My America

Chapter 390: Alice in Wonderland

Roosevelt only talked about solidarity and hatred, and then explained how the United States will usher in the new century in the new century, and once again emphasized that many large enterprises use the first-mover advantage and use unreasonable means to prevent competitors from joining. This has a negative effect on the domestic environment.

Roosevelt greeted the challenge of the Democratic Party with a high profile, and took economic development as the central ideology of speech. His strong and self-confident statement won the Republican applause.

Los Angeles Evelyn Estate, this is Sheffield next to the original Hollywood estate, the establishment of the estate was given to Evelyn, and as a place to live in Los Angeles, of course, in Alton Parker ’s itinerary in Los Angeles, he did not Come here to live, and Evelyn just knows that her man has arrived.

The whole manor was built using the finest quality materials. It depends on the low land price of Los Angeles. The cost is still acceptable. The hostess who came out to greet the slave owner stayed on Alice Roosevelt for a moment. Speaking, without changing his face, he took Alice Roosevelt to visit the manor.

And offered to talk to Alice Roosevelt and visit the Hollywood Film Base, and received a warm response from Alice Roosevelt. She had already heard of the Hollywood name.

Alice Roosevelt was not in harmony with her father's personality, nor was she like a traditional woman. Otherwise, she would not drive herself to St. Louis to participate in the Olympic Games. For many novelties, Alice Roosevelt was full of curiosity.

"Miss Evelyn, what's your relationship with the boss of this joint company?" While visiting Hollywood, Alice Roosevelt saw no one around, and quietly asked the questions that lingered in her heart for a long time. She always felt that this The wealthy women seem to have some connection with Sheffield, who is so popular in the southern states.

"Why are we? Partner!" Evelyn smiled as usual, adding to her heart, "The biggest cooperation project at the moment is having a daughter."

Evelyn did not expect this person to be President Roosevelt's daughter. In fact, before that, few people knew that President Roosevelt had a daughter. Evelyn also had some doubts about how Alice Roosevelt and Sheffield were together. She doesn't yet know her man, the **** Democratic gold lord. They have been tied together almost since the Civil War.

Although not all large families in the South have developed well after the Civil War, such as the Duke family, the tobacco king James Duke is also very wealthy, not inferior to the Morgens. But the King of Tobacco has already cleaned up his partisanship.

"At the critical moment of the campaign, you even took the president's daughter with her. She was still so beautiful." Evelyn, who returned to the manor, looked at Sheffield in disgust. "You are not afraid of losing the election."

"It has nothing to do with whether she is beautiful or not. With our basic set, elections are twice as difficult as those of the Republican Party after the Civil War. When competing for votes in the swing state, we must win a big victory to shake the basic set of the Yankees. This is really It ’s too difficult, ”Sheffield said with a somber face.“ The candidate must have enough prestige to attract middle voters, and he must be on the side of us. William Bryan is such a person. It just happened to catch up with the economic depression, but even then, we also lost. The normal means, the Democratic Party can't win at all. It's all already done. Are you afraid to discuss ethnic issues? "

After the Civil War, until now many elections, the Democratic Party has won only one general vote. Even the two terms of President Cleveland lost to the Republican Party on the popular vote. The only popular vote won by the Democratic Party was lost to the Republican Party. That was a famous election fraud, because the southern states were still under military control, and the Democratic Party finally admitted defeat.

"Then you still use so much energy to vote?" Evelyn could understand the difficulties in Sheffield's ears and naturally wanted to know the man's purpose.

"My purpose is simple. If the Democratic Party of California wins, it means that my efforts are effective. I can change the opinion of a place. At the same time, I want to know how many white people will be on our side, as long as I get this after the election. The data is not a loss. "Sheffield held her head." It's even more important than victory. "

Elections can be chosen many times, this time it will not work and there will be next time. But if you want to know the inner thoughts of the white group, this is not something you can send out with a pen to ask. When the real point is not reached, the person under investigation will lie.

Take a very ugly election that was lost in history and use it for a poll that will never be biased. Sheffield thinks this is very worthwhile. This is actually to buy the data with money. As long as he has the exact number of votes, he will be able to overturn the long-term advantage of the Republican Party next time.

Of course, it is still the same sentence. If you win, there will not be many gold champions who have long supported the Democratic Party. If the Democratic Party wins, you will definitely get the biggest cake. Although he can take a step ahead with his memory, who may want to run in a car?

As the days passed, the most divided elections ever became more and more popular, which caused discussion among the majority of citizens. During the period, they also accompanied the call of the civil rights leader Du Bois to call for black voters with voting votes to resist Candidates for the Democratic Party, as well as suggesting that black people use ballots to defend their rights.

Compared with the excitement of the Republican camp, Sheffield is obviously a lot more boring here, because the propaganda point has only one ethnic issue. Although this advantage is enough to explode, you can pay attention to one thing for a long time, and it is easy to produce fatigue.

Just as aspirin is known as a magic drug, but it is not effective for all diseases. Many important Republican gangsters, all of whom are out of office, come out and criticize the extreme statements of the Democratic Party. This criticism soon led to more extreme remarks. This time, the elections have been sullen, and even the scope has expanded beyond the United States.

Many Latin American countries are mixed-race countries, and there are many black ethnic groups in the country. The Democratic Party ’s claims are naturally unpopular in these countries. Many of these countries ’ambassadors in Washington expressed their concerns on different occasions.

The newspapers supporting the Democratic Party refuted this. The United States is different from the general Latin American countries. The United States is a country where the white ethnic group has an absolute advantage. It is more similar to the European countries than the Latin American countries.

The culprit of all this is still learning to drive in Los Angeles, ready to compete with Alice Roosevelt. After a few days of hard work, Sheffield gave up this boring move, there is no need to learn this skill for safety.

"It's so nice here!" Alice Roosevelt stepped on the beach and stood on the beach, feeling the distant sea. "The climate here is very comfortable!"

Looking at the fine sweat on Alice Roosevelt's forearm, the slave owner withdrew his gaze in time when the other party looked at himself. The scholar's president's daughter raised his eyes and looked away, naturally he saw nothing, and agreed with his face, "This should be Our country is the most livable place, and there will definitely be many people who will settle here in the future. "

Although the slave owner said that the coldest in the south is the hottest in the south and the most livable in the south, isn't that a bar? In the face of Yang Ji, of course, he can make a conclusion that is contrary to common sense without blinking. If real thoughts, Los Angeles can form a threat to the New York metropolis in a few decades, there must be something extraordinary.

Livability should be regarded as a great advantage. If the land here is more fertile, the real fertile land is in the hands of the Dixie and Yangji people.

"Listening to what you said, I want to buy a house here." Alice Roosevelt smiled and agreed with Sheffield's livability. She already liked it a little.

"What's so difficult, I can give you a set." Sheffield chuckled lazily, "I can buy you the whole beach as long as you like."

But this wealthy appearance didn't impress Alice Roosevelt's atrium. Although this time was a time she had been alone with a man since she was young, she knew that the man in front of her was not easy to provoke and said, " Do you think everything in the world can be bought? "

"Don't say that, it's just the majority!" Sheffield looked up at the sky and hesitated slightly. "Wait for me, I'm thinking about things I can't buy, and I'll answer you when I think of it."

While Alice Roosevelt wanted to listen to Gao Lun, Sheffield suddenly turned around and walked, waving while walking, "I haven't thought of it yet, I'll tell you when I think of it."

"This villain!" Alice Roosevelt looked at Sheffield's back, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly. Quickly followed, "You must have never thought of it."

The days of Alice in Wonderland will continue, and Alice Roosevelt continues to follow Sheffield, always having first-hand information about the hostile camp in this election, but it will not be communicated. Based on fair elections, Sheffield told Alice Roosevelt not to leave her sight and prevent the Republican Party from being circulated.

Alice Roosevelt could only accept this, and followed Sheffield's side to listen to the other's dispatch.

"The polls in the Midwest are unreliable! Du Bois appealed to blacks to boycott the Democrats? That's okay, they weren't counted at all!" Sheffield double-handedly, calling on the phone, took the cigar out of his pocket, Put it directly on the table, only heard a clear cutting sound, and the cut cigar returned to Sheffield's mouth.

"There is nothing more to say now, and there are still two weeks left, so choose." Sheffield licked her lips and looked at Alice Roosevelt in a careless manner. "Who said I lost! It was I who was going to win." How many!"

The hostage is in hand, so the speech is so stiff.

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