My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and eighty two, MOMO

Popular recommendation:

Start financing?

Build the headquarters building?

At the board meeting of Fuxing Industrial Holdings Group, when they heard these two issues raised by Xia Jingxing, several directors were a little shocked and surprised at first, but after thinking about it carefully, they took it for granted.

Chen Hong asked: "Is there any specific plan?"

Xia Jingxing raised his chin to Chief Financial Officer Deng Yuanjun, and the latter got up to report: "I discussed with Mr. Xia, and the initial plan is to acquire a piece of land in Haidian covering an area of ​​300,000 square meters, about 450 mu.

Twelve office buildings will be built on this land, with a total construction area of ​​about 500,000 to 600,000 square meters. After completion, it can accommodate 40,000 people to work at the same time.

Among them, 10 office buildings are used by us, and the other 2 are used by domestic holding groups. "

Chen Hong asked: "What about the budget?"

Deng Yuanjun replied: "Because we are a technology company, we can enjoy a lot of preferential policies for land acquisition. About five to six billion yuan can get the land done. The main cost is construction and decoration. The total investment budget is about 5 billion yuan. .”

Lin Weiping frowned slightly and said, "It's so high, almost 10,000 yuan per square meter."

Deng Yuanjun explained patiently: "Actually, it's not particularly high, but it's considered top level in China.

But then again, our revival industry is striving for the development of the goal of leading technology companies, and the standards in all aspects must naturally reach the top level in the industry.

The construction of a high-standard science and technology park can display the corporate image externally and enhance the sense of belonging of employees internally. In addition, our employee scale is growing too fast, and it is inconvenient to work in multiple places. Gathering together can play a higher role efficiency. "

"But 5 billion is too much, right? The market value of Sohu and Sina is a bit more than this."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Big Sister Lin, let's look ahead, after two or three years, the revival industry will not be able to reach its current scale.

In fact, I have always had the idea of ​​building the company headquarters into a world-class landmark building.

However, considering the current actual development of the company, I think it is still not possible to make great achievements. The headquarters should focus on practicality first.

Otherwise, the total investment would be more than a mere 5 billion, and a zero would have to be added at the end. Even the name is no longer Fuxing Science and Technology Park, but Fuxing Science and Technology City, a city of science and technology.

All the top technologies of our group will be applied in the entire park, such as face recognition access control system, mobile phone reservation for elevators, unmanned delivery vehicles...

Other building subsystems such as lighting, HVAC, and power distribution will all be connected to our smart IoT operating system, turning objects in the entire park into "living objects" and endowing them with intelligent attributes. "

Lin Weiping smiled lightly, "It sounds like a sci-fi movie, I hope to see it in my lifetime."

Xia Jingxing coughed suddenly, and managed to hold back his laughter. Big sister, are you cursing yourself?

Academician Li Guangnan is more honest. He said very directly: "This is really not science fiction. The revival of the Internet of Things has already started research in this area. Maybe in a few years, we will see some technology applications in our lives. gone."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Yes, Gates' family has used related technologies ten years ago, but the cost is a bit high, and it will take some time to enter the homes of ordinary people."

Lin Weiping was completely silent, she knew that she was out of date again, Xia Jingxing often threw out some cutting-edge technological concepts on the board of directors of Fuxing Industry, but she basically couldn't get in the conversation.

"In the headquarters park with a total investment of 5 billion, cloud computing and artificial intelligence research and development projects will each invest 500 million US dollars in the first phase. Will this round of equity financing add up to more than 12 billion?"

Xia Jingxing nodded towards Chen Hong, "Yes, we must not fall behind in technological exploration, so this money must be invested, and this is only the initial fund, and more will be invested in the future."

Chen Hong expressed his understanding of this, and at the same time supported these practices, but how much should Fuxing Industrial Group be valued now? He raised his own doubts.

Xia Jingxing replied indifferently: "The valuation of the entire group at the beginning of the year was only a little over 2 billion US dollars, but now that the sales of Fuxing mobile phones are so hot, the business sector of Fuxing mobile phones needs to be revalued, and the semiconductor business also needs to be taken into consideration.

In short, a re-evaluation will be done.

By the way, do you two want to increase the capital in equal proportion? "

At present, Fuxing Industrial Holdings Group has only three shareholders, of which Chen Hong holds 0.94% of the shares, Huang Hongsheng's family holds 2.85% of the shares, and Vision Capital holds the remaining 96.21% of the shares on behalf of Xia Jinghang.

Fuxing Industrial Holdings holds different amounts of shares in various subsidiaries through a number of wholly-owned subsidiaries, such as holding 58.95% of Fuxing Semiconductor and 70% of DJI.

Chen Hong calculated in his mind that this round of investment is as high as more than 12 billion. Even if he holds less than 1% of the shares, he still needs to invest more than 100 million.

If you do not follow the investment, the shares will be diluted.

However, if he followed the investment, he felt that it was of little significance, because the business of Fuxing Industry had gradually entered a mature stage, and the return on investment was limited.

And he also took a stake in Fuxing Semiconductor, which is also a big project that burns money.

He was about to speak, but was preempted by Lin Weiping, who asked: "Mr. Xia, I remember there is a Sunco Real Estate under our group, right?

How about splitting Sunco out for independent financing, and then financing it into Qiangai Science and Technology Park? "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Lin Weiping, this eldest sister has a lot of eyes!

It is estimated that she didn't want to follow the investment, but she didn't want the shares to be diluted, so she came up with such a brilliant idea.

Without Xia Jingxing opening his mouth, Deng Yuanjun reminded: "Boss Lin, with all due respect, if Sunco is split up to get the land, five or six hundred million won't be enough to get 300,000 square meters of land in a good location.

Because ten years ago, many unscrupulous businessmen encircled land in various cities in the name of building software parks, in the name of engaging in technology, but in fact they speculated on land, which caused a very bad influence.

Since then, governments around the world have become particularly cautious about software park and science park projects, because there are too many companies selling dog meat under false pretenses, and they have to guard against them. "

Knowing that there was such a thing, Lin Weiping immediately laughed and said: "Yes, yes, yes, look at my memory, I almost forgot, it seems that it can only be group financing."

Xia Jingxing didn't pay too much attention to Lin Weiping's little trick, and said indifferently: "The reason why Sunco was acquired at the beginning was to let Sunco play the role of property development, property self-sustainment and property management of the group.

The headquarters put forward the demand, and handed over the planned development of office buildings, technology parks, industrial parks, employee quarters and other projects to Sunco, and they were responsible for the planning, land acquisition, project subcontracting and so on.

After the development is completed, in order to ensure the quality of our property management, Sunco will also set up a special property management department.

In addition, the developed communities and office buildings will not be used up for a while, and Sunco will also lease and manage them.

There are also low-rent housing, rent-free housing, and property incentive housing provided by the group to outstanding employees in major cities, all of which are managed by Sunco. "

Chen Hong said with a smile: "Then Sunco is not like a company anymore, it is more like a real estate functional department of the group, which develops real estate for its own use."

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "Although real estate development is making huge profits, it still depends on the policy. Once the bonus period is over, it will return to normal.

Real estate companies are desperately hoarding land all over the country and operating with high debt. Once encountering policy changes, it is not impossible for Sunco to repeat what happened last year.

The technology industry is the real profiteering industry. Some patent rogue companies have more legal counsel than engineers.

But what's the matter, it's not necessary to accept others' extortion honestly, because the technical standards are formulated by others. "

Chen Hong smiled and nodded, "That's right, you shouldn't focus on the three melons and two dates of the real estate. It's almost enough for Sunco to build a house for the group for its own use."



After Xia Jingxing reached an agreement with several shareholders of Fuxing Industrial Holdings Group, he held a board meeting in Overseas Holdings Group.

The shareholding of domestic holding groups is more complicated and dispersed than Fuxing Industry.

Vision Capital, Facebook, DCM, Cybernaut, Northern Lights, Hanergy, and Capital Today are all shareholders.

Hearing Xia Jingxing's proposal to build the headquarters park together with Fuxing Industry, all the shareholders did not have much opinion, because Overseas Holdings does not need to invest in the construction, but after the park is repaired, it will rent two of the office buildings according to the contract signed in advance. At the same time, Overseas Holdings can also obtain the naming rights of the two buildings.

This motion was quickly passed, and then moved on to the next motion.

"I propose that domestic games acquire Neople, the developer of DNF, and Shimankai, the developer of CF."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he found that no one answered his words, the meeting room was dead silent, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Chen Hong sneered in his heart. A few months ago, Xia Jingxing proposed that the overseas holding group acquire two game companies. At that time, most of the shareholders expressed their opposition. game company.

Now seeing that DNF's operation is booming and successful, it has the cheek to propose the acquisition of these two game companies.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

The risk is carried by others, and the benefits are shared by everyone?

Xia Jingxing actually had the same thoughts as Chen Hong, thinking that Xu Xin's proposal was too delicate and self-serving.

In fact, he still hopes that the two game companies will be merged into domestic games, because management and communication are more convenient.

However, the merger time is not now.

"DNF hasn't launched paid items yet. No one can say how profitable it will be. Let's wait and see."

Xia Jingxing made a final decision, and Xu Xin shut up wisely.

Deng Feng put forward a topic: "Since this year, the development of Twitter in the United States has made great progress, and a large number of celebrities have begun to enter Twitter, which has led to the growth of Twitter users.

Domestically, Penguin launched the microblogging service QQ Taotao more than two months ago, and a large number of start-up companies such as,, and Jiwai have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Should we do something about it? "

Zhang Yong glanced at Xia Jingxing, who nodded at him, so Zhang Yong said with a smile: "I discussed this issue with Mr. Xia two months ago, and our judgment is that the microblog service will not be available for a while. China cannot develop.

In fact, we have also done a lot of work. Recently, a large number of celebrities, Olympic athletes and celebrities from all walks of life have entered the public homepage of Hainei. I wonder if you have noticed? "

Deng Feng suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "I see, it seems that even Liu Xiang has settled in, right? He also posted a post, calling on everyone to pay attention to next year's Olympics."

Zhang Yong smiled and said: "Yes, we have reached a cooperation agreement with the Beijing Olympic Committee. At present, the 639 participating athletes in our country have opened the public homepage of, and we will promote this national event together with

In addition, more than 500 celebrities from Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China, more than 100 well-known writers and editors, and more than 200 entrepreneurs and other celebrities from all walks of life have opened public homepages on

Next, we will also invite more social celebrities to settle in, and make public homepage an Internet product where Chinese celebrities gather. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, this is called sneaking into the village, not those who shoot.

The strategy of domestic Internet celebrity has been implemented for almost two months, and the results have been remarkable.

Not to mention the outside world, even the company's directors and shareholders didn't notice that it was already laying the foundation for the microblog business.

This can't be blamed for everyone's slow response, because the official homepage was officially launched last year when Xia Jingxing first took over, and Brother Chun had millions of followers last year.

Now there are more celebrities on the public homepage, and everyone is no stranger to it.

Strictly speaking, there is still a big difference between the public homepage and the microblog, and it needs to be revised and polished when the microblog is officially launched.

"What about the MOMO voice?"

Zhu Min smiled wrinkled all over his face, "I always think this name is weird."

Zhang Yong looked at Xia Jingxing, the boss chose the name, it had nothing to do with him, he actually thought the name was a bit strange.

Xia Jingxing coughed, and said solemnly: "This is our game voice software, and it can also be called a game social software. A group of strangers play games and chat with voice together. Isn't that called Momo?"

Zhu Min nodded with a smile, "That's right, I think it's easy to read it a few times, and it's also easy to remember, which is good for brand communication."

Lin Xinhe laughed and said, "Mr. Xia, with all due respect, this MOMO has no tone. It's hard to say whether it's Momo or Momo?"

Xia Jingxing glanced at Lin Xinhe, who was wearing a pink suit, a pair of yellow-framed glasses, and dressed in a flamboyant bag. He was indeed one of the co-founders of Sina, and he expressed the true meaning of socializing in one sentence.

What is the truth? Soft love!

Only by doing this kind of tuning can social products be made.

If it is done well, it will be WeChat where everyone shakes happily and exercises hand strength. If it is not done well, it will be Alipay, which is notorious for white-collar diaries and student diaries.

"It doesn't matter if it's Momo or Momo, users will understand it themselves."

Lin Xinhe looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile, and didn't ask any more questions, he understood.

Zhang Yong continued to introduce: "At present, the development team of MOMO voice has been formed, and the research and development work will start in the near future."

Xia Jingxing asked, "How long will it take to go online?"

Zhang Yong replied: "Early next year at the latest."

"Okay, hurry up the work progress, "Cross Fire" will start the public beta at the beginning of next year, and the team's gameplay combined with the voice software will play a very good role in promotion.

And "Dungeon and Warriors", isn't there a team formation system? But only text communication.

If there is voice software for communication, users should like it very much. "

Zhang Yong nodded to Xia Jingxing, indicating that he had written it down, and then he continued to report: "We have recently investigated the game developer Yonghang Technology, and plan to invest 10 million yuan in this start-up company to obtain 25% of the shares, and at the same time represent their development. Dance game - "Dance Dance"."

There was no opposition to the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Ten million yuan is not much, even if it is fully compensated, it doesn't matter much, because the net profit of domestic games this year alone is more than one billion yuan.

Now the shareholders of Overseas Holdings have completely seen the prospects of the game business, and no one will question the investment or acquisition of game companies.

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