My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and ninety-two, they owe us

In late March, Li Yaozu and Wu Yimin, who had been away on business for nearly two months, finally led the team back.

Xia Jingxing and Huang Xin led a group of employees from the domestic online game department to welcome the acquisition team at the door of the company, which had been traveling abroad for a long time and finally returned triumphantly.

"Mr. Xia and Mr. Huang, luckily they fulfilled their mission!"

Seeing the boss and so many colleagues welcoming him and others in such a grand manner, Wu Yimin and the employees of in the acquisition team were a little moved.

"Everyone has worked hard!"

Huang Xin stepped forward to shake hands with Wu Yimin and others one by one.

Xia Jingxing shook hands with Li Yaozu and other Envision Capital employees one by one, and said a few words of encouragement.

After the ceremony was over, other members of the acquisition team went to rest one by one. Li Yaozu and Wu Yimin walked into the meeting room together, and reported the work results of this trip to Xia Jingxing and Huang Xin.

"The mainland agency rights of the two games "Cross Fire" and "Dungeon and Warriors" have been authorized to Haineiwang."

Wu Yimin was the first to report, "If we hurry up, the public beta of "Dungeon and Fighter" can be launched in China in the second half of the year, while "Cross Fire" is still in the final development, and the domestic public beta is expected to wait until next year."

Huang Xin smiled slightly, "Then let's arrange it like this. One online game will be launched every year, and "Dungeon and Warriors" will be launched first this year."

After speaking, Huang Xin looked at Xia Jingxing again and asked for his opinion.

"I have no objection, it's just that DNF is the first online game we've launched, so we must do enough preparations to make it an instant hit!"

"President Xia, don't worry, the Korean company..."

Halfway through the conversation, Wu Yimin realized that Neople had been acquired, so he changed his words, "Neople will send employees to China to guide on how to promote and operate games."

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "The Koreans don't understand our national conditions. They can listen to their opinions, but they can't listen to everything. You have to pay attention to discrimination and independent thinking."

Wu Yimin nodded, "President Xia, I will pay attention."

Immediately afterwards, Li Yaozu reported again: "We first acquired Shimankai at a price of 10 million US dollars, and then bought Neople at a price of 250 million US dollars.

And injected $20 million into each of the two companies...

The process of taking over the two companies went smoothly. We raised the salaries of the employees of the two companies and changed the original bonus distribution model. The employees of the two companies were very satisfied with this, and there was no large-scale employee turnover.

In addition, according to the agreement, the founders of the two companies have not resigned for the time being, and will serve as consultants to assist us in completing the transition work before leaving.

At the same time, we inspected the executives and middle managers of the two companies, and retained some of them.

In addition to entrusting headhunters for recruitment, we plan to send employees from the Hainei online game department to South Korea for work exchanges..."

Listening to Li Yaozu's work report, Xia Jingxing nodded from time to time, expressing his satisfaction with his work results.

The reason why the acquisition team didn't return home until almost two months was because they were dealing with these chores.

The acquisition is just the beginning. After the acquisition, it is necessary to manage and integrate the resources of the two companies, and smoothly complete the transfer of management rights.

Two companies, Shimankai and Neople, actually have little to do with Haineiwang. These two companies were acquired by an overseas company jointly established by Xia Jingxing and Chen Hong.

However, dispatched employees from the game department to assist in the acquisition, and obtained the game agency rights of the two companies, so Huang Xin and Wu Yimin also listened for a while.

But soon, Huang Xin and Wu Yimin came to their senses. To avoid suspicion, they left and left. Only Li Yaozu and Xia Jingxing were left in the conference room.

Without the presence of outsiders, Li Yaozu didn't have so many scruples in speaking, and reported the details of the two companies to Xia Jingxing.

"Mr. Xia, because Shimankai's "Cross Fire" is still under development, and the loan qualifications are not enough. Among the 300 million US dollars of acquisition funds we raised, the 200 million US dollars of debts all fell on Neople, causing this company The company's debt ratio is very high.

Neople currently only has an annual profit of less than 20 million US dollars, and the debt repayment pressure is not small.

According to the loan agreement, we have pledged most of Neople's equity, and all operating profits need to be used to repay the loan every year.

This leads to a problem. In the next few years, Neople has no spare time to develop new games. "

Li Yaozu paused, and said with a serious face: "I didn't dare to tell Neople's staff this news, for fear that they would leave in large numbers if they found out."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Your approach is correct. Employees definitely want to stay in a financially well-off company. If they can't develop new games, they can't earn project commissions, and the company's growth is extremely limited.

If I were a Neople employee, I would leave this company with no potential. "

Li Yaozu smiled, "But you don't need to worry about this for now! I told the Koreans that the company's major shareholder is the founder of Facebook and the richest man in China. They were all very excited and felt that they had thick legs. .”

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly: "Haha, you are really good at taking advantage of the situation."

Li Yaozu said disapprovingly, "This is the truth, and I didn't lie to them. The main reason is that Mr. Xia's reputation is so great that it has spread to South Korea."

Xia Jingxing smiled, he had a feeling that Li Yaozu was cornering a corner to flatter him, in the ancient times, this kid must be a jester.

However, he didn't dislike Li Yaozu using his name to fool the Koreans, and to make cakes for the Koreans.

On the contrary, he still appreciates this kind of behavior, and stabilizing people's hearts is the first priority right now. Don't buy the company first, and then all the employees will run away. That kind of acquisition is undoubtedly a failure.

"Neople has developed "Dungeon and Fighter" after all, and the loss of some employees will not cause catastrophic consequences. What we really need to pay attention to is Shiman Kai. Their valuable asset is the "Cross Fire" that is still under development .

After the acquisition work was over, I put most of my energy on Smankai. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "Thank you for your hard work. You really need to focus more on Shi Mankai and watch them complete the game development. This is the top priority."

Li Yaozu nodded, and then suddenly said with a serious face: "Speaking of which, Shimankai is doing well, there is no debt pressure, what I am really worried about is Neople.

It's not that I'm worried about losing employees, or that the game is going wrong, I'm most worried about the debt issue.

Mr. Xia, if this overseas investment is to be rewarded, the Korean market is basically hopeless. DNF is struggling to survive in Korea with a net profit of 20 to 30 million US dollars a year. It will take ten years to pay off all the debts. "

Xia Jingxing raised his chin, motioning for Li Yaozu to continue.

"We can only find a way in the Chinese market!"

Li Yaozu looked left and right, then suddenly lowered his voice: "To be more precise, we can only find a solution on the mainland agency agreement.

The agency agreement we signed with is a friendly price, no problem! But if DNF's operations are booming in China, the share ratio must be increased when renewing the contract.

Only then will Neople be able to pay off its debts and the investment will be profitable.

In the same way, Smankai is the same. Whether the investment can make a profit can only rely on the mainland market.

Of course, I am considering the issue from the perspective of two game companies and Envision Capital.

Vision Capital is also a shareholder of, how to balance interests may require Mr. Xia to have a headache. "

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, "You can see quite far away."

Li Yaozu smiled, stopped talking, just pointed out the problem, if he said any more, he would be suspected of telling tales.

Seeing that Li Yaozu is a smart little ghost, and this time the matter was handled pretty well, Xia Jingxing decided to say a few more words to him: "You are right! That's right, the investment profit can only be counted on the mainland market, and the two games are not well-known right now. Obviously, it is not good to ask for too high a share ratio.

However, as you said, if the game is popular, it is natural to modify the agency agreement, which is understandable. Although Vision Capital has shares in both companies, we also have to follow the rules.

However, don't think too much about it right now, just manage the two game companies well, and leave the rest to me and the shareholders of Haineiwang. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing's heart was like a mirror, Li Yaozu stopped talking too much.

Xia Jingxing calculated and thought carefully in his heart.

Vision Capital holds 62.86% of the shares of, and 20% of the shares belong to the Liqiu No. 2 Fund. He holds about 65% of the fund shares of Liqiu No. 2. After the equity penetration, he personally holds a total of 55.9% of the shares of .

As for the two companies, Shiman Kai and Neople, the entire share belongs to the fund under his personal control, which holds 80% of the shares.

If the benefits are distributed around the two games, he is naturally more inclined to distribute more between the two game companies.

However, he is too lazy to care about these petty profits. After the two games become popular in China, the shareholders of will naturally ask for the acquisition, and then he will follow suit and agree.

This will not only solve the problem of profit distribution, but also increase the shareholding ratio of Vision Capital and his own in

This problem is not difficult. The most important thing is to let operate the two games well in the mainland.

After Li Yaozu left, Xia Jingxing called Huang Xin to discuss the operation of the two games together.

"Hainei lacks experience in operating large-scale online games?"

Huang Xin said with a smile: "It's easy. Let's go find people from Shanda, Penguin, and Ninetowns. They have experience in operating localized online games as agents. Shanda, in particular, has the most abundant game talent reserves, which can be called a gold mine of talents.

I heard that these three companies blocked our acquisition of Neople in South Korea this time, so I just wanted to give them some color, otherwise I thought we were afraid of them. "

Huang Xin sneered again and again, acting very belligerent.

Xia Jingxing didn't care much about the acquisition being attacked, but Huang Xin was always thinking about it, thinking about how to get back his position.

"Revenge is not the goal! A battle of emotions is not advisable!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "However, if you put it this way, we really need the help of the three companies to recruit suitable operators."

Huang Xin laughed loudly, "That's right, we want to enter the online game industry, and we cannot avoid competition with these three companies, especially Big Brother Shanda.

Even if they don't snipe us this time, sooner or later we will invade their territory.

Having said that, this also belongs to the normal circulation of talents in the industry. Shouldn't the old people in the industry help the newcomers in the industry like Haineiwang? Have you forgotten the socialist core values ​​of getting rich first and getting rich later? "

Xia Jingxing immediately made up his mind and took a long breath: "Then dig, don't be shy about anything, use whatever means you can, they owe us."

Huang Xin sneered, come on, I'm still on the hook!

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