My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and forty-seven, the curtain opened

Time passed by and it was September.

Android, which has been developing in a low-key manner, has come into the eyes of the media and the public.

Forty-eight companies including Android, Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, China Mobile, Telefónica, Fleissen, HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Huawei, and ZTE jointly established the Open Handset Alliance.

As soon as the news came out, the entire technology circle was shocked.

Today, the Fuxing mobile phone equipped with the Android operating system has been fully launched in China and the United States, and has achieved very good sales results.

The new generation of smartphones has been proven by market sales, and this is really a viable path.

In the past, major mobile phone manufacturers have launched their own smart phones, but without exception, they are all button phones without cool touch screens.

In the past, executives of mobile phone manufacturers mocked the appearance design of Fuxing mobile phone and Zhiguo mobile phone, the screen was fragile, and the virtual keyboard was inconvenient to type... It was unreasonable.

But now, these people dared not say a word, because their faces were swollen from the beating.

Although the market share of the new generation of smart phones is still very small, major mobile phone manufacturers can no longer ignore its existence.

Just when the major mobile phone manufacturers were hesitating or preparing to take action, Android threw out an olive branch.

With the exception of Nokia and BlackBerry, which have their own operating systems, most phone makers don't mind taking advantage of Android.

After all, to develop a new mobile phone operating system, it takes time and costs.

Now that Android is free and open source, where can I find such a good thing?

This is also where the media and the public are puzzled. Is this to sacrifice oneself for others and promote the progress of human science and technology?

Some media also pointed out that the major shareholders of Fuxing Mobile and Android are Xia Jingxing, and the open source code of Android will make Fuxing Mobile lose some competitiveness.

This confuses everyone even more, isn't the generosity a bit too much? Don't even take care of your own son?

Mobile phone manufacturers are different, and they more or less guessed some deep-seated intentions of Android, so they just want to include everyone first.

After obtaining a certain market share of mobile phone operating systems, we will slowly find ways to make money in the future.

Mobile phone manufacturers don't mind this, anyway, they don't need to spend money, and they can take this opportunity to launch their own smartphones in advance to test the waters, why not do it?

If you really have a head, it is not impossible to withdraw from the Android Alliance and develop your own mobile operating system.

In short, under the divergent opinions, Android has shown its face in the global consumer electronics industry.

Countless people remember this green robot with two antennas on its head.

However, due to the fact that there is only an Android-based mobile phone, Fuxing Mobile, on the market for the time being, the popularity is limited and there is no comparison effect. After a while of discussion, netizens dispersed.

However, Android's open behavior has caused some turmoil and changes in the mobile phone industry, the mobile phone operating system industry, and venture capital and other industries.



"Mr. Xia, we are here to bid farewell to you. Thank you and Android Company for your kind hospitality these days."

In the office of the chairman of the Android company, a group of executives from mobile phone manufacturers with yellow skin and black hair were saying goodbye to Xia Jingxing.

"You don't want to visit any more?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at a dozen founders or executives of domestic mobile phone companies who were sitting on the sofa. This time Android formed a mobile phone alliance, and he specially took care of the Chinese companies.

Huawei, ZTE, Meizu, Coolpad, Tianyu and more than a dozen domestic mobile phone brands have all received cooperation invitations from Android.

It stands to reason that these companies or their mobile phone departments are not eligible to be one of the 48 founding members of Android due to their small size and lack of brand reputation.

In the previous life, no mobile phone manufacturer in mainland China became a founding member of the Android Phone Alliance, and the invited ones were all Gulf companies.

In this life, Xia Jingxing controlled Android, and mobile phone manufacturers in Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were all invited, so there was no reason to abandon domestic mobile phone brands.

Although with the development of time, the market share of mobile phones will tend to be headed, and most of these companies will go into decline, but because they invested in the embrace of Android relatively early, they can still enjoy the dividends of industry development for several years.

Instead of giving dividends to foreigners, it is better to give them to domestic mobile phone brands, which may also promote the development of the domestic smartphone industry. If domestic smartphones can rise a year or two ahead of schedule, they may be able to invest some money in making chips.

This is exactly what Xia Jingxing is more willing to see. When everyone gathers firewood, the flames are high, and the revival of an industrial group alone cannot revive national science and technology.


The person who spoke was Rong Xiuli, the chairman of Tianyu Mobile, a middle-aged female entrepreneur in her forties.

She looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile, and said, "I have visited and studied enough these days, it's time to go back and digest and absorb it.

It was worth the trip! Android, Fuxing Mobile North America Branch, Facebook, YouTube, Tesla...

After seeing Mr. Xia's technological undertakings in the United States, to be honest, I am deeply touched!

Chinese entrepreneurs should follow Mr. Xia as an example, reduce some fancy marketing methods, and really pay attention to R\u0026D and technology. This is the correct enterprise development model.

Fuxing mobile phone entered the high-end market in one fell swoop and conquered cities and territories overseas, relying on its strong technical strength and forward-looking technology.

As a colleague, I am quite convinced of the excellent results achieved by Fuxing Mobile.

For Mr. Xia's generous open source code of Android, you also invited our domestic counterparts to visit several of your companies. I personally also deeply admire it. Your mind really surpasses too many people. "

The executives of other mobile phone manufacturers echoed, praising Xia Jingxing's talent and courage.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, he didn't care whether these people were telling the truth or flattering them.

The reason why he was so generous was that he did not regard these people as opponents, but as partners.

If the Android camp wants to grow and develop, it has to invite allies from all over the world.

At this time, it is impossible to look at the problem from the standpoint of Fuxing Mobile, and it is even less advisable to behave petty.

He even accepts mobile phone giants like Motorola and Samsung, so how can he worry about domestic mobile phone manufacturers being enemies of Fuxing Mobile.

So he simply acted more generously, invited domestic mobile phone manufacturers to visit his business in the United States, and immediately shocked these people.

After these people return to China, if they can help to brag a few words, it will also help shape his image as an entrepreneur.

"Mr. Xia, I have a question. You gave Motorola and Samsung open source Android. Are you not afraid that they will seize the high-end market of Fuxing mobile phones?"

The speaker was a small man in his thirties named Sassafras, the founder and CEO of Meizu.

The others looked at Sassafras silently, thinking that this kid is not very eye-catching, are these questions you should ask? Mr. Xia doesn't know.

Xia Jingxing smiled, how could he be angry because of such a trivial matter? Huang Zhang asked more directly, probably meaning that domestic mobile phone manufacturers have always been synonymous with low-end, short of money and technology, and they are at most under development with the source code of Android Low-end market mobile phones cannot cause trouble for Fuxing mobile phones.

Giants such as Samsung and Motorola are different, even more powerful than Fuxing Mobile. Once they produce smartphones, their goal must be to target the high-end market, which will pose a serious threat to Fuxing Mobile.

President Xia Jing took a deep breath and replied: "Android is Android, and Fuxing Mobile is Fuxing Mobile. These are two independent companies, and there is no such thing as who influences whom or who controls whom.

Since we want to open up, then we should open up thoroughly. Selecting allies in a targeted manner is not called opening up.

Fuxing Mobile is based on the high-end market, will not rely on the Android system, and will build our own core competitiveness.

Samsung and Motorola want to compete with Fuxing mobile phones, so everyone will see the real trick! "

Huang Zhang nodded: "Mr. Xia, your confidence and calmness are really admirable. If it were me, it would definitely not be so easy to make this decision."

Xia Jingxing smiled, do you think I think so? It's all forced by life.

Xu Zhijun, president of Huawei, sent to the United States to participate in the cooperation meeting. He smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, thank you very much for giving Huawei this cooperation opportunity. , Fuxing mobile phone and other excellent enterprises to learn from.

At the same time, Mr. Ren also assigned me a task, asking me to represent him and invite Mr. Xia to come to Huawei to guide your work when you return to China. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and waved his hands, "I don't dare to be a leader, it is true to learn from you, Huawei is a very courageous company, and the series of achievements you have made overseas are admirable!

At Fuxing Industry's regular executive meetings, I often use Huawei as an example to motivate everyone, let everyone learn from your Huawei people's wolf pack spirit, and... ambitious pursuit, realistic style! "

Xu Zhijun smiled happily. He felt that Mr. Xia was really humble. Mr. Ren often mentioned Fuxing Mobile and Fuxing Industry Group at the company's regular meetings, and asserted: Within ten years, Fuxing Industry will definitely make major breakthroughs in many fields , to become the world's leading hard technology company.

Now, Mr. Xia said that he often used Huawei as an example in the company. Mr. Xia and Mr. Ren really feel a little sympathetic to each other.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, more than a dozen executives of domestic mobile phone manufacturers got up to bid farewell to Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing personally sent the group of people downstairs to the company, and watched them leave by car.

In addition to OPPO, which still sells MP3s, and VIVO and Rice, which have not yet been established, the top domestic mobile phones in the next few years or even more than ten years will be on these cars that have left.

It is foreseeable that after these people return to China, the counterfeit smartphones in this life may be more fierce than the previous life, because Fuxing Mobile has already made a sample for all colleagues, so there is no reason not to copy the answers.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that they did not invite a certain domestic mobile phone manufacturer to this Android Phone Alliance cooperation meeting.

Even new companies such as Meizu and Tianyu, which have only been established for a few years, have been invited, except for the old company and well-known brand, which is deliberately embarrassing them.

If the other party gets angry and joins other smartphone camps, it will be fun!

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