My America

Chapter 315: Public opinion is killing

"Making public opinion to force the Democrats in the southern states can clear the suspicion of the next series of bills." Rio de Janeiro, thousands of miles away, Sheffield squinted his eyes and explained the key to this operation to Edith Rockefeller "If you push such a bill into effect too quickly in a short period of time, it may cause suspicion, so there must be a heavy judicial person to attack this matter."

"You chose Alton Parker to keep things under control?" Edith Rockefeller asked with a smile as he shook the glass in one hand.

"Yes, the joint company's contacts are among the Democrats, so this grasp is greater." Sheffield nodded, her face full of exhaustion, "There are actually reasons for having to do this. Since the civil war, the Republican Party's basic plate Far more than the Democratic Party. With the increase of black voters, if the Democratic Party does not change its position, the gap with the Republican Party will become more and more obvious. After the Civil War, the Democratic Party has not won once. Even President Cleveland has not won. "

"In order to win the electoral votes with more certainty, the entire South cannot lose one, so we have to find ways to deprive black people who are not in one mind with the Dixie and prevent the loss of electoral votes?"

Edith Rockefeller may not be extremely clever, but he still knows some political secrets. He knows that in the current indirect elections of the federal government, electoral votes are far more important than one-person votes.

"Yes, now is the basic set maintained in the southern states." Sheffield nodded, saying Edith Rockefeller was right.

In fact, a few decades later, the reason why the Democratic Party became a white-left political party was related to the strong cancellation of the bill in the southern states that restricted the black suffrage by the federal government. At that time, there were more black people. After the restriction was lifted, it almost killed the Democratic Party.

Under that circumstance, the basic state of the southern states can no longer be maintained. In order to survive, the Democratic Party has become the white-left political party that people think of in a hundred years. They are forced to be more internationalist than the Republican Party and support immigrants.

"It seems that all of this is for balance, so if other companies know, they should not oppose this restriction." Edith Rockefeller knows deeply that the relationship between major companies and parties belongs to Harmony is impossible to use and guard against.

For example, there is a limit for personal contributions to election donations, but there are no election donations donated by companies. It is claimed that this is to protect the way in which companies express their freedom of expression. In fact, the real purpose, needless to say, everyone understands.

Major companies do not want a political party that is too strong to emerge, which is also an unspoken rule.

After Gail came out of Alton Parker's house, he was relieved. The Democratic conservative gangster finally agreed, and took the initiative to put some pressure on some Southern Democrats.

Immediately, Gael took the phone and informed McHale of waiting in New Orleans, and asked McHale to inform some Democrats about the situation and prepare them.

Soon, Alton Parker wrote in the New York Times about the views of the black groups in the southern states, expressed himself as a senior judge, expressed anger at the delay and loopholes in the legal system of the southern states, and mentioned judicial justice and efficiency , The importance of whether a country develops healthily.

Because Alton Parker is the leader of the Democratic conservatives and the authority of the legal system of the United States, the statement just made on this matter has caused a enthusiastic response and was reproduced in major newspapers. Many newspapers, especially those supporting the Republican Party ’s policy, with a gloating attitude, emphasized the identity of Alton Parker Democrats, saying, "Look, the red-necked attitudes of the Democratic Party do not even see the authority of their own parties. It's over. "

This is just the beginning. Former President Cleveland and former Secretary of State Olney, both conservatives, also expressed their support for Alton Parker in the following two days. All the Democrats have expressed their opinions on this matter. Letting the schadenfreude see the signs of division within the Democratic Party, it is at this time that it is fueling the situation and exerting pressure on the Democrats in the southern states.

"Dear McHale, although it seems to be a good time to implement the restrictive bill under pressure, this is not the best time. If the southern states seem to agree with the proposal and introduce the restrictive bill at the same time, look at it from outsiders. It ’s too obvious. The timing is good but it ’s not enough. ”With a telegram from Rio de Janeiro in his hand, McHale understood the meaning of the black hand behind the scenes word by word.

"New Orleans is the central point of the South, and it has a great leading role in the southern states. We first made the blueprint for the restriction bill in Louisiana and passed it first. As far as other states are concerned, we should not worry. It creates the illusion of being forced to pass the bill, rather than passing it with enthusiasm, as if it had been waiting for a long time. This will inspire the unity of the Dixie people. "

This kind of operation seems to be a victim of delusion. In fact, it is very similar to the washing powder of the rice ring. The unwanted fans are discarded. What is left is the voters who enthusiastically support the Democratic Party. To create such an environment, the Democratic Party in the eyes of the citizens of the South has a disaster-ridden situation and urgently needs the image of their support, resulting in an environment in which the Dixie and the Democratic Party support each other.

The most obvious of this mentality is not Texas, because in this history of Texas, although it has a more sense of existence than the original history, it has not been harmed by many wars. The latest battle, the strength is preserved The most adequate. The Texans did not have this kind of victim mentality. The southern states have the largest mentality. They were New Orleans, the largest city before the Civil War, and the prosperous state of Louisiana.

All day, McHale spent time on the phone and the telegraph. The hands behind the scenes were thousands of miles away. Pioneer did not return in the north. Only the person who stayed in the base camp had time to bear with the Louisiana Democrats. Communication.

"Hey, it's much harder than doing business!" McHale smiled bitterly, glanced at the nearby scenery to relieve the pressure, and finally stood up and rushed outside and commanded, "Tell me a governor's letter, I want to talk to him See you. "

In fact, McHale did not take the initiative to find the door. Now the Democrats in Louisiana are also discussing the latest disturbances, thinking that this is the Yangji people deliberately looking for something, and are ready to ignore this public pressure and fight against the end.

After McHale's invitation, these Democrats thought McHale was on behalf of the United Company to share the troubles with themselves.

The Democratic Party ’s unwavering gold lord wanted to talk to them. Of course, it ’s better to be respectful and obedient. In the evening, some important Democratic figures in Louisiana will come to the door.

"William is currently investigating abroad. I can't come back in Rio de Janeiro, but I have told him about it. The cause and effect of the whole thing have not been concealed." McHale saw the coming person and spoke directly to Governor Lang Hunt , "Mr. Hunter, some important people, such as Alton Parker, former President Cleveland, and former Secretary of State Mr. Olney, have already expressed their views on this matter. If we do not give some response, it may cause the Democratic Party. This is a split that nobody wants to see. "

"I would rather the Democratic Party split and be responsible to our voters." Lange Hunter flatly refused. "The majority of Dixies will not agree to compromise in any sense."

"Actually, the response is not necessarily a compromise. Under this pressure! There is still a solution." McHale lowered his voice. "Republicans and some Yankee newspapers do not say that we have neglected black people. Judge Alton Parker believes that there are legal loopholes in many states. In fact, if these two things are put together, this is very interesting. If the response is appropriate or even beneficial to the Democratic Party, since black women have been violated for a long time, Then we will solve this matter and give citizens an explanation. How many criminals will catch as many criminals as possible, and we will be afraid that there will be people who are really afraid. "

At this time, McHale finally revealed the tail of the fox, saying that he could reproduce all the accusations, and introduced a bill to express his determination to improve the past legal loopholes. Anyway, this problem was caused by black people. Then deal with black people! Solve the source of the entire incident.

"Can this solve the problem?" Lange Hunter questioned for a long time. "This is a solution, but will it still be accused?"

"William said in the telegram that even if some social problems arise, it has nothing to do with the Democratic Party. In this entire incident, neither party involved is innocent. It is the public opinion that is forcing the Democrats to resolve this. The problem is that even if there is a sequelae in the end, public opinion is one of the culprits. "McHale has made it very clear," It is public opinion that is killing people! "

The long talks between the two parties lasted for an hour, and finally after Lange Hunt left, he had reached a consensus on how to deal with this public opinion.

On the second day, there were already Democratic members of the State House. When facing the media, they said that many Democratic members, including the governor, have been discussing the handling of this matter in the past few days, but they feel that they should be soft. Method-based.

As soon as this rumors spread, the major newspapers seized the opportunity to attack, thinking that the State Assembly of Louisiana was deliberately downplaying this matter, and appealed to public opinion to force the State Assembly of Louisiana to come up with an order Citizen-satisfied solutions, public opinion clinging tightly, put Louisiana at the cusp of the storm.

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