My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and ninety, heroes gather in Jiangnan

A gadget that connects revived mobile phones and computers?

Xia Jingxing suddenly became interested and asked Fu Jixun to bring a laptop from the side and started to demonstrate it to him.

Fu Jixun first took out his Fuxing fx1 mobile phone, then connected it to the computer with a data cable, and logged into a software called "fx pc suit".

The software UI interface is very crude, and at first glance it looks like a shoddy product.

But the function is not ambiguous at all.

Fu Jixun copied the pictures and memos from his phone to the computer with a few quick mouse operations.

Xia Jingxing understood and asked, "Is this software designed for the fact that our mobile phones cannot directly transmit information to computers?"

"Yes, it's just such a gadget. If Fuxing Mobile wants to add such a software, it can be done by a few people in a week. There is no technical threshold."

At this point, Fu Jixun changed his subject, "However, what I value is not the software, but the young man who developed the software.

He noticed a problem that thousands of people on Fuxing Mobile had not considered.

With the addition of such a software, it will be much more convenient for Fuxing mobile phone users. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. They had indeed neglected this issue.

Nowadays, feature phones and so-called semi-smart phones on the market all have a memory card. If the user needs to transfer the information stored on the phone to the computer, he can pull out the memory card and insert it into a USB flash drive, and then use the USB flash drive to Copy to computer.

The Fuxing mobile phone has not been designed with an expansion memory card slot since its birth, so naturally there is no way to insert an SD card.

"The young man who developed this software is named Xiong Jun. He is only 25 years old and is a junior director of a Bayan ERP software company in Ludao.

According to him, he is a die-hard user of Fuxing mobile phones, but found that the photos and memos in the mobile phone cannot be copied to the computer.

In order to solve these problems, he used his spare time to write several small programs and uploaded them to starting in October. Finally, he centralized the functions of these tools and developed a tool called "fx pc suite" .

This tool is very popular among netizens. It has only been online for a month and has accumulated more than 200,000 users on the platform alone.

Some time ago, NetDragon Chairman Liu Jiande noticed this software, and then he sent his assistant to find Xiong Jun, invited him to visit NetDragon, and proposed to purchase the software for 100,000 yuan.

Xiong Jun was a little tempted, not because he valued the 100,000 yuan, but because he valued the big platform of NetDragon.

NetDragon is now listed, and Wanwan Company where he works is only a small company.

This young man went to a very average university, majoring in accounting, and was self-taught in computer technology.

According to normal recruitment channels, it is basically impossible to enter large IT or Internet companies. "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly. When he heard this, he remembered who Xiong Jun was, the founder of 91 Assistant.

"Then why did he contact you again? He still wants to join our incubator?"

Fu Jixun smiled and said, "This young man is quite smart. Because he understands the relationship between Fuxing Mobile and Envision Capital, he did not agree to NetDragon rashly. Instead, he submitted an application to the Envision Venture Incubator. I'm afraid it's Want to wait for the price to sell.

If there is no response from us, maybe he will choose NetDragon. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. As far as he knew, Xiong Jun didn't have so many choices in his previous life and chose to change jobs from the small company in Wanwan to NetDragon without hesitation.

After the other party arrived at NetDragon, it didn't get much attention. With a few new programmers assigned by the company, they developed 91 Assistant based on gadget software.

Later, as the traffic of 91 Assistant soared, the mobile application store began to be hailed as the entrance to the mobile Internet, and NetDragon really began to pay attention to this software.

At this time, a fierce conflict broke out between Xiong Jun and NetDragon executives. Xiong Jun left 91 Assistant, which he founded and brought up, and led several people to leave NetDragon to start 91 Assistant to promote similar products simultaneously. With the angel investment from Li Guanfu and Cai Wusheng, they later sold Synchronous Promotion to a Bayan company for more than one billion yuan.

Needless to say, 91 Assistant set a record for the largest merger and acquisition in the history of China's Internet, which caused Baidu to pay a heavy tuition fee.

Xia Jingxing was thinking about how to arrange Xiong Jun, whether to support the other party to start a business in a business incubator, or to let Fuxing Mobile acquire the other party's software and recruit him to Fuxing Mobile Company at the same time.

Fu Jixun had the same idea as Xia Jingxing. He asked, "Mr.

After thinking for a minute, Xia Jingxing quickly made a decision: "I will call Zhang Yong immediately and ask to acquire the company together with the software."

"Overseas network?" This result surprised Fu Jixun.

Xia Jingxing said: "Yes, the upcoming Fuxing FX2 will be equipped with the mobile phone manufacturer's application mall, which will completely solve the problem of the connection between mobile phones and computers. There is no need to purchase a small software.

It is difficult for this kind of gadget software to develop into a big company and can only become a vassal of the giant.

When major companies launch their own mobile assistants around the mobile Internet, competition on this track will become fierce.

As time goes by, the winners and losers will gradually be determined. Except for one or two Internet giants with countless traffic, other companies will be eliminated. Of course, this does not include mobile phone manufacturers that ship with their own app stores. "

Fu Jixun thought for a moment. The boss's mind jumped too fast, from a mobile phone and computer connection management software to a mobile app store.

He probably understands what his boss means, saying that the smartphone app store will develop into a download portal and traffic portal, becoming a battleground among giants.

It seems that we have really found a treasure!

Fu Jixun was very excited and said immediately: "Okay, I'll contact Xiong Jun right now. Although Hainan Holding Group is not a listed company, its development prospects are far from those of NetDragon. He should be satisfied."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, and at the same time he was thinking quickly in his mind. The goal of was to become a social giant, and it would also launch its own app store. Together with Fuxing Mobile's app store and 91 Assistant, there were three similar products.

He estimated that if Baidu offered the right price, he would still have to sell 91 Assistant to the other party as he did in his previous life. After all, it is a pleasure to help others. Friends and businessmen have the responsibility to help Baidu transform to the mobile Internet.

As for whether there will be nothing but chicken feathers in the end, it all depends on Baidu's operational capabilities.



Xia Jingxing went to Lin'an as invited to attend the full moon wine dinner hosted by Ali.

The banquet was held in a private club with pavilions and waterside pavilions. The scene was decorated with lights and colorful decorations. More than 100 celebrities in the industry gathered together. The organizer Ali also gave a nice name called "The Gathering of Heroes Jiangnan", which was printed on Sign on the wall, on the stage.

When Xia Jingxing arrived, many guests and reporters were already at the scene.

As reporters chased him for interviews, Xia Jingxing signed his name on the sign-in wall and then walked towards the main stage.


"Mr. Xia, who do you think is China's next Ali Baba?"

"Mr. Xia, what do you think of the current e-commerce market structure?"

The reporters were like fanatical believers, chasing after Xia Jingxing, asking questions as they ran.

Rows of plastic chairs were placed under the main stage. Sitting in the first row was a man wearing a white suit and black sunglasses at night. He took off his sunglasses and glanced at Xia Jingxing, who was surrounded by reporters, "Bad luck! Old man. Why did Ma invite such a capital vulture here? The good gathering of heroes in Jiangnan was suddenly ruined by a piece of mouse shit."

The entrepreneurs and senior officials on the side laughed, but no one answered.

They all knew that Shi Dazhu had a big mouth, but they didn't expect it to be this big. Mr. Xia was the major shareholder of Ali, holding more shares than Jack Ma. Why couldn't he come to the banquet?

Those who know the grudge between Xia Jingxing and Shi Dazhu know that Shi Dazhu was venting his inner dissatisfaction.

At the bidding meeting of China Digital, Shi Dazhu was severely scolded by Xia Jingxing, who was only half his age. He was criticized for having no entrepreneurial spirit and being full of cowards.

Being humiliated in public was a personal grudge between Shi Dazhu and Xia Jingxing.

Secondly, DNF emerged a year ahead of schedule and took away many game users of "Zhengtu", causing the stock price of the giant that had just gone public and conquered the world with one game to suffer a heavy setback.

This involves a struggle of interests and public enmity.

Public enmity combined with private grudges, it is not difficult to understand why Shi Dazhu was so unhappy with Xia Jingxing.

Some people who are well-informed also know that Shi Dazhu is not just talking, but has actually launched an act of revenge.

Seeing that no one agreed with him, Shi Dazhu closed his mouth in disinterest, but his eyes, like the others, were cast on Xia Jingxing, who was shaking hands with Ma Yun.

"Dylan, welcome!"

Ma Yun was wearing a black Mao suit, dressed like a Zhongnanhai bodyguard.

When he shook hands with Xia Jingxing, his waist was straight, his movements were capable, and he was full of energy, just like a practicing master.

"The clothes are nice, and you look like a hero!"

Hearing Xia Jingxing's praise of himself, Ma Yun's face lit up with joy, "Isn't my nickname Feng Qingyang? I ordered a few sets of ancient costumes and tunic suits for myself. I'm usually too embarrassed to wear them out, but I feel they are quite suitable for today's occasion. Just put it on."

"Yes, to promote Chinese culture, you can wear this outfit when you go abroad to attend conferences and forums in the future."

Ma Yun laughed loudly, "That's exactly what I meant! Come on, Darren, please take a seat!"

Ma Yun grabbed Xia Jingxing's hand with one hand and made a "please" gesture with the other.

Xia Jingxing was brought to the front row by Ma Yun and sat down. Looking around, there were all familiar faces.

There are Shi Dazhu, Guo Kuangchang, Chen Tianqiao, Shen Guojun and others who are members of the Jiangnan Society with Ma Yun, as well as bearded Wu Ying, Niu Gensheng, Chen Dongsheng, Pan Shitou and others who have good personal friendships with Ma Yun.

Except for Shi Dazhu who turned away, everyone else said hello to Xia Jingxing. Even Guo Kuangchang, who joined the Huashan Society, and Chen Tianqiao, who organized the Overseas Alliance, nodded to Xia Jingxing. The essence of a good meeting.

Wu Ying was the most enthusiastic and even came over, patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder and chatted for a few words.

Although Big Beard is not good at doing business, he really has a certain way of life. He has friendships with every chamber of commerce and entrepreneur, and he won't offend anyone if he doesn't interfere in things.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing always gave the bearded man face.

Not long after sitting, Ma Yun came on stage and began to deliver a speech.

Then, the staff carried a large jar of daughter's red wine. There was also a big red silk tied on the wine jar, with two big red characters "Full Moon" written on it.

Witnessed by the media and guests, Jack Ma and the Eighteen Arhats buried the full moon wine together.

Jack Ma also made a bold statement: "We will wait until 1994 to open the city, and then all of you who hope to live a long life will come together to drink this century-old wine!"

Xia Jingxing just listened to the music and glanced at the group of middle-aged people in their forties and fifties around him. Among the people present, he was the only one who could still drink. He was only one hundred and seventeen years old. It was not like no one had lived to this point. years, and in the future he will focus on investing in biotechnology companies to find ways to extend human lifespan.

As for the others, the grass on their graves is several feet high.

Jack Ma explained: “Ali Baba was founded in 1999. The company’s goal is to live 102 years and beyond 2100, spanning three centuries!

Ahri has been born for more than 8 years now, and there are still 94 years left before the minimum goal! "

After hearing such heroic words, now the guests and the media all applauded sincerely. Who said that China cannot give birth to great entrepreneurs? Who said China doesn’t have Kazuo Inamori and Jack Welch?

They seemed to have seen a legendary entrepreneur walking towards them.

Xia Jingxing clapped softly and looked at Ma Yun, whose face turned red due to excitement on the stage. He reminded himself in his heart that he must not bloat, and he must remember this three times a day!

After the grand celebration ceremony, Jack Ma stepped down and led a group of entrepreneurs to a quiet private room for dinner with a smile.

A round table that could seat twenty or thirty people was filled with distinguished guests attending today's banquet. Ma Yun sat on top, looking at the starry lineup, very satisfied.

On his left is Xia Jingxing, the second richest man in the country and the richest IT man with a net worth of 100 billion;

On his right side is Shi Dazhu, the second richest man in the IT industry, worth 28 billion;

In addition, Guo Kuangchang and Pan Shitou are also among the top ten richest people in Forbes list, with a net worth of 20 to 30 billion.

Looking at such a spectacular circle of friends, Jack Ma couldn't help but joke: "When I look at all of you here, it's like I'm seeing a pile of money, which together is worth the annual GDP of a small country."

Pan Shitou laughed loudly, "Old Ma, you are so humble! If it continues at this pace, the annual transaction volume of the Ali platform will probably be equal to the annual GDP of a big country, making it one of the top dozens or even tens of thousands of people in the world. The top ten economies are all possible.

After you go abroad, the generals and prime ministers of various countries who want to do business with China will probably have to make friends with you. How can ordinary businessmen be as good as you! "

Ma Yun suddenly laughed heartily. No wonder Cao Dewang said that Pan Shitou and his wife were clever people, and they flattered them so well, without being harsh, making people feel like spring breeze.

"Lao Pan, you are exaggerating, but when it comes to expanding the transaction volume of the platform, we really have a plan."

In front of the entrepreneurs present, Jack Ma started Amway's new platform, "Just at the end of last month, we launched the Ali Mama online advertising platform, which allows advertising spaces to be sold like commodities, helping small and medium-sized websites to make money through advertising and create Open promotion and trading platform.

At present, Ali Mama has brought together more than 150,000 small and medium-sized websites and more than 135,000 personal blog sites, with more than 1 million registered members, and the daily clicks of the small and medium-sized websites covered exceed 1 billion times.

Everyone, if you want to advertise in the future, you can come to our Ali Mama.

For example, Lao Pan, you can come to Ali Mama to place some real estate advertisements. Netizens who go online and browse several different websites will see your Soho advertisements. "

Pan Shitou smiled brightly, "It's so good! Then you must put in some advertising."

Others also followed suit, saying they wanted to come to Ahli Mama to place some milk ads, insurance ads, etc.

Shi Dazhuxian glanced at Xia Jingxing, who was silent, and said with a smile: "When it comes to Ah Li's mother, Ma Yun still speaks too generally and too modestly.

Let me tell you more about it. This is the first time that the concept of "advertising is a commodity" has been introduced in the industry, allowing advertising to be presented as a commodity in the trading market for the first time, so that both buyers and sellers can clearly see it.

If you own a website or blog and have administrative rights, you can register for Ali Mama to sell advertising space on the website;

If you are an advertiser, you can also choose the advertising space that suits you on Ali Mama to place ads.

Compared with other Internet advertisements, Ali Mama is more transparent, high-quality, low-priced, and fair.

Giant Company has decided to invest RMB 100 million in Ali Mama’s advertising platform. Recently, some people spent more than RMB 100 million on advertising for “Zhengtu” and robbed many players.

This time I only use 100 million to snatch back these robbed players, and even snatch some people’s users.

When it comes to marketing, just throwing money at it is the stupidest thing! "

Shi Dazhu pointed to his head, "It depends on this!"

Since no one answered, the scene was a little quiet for a while. Some people glanced at Xia Jingxing with their peripheral vision, preparing to watch the show. Shi Dazhu had to report the ID card of this "certain person".

Ma Yun glanced at Shi Dazhu and looked a little unhappy. This was Ahri's full-moon banquet for listing. Anyone who sabotaged it would not give him face.

He invited Xia Jingxing here today, and also specially placed Xia Jingxing and Shi Dazhu beside him, one on the left and one on the right, just to prepare for bringing Ah Li to the top of China's Internet market value and to resolve the grievances between the two.

On the one hand, it is to prevent him from being caught in the middle and having difficulty doing both;

On the other hand, he has gained prestige. Such difficult things have been resolved by Jack Ma. Doesn't this show his ability? There are many hidden benefits.

But Shi Dazhu took the lead in provoking Xia Jingxing, which made him very upset, and it became even more difficult to resolve the grudges.

All the thoughts were completed in an instant, and before Ma Yun could say anything, Xia Jingxing took action.

"Everything can rely on marketing and advertising. Let me tell you, product quality is the best advertisement!"

Xia Jingxing was not used to Shi Dazhu's bad habit of having a bad mouth, so he sneered: "Stop talking about those big words. If you have the guts, let's compare the number of people online at the same time in "Dungeon \u0026 Fighter" and "Journey" for one year. The stakes may be high, and those who lose will donate 1 billion to Project Hope!

Mr. Shi, how are you doing? Do you dare to compare? If you don't dare to compare, just shut up and don't ruin everyone's fun here! "

The whole place was quiet, including Jack Ma, who was stunned. Is it such a big deal?

Shi Dazhu stared at Xia Jingxing, his eyes bloodshot, and his face turned the color of pig liver!

He really wanted to agree to the bet, but his reason told him that he couldn't agree. How much melatonin would he have to sell if he lost?

Although he usually invests lavishly in this project and that project, he seems to be reckless, but in fact he makes decisions before taking action.

Huashan will collectively contribute money to participate in China Digital's bidding. That is because China Digital's revenue and profits have been manipulated, and the investment is guaranteed to make a profit.

When investing in a new software company founded by Guo Wei, you also know that the other party has connections and resources in the industry and can take away a large number of key employees. It is only a matter of time before the company is rebuilt.

But now he really doesn't dare to gamble 1 billion with Xia Jingxing.

1 billion won't kill him, a billionaire worth more than 20 billion, but half his life will still cost him.

Giant's stock price has fluctuated a lot recently. When the stock price is lifted, we don't know how it will fall.

And you can't cash out in large sums, you can only choose to make money by pledging equity.

More importantly, he does not have enough confidence in "Zhengtu", and there is a high probability that he will not be able to handle the fierce "Dungeon and Fighter".

Seeing Shi Dazhu's cowardly appearance, many people present felt contempt in their hearts. Since you can't afford to provoke him, why would you take the initiative to provoke him? This is not digging a hole to bury yourself, what is it?

Ma Yun laughed, "What are you betting on? We are all good citizens and entrepreneurs who abide by the law and do not do anything that violates the law."

How could Xia Jingxing easily bypass this big pillar? It would have been fine if he hadn't invested in Guo Wei, but the other party actually invested in Guo Wei, and Guo Wei kept causing trouble for China Digital. This was a big problem.

He smiled brightly at Ma Yun, "Old Ma, you are overthinking it. This is not for profit, it is a public welfare undertaking!

There have always been voices in society saying that games are poisoning young people. Our two game companies have donated to Project Hope to care for the next generation. This is a good story to spread! It can also wash away the bad reputation of the industry. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Shi Dazhu and said mockingly: "Oh, some people's reputations have long been ruined. It's normal not to care! No matter how society scolds them, they still have to collect melatonin for this year's festival."

Shi Dazhu couldn't bear it anymore. He slammed the table, pointed at Xia Jingxing, and scolded: "Don't pretend to be a good person here. How good do you think your reputation is? You wantonly slander Mu Godfather, maliciously acquire listed companies, and destroy good Chinese business." Society is in a mess.

In Mr. Mu’s words, you are the lackey of the Americans. You have brought all the dregs of American capital to China, and you have also plundered the country’s people’s wealth for the American masters behind you. "

Xia Jingxing retorted: "Fuck you, you must be used to this, right? Mu Zhixin is your father, every word is your godfather! He, Mu Zhixin, moved his headquarters to the United States and claims that he is a global enterprise every day. It’s not a Chinese company, but Americans still don’t accept a traitor like him to take refuge! He wants to be treated like a dog by the Americans, but he doesn’t, and he still has the nerve to slander me?”

Shi Dazhu was shaking with anger and wanted to stand up, but Ma Yun held him down.

Feng Qingyang, who has practiced martial arts for many years, had to use his hands to subdue Shi Dazhu, who was much taller than him.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing on the left was still calm, Ma Yun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. This man was much stronger and younger, so he was not sure about subduing him.

If a fight really breaks out and the other party beats Shi Dazhu until his face is covered in blood, it will be big news tomorrow and his face will not look good.

Ma Yun's face was ashen, he took a deep breath, and said with dignity: "A good celebration banquet suddenly turned into a quarrel banquet.

I don't care what grudges you have between you, please leave this door before you argue.

If the noise is not enjoyable, then try the real trick in the mall. "

After saying that, in order not to be more embarrassed, Ma Yun picked up the wine glass and looked around, "I didn't entertain you well today. I will punish myself with three drinks!"

Then, Ma Yun poured one glass after another, three glasses of wine in a row, and drank them all!

The people next to him were dumbfounded, and then they couldn't help but admire Ma Yun's quick wit.

Wu Ying, who has high emotional intelligence, immediately said something to resolve the embarrassment: "Old Ma, if you drink like this, I will call your wife to carry you home later!"

Ma Yun waved his hand, "It's okay, I opened the door to drink today. I reported it to my wife, and she said you can drink it, and you can drink it until dawn!"

Others joked one after another, praising Ma Yun for his good fortune, or ridiculing Ma Yun for his strict wife control.

Xia Jingxing and Shi Dazhu, who were sitting next to Ma Yun, became just two spectators. They said nothing and no one paid attention to them.

Xia Jingxing wanted to get up and leave, but after thinking about it, he felt something was not right, so he forced himself to eat the food.

Shi Dazhu next to him was even more exaggerated than him, as if he was just a normal person and started looking for people to talk to and drink.

In the blink of an eye, the room became lively again, as if everything had never happened.

Xia Jingxing finally learned the lesson. The people present were all human beings. They had been making fun of each other for a long time. Even if the two of them made a little more noise just now, these people could still pretend to be fine.

Since no one was embarrassed, Xia Jingxing felt that he was no longer embarrassed either.

After finishing the dinner like an actor, Xia Jingxing left in a hurry.

Originally, he wanted to talk to Ma Yun about cloud computing cooperation, but he had to give it up temporarily. He guessed that Ma Yun would be angry at the moment, and even if he agreed on the surface, he would not take it seriously in his heart.

Xia Jingxing flew back to the capital overnight.

Early the next morning, he was awakened by a rapid ringing of the phone, and he picked up the phone sleepily.

"The mole has come out of its hole and it's time to close the net!"

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