My America

Chapter 348: I have a dream

"You're very relaxed. Edith said that you still don't believe it as usual. Now it looks true." Rockefeller Jr. looked at the uninvited guest and exclaimed, "Now that the public opinion has blown up, you are showing The joint company is not yours, it seems that the Congressional inquiry did not treat you as well. "

"What else do they want to do to me? Just them?" Sheffield took an apple from Rockefeller Jr., and didn't think of herself as an outsider. He gnawed and said, "Most people in this world are They are ignorant, they are something, they have an adult body, but they are pitiful and naive in mind, like a giant baby. What do they think I should do now? Find a pit to hide? Shivering trembling? But dead Some workers only. "

"It was just some workers who died?" Rockefeller Jr. gasped. Although Sheffield was born as a slave owner, he may not have valued the lives of black people. However, tens of thousands of lives were too light in the eyes of the other party. Right?

"A person who likes history is very difficult to be in awe of life. If you study history for decades, you will still be sad about the passing of life, indicating that this person has seen all the books in the pit. What is history, bones It ’s a pen, and blood is ink. ”Sheffield ’s appetite widened, and the apple crackled in his mouth.“ It ’s unfortunate that I ’m a bachelor of Texas history. ”

Compared to the virgin citizen who was sad because of the collapse of the Gatton Lake dam, Sheffield really didn't feel a little sad, not at all, and he was still very well integrated into the slave-owner's family.

To this day, Sheffield has initially learned something and is ready to apply what he has learned in his life to the society. After eating Apple, he sighed, "The scenery on Capitol Hill is dazzling. I went to Congress to answer questions. It also made me feel a lot, and I have some new ideas. "

"You should be a teacher, maybe more successful than you as a businessman." Rockefeller Jr. chuckled. When was it all, and there was time to lament the scenery? Wouldn't the loss of Union be small this time?

But Rockefeller Jr. did n’t know that Sheffield was not a real American. He was oriental in mind and certainly valued money, but money was only a means he must use to achieve his goals. Money is very important, but other pursuits are more important.

If Morgan is in front of Sheffield and is keen to formulate industry order, Morgan and Sheffield may have more common language. For both, making money is incidental, and the dream of controlling the industry is more important.

The loss of the United Company is of course very large, but Sheffield does not care, otherwise he will return to New Orleans, why should he come to New York? Metropolis is very attractive to others, but not to slave owners.

"Actually, I came here to discuss business with you, can't I delay other industries because of the problems of the canal? The loss is already a foregone conclusion, and I have to make up for it from other aspects. There is also a dream! "Sheffield said lazily." Recently, Louisiana has passed a residential law. The main purpose of this residential law is ... "

I do n’t know what the purpose of Sheffield is, Rockefeller Jr., let me just listen to the slave master version, I have a dream.

It may be that Sheffield was deliberately showing off what he learned, starting directly from the ancient Roman Empire, and letting Rockefeller look helpless. Why didn't this slave owner start with Adam and Eve?

It's just that ancient Rome only played a guiding role. Sheffield's words turned to the ancient Roman style buildings on the Capitol Hill, touted modern Rome, the United States of America.

"I don't think money is more important than my own life, but money is an important means to achieve my dreams. If I don't have money, no one will listen to me." Sheffield said with a finger, "It's like Through the residential law, I can use the influence of money to let the state government pass laws that are beneficial to me. In fact, this kind of foundation, dear John, you also have it, such as the medical industry, everyone is afraid of death, otherwise you My family's medical industry and Morgan's insurance industry will not be so hot. Beside the banks and oil, your two families are the most important industries. I am not very familiar with the insurance industry. Can the medical industry? If you can get this industry's Dominant power, make rules, this is an industry that is not inferior to the oil industry. "

Rockefeller Jr. was silent, and the slave owner's words seemed to be trivial.

"I think it's all for you, that is, there is a relationship with Edith. Otherwise, Morgan and I have more common language." Sheffield prodded and confided, pushing his heart out, "To be honest, When we come to our class, what should be considered is the number that is no longer wealth. The accumulation of wealth is certainly gratifying, but the most important thing is not to be impacted by accidents. From a national perspective, our national wealth has exceeded the British Empire. "

"Establish a profitable medical system?" Rockefeller Jr. thought about it. Although he didn't have a cold for Sheffield's reasoning narrative, it didn't mean he didn't understand what he meant, instead he understood.

If the more professional medical industry is in control, the Rockefeller family does not have to rely on the heavy industry of oil alone, which is of course a good thing, but what exactly should be done.

"Private property is inviolable, this sentence should be implemented." Sheffield said half-truly, "After a few years of business, my understanding of the enemy is more clear, and of course Morgan is our competitor. , But our real enemies are not each other ’s companies. We are all businessmen and billionaires. What restricts us is not the industries controlled by each other, but another part of these industries. This part is national and public. Systematic. "

"Public hospital '?" If Rockefeller Jr. realized, he had basically caught the key point, but it was still a little vague.

Of course it ’s a bit vague. Sheffield looked at Edith Rockefeller and added, “There are also public schools! If you do n’t fix the public school system, you ca n’t completely solve this problem.”

Treating the symptoms does not cure the root cause. This is the relationship between public schools and public hospitals. The things of the private interest system need to be compared by the public system as a loser. Otherwise, the standards for shaping people like Sheffield will not be exposed.

Everything in the public system must be a mess. It must be corrupt and inefficient. This matter must be resolved from the fundamental school of all problems, and nothing can be solved without solving the school.

"I remember that you were never interested in donating anything?" Rockefeller Jr. was startled. He did not dare to say that she knows Sheffield very well, but she also knows it. Today, what the slave owner said was just two people. .

"I'm also growing up, and of course my thoughts won't stay the same." Sheffield looked like you underestimated me. "Before? A few years ago, the United Company was just the size of the DuPont consortium. Company, how can we think about so many things? It is different now. I already understand a little bit why you kings are passionate about charity. Not only do you understand, but you also analyze the deeper reasons and do research. "

"Yes, maybe a benevolent king of emerging industries will return to the stage." Rockefeller Jr. admired. "You even think more clearly and do it more clearly."

"Destroy the public system with the school as the core, so that public schools that occupy a large share cannot produce qualified personnel. Most people graduate from the school and have not learned much knowledge. Naturally, they cannot compete with us. The current public schools It is still a threat to private schools, so it is necessary to inject capital into many private universities that currently exist. They can dig people from a public school with money and dig out good teachers from public schools. Naturally, students in public schools will not get very much. Good education. This is the true purpose of donating to private schools. "

"Specifically in the medical industry, relevant personnel in the medical industry, such as doctors, must recognize occupations that are respected and loved by everyone!" Sheffield stroked his thoughts, and Rockefeller Jr. nodded frequently, "but we only need a certain number of talents. You must not allow too many talents in this industry. If you have more talents, it will become difficult to be respected and loved. "

"It reminds me of the Eastern saying," Things are rare and precious. This thing is scarce, so it looks very precious. "Sheffield, like seeing a confidant, extracted useful knowledge from Rockefeller Jr.'s words.

As an economy with a large enough volume, there is no reason for the bottom earners to save money, because at a certain stage the total social wealth is so large, it is unrealistic for everyone to be able to increase the value of assets. As long as the destruction of public education and the privatization of medical treatment turn these two industries into black holes, and people lose their right to a healthy body and study, they will basically block the promotion channel.

"This is really a big business." Rockefeller Jr., with a wry smile, was amazed by Sheffield's growth.

"I have a dream, that is, to achieve everything as early as possible today. The biggest existence in the medical industry is you. If you can get your help, this dream can be realized as soon as possible."

Sheffield ’s dream is to build a very vulnerable middle class, they can lead a good life, but they must face the threat of bankruptcy at any time, only in this way, life is forced, they can not shock upward, strangle education and medical treatment , You can do it.

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