My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and ninety-nine, breaking ground

A few months ago, Fuxing Semiconductor leased an office in Jinmao Tower and recruited dozens of employees to start the preparatory work.

The next day, more than 30 Wanwan engineers headed by Liang Mengsong officially joined Fuxing Semiconductor and began to work in the Jinmao Building.

Xia Jingxing held a simple appointment ceremony in the company. In front of all the employees, he handed over the letter of employment to Liang Mengsong, officially appointing Liang Mengsong as the CEO of Fuxing Semiconductor.

Liang Mengsong quickly got into work, held a meeting with Xia Jingxing and several other investors in the conference room, and finalized the investment plan.

"Fuxing Semiconductor invested a total of 1 billion U.S. dollars in the first phase, equivalent to about 7.6 billion yuan.

Among them, Fuxing Industrial Group invested 6.4 billion, Vision Capital and Capital Today, Northern Lights, Cybernaut, Hanergy, DCM Dole Investment and other six parties each contributed 200 million.

Equity distribution plan: the option pool accounts for 30% of the total share capital, Fuxing Industry Group holds 58.95% of the shares, and the other six major shareholders each hold 1.84% of the shares. "

Liang Mengsong quickly finished reading the document in his hand, glanced at the people present, and asked, "Do you have any questions about this?"

"No comment!"

"No comment!"


Chen Hong, Xu Xin, Lin Xinhe and the other six shook their heads. They had a very close relationship with Xia Jingxing and Vision Capital. The decision to jointly invest in Fuxing Semiconductor this time was actually not hasty, because as early as half a year ago, several parties had made a decision. Began to contact and discuss related matters.

"I have something to say!"

Everyone looked for the sound, and Chen Datong, who was sitting beside him, raised his hands high.

"Mr. Xia, since Spreadtrum's shareholding is too scattered, I can't make the decision alone, but I plan to leave Spreadtrum next year, and may initiate the establishment of a fund specializing in semiconductor investment next year."

With so many people deciding to invest in Fuxing Semiconductor, Chen Datong looked at Xia Jingxing with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and explained a bit.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand very understandingly: "What does it matter, now we are in a hurry to build factories and buy equipment for Fuxing Semiconductor, so financing is urgent.

However, when everything is in order, Fuxing Semiconductor will start the second round of financing next year, and then you can join with your new fund and become one of the B round financing parties.


Having received Xia Jingxing's understanding and promise, Chen Datong nodded with a smile: "Okay, then I will join next year."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing. Chen Datong is actually a very powerful technical expert. He is one of the first batch of semiconductor doctors in China. He has created many inventions in CMOS image sensors and mobile phone chips.

OmniVision, which was founded in the United States, has been successfully listed on NASDAQ. In the future, it will become the top three CMOS manufacturers in the global mobile phone market.

After Chen Datong returned to China, he co-founded Spreadtrum Communications with Wu Ping. At present, the company has submitted a prospectus to Nasdaq and plans to go public next month.

According to Deng Feng's introduction last year, Envision Capital and many other institutions jointly invested in Spreadtrum, with a small shareholding. However, this should be the second IPO return case of Envision Capital.

He heard from Deng Feng that after Spreadtrum was listed, Chen Datong planned to become a venture capital investor to help the development of China's semiconductor industry through investment, so he called Chen Datong together to deepen the friendship.

Both Chen Datong and Deng Feng belong to the Tsinghua Gang, which occupies half of China's semiconductor industry. If you want to do semiconductors in China, you can't get around this group of people.

In fact, Xia Jingxing has now penetrated deeply into the Tsinghua Gang. In addition to cooperating with Deng Feng to invest in Spreadtrum, he has also invested in a number of semiconductor companies founded by Tsinghua students including GigaDevice.

After the investment plan was finalized, all the investors left Shanghai quickly, and handed over all the affairs of Fuxing Semiconductor to Xia Jingxing and Liang Mengsong.

In the next month, Xia Jingxing and Liang Mengsong began to contact the local government of Shanghai, asking for policies, land, and loans...

The local government of Modu attaches great importance to this investment attraction. When Huaxin settled in Modu, they gave great help. It turned out afterwards that this was a very successful investment attraction.

Fuxing Semiconductor invested 1 billion U.S. dollars. Although it was not as shocking as when Huaxin International settled in Shanghai, the local government still wants to give land and whatever it wants, and try its best to keep this semiconductor company and strengthen the semiconductor industry in Shanghai. Group influence.

In the end, after many rounds of consultations, the Modu government approved a piece of land for Fuxing Semiconductor in the microelectronics industry base of Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, covering an area of ​​250,000 square meters, for the construction of production plants, auxiliary plants, and living quarters for employees.

In addition, the Modu government also solemnly promised: Fuxing Semiconductor has fully invested US$1 billion in place. After the factory buildings and production lines are established, local banks will provide certain loan support depending on the order situation.

This is a bit like not seeing rabbits and not spreading eagles, but Xia Jingxing didn't pay much attention to it, and that little loan couldn't help much.

With the high-efficiency promotion of Fuxing Semiconductor and the active cooperation of the Shanghai government, the project of Shanghai Shanghai factory has been implemented very quickly, and all procedures are being processed quickly.

In a blink of an eye it was already June.

Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park.

There are lights and festoons on a piece of wasteland, which is very lively.

Xia Jingxing, Liang Mengsong, and several leaders of the Modu all held shovels in their hands, formed a circle, and kept filling a big hole in front of them.

In the pit is a rectangular stone tied with red silk, with two big red characters "laying the foundation" written on it.

Behind the several people who kept shoveling and filling the soil stood a huge red advertising board, with several characters such as "Fuxing Semiconductor Phase I Plant Construction Project" written on it.

After digging the soil and ending the foundation laying ceremony, Xia Jingxing was about to leave when he was suddenly surrounded by a group of reporters.

"President Xia, can I interview you with a few questions?"

"Mr. Xia, Fuxing Industrial Group's entry into the semiconductor industry is to redefine the semiconductor industry?"

"Mr. Xia, it is said that you are going to invest 100 billion in the semiconductor industry. Is this true?"


Xia Jingxing was a little dumbfounded by the questions of the group of reporters in front of him, and each of them was more excited than the other, trying to squeeze in front of him. If it wasn't for being stopped by a group of security personnel desperately, these reporters would have smashed the microphone in his face .

"Don't worry, I don't know how to run. Didn't I come here specially for interviews?"

The reporters on the scene burst into laughter, no one believed Xia Jingxing's nonsense, you were obviously walking towards the car, ready to run away.

The reporters had received relevant news last month that Fuxing Semiconductor was going to settle in Shanghai. They really wanted to interview Xia Jingxing, but they couldn't find anyone at all.

Today they finally seized the opportunity, they will not let Xia Jingxing run away easily.

Seeing Xia Jingxing standing where he was, with no intention of running away, the reporters finally felt relieved and began to ask questions in an orderly manner.

A young female reporter who looked like she had just graduated held out the microphone and asked, "Mr. Xia, Fuxing Semiconductor is only entering semiconductors at this time. Is it too late?"

Xia Jingxing nodded: "It's a bit late, but there is no way, who made me born late?"

All the reporters laughed, making the young female reporter blush.

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Just kidding, I probably understand what you mean. You mean that the international giants have been deeply involved in the industry for decades, and have already established a technical moat. What are the advantages of Fuxing entering at this time? ? How to catch up with international manufacturers? Right?”

The young female reporter nodded frantically. That's what she meant. She didn't speak clearly when she was in a hurry.

"Compared with international manufacturers, we do not have any technical advantages, nor any financial advantages.

But then again, when the reform was first launched, China's semiconductor industry was 20 years behind the international level. After unremitting efforts and catching up, the gap has been shortened to a few years now.

Still the same sentence: It depends on man's effort, and man can conquer nature! "

The female reporter still wanted to ask questions, but the next reporter rushed ahead of her and asked: "Mr. Xia, after the establishment of Fuxing Semiconductor, how do you view the relationship with colleagues like Huaxin and Huahong?"

Xia Jingxing smiled. If he answered this kind of question carelessly, he would be labeled as contemptuous of his peers and whoever he looked down upon. However, he would not fall into the trap, and replied in a well-behaved manner:

"To be honest, the Fuxing Semiconductor factory has just started construction and has not received any orders. Even the production line and equipment are still being purchased, and the tender ones can be squeezed out. Any colleagues are our predecessors, and we must learn from them. .”

Then, a reporter asked: "Mr. Xia, Fuxing Semiconductor is a subsidiary controlled by Fuxing Industrial Group. In the future, will it only accept internal orders or develop independently?"

"Naturally, it develops independently. Fuxing Semiconductor has a high degree of autonomy. At present, Fuxing Industrial Group only holds a little more than half of the shares of Fuxing Semiconductor. In the future, it will conduct the second and third rounds of financing, introduce more capital, and go public independently. .”

On the other side, Liang Mengsong was also surrounded by reporters, who kept asking him questions.

These reporters are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and the questions they ask are very speechless.

"Mr. Liang, the founder of Huaxin is also from Gulf Power. Does this mean that Gulf Power cannot retain talents?"

"It took Huaxin seven years to gradually catch up with Wandian. At present, it is only one generation away from technology. Liang always thinks how long it will take for Fuxing Semiconductor to catch up with Wandian or Huaxin?"

Liang Mengsong has been engaged in technical work for a long time, and this is the first time he has been the CEO. Surrounded by so many reporters, he has mixed joys and sorrows. The joy is that he is finally on a bigger stage.

Xia Jingxing saw that he was a bit overwhelmed, so he walked over and attracted the firepower of the reporter to himself, and began to go around in circles with the reporter.

After casually answering a few questions from the reporter, Xia Jingxing tugged Liang Mengsong's sleeve, and the latter understood, and slipped away behind Xia Jingxing who was already walking out.

Then, the two were escorted into the car by security personnel all the way under the chase of the reporter.

Looking at the reporters who still refused to disperse outside the car window, Liang Mengsong wiped off his sweat: "Reporters from mainland China are so concerned about semiconductors, they are so enthusiastic!"

Xia Jingxing smiled: "Not only reporters, but the whole people attach great importance to this industry."

"There is a long way to go!" Liang Mengsong said with emotion.

"Just treat it with a normal mind! In short, everything is up to you."

Seeing Xia Jingxing's solemn expression, Liang Mengsong nodded heavily.

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