My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and fifty, the preferred employer of Chinese in Silicon Valley

Negotiations with Ballmer broke up unhappy.

Looking at the Ballmer group who opened the door and left angrily, Andy Rubin asked worriedly: "Daren, we have completely torn skins with Microsoft today, and they will definitely do everything possible to deal with it next." our."

Xia Jingxing didn't answer, he was thinking carefully about the next countermeasure.

Is Microsoft strong? Nature is powerful.

But when the company is large, there are many factions, and there are many businesses that need to be considered.

After more than 30 years of development, Microsoft's business tentacles have already covered countless fields. In addition to the Windows operating system, the hardware includes Xbox, the software includes Office office suites, and the Internet includes MSmail and Live search engines...

If Microsoft was born in China, I am afraid that it will enjoy the same treatment as Penguin: the dog-like Microsoft! Is there any business that Microsoft doesn't do?

But the complaints are all complaints. The reality is that capital is greedy. When the growth of the main business slows down or weakens, they will look for new directions for expansion.

Lu Qi and Andy Rubin beside him regarded Microsoft as a big threat, but Xia Jingxing didn't see it that way.

Microsoft entered the mobile phone operating system very early, and launched Windows Mobile as early as 2000. At present, this mobile phone operating system has been updated to version 6.0.

Microsoft introduced a large number of computer operating system elements into WM6.0 at one time, and imported Microsoft's own application programs on computers, such as MSN, IE and so on.

One of the important reasons for Microsoft's failure in the mobile phone system is to use the thinking of a computer operating system to make a mobile phone operating system.

In addition, closed source, charging patent fees from mobile phone manufacturers, being too big and unfriendly to developers, and tile icons... are also important reasons why everyone thinks that Microsoft will lose on the mobile phone side.

If Xia Jingxing were to sum it up, in one sentence, his thinking could not keep up with the times.

Free is the most expensive! This sentence is the essence of Internet operations.

If Microsoft is open source, it will be free to mobile phone manufacturers, and then subsidize software developers to use the ecological resources accumulated in the PC era, ten Androids will not be enough to fight.

Android's current operating model is to adopt "the wool comes from the pig, and the dog pays the bill". It does not directly earn money from mobile phone manufacturers. After accumulating a large number of Android users, it uses basic application services, application stores and advertisements to conduct business. Realized, the profit chain has become a little longer, and it is easy for all parties to accept.

Even Motorola, which has been making complaints about the revival of mobile phones, has now shut its mouth wisely and ran to take advantage of Android. This is a clear proof and a true portrayal of people's hearts.

Now who in the mobile phone circle does not boast about "Android atmosphere" and "people are stupid and quick to make money".

If Microsoft is still working on the WM system with a conservative mindset, even if it is upgraded to Windows Phone in the future, it will still be unable to escape the fate of failure.

However, Microsoft actually wanted to acquire Android, which still made Xia Jingxing somewhat worried, whether the other party did it on a whim or noticed something.

I don't bother to think about how the other party will play their cards. I still need to work hard. Let Android make up for its shortcomings as soon as possible, and make more friends. This is the most important thing for Android at present.

Xia Jingxing withdrew his thoughts, looked at Andy Rubin with a sad face, and comforted him: "Don't worry, if you don't say anything else, just go to Microsoft's today, they won't be able to do anything, and they can only stop at PC for the rest of their lives. The position of overlord."

Andy Rubin was puzzled and asked: "Why? That's Microsoft. Compared with our industry appeal, it is a heaven and an underground. Now I am afraid that Microsoft will also learn from us to build a mobile phone alliance. The partners will definitely run away. Microsoft went there."

Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed, "You still don't understand, Microsoft even calls around our heavyweight partners like us, how friendly do you think they are to those small manufacturers and small developers?"

Andy Rubin thought for a moment,

He suddenly said excitedly: "That's right, if Microsoft has always maintained this high-ranking appearance, who would want to cooperate with them?

We share our technological achievements with you without reservation, and we will invest heavily in subsidies and support software developers in the future. "


Andy Rubin took a breath, thinking that if this situation really continues, it is not impossible for Android to overthrow the behemoth Microsoft.

Thinking of this, the pressure in his heart disappeared, and he said happily: "Then Darren, let's quickly launch our own browser and email, and let Microsoft go!"

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "They have long been on their hands, how is our product development going?"

Andy Rubin raised his chest and looked up, "The development and testing have been completed, and it can be launched at any time!"

"Go, let's take a look together!"

Andy Rubin happily led the way and led Xia Jingxing to visit the new department and new business.



"Jerry, I want to hear your opinion."

Lu Qi found his former boss, Yang Zhiyuan, and told him about Xia Jingxing's plan to invite him to be the CEO of Android.

The two have a good friendship, even though Lu Qi resigned from Yahoo, the two still maintain a private relationship.

And there is no competitive relationship between Android and Yahoo, and there is even cooperation between them.

Yang Zhiyuan leaned on the chair, gently stirred the coffee in his hand, and said with a smile, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Of course it's the truth!"

Lu Qi said solemnly, "I have checked a lot of information on the mobile operating system industry these days, and visited several senior executives of mobile phone manufacturers, but I am still not sure."

Yang Zhiyuan put down his coffee, shook his head and said with a smile: "Wrong, you have paid attention to the industry, why can't you pay attention to Dai Lun?

The venture capital industry often says that "investing is investing in people", and in my opinion, the same is true for job hunting.

Although Dai Lun is only 23 years old, his career has already spanned China and the United States, covering Internet, industry, financial investment and other fields.

Such a person has unlimited possibilities in the future. To be honest, I think even when Yahoo was at its peak, I couldn't compare to him, after all, he is not as good at making troubles. "

Speaking of this, Yang Zhiyuan's eyes are full of admiration and envy. Xia Jingxing's career is booming, but his Yahoo is going downhill, and he has no temper when he is beaten by Google. This makes him, the former chief of Yahoo, lose a lot Heart qi, and even began to have self-doubt and wavering.

So when he learned that Lu Qi was going to leave, he didn't overly discourage him. He really didn't have the confidence to persuade him to stay.

Lu Qi nodded lightly. Yang Zhiyuan's words strengthened his beliefs. Looking at Xia Jingxing's career map, no matter which industry he breaks into, he can always make a splash, as if there is nothing in the world that can stop his business expansion. .

"The most important thing is that he is Chinese, no, just like you, he is Chinese."

Yang Zhiyuan smiled, "If one day Silicon Valley can't survive, you can still go back to China. Haineiwang and Fuxing Industry are good technology companies."

Lu Qi completely understood. Yang Zhiyuan pointed out a very important point for him. Xia Jingxing is Chinese, and he will not set up obstacles for his promotion, or he will not suffer unfair treatment because of his Chinese identity.

Even if he tries harder, can he become the CEO of Microsoft as a Chinese? I'm afraid it's unlikely.

Xia Jingxing was different, he was directly appointed as Android CEO, no matter how weak Android was, he was the number one leader.

After much deliberation, there is actually no more suitable employer in Silicon Valley than Xia Jingxing. Even if something happens in the future, he can still join Xia Jingxing's business in China as a veteran trusted by Xia Jingxing.

"Let me tell you again, Yahoo was the most popular among Chinese engineers in Silicon Valley before, and everyone listed Yahoo as their preferred employer."

Jerry Yang sighed, "Oh, it's changed now! This preferred employer has become Facebook and Youtube."

Lu Qi said with a smile: "Because you and Dai Lun are both Chinese, everyone thinks that there will be no "glass ceiling"."

"The fact is the same. At least in Yahoo, you have become an executive vice president, and Facebook also has several Chinese vice presidents. If you look at other technology companies, how many Chinese executives are there?"

Lu Qi nodded heavily, "You and Darren have made outstanding contributions to improving the status of Chinese engineers in Silicon Valley."

Yang Zhiyuan waved his hand, he didn't want to talk about this topic, let the past go with the wind.

Lu Qi's eyes were gloomy, and he felt that Yang Zhiyuan still lacked some courage. The founder and CEO are all like this. How can the employees below be better? Who can support Yahoo again.

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