My Animation Era

Chapter 821 Overlord Clause? (Please subscribe)

According to Xiao Guo, the reason why the plan was originally named "Little Carp Jumping over the Dragon Gate" was mainly to highlight the allusion of "The Carp Jumping Over the Dragon Gate".

Title call!

This is a naming method used by many film and television dramas and animation works, and it is not unusual in the industry.

But Gu Miao felt it was inappropriate.

This is inappropriate, on the one hand, because the original version of "The Adventures of Little Carp" left a deep impression on him, and on the other hand, it is also because the naming is suspected of being a "spoiler".

Yes, spoilers…

The little carp jumped over the dragon's gate, pondering these six words carefully, and there was always a feeling that the answer was written on his face, without the sense of expectation.

It would be better to use "Adventure" as the title, of course! It doesn’t have to be this name, you can also change it, such as "Little Carp Adventure", "Bubble Adventure", etc.

In a word.

"Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate" is the core of the story and the source of inspiration for the entire animation. It is inappropriate to appear in the title of the film.

Guo Hongwei took the suggestion.

Perhaps in his opinion, the name of the animation is not important at all. What is important is whether the project can be recognized by the master and approved by the company.

As long as it can be approved, he has no objection to changing the name to [A Thousand Ways to Eat Little Carp], let alone changing the name to Adventures of Little Carp.

But after Gu Miao said so much, he never gave a clear attitude on whether he approved the production of this animation.

This made Guo Hongwei very anxious.

No matter how nice the words are, it's nonsense if you don't approve the budget. I've also read the plan, and all the faults that need to be pointed out have been picked out. Will it be successful or not?

"Listen to me first."

Seeing that his apprentice was a little anxious, Gu Miao pondered for a moment and then replied: "Your idea is very good. Normally I would have nodded and approved, but..."

I knew it!

Guo Hongwei didn't listen to what he said before. He just wanted to know, but what?

"But the company's funds have been a bit tight recently, and there is no way we can spare a sufficient budget for you." Gu Miao spread her hands with a helpless expression.

Really no money!

Projects like "The Adventures of Little Carp" would usually be approved. As long as Guo Hongwei dared to apply, the budget would be approved with his eyes closed. He would not hesitate at all.

But now the situation is somewhat special.

The group has just allocated a large amount of funds to develop Bibi Reading, which is the online text business, and there is not much available budget left in the books.

It's not a small amount.

Judging from the project of "The Adventures of Little Carp", tens of millions will definitely be spent to produce the desired effect. If it was only a few million, then Gu Miao would not hesitate.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Guo Hongwei was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he also understood his master. Wanbao's recent large expenditures were indeed a bit too much, and it was normal for financial constraints.

"The main reason is that the timing is awkward, and many payments have not been recovered, including the box office share of the movie "The Lion King" and derivative copyright income..."

When Gu Miao said this, she felt very irritable.

It feels numb!

How long has it been since the movie was released? Dividing the spoils at the box office...can't the accounts be done faster? The grinding and chirping is really unpleasant.

Unfortunately, the movie "The Lion King" was released simultaneously in many overseas countries, and box office statistics and accounting, including tax payment registration, foreign exchange transfer and other processes are indeed troublesome.

It's no use urging.

The work efficiency of foreigners can only be said to be understood. It takes several years to build a station. I will be thankful to see this money next year.

In addition to the delay in receiving the box office and derivative copyright income from the movie "The Lion King", Wanbao actually has many foreign debts that have not been recovered.

Who owes Wanbao money?

Naturally, they are the partners who come to Wanbao, sign IP licensing agreements, and print Wanbao animation character images on their products, hoping to make profits.

Take a certain orange juice drink as an example. It was originally agreed to link up with the "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" animation to produce about 5 million bottles of orange juice with packaging printed with animation characters such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf for sale in mainland China.

The licensing fee is very cheap~

When converted, a bottle of orange juice costs about 1 yuan, which is a total of 5 million in copyright fees.

But orange juice has been produced and has begun to be sold in major shopping malls and canteens. As a manufacturer, the orange juice company has defaulted on Wanbao's copyright fees and has been unwilling to pay.

Playing a gangster, right?

It stands to reason that the Wanbao Legal Department is not a vegetarian. It is a piece of cake for Jiangchuan Pizza Hut to deal with such low-level scoundrels.

But if you can't stand it, they will use the "drag" technique to stall for time. They would rather spend the money on the lawyer than pay it back to you.


It was originally expected that the money would be paid back in 2-3 months, but as a result, it took more than half a year, or even a whole year, to get the money back due to the forced litigation process.

In this process, countless manpower and material resources were wasted. Even if he finally won the lawsuit and got the money, Gu Miao still felt extremely disgusted.

learn from mistakes!

Gu Miao is not a stupid person. After being fucked like this several times, he also has a good memory.

He has since changed the rules. All companies that want to cooperate with Wanbao to engage in IP linkage and purchase licenses must adopt the "pay first and then authorize" model.

What? Overlord clause?

If you're unhappy, don't come to Wanbao for linkage. Wanbao is so domineering. If you have the ability, you can make your own IP and animation!

Don't even say it...

Although Wanbao's IP operating model of "pay first and then authorize" seems arrogant and unreasonable, it does solve the problem of being authorized by a scammer for free and being unable to recover the money.

Partners also like it.

The main reason is that you can’t buy it. Apart from Wanbao, you can’t find another one in China. It has super popular brands such as “Digimon”, “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf”, “Pokémon”, “Yu-Gi-Oh”, and “Sailor Moon”. IP animation company.

This is also considered a different kind of monopoly.

Although changing the IP operation strategy has barely solved some of the problems, Wanbao has invested too much in the online literature market, and this alone cannot alleviate the "financial crisis" at all.

If you want to make a quick buck for the company as soon as possible, you still have to rely on animation works, especially TV animations with "peripheral derivatives" that are easy to make.

For example, "The Adventures of Lolo"!

Directed by Gu Miao himself, it is another masterpiece after "The Prince of Tennis", "The Adventures of Uncle Long" and "Bear Bears", so there is no need to worry about the ratings.

Gu Miao's golden name may not be so effective abroad, and foreign children may not know him.

But in China, especially among children under the age of 16, the name Gu Miao represents "high-quality products" and "hot products"!

The ratings are definitely going strong.

Under such a premise, how to make peripheral derivatives of "The Adventures of Luoluo" and create higher profits for the company has become Gu Miao's biggest headache.

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