My America

Chapter 402: Litigation and counter litigation

"But I think there are still some fights." Ramon Hess did not agree with this judgment and said, "This lawsuit is an excellent opportunity to show strength, and Morgan will definitely be well prepared. And the linkage between the federal government and the state government is of course a terrible thing, but it is not a direct relationship between superiors and subordinates, and there is room for operation. "

The United Corporation Legal Department train stopped at the station in Minneapolis. From here, the bus prepared by the local farming and animal husbandry association went to St. Paul, Minnesota ’s second largest city, where the lawsuit began.

Minneapolis and Saint Paul are twin cities in one place. The two cities are of similar size and share talents. The urban areas are connected together. They are the first and second largest cities in Minnesota.

There are not many places that use the development strategy of the Twin Cities. Even slave owners far away in the South can't find many examples to compare. It must be said that the Twin Cities under an area, Shandong, known as the Royal Province, has Two economic development centers.

Sheffield already knew the news that Ramon Hess was going to the place, and said that after contacting, he would find a place for a walk with Carter. Carter had graduated from the University of Austin and became a lawyer. He was also talking about marriage with Laura. During the marriage, they are interested in entering the political arena.

I believe that in a few years, a rising political star will appear in Texas. Out of the tradition of Texas, Carter has joined the Democratic Party and is dressed like a successful person.

"Tell me like Laura, I don't know if I had time when you got married, but my blessings are sincere. To be honest, I haven't walked for a long time." Sheffield and Carter walked side by side. Walking on the streets of Austin, both of them are considered alumni, naturally, don't care much.

"I will accept your gratitude instead of her. By the way, there are already alternatives on the side of the club. For the Japanese girl after graduation, you can choose a few names." Carter said of the Texas Club When I saw Sheffield, I shook my head and said, "You only care about this matter, as long as you can trust. Kiko Sato graduated? The time is really fast! By the way, I recently had a friend who wanted me to do a favor, Although I do n’t understand these non-governmental organizations at all, I certainly do n’t understand you as a law learner. If I have a friend who wants to be the president of the National Red Cross? How confident? "

"It depends on who helped her. If you are helping her, it depends on how hard you can make it. The election of the Red Cross seems to only need a simple majority, unlike the election of the president who pays so much attention." Carter was curious. Asked, "Who can ask you, just want to be the president of the Red Cross? Are you really ready to help? I'm so curious. I'm not a person like you."

Sheffield stooped and flicked the dust on his pants twice, looking at Carter's eyes, full of you really knowing me, softly, "It's Edith Rockefeller."

"No wonder!" Carter knew the relationship between the slave owner and the richest woman and asked, "Is it about the reform of the Red Cross that gave her the opportunity?"

"The federal government wants to let the Red Cross shoulder certain rescue responsibilities. I heard that the source is Chicago's water pollution world, but who knows what is going on." Sheffield can say straight, because Chicago is in this time and space. The water pollution incident has attracted the attention of the federal government. As for the original history, who knows what is going on.

If you want to be the president of the National Red Cross Society, you must get the approval of the Red Cross Council of most states and the council will be elected. The board members are all volunteers, and the president is paid, but for Edith Rockefeller, this salary is better than nothing.

As an outstanding graduate of the University of Austin and a director of the board of directors of the University of Austin, here is just like her own home. Sheffield, who was just a walker, is habitually natural and came to the female campus again.

When I came out again, I took a girl with an East Asian appearance and went straight away. This is of course very normal. I did n’t see the slave owner still bringing a lawyer. The legal aura was added, and there was nothing I could n’t do.

Compared to Carter, who has just started, far-away Minnesota is where the legal gangsters really attract attention. Like the Legal Department of the United Company, many senior lawyers come to Sao Paulo at their own expense. For these lawyers, a little cost It is far less important to watch a splendid lawsuit nearby.

"James, it's up to you this time. Morgan sent you out, which can be said to be taken very seriously."

"Pat, as you said, bringing so many lawyers from the joint company, just don't know who's side?"

The two big men gave a big hug. The two were very familiar. They once fought fiercely in the courts around radio patents and telephone patents. In the end, the two companies that were going to monopolize such major patents had to finally take the hall. Outside reconciliation, with resentment and dissatisfaction, shared the patent authorization with the other party.

This also added an invincible record to the two people, but this time Pat really came to cheer and recommend to his former opponent, "Mr. Rammonhes, the head of United Motors."

"Oh, it's amazing!" James pretended to be surprised. United Legal Department came here. As a lawyer, he knew the purpose by guessing. It was nothing more than hoping to accumulate experience through this lawsuit and face antitrust. On the issue of law, large companies should take a common position and say, "United Automobile Corporation and United Headquarters are widely respected companies, Mr. Rammon Hess, please take me to Mr. William."

"The boss has other things to be busy and is doing charity work, so this time I come, hoping to learn more." Ramon Hess said, he didn't lie. In addition to being busy with Edith Rockefeller, there is also a donation from Union University, and his boss is busy.

The arrival of Ramon Hess and his party was soon widely reported by the New York Times. The report used a huge space to introduce the strength of the joint company and the development of international business. Let more people know about this southern enterprise.

But the main purpose is to create the impression that the joint company and the large company involved in the prosecution stand together. After the news spread, Northern Securities Co. bottomed out and the stock price began to soar.

For Washington, this is not good news. Alice Roosevelt, who has just returned to the White House, is very confused. She does n’t want Sheffield and her father to stand opposite each other.

"The joint company is deeply entrenched in the Democratic Party ’s southern base. If this company stands behind Morgan and Rockefeller, it is almost the top three tycoons of the entire country standing against the government. The Field family replaced Carnegie's status. "

Attorney General Noske's mouth was full of uneasiness, and he had not waited for Roosevelt to speak. Alice Roosevelt said, "No, the Sheffield family will not stand on Morgan's side."

"Alice!" Roosevelt heard the voice with surprise, looking at his daughter, "You don't understand these things."

"Father, I used to go to St. Louis before the election. Sheffield was the chairman of the Olympic Committee. I have heard him say that he will not stand with Morgan in this life." Alice Roosevelt was shocked when she was wrong. Half-fake use of the Olympic Games as a shield, when talking about talking about the perception of major companies.

Roosevelt heard him, and smiled at Knox, "I didn't expect my daughter to have such important information."

The time Alice Roosevelt and Sheffield stayed with was far longer than the President thought. It is also because of this that Alice Roosevelt was convinced that Sheffield would not lie to him.

"Then the legal department of the joint company appears in the place of litigation, which is another possibility. It is the watching of the litigation. No matter whether the joint company is preparing for winning or losing, these big companies are guilty." Knox raised another possibility, " If this is the case, there is no need to worry about what the joint company will do, but public opinion has already caused it, which is still more troublesome. "

At least the impression is given to the outside world that because of the threat of antitrust laws, large domestic enterprises have unprecedentedly united to fight the federal government.

The door of the Sao Paulo court has never been as bustling as it is today. A huge convoy is gathered from all sides. Everyone who gets off the suit has leather suits and leather shoes. I am used to this environment.

"Oil, steel, securities! Insurance, minerals, machinery manufacturing! And textiles, banks and chemicals." After getting off the bus, Pat saw many old acquaintances and introduced to Ramon Hess what companies these lawyers belong to, each Behind the person is a trust.

"When it comes to the two giants Morgan and Rockefeller, it is almost the vane of the economic world." Ramon Hess nodded, also shocked by the dense legal elite.

The lawyer who came here has packed the court, and many people are waiting outside. Many reporters photographed this scene, and elite lawyers across the country have not been so neat.

When Judge Lochian appeared in the court, this non-simple litigation began, which also included the Northern Securities Company ’s countersuit against the Minnesota government, the St. Paul Court also accepted, and the Minnesota Prosecutor ’s Office against the Northern Securities Company. Litigation, as well as the Northern Securities Company ’s counter-litigation against the Minnesota government, both of which were heard simultaneously.

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