My America

Chapter 380: Schrodinger's Russia

"If you look at the athletes from the Japanese team, won't you come to confuse us! Boss?" Jesra was surprised when he heard the outbreak of the war. When he saw that his boss was so angry, he expressed his heart. Doubts.

Sheffield caught an Olympic performance, and then there was a fight over there. Naturally, my heart was uncomfortable. A donkey face was the most obvious feature, but although the headline was snatched, he still shook his head, "Japanese kind of imperialism In the country, how can those athletes know the real situation, and the Orientals have a strong collectivism and sacrifice some people. For the greater benefit, it is normal for them. Japanese athletes should not know the inside story. "

"You go to say hello to the media. The war between Japan and the imperial Russia is a war that is thousands of miles away and has nothing to do with the citizens of our United States. The heat of this matter is brought down, mainly to report on the St. Louis Olympics. And Expo. "Sheffield scratched her head and determined the tone of the newspaper's propaganda.

As long as the downplay of the Russo-Japanese War can be as big as it is, let the citizens of the United States focus on the country. Sheffield feels that things are not difficult, because the Russo-Japanese War is a war that looks strong and weak. Others know that most people do n’t think the Japanese can beat the Russians.

Although the war broke out, this headline should still be robbed, even if the door is closed for entertainment.

"These Japanese really dare to fight against the great Russia?" Natalia clenched her fists, and the imperial Russia's momentum exploded on her body. "They will regret it, these abominable Japanese."

"Yes, they must regret it! I believe that the Emperor Russia will be able to defeat the Japanese in a short time." Seeing Natalia, Sheffield decisively attacked Japan decisively and comprehensively from the Russian Empire from music to literature. Touted. All that is said is true. Russia is really powerful in these two aspects. Classical music can be compared with Germany, and literature can be compared with France.

Righteousness is stern and ignorant of conscience, after making Natalia feel comfortable, the slave owner has also received a good return, and there are many red lips on her face.

Little Maomei is of Russian origin, and the slave owner naturally dare not say a word for Japan. He would say that the navy fleet of the Russian Empire is far inferior to the Beiyang fleet of the Sino-Japanese War. Natalia must be uncomfortable. Although this is actually the case, the naval battle between Japan and Russia is no worse than the unilateral suspension of the Spanish fleet of the United States.

Natalya is cheating. Rockefeller Jr. and Edith Rockefeller are not so easy to cheat. Both of them know that the Morgan Alliance has loaned to the Japanese Imperial Government. Although this has the federal government's vigilance against the expansion of the imperial Russia, if Japan Without two brushes, someone as smart as Morgan would not help Japan.

"William, can the Japanese really win? What a terrible country is Russia. How can this behemoth be defeated when looking at the map of the world?" Rockefeller Jr. said in a standard tone.

The territory of the Russian Empire is indeed very scary, with an area of ​​nearly 25 million. It is still the result of selling Alaska to the United States. The territory is so large that it is indeed reluctant to glance at a glance.

Little Rockefeller did not think that the Japanese could win. This is definitely the idea of ​​most people. In essence, the Japanese Empire is now a semi-colonial country, and all the contents of the unequal treaties signed by Japan still exist.

The victory of the Sino-Japanese War did not change a bit. In essence, before the Sino-Japanese War, European countries listened to the opinions of the Qing Dynasty, and then listened to the opinions of Japan. The Japanese ’s opinions were just opinions. The exchange of positions between Japan and the Qing dynasty is just the position exchange. For Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, this move is not that big.

For Venezuela and Colombia, these countries have always been weak chickens, and the international status of the Qing Dynasty and Japan is definitely stronger than these countries.

The Russo-Japanese War was a war that determined Japan ’s status. After that, all Japan ’s unequal treaties were not repealed, that is, they did not renew their contracts after expiration, allowing Japan to grow into a normal country.

Japan is now carrying a bunch of unequal treaties and is fighting again in such a situation.

"There is a huge warrior class in Japan, and this class has now entered the military service." Sheffield said. "This country is similar to the lord of European countries. It is really like the predecessor of the Germans, the Holy Roman Empire. Japan People also teach Germans. "

"The Japanese know the sneak attack. They must know that they can't beat the Russians. If Japan can win, the Chinese will have won." Edith Rockefeller ridiculed. "If Japan loses, Morgan's loan will not be recovered. This is a great thing. "

"Hope! Japan can't be underestimated. Japan's samurai class belongs to their main ethnic group, which is different from China." Sheffield thought of the fact that the Russian-style shells did not arrive, the icon arrived first, and the logistics of fighting with faith. I feel that history will not reverse, and Japan should still win.

Since China's generals before the Tang Dynasty became prime ministers and later became civil servants, far surpassing military officials, there is no respectable military class. Although the Eight Banners are dominated by military power, the total population of the Eight Banners is only one million. What concept, one-fourth of China ’s population, can only be said that the conditions of different countries are different, and it would be impossible to learn Japan without the military commander class.

For citizens of the United States, Sheffield, a media tycoon, is making headlines, and has deliberately emphasized the disparity of the Russian Empire and Japan, giving citizens a wrong impression that the war between Russia and Japan is just a small conflict. It will definitely end with Russia ’s easy victory and will not last long.

Citizens of the United States who have received such information instilled in their hearts that this war was not a major event. At the same time, news about the St. Louis World Expo and the Olympic Games grabbed the headlines that should have belonged to the Japanese and Russians.

At this time, the slave owners are grateful to Moneroism, so that the citizens of the United States can pay more attention to the things in front of them. If it is like the atmosphere of European countries, it should be noisy now.

While the whole world is paying attention to the Russo-Japanese War, the United States is in a calm sea. The most popular games are the adorable Olympic mascots and the new model of product promotion using the Olympics.

Sheffield lived up to the reputation of the king of emerging industries and embraced the Olympics and the World Expo as a stage for advertising. It was precisely because he wanted to advertise that he was so dissatisfied that the Russo-Japanese War broke out at this time. Almost all of the ads he put in hit the water.

"One day I will make Japan pay the price!" Although talking about this head-to-head war, in front of Natalia, Sheffield said that this is on the side of Russia.

Crying together, such an obvious attempt aroused Natalia's vigilance, with a nervous stammer, "I'm still a little nervous about what you want to do."

"Baby, don't be nervous. Since it's a woman, you have to find a man, isn't it? This is an inevitable experience." Sheffield stepped forward and said greasyly, "We will take this step sooner or later."

The gunfire of the Incheon Port was thousands of miles away, and the port was full of smoke. At night, the Japanese joint fleet launched an attack on the Russian Navy Fleet in the port, sinking the battleship "Prince" and the cruiser "Palada". . The next day, Japan once again attacked the Russian warships in Incheon. The explosion and the sound of artillery shocked the entire Incheon.

This attack was very successful, but it also caused a huge shock in Europe, because Japan once again fought undeclaredly. Although the Japanese had already done such a thing ten years ago, it was not because of the European The country naturally cannot resonate with the Europeans, but this time the fighting side is a European country.

"European newspapers are so interesting. I think the biggest unsolved mystery in Europe is whether Russians are Europeans. When facing Russians, they said that Russia is not Europeans. Russia is fighting other countries. They It has automatically become a European again! "The radio telegrams have matured this year, and there will not be too much information delay. Sheffield will soon hear the voice of Europe and propose a long-term European subject. This subject is called Schrödinger ’s. Russians.

I do n’t have any opinion on whether to attack Sheffield. It ’s not the first time that Japan has attacked, and it will continue to do so in the future. The Japanese are like this, and no one can change it.

Since the attack on the Russian fleet that hit Incheon, the port of Incheon was blocked by the Japanese joint fleet.

The United States naturally watched the bustling across the Pacific, but this was not the case for the Russians. These attacks—without any formal declaration of war declared in advance—were questioned at the beginning, and then caused anger in Russia. An exciting patriotic song praising all the officers and soldiers of the USS Varyag was quickly composed.

The entire Russian community was indignant and wanted to give the Japanese who did not directly declare war a powerful and popular opinion. The little dad of the Russian people realized this keenly, as long as they defeated the Japanese, the cohesion of the country could be improved.

Tsar Nicholas II and his ministers were determined to do their utmost to retaliate. Kuropatkin was appointed commander of the Far Eastern Navy, Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov was sent to Lushun to take charge of naval affairs, and soon, Nicholas II also decided to send the Russian Empire Navy The pride of the Second Fleet, from the Baltic Sea base, is no exaggeration to say to the other side of the world. The people of St. Petersburg are full of the belief in victory and revenge, waiting for the news of the complete victory of the Russian Empire.

Countries all over the world are also looking forward to the outcome of the war.

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