My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and thirty-three, billion hedge funds of funds (the leader of the little bear who eats

The next day, morning.

Xia Jingxing stood beside the car and waved goodbye to his mother, Caitlin and Christina.

"Mom, I'm going to be away for a while, thank you for helping me take care of Christina and Xia Zerui at home."

"Let's go, let's get busy with your career, my mother will definitely take good care of your wife and children."

Xia Jingxing looked at Christina again, and the latter was looking at him with a smile, her face was radiant, her skin seemed to be glowing, she was so beautiful. Compared with before, Christina who gave birth to a child seems to have a special charm.

"come back earlier!"

Christina rushed to Xia Jingxing's side and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a red lip mark.

Caitlin watched this scene with a smile, and was very satisfied with the good relationship between her daughter and Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, got into the car, and the car set off facing the rising sun.

After arriving at the airport, Xia Jingxing met Liu Xiaoduo and other entourage, and then boarded the plane together and flew towards New York.



When Xia Jingxing came to Wall Street by car, he glanced out of the car window, the sky was dark and cloudy, passers-by were in a hurry, and there was a rhythm of a storm.

As soon as the car arrived at 40 Wall Street, the raindrops began to fall.

Holding umbrellas, a group of people walked into the building surrounded by Xia Jingxing, and took the exclusive elevator to the 70th floor on the top floor.

As soon as the elevator opened, Liu Hai, who was waiting here, greeted him with a smile.

"Jing Xing~"

Xia Jingxing smiled and patted Liu Hai's shoulder, without saying anything, everything was kept silent.

Liu Xiaoduo followed Xia Jingxing and Liu Hai into the chairman's office, brewed two cups of tea in the room and brought them to the coffee table by the window, then backed out.

Xia Jingxing took a sip from his teacup and then put it down. He lowered his head and glanced at the window next to him. There was water vapor outside, and the ground nearly 280 meters away was so small that he couldn't see it clearly. Maybe he could see something on a sunny day.

"How's the scenery here?" Xia Jingxing asked.

Liu Hai said with a smile: "It's very good. When it was just renovated, I went up to take a look. I felt like I was stepping on Wall Street!"

Xia Jingxing laughed out loud, Liu Hai's flattery made him very happy.

Although Vision Capital chose to keep a low profile during the subprime mortgage crisis, deep down in his heart, there is no sense of pride and complacency. Financial institutions, large and small, on Wall Street have suffered from this subprime mortgage crisis, and they have really bucked the trend and developed. How many organizations can there be? And Vision Capital is undoubtedly the one with the highest standing among them.

From trading stocks alone on the computer in the school dormitory, painstakingly calculating NetEase's stock price and positions, to standing in the tallest building on Wall Street and commanding thousands of troops to fight, he has gone for five full years.

From a capital of 50,000 U.S. dollars to now holding tens of billions of U.S. dollars, countless days and nights of hard work have finally ushered in a huge harvest.

The road to being a financial giant has already been paved under his feet. As long as he works harder, he will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with all the giants.

Even though he has become accustomed to the flowers and applause on the road to entrepreneurship, and his heart has become calmer, Xia Jingxing can't help but feel swayed and full of emotion when faced with the brilliant achievements that are within reach.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Jingxing said: "It seems that I did not make a mistake in buying this building. It is worth 700 million US dollars just for the scenery and location."

Liu Hai smiled, he knew that Xia Jingxing actually had more to say.

There should be another most important reason - borrowing chicken to lay eggs, this building was mortgaged for 400 million US dollars, all of which were invested in the Paulson Fund.

He is in charge of the contact work with the Paulson Fund. At present, the 400 million US dollars is in the hands of Paulson, and the value of the investment has increased several times.

Of course, people who didn't know the inside story thought that Xia Jingxing was tricked by the eloquent Friedrich, and took advantage of him.

Xia Jingxing didn't dare to let Friedrich know the details,

Otherwise, with the latter's pissing nature, it is absolutely impossible to sue him and ask for money.

The top floor of 40 Wall Street was originally one of Friedrich's offices, and he moved elsewhere after selling the building.

Xia Jingxing didn't like Friedrich's aesthetic level, so he arranged for the bangs to be removed and thrown away, and redecorated the top office, making it look brand new and much more pleasing to the eye.

It was the first time Xia Jingxing came to work here today, and they were all on the 49th floor.

Now he doesn't bother to care about the feudal superstitions of 50 Avenues and 49 Tianyan. After all, the scenery on the 70th floor is really good, and he is very satisfied.

Xia Jingxing and Liu Hai sat by the window and chatted for a while, then Jiang Ping and Abel hurried over.

After exchanging a few simple greetings, Xia Jingxing invited the two of them to sit down.

"Abel, it seems that you have gained weight, are you lazy? How did you complete the fundraising task assigned to you?"

Abel spread his hands, "Boss, this is completely unfair! I gained weight just because I worked so hard and accompanied clients to various parties every three days."

Both Liu Hai and Jiang Ping looked at Abel with a smile. The two of them had a great time cooperating with Abel.

With Abel here, the two of them only need to be responsible for the fund's performance, the new fund's fundraising work, and the old fund's customer service maintenance. Abel takes care of everything in an orderly manner, and he can be regarded as a social expert.

It was precisely because Xia Jingxing knew that Abel had this specialty that he was transferred from Hong Kong to New York to be responsible for making money for the company.

When Abel was in Hong Kong, he hung out with a group of investment bank executives, and brought a case like Huiyuan Juice to Vision Capital.

After returning to New York, Abel was like a fish in water. As the number one socialite of Vision Capital, he has established good relationships with various institutions, university funds, and sovereign funds. He has helped Vision Capital complete the raising of two new funds, and another three new funds Funds are being raised.

"Lixia Fund No. 2, a stock trading strategy hedge fund, with an asset management scale of 3 billion US dollars, fund manager Liu Hai."

"Xiaoman No. 2 Fund, a macro trading strategy hedge fund, with an asset management scale of 1 billion US dollars, fund manager Jiang Ping."

Abel introduced, "These are two funds that have completed fundraising, and can be regarded as the continuation of Lixia No. 1 and Xiaoman No. 1."

Xia Jingxing nodded, he understood the information. Although he is not in New York, he keeps abreast of the development of Vision Capital through work emails and phone calls. He even knows the reason for the difference in the asset management scale of the two new funds.

Lixia No. 1 has earned 60 times in three years, and has stepped onto the altar. Fundraising should not be too simple. Originally, it only planned to raise 1 billion US dollars, but LP subscriptions were too enthusiastic, and it was raised to 3 billion US dollars.

Jiang Ping has been managing Xiaoman No. 1 Fund, investing in foreign exchange, indices, and bonds in various countries, and the yield is also very good. In just over a year, the initial asset management scale of 600 million US dollars has expanded to 1.6 billion US dollars.

Although the rate of return was far lower than that of the Lixia Fund, the absolute value of the profit was not small, and Jiang Ping did not have Xia Jingxing to give him an offer, it was all due to the hard work of himself and the team.

With this achievement, Jiang Ping was also successfully included in the 2007 list of the world's top 100 traders by "Alpha" magazine.

Also because of these achievements and honors, the fundraising work of Xiaoman No. 2 is relatively easy, but the scale is still not as good as that of Lixia No. 2, which reached US$3 billion.

Because the fund is too large, as high as 3 billion U.S. dollars, and most of the funds have to be invested in the stock market, Xia Jingxing doesn't know how to choose stocks. He can only invest in some big companies and white horse stocks for a long time. Double the rate of return, it is more difficult.

Fortunately, the terms and duration of the two funds have become more favorable to Vision Capital than the No. 1 Fund.

Abel continued to introduce: "Xiaoxue No. 2 and Xiaohan No. 2 funds are event-driven strategy hedge funds, with an asset management scale of US$1 billion each, fund managers Liu Hai and Jiang Ping.

These two funds are the continuation of the two funds that shorted subprime mortgages, Xiaoxue No. 1 and Xiaohan No. 1. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. Among the 3.4 billion US dollars that Vision Capital shorted subprime mortgages, 400 million US dollars were invested in Paulson Fund, 1.5 billion US dollars were invested in Claris Capital, and the 8 acquired funds controlled a total of 700 million US dollars. Xiaoxue-1 and Xiaohan-1 each manage $400 million.

It is equivalent to only 800 million U.S. dollars to short subprime mortgages under the name of Vision Capital, which is not a large amount. After the credit crisis breaks out, you can make some money.

Xia Jingxing asked, "How is the fundraising for these two funds going?"

Abel smiled and said, "Very good! All I have contacted are some powerful LPs, university funds, pension funds, and their mouths are relatively strict, so they won't make jokes about the Paulson Fund."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It doesn't matter if there is a joke. It's impossible for Vision Capital to short subprime mortgages without leaving any traces. The 800 million US dollars is what I deliberately put out for the outside world to see."

Liu Hai and Jiang Ping on the side nodded lightly. As Chinese, they all know that there is no such thing as three hundred taels of silver here. , can share the main firepower.

Abel laughed "hehehe" and said, "If you can hide it for a while, it's better to hide it for a while. Small-scale spread is better than large-scale spread. As long as the purpose of showing LP is achieved, try not to attract too much public attention."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Abel, the young man has taken a long way!

Abel grinned, and it seemed that he was right to speculate. The boss likes employees to overfulfill their tasks, or to check for omissions and fill in vacancies.

"The last fundraising has not yet started, and the fund under planning is Daxue No. 2 Fund, a hedge fund of funds, with a fundraising target of US$10 billion.

Daxue No. 1 Fund of Funds raised US$3 billion and invested in 11 hedge funds other than the Paulson Fund.

At present, this fund of funds will definitely create good results. I think we can take the opportunity to raise a hedge fund of funds with a scale of tens of billions of dollars to maximize the advantages of performance and return rates, and at the same time greatly improve our Asset management scale fees. "

After finishing speaking, Abel looked at Xia Jingxing, waiting for the latter's opinion.

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