My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and ninety-fifth, pre-war mobilization

"Jing Xing, has offended all the domestic game players this time. I heard that Shi Dazhu's big mouth is talking bad things about you everywhere."

As soon as he walked into Xia Jingxing's office at, Chen Hong naturally lay down on the sofa. He crossed his legs and straightened his legs. Kind of gossip from the circle.

Everyone was so familiar, Xia Jingxing didn't bother to get up to greet Chen Hong, and sat quietly on the chair to listen to the latter's complaints.

"Da Zhuzi said that is too domineering, and that it's nothing more than offering high salaries to poach people. The CEO even posted a post in person, selling himself and boasting, making it seem like only in the whole world values ​​and treats talents well..."

After listening, Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, didn't take it seriously, and jokingly said, "Da Zhuzi is psychologically unbalanced, as if we didn't poach their people this time, but looked down on them. Okay, next time poach someone on them."

Chen Hong said calmly: "Although the game industry is hugely profitable, the work is very intensive. The bosses are full of food, but no one really pays attention to the feelings of middle-level and grass-roots employees.

Seeing that the games I develop and operate create tens of millions or hundreds of millions of turnover for the company, but I can't even afford a house, I believe many people are psychologically unbalanced.

Haineiwang's sudden voice just gave them an outlet to vent their emotions, and they posted responses on the Internet to denounce their employers.

In my opinion, this is because the dissatisfaction of low-level employees has been suppressed for too long, and it was suddenly ignited, and then exploded with a "bang". The incident on is just a trigger, not the main reason. More factors are the unreasonable distribution system of each company and unpopularity. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, and sighed softly: "That's right, all the shit is being deducted from us, and a little salary increase will drive them all crazy. If I distribute 10% or 20% of the project profits to the operation department, they will be afraid." It is to drown Haineiwang with saliva."

Chen Hong smiled wryly: "You don't want to irritate them any more. Apart from the giants joining the so-called "Catch the Sea Alliance", I heard that NetEase, Jiuyou, Perfect World, NetDragon, Kingsoft and other game manufacturers are also a little moved."

Xia Jingxing already knew what kind of organization the "Catch the Sea Alliance" was, so he didn't ask any further questions.

He has been in business for more than four years and almost five years, and he has encountered such so-called business alliances frequently, socializing with the 18 princes, the first-year alliance of more than a dozen difficult brothers, and now there is a catch-up alliance.

What he is most afraid of is these alliances. Every member of the alliance has evil intentions and is not on the same page. Not only is it easy to leak the news, but it is also convenient for him to clean up together.

After a few chats about industry news,

Then, Chen Hong followed Xia Jingxing to participate in the meeting of the overseas game department.

In the meeting room.

Wu Yimin was the first to report: "Mr. Xia, we have recruited more than 80 game promotion and operation staff this time, all of whom are industry veterans with several years of experience in local online game promotion and operation.

After these people joined, our talent pool has been greatly enriched. Even if "Dungeon and Fighter" is as popular as "Legend" back then, there is no need to worry about being messed up. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Good job, let them familiarize themselves with the environment as soon as possible, and then participate in the launch of the big project of DNF together."

"In addition, I plan to upgrade the game department to a subsidiary company and name it "Domestic Games."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing glanced over the senior executives present, and then turned his gaze back to Wu Yimin.

Hearing this big news, Wu Yimin felt as if she was about to suffocate, her heart was beating wildly.

"After the resolution of the board of directors, it was decided to appoint Wu Yimin as the CEO of domestic games."

After speaking, Xia Jingxing took the lead in applauding, followed by Huang Xin, Wang Huiwen and other executives.

This is well deserved!

Wu Yimin formed a game team from scratch, developed and operated three popular casual games with tens of millions of registered users: Farm, Ranch, and Orchard, and played an important role in the acquisition of two Korean game companies and agents .

He was rewarded for his meritorious deeds, and considering that there was still a tough battle to be fought in the future, and there must be a capable general to charge forward, Xia Jingxing promoted Wu Yimin a little to show his recognition and encouragement.

Wu Yimin stood up excitedly, both nervous and excited.

He calmed down, took a deep breath, and said emotionally: "I am very grateful to Mr. Xia and all the directors and colleagues for their affirmation and trust in me!

I was originally just an unknown person in the game industry, and I was a monk halfway through. It was Mr. Xia, and it was that gave me a stage to display my talents.

Today, I issued a military order on behalf of domestic games. Within one year, domestic games must gain a firm foothold in the industry; within three years, domestic games must enter the first echelon of online games.

If the goal is not achieved, I am willing to take the initiative to resign. "

Xia Jingxing was a little surprised, he didn't ask Wu Yimin to make these promises? What is this for?

Huang Xin and Wang Huiwen opened their mouths, is Old Wu crazy? After issuing a military order, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to complete the task?

Because of being too excited, Wu Yimin's face turned red, he ignored the astonished expressions of the people around him, and said to himself: "Recently, there have been very bad voices in the industry. I couldn't produce a work, and some people questioned that I, Wu Yimin, was just lucky and managed to manage three small games by chance, but I didn't have the strength to run large-scale online games at all.

As the saying goes: People fight for one breath, Buddhas fight for one stick of incense!

Today I want to fight for this tone, and also for our overseas network, we must develop online games, and we must do it well!

It only took one year for to attract the attention of the industry! I am terrified!

As a member of the domestic network, domestic games should inherit and carry forward this spirit of fighting for the first place.

The goals I set for myself are actually a bit too conservative, set for three years!

Also please don't make fun of me! Please also supervise, domestic games will never hold back the parent company! "

Wu Yimin's words moved Huang Xin and Wang Huiwen very much, and they began to reflect. The recent series of achievements made them feel a little complacent and content with the status quo.

Seeing Lao Wu still so brave and diligent now, and thinking about myself, I am really ashamed!

"Crack, clap!"

Xia Jingxing took the lead in applauding again, looking at Wu Yimin with eyes full of admiration.

To be honest, he was also infected by Wu Yimin's "success or success" spirit.

A series of recent successes, as well as the strong capital strength in his hands, made him almost forget the hardships of starting a business.

Wu Yimin's resolute "vow to go to war" reminded him of the difficult time of starting a business a few years ago.

A comfortable life can easily wear down a person's fighting spirit, and it can also easily make people feel slack. It's not yet the time to put the swords and guns in the warehouse and let the horses go to Nanshan.

It's time to reflect on yourself!

Of course, Xia Jingxing also suspected that Wu Yimin was "earning performance".

But then again, whether DNF and CF will be popular in China, Wu Yimin is definitely not sure.

Wu Yimin dared to take the initiative to issue a military order without the boss's mandatory assignment of tasks, which is very rare.

It must be praised! By the way, let's take a look at the executives who have recently started to cock their tails and are complacent about their achievements.

Amid warm applause, Wu Yimin sat down.

Xia Jingxing immediately said, "I accept your military order.

Later, I will arrange for the financial department to design a stock option incentive plan. Since you Wu Yimin, everyone in the game subsidiary will be included in the assessment.

In addition, I will hold a meeting of the board of directors and shareholders to allow shareholders to allocate a sum of equity together as a "game business incentive option pool".

How much you can get from it depends on the skills of your domestic game partners. "

Without waiting for Wu Yimin to answer, Xia Jingxing scanned the surrounding people, and continued: "Half-ninety people travel a hundred miles, and the closer to the finish line, the more difficult it will be!

Although the domestic network has made some small achievements at present, it is far from the time when we can sit back and relax.

I know that in the past year, everyone has been tired and tired.

But you can't vent your breath! I have to hold back until I go to the market.

Now is only short of a good-looking financial statement before going public!

Where is this report from? From the game business!

Whether the options in your hands can be realized, whether it can become millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, depends on this last shiver!

Instead of Shanda, we are the new game leader!

Then turn around and kill the penguins, we are the new social kings!

Dominating the two segments, the future market value of will start at least tens of billions of dollars! "

Everyone held their breath and focused on listening to Xia Jingxing looking forward to the future.

This is the first time that Xia Jingxing has clearly proposed a listing plan! Everyone made a small calculation in their hearts, calculating the value of the broken silver in their hands.

"Next, all the company's resources will be given priority to domestic games, and all departments and subsidiaries must fully cooperate with domestic games.

People say that whichever industry I Xia Jingxing enters, that industry will change. I don't want this myth to stop abruptly from "

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing expressed emotion, "Everyone, this is the best era! Don't let me down!

Those who sell health care products are making a lot of money in the online game industry!

The $300,000 agent "Legend" is popular all over China!

We have invested billions of dollars in domestic games, are we not qualified to sit on that throne? "

After being analyzed by Xia Jingxing, everyone's eyes lit up instantly! That's right, what strength do these people have, why can't be the number one in the industry?

Unknowingly, everyone's thinking has changed. It seems that it is not that difficult to become the number one in the industry in three years! Wu Yimin issued a military order to become the first echelon in the industry in three years, and the structure is small.

After beating the chicken blood, and analyzing the industry for the executives, Xia Jingxing felt that the heat was almost ready, and began to fight.

"Brother Chen Hong, tell me how Shi Dazhu laughed at us."

Chen Hong glanced at Xia Jingxing, immediately understood the intention of his good friend, and began to tell stories vividly.

"...Hai Nei Wang knows shitty games, so they know how to buy and poach people. If they can achieve half of the results of "Zhengtu", I will immediately close the giant game and go back to selling melatonin."

"Online games are a very deep industry, and you can't just spend a few dollars to play them. Do they understand marketing? Do they understand the market?"

"What about "Dungeon and Fighter", an arcade game that has long been outdated and turned into an online game? Users are not stupid, this kind of broken game can't fool many people."


Chen Hong spread his hands, "This is the original words of Shi Dazhu, said in front of many people at a certain wine table, and it is almost spread in the industry.

He not only underestimated Mr. Xia, but also underestimated the internal network, and even all the executives of our company. "

It was said that all the senior executives present were unhappy and short of breath, feeling a strong sense of anger.

Xia Jingxing said with a sneer, "Everyone, don't be angry, Shi Dazhu has a big mouth, he can say anything.

However, what he said also represented the true thoughts of many people in the industry.

Now the whole industry is full of malice, ready to see our jokes and see our billions of investment lost.

In this case, tell me, what should we do? How to respond to them? "

Wu Yimin said with a serious face: "Mr. Xia, there is no need to say anything. We will use practical actions to slap these arrogant colleagues and wake them up."

Huang Xin said coldly: "He, Shi Dazhu, wants to go back and sell melatonin, so we will make him happy!"

Wang Huiwen yelled angrily: "Let's fight! Let's fight! Take all the market share and see if they dare to continue to be so arrogant."

Looking at the angry and eager crowd, Xia Jingxing smiled with satisfaction: "Seeing that everyone has such fighting spirit, I feel relieved."

Immediately, he swept his eyes across everyone's faces one by one, and said seriously: "Okay, I won't say anything superfluous, whether it is glory or shame, it depends on our next actions."

Everyone who was swept by Xia Jingxing's eyes couldn't help puffing up their chests, and at the same time felt that a flame was burning in their chests. Personal ambitions, desire for wealth, and sense of honor and disgrace were tightly intertwined at this moment.

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