My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and seventy-two, easier said than done

After inspecting the Jintian studio, Xia Jingxing had a meal with the management team, and then took a plane to Shanghai that night.

It was already late at night when we arrived at Hongqiao Airport, and our old classmate Deng Fenghua came to greet Xia Jingxing and his party with several employees from the office in Shanghai.

After resting all night, Xia Jingxing arrived on the 49th floor of Jinmao Tower early the next morning.

Since it was National Day, most of the employees were on vacation. When Xia Jingxing walked into the office hall, he only saw a few left-behind employees still sitting at their workstations busy with the work at hand.

Deng Fenghua specifically explained: "All the holdings of Mangzhong Fund have been emptied. Everyone has been working for several months, and it just happened to catch up with the National Day, so we gave the team a long vacation."

Xia Jingxing nodded and said, "It should be. Everyone has worked hard this time. When we come back from the holiday, we will reward everyone for their merits."

Deng Fenghua smiled, he was very aware of the weight of the words "reward for meritorious deeds".

Mangzhong Fund was established last year. It has been in the big A-share market for nearly two years. It is not well-known outside, but it is a well-known celebrity private equity (securities) fund in the industry, and it is also full of mystery.

The most mysterious thing is, how much money did the Mangzhong Fund earn?

Although there are speculations in the industry, the numbers range from billions to tens of billions, but no one really guessed it right.

Deng Fenghua, as the vice president of Vision Capital, is actually one of the leaders of several sub-teams under the Mangzhong Fund. He is one of the few people who know the specific profit figures of the fund best.

He secretly thought, if the company rewards the fund team in a round, how many apartments will the key members have at least? And it's still in the bustling area in the center of the magic city.

Deng Fenghua led Xia Jingxing into the meeting room, where there were already several people sitting.

Seeing the big boss appear, Zhao Jun hurriedly stood up to greet him, and several vice presidents behind him also stood up one after another.

Xia Jingxing shook hands with several people one by one, and said "Thanks for your hard work".

But none of these people felt hard, and everyone's face was filled with the joy of a good harvest.

Because today is the day to count the harvest, who would feel tired counting money?

After exchanging pleasantries, Xia Jingxing sat down, smiled and nodded to Zhao Jun: "Let's get started!"

Zhao Jun walked to the stage with great interest, playing the PPT as usual.

"This year, following your guidance, Mr. Xia, we have retained 80% of the positions in the three major industries of securities companies, real estate, and liquor after a round of reduction, and added 20% of our positions to ST shares and other industry sectors... "

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhao Jun with a smile. In fact, he did not give much guidance to the Earn Seed Fund. The investment directions of several major industries were mainly determined by Zhao Jun and the investment research team after investigation and research.

However, he provided two key guidelines, the timing of buying and selling, especially the timing of selling. This is the essence of stock trading.

"In the last round of fund rebalancing, we sold 4 million shares of CITIC Securities at an average selling price of 40.2 yuan; this year we sold the remaining 16 million shares at an average selling price of 92.5 yuan. share;

The average price of our positions in CITIC Securities is 7.39 yuan, and the cost of holding positions is 147.8 million.

A total of 1.6408 billion was obtained from the two reductions, the total profit reached 1.493 billion, and the return on investment exceeded 10 times. "

Xia Jingxing looked at the K-line charts and shareholding change charts on the projection screen, and nodded secretly. Without any leverage, he earned ten times the income in less than two years. It is really a big bull market!

And this is the record they achieved by reducing their holdings of CITIC Securities by one-fifth at a low price halfway through. If they did not reduce their holdings, they would probably earn more.

"Citic Securities' growth rate is very good. It is estimated that after the festival, the stock price may break through the 100-yuan mark."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhao Jun, who seemed to be a little bit sorry for reducing his holdings too early, and said calmly: "Even if it breaks through the 100 yuan mark? Maybe it will drop the limit the next day.

The US subprime mortgage crisis has spread to major financial institutions, and a bigger financial storm may be brewing at any time.

There's no need to put yourself at risk just to earn that last penny. "

Zhao Jun came to his senses and nodded quickly: "Mr. Xia, you're right, I'm the one who got it! Last year and this year's big bull market is indeed a bit confusing to people's eyes. It's easier to magnify a person's greed, ten times the income, It’s something that was unimaginable in the past.”

Xia Jingxing smiled and said no more.

Zhao Jun continued to play the PPT and reported the profitability of each stock.

"The average price of our holdings in Sinolink Securities was 4.62 yuan. We reduced our holdings by 4 million shares at an average price of 19.08 yuan and 16 million shares at an average price of 151.51 yuan. The two reductions totaled 2.50048 billion , with a total profit of 2,408.08 million, and a return on investment of more than 24 times.”

Hearing this series of numbers, Xia Jingxing immediately felt relieved. He originally thought that CITIC was the biggest monster stock, but compared with Sinolink Securities, it was still a little less coquettish.

"Fanhai Construction, holding an average price of 5.48 yuan shares, reduced its holdings by 6 million shares at an average price of 23.2 yuan, and reduced its holdings of 24 million shares at an average price of 71.3 yuan. The two reductions totaled 1.8504 billion. The profit was 1.686 billion, and the return on investment exceeded 10 times.”

"Luzhou Laojiao, with an average holding price of 6.13 yuan, reduced its holdings by 6 million shares at an average price of 28.01 yuan, and reduced its holdings of 24 million shares at an average price of 60.39 yuan. The two reductions totaled 1.61742 billion. The profit is 1.43352 billion, and the return on investment is 7.8 times."

"Vanke A's holdings have an average price of 6.71 yuan of shares, reduced its holdings by 6 million shares at an average price of 17.61 yuan, and reduced its holdings of 24 million shares at an average price of 30.16 yuan. The two reductions totaled 829.5 million, with a total profit of 6282 billion, and the return on investment is 3.12 times.”


Xia Jingxing listened to all the reports of more than a dozen stocks in his investment portfolio, and he knew it well. In this round of big bull market, the performance of real estate and liquor in general is still not as good as that of brokers.

In particular, Vanke only made a little more than three times its profit, making it the worst performer among all stocks.

This made him blame Wang Yan a little bit in his heart, why can't he climb less mountains and stay away from the female star?

"The three major industry sectors were all cleared, and a total of 10.68448 billion funds were obtained."

The smile on Zhao Jun's face was very bright. He was already very satisfied with this result, and he had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

After reporting the situation of the main funds, he continued to press the PPT controller in his hand and said: "The next thing to show is the ST sector. At the beginning of the year, we reduced our holdings by 800 million in total, but after investigation, we only paid 200 million has been invested in the ST sector.”

"ST Jintai, the largest monster stock this year, has a total of 42 daily limits. Our average buying price is 2.5 yuan, and we bought a total of 3 million shares. The average price of the reduction is 26.58 yuan. The reduction is 79.74 million, and the total profit is 7224. Ten thousand, the return on investment is nearly ten times.”

Xia Jingxing interrupted: "I heard that Liu Fang, ST Jintai's largest shareholder in circulation, was tracked down by many parties, and finally found to be a rural woman from a poor family?"

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "There are a lot of tricks in it. Fortunately, we don't buy many, otherwise people might not take us to play."

The corner of Xia Jingxing's mouth twitched, it was really messed up.

Zhao Jun continued to show the return on investment of other ST stocks. Some earn more than ten times or eight times, while those earn only two or three times less.

In the last inventory, only 600 million yuan was earned on ST shares, and the average rate of return was only 3 times.

After showing the final profit statement, Zhao Jun specially explained: "Because the size of ST shares is relatively small, and the number of valuable ST shares is relatively small, it is impossible to bear our 800 million funds.

Therefore, in the end, we only invested 200 million yuan in the ST sector, and the other 600 million yuan was invested in other industry sectors. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, expressing his understanding, because he had told Zhao Jun not to allow any illegal operations.

Then, he looked at the investment in other industry sectors shown by Zhao Jun. The rate of return was not bad, reaching four times, with a total profit of 2.4 billion, which was a little stronger than the performance of the ST sector.

"As of now, all the stocks held by Mangzhong Fund have been cleared, and our bank account has a total of 14.5 billion yuan in cash."

When the number "14.5 billion" was mentioned, Zhao Jun couldn't help breathing a little more quickly.

He witnessed with his own eyes how the funds in his hands changed step by step from 1 billion to 14.5 billion. It felt a little unreal, and it was too easy. He just focused on buying several major industry sectors and held them for more than a year. Then reduce your holdings and make money.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, it mainly depends on the big bull market. The entire big A-share market is skyrocketing, and even many small white investors have made money, and they have earned several times or ten times.

The only thing they are better than Xiaobai stockholders is that Mangzhong Fund has already withdrawn all the funds.

It's easy to say, but he has hesitated and hesitated, because if he holds it for another month, the 14.5 billion may become 20 billion.

Faced with such a temptation, few people can calm down.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help admiring Xia Jingxing, his mind was clearer than any of them.

You must know that when Xia Jingxing received the sell order some time ago, most of the team members from him down were hesitant and entangled, and some even persuaded him to persuade President Xia to withdraw the order: hold it for one more month! Just one month!

At that time, he thought about it for a whole night, but in the end he did not try to persuade Xia Jingxing, but strictly followed the boss's order to sell.

When 14.5 billion was quietly lying in the company's bank account, he felt that he had an epiphany and grew up on the road of investment.

Even if he holds it for another month, and the money becomes 20 billion or 30 billion, he feels that it is not as smart as the boss to stop it in time.

Because when the position really becomes 20 billion or 30 billion, it may be completely unstoppable, and then there may be a catastrophe.

When others are fearful, I am greedy; when others are greedy, I am fearful!

Many people know this famous saying of the old man Ba, but few people can really do it. Easier said than done!

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun turned his attention to Xia Jingxing, who still had a calm expression on his face, as if it was not 14.5 billion, but 145.

Xia Jingxing quickly realized that no matter what, he wanted to encourage the team, so he took the lead in applauding.

"Very good! This time, the Shanghai office managed to pull back a round. Without using any leverage, it created a 14.5 times rate of return in one and a half years, which is more difficult than the "60 times rate of return in three years" of the New York office. Achieve a lot.

Because the leverage of the Lixia No. 1 Fund is maintained at three times or four times at any time.

Old Zhao, you have led the team to make great achievements this time, and the company will definitely reward you and the team heavily. "

Zhao Jun quickly waved his hands and said modestly: "Mangzhong Fund can achieve this excellent result, the first is because of Mr. Xia, your command is determined, the second is that the big bull market has helped a lot, and the third is that the team is united and sincere. cooperate."

Xia Jingxing smiled, and glanced at the few vice presidents beside him whose little hands were flushed and their faces were full of anticipation. He knew what these people were expecting.

So he turned his attention to Zhao Jun and ordered: "Notice, the colleagues in the finance department who have worked hard these days will work extra hours and come up with a detailed reward plan.

In addition, on the first day after the festival, the whole company collectively rests for another day and holds a celebration banquet. "

Zhao Jun smiled: "Okay, I'll make arrangements later."

Seeing this, Deng Fenghua and several vice presidents knew that the boss and Zhao Jun still had something to discuss, so they got up and left. Only Zhao Jun and Xia Jingxing were left in the meeting room.

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