively, it is difficult for the game team of to squeeze into the second echelon of the industry, let alone the first echelon.

It is also an indisputable fact that Chinese game teams at this time are generally weaker than Korean teams.

The agency game is one of the development strategies he has set before.

He was suddenly curious about which two games Wu Yimin had his eyes on.

"Okay, tell me about the two games you like!"

Wu Yimin nodded and began to introduce: "The first game is called "Cross Fire".

It is an FPS first-person shooter game jointly created by SmileGate and Neowiz.

The developer, Shimankai, is a small company that was established last year with only 33 people.

Neowiz is the number one publisher in Korea.

Because of this, from the beginning of the development of this game last year, Smeek invited Neowiz to participate in the planning and development of the client and server.

The game has not been developed yet, but it is nearing the end, and the public beta will start in South Korea around the middle of this year.

CS Counter-Strike is very popular in China, boys, there is no one who doesn't like gun games.

Moreover, "Cross Fire" is an online game, and it is no longer limited to the regional network. Players from all over the world can gather in one room, which will be more interactive and interesting.

I estimate that this game must have a big market in China.

Moreover, Shimankai is only a small company, and the game agency fee will not be particularly high. It is very suitable as our first agency game. We can also take this opportunity to practice our skills and soldiers. "

Xia Jingxing didn't know that in his previous life, Wu Yimin was the person in charge of "Cross Fire" represented by Penguin. He only thought that he was lucky and went to Korea to find a treasure.

"What about the second game?" Xia Jingxing looked at Wu Yimin with a smile, his expectations for the latter were getting higher and higher.

""Battlefield King", referred to as AVA, is a shooting game developed by the well-known Korean manufacturer Redduck using the Unreal 3 engine. Having seen the semi-finished product, it is definitely a high-quality work.”

Huang Xin frowned and said, "Isn't there already a shooting game? If we introduce another one, it won't be a battle between left and right?"

Wu Yimin shook his head: "No, it's double insurance. There must be a market for shooting games in China, but they are both shooting games, so the level must be different.

In my opinion, the quality of "King of Battlefield" is still higher than that of "Cross Fire".

If we introduce "Cross Fire" and domestic competitors introduce "King of Battlefield", it will be very bad for us. "

Huang Xin felt that even if the company had money, it couldn't be ruined like this, and was about to speak up to object, but Xia Jingxing waved his hand to stop it.

"Have you discussed the agency fees for these two games? Can you synchronize the closed beta with South Korea?"

Wu Yimin shook his head violently: "Impossible, Korea has always been the first to go online, followed by China, depending on the popularity of the related game in Korea, then negotiate the agency price."

Xia Jingxing didn't say a word, he heard an interesting news in his previous life, Penguin acted as an agent for "Lord of the Battlefield", and South Korea gave him a copy of "Cross Fire".

As a result, "Cross Fire" became popular, and "King of Battlefield" became cold.

Things are so impermanent!

"Besides these two games, have you seen any good games or companies in Korea?" Xia Jingxing asked.

Wu Yimin thought that Xia Jingxing was too greedy, and persuaded him: "Mr. Xia, the agency game also needs to be localized, improved, and operated. It is almost the limit for us to agent two games at the same time."

"It's okay, I'll just ask, and the decision to introduce which games has to be weighed again."

Wu Yimin said "Oh", and then continued to introduce: "The Korean game industry is very developed, there are many giants, and there are even more well-known game manufacturers.

Webzen, the developer of "Miracle";

NCsoft, developer of Paradise;

The developers of "Legend" are ActozSoft and Wemade Entertainment Virtue;

Nexon, the developer of well-known games such as BNB, Rocky, MapleStory, and Kart Run;

Neople, the developer of Dungeon \u0026 Fighter…”

Hearing a special name, Xia Jingxing hurriedly stopped: "Wait, the developer of "Dungeon and Fighter" is a well-known manufacturer. Is this game very popular in Korea?"

Wu Yimin smiled and replied: "Yes, this game is very popular. It was launched in Korea in August 2005. The number of concurrent users of the Korean server has reached 150,000. For national online games.

At the same time, they are also the first online game product in the industry that successfully combines 2D fighting horizontal version and role-playing, which can be regarded as creating a new model of online game development and operation.

I heard that Penguin, Ninetowns, Shanda, Jiuyou, and Lianzhong are all vying for the mainland agency rights of this game, but there has been no movement for so long, probably because the agency fees cannot be negotiated! "

Huang Xin interjected: "Why? It's been popular in Korea for more than a year, and no manufacturer has made up their minds to introduce it to China? If it were me, I'd spend a lot of money to grab it!"

Huang Xin's words once again exposed his amateurishness, Wu Yimin smiled wryly: "The reason is this, but games are popular in Korea, but they may not be popular in China.

"Legend" was lukewarm in South Korea, but became a hit in China.

"Paradise" is as popular in South Korea as "Legend" in China. What happened?

After "Paradise" was introduced to China, the highest number of online users was 10,000, and the number of online "Legend" reached 500,000 during the same period.

Therefore, there is a certain risk in introducing a game that is popular in Korea at a high price.

In particular, Korean games have become very popular in the Chinese market in recent years, and Koreans' asking prices have become more and more outrageous.

If the game is really popular later, it is understandable to ask for an increase in agency fees when renewing the contract.

But now they come up with a sky-high price, who wants to be taken advantage of?

I guess, "Dungeon and Fighter" is in such a stalemate, the price cannot be negotiated, and these domestic game manufacturers are also hesitant. "

Huang Xin nodded: "I see, it seems that the game industry is also very deep, and every agent is an adventure."


Wu Yimin sighed: "It's like five or six years ago, when domestic online games were just starting, and when they came back as an agent for a foreign online game, the money flowed into their pockets.

Not anymore!

Users are also growing, and their tastes are becoming more and more sophisticated. They used to only ask for "satisfaction", but now they also ask for "eat well".

In short, the game agency fees have already risen, and it is almost impossible to imagine leaks like Chen Tianqiao did back then. "

"Don't say it, Chen Tianqiao is really lucky!" Huang Xin said enviously.

"That's right! "Legend" made him a legend." Wu Yimin agreed, eyes full of envy.

"Don't talk too far! Let me tell you a word, the money earned by luck will eventually be lost by strength."

Hearing Xia Jingxing's words, the two of them nodded repeatedly on the surface, but they still didn't think so in their hearts. Today's Shanda is in its heyday, and the entire game industry is almost suffocated. There is no sign of decline.

Xia Jingxing tapped his fingers on the table. Those who are familiar with him know that this is a sign of serious thinking.

Huang Xin and Wu Yimin didn't dare to disturb, they waited quietly aside.

"Take "Cross Fire" and "Dungeon and Fighter"!"

Hearing this result, Wu Yimin was a little surprised, and asked: "Mr. Xia, is it better to replace it with "The King of Battlefield"?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, and said resolutely, "No, let's make 'Cross Fire'."

Wu Yimin pondered for a moment, and said: "It's okay to say that "Dungeon and Fighter" can participate in the competition, but "Cross Fire" will have to wait for the first half of the year, when the game is launched in Korea before we can discuss representation."

"There is no need to consider these. When I say "take down", I mean take down both companies."

Wu Yimin was taken aback for a moment, then stammered: "Accept...Acquisition?"

"Then why not?"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Koreans have a bad habit. If the game becomes more popular, the price will be raised from the ground. I will bring them all the pot. Let's see what else they eat!"

It was only then that Wu Yimin remembered that the boss in front of him was not only the big boss of, but also the richest man in China, enjoying a great reputation in the world.

The acquisition of two game companies is nothing more than sprinkled water.

"Mr. Xia, Neople is considered a medium-sized manufacturer, and it also has a good masterpiece "Dungeon and Fighter", so it makes sense to acquire them.

However, Shimankai is just a small company, and "Cross Fire" has not yet launched, so the acquisition has certain risks and may not be valuable. "Wu Yimin persuaded.

"Because of this, the purchase price is low. Didn't you say that shooting games are promising? Even if "Cross Fire" failed in the end, this team has gained experience and can continue to develop shooting games as our FPS studio. "

Xia Jingxing glanced across the cheeks of Wu Yimin, Huang Xin, and other executives of Haineiwang, and said word by word: "We play games on Haineiwang. If you don't move, you will be fine, and if you move, you will be thunderous!"

All the senior executives had solemn expressions, and instantly realized the power of the "money ability".

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