My Animation Era

Chapter 851 The importance of Jiji (please subscribe)

After the meeting, Gu Miao called Huang Kun to the office alone and gave him more in-depth work arrangements.

"Bear Bears" is important!

If the first season laid the foundation for the series and tested the experimental waters, then the second season of "Global Adventures" is a critical step that shows its edge and pushes this series to the altar.


Gu Miao did not appoint a person in charge for the sequels of other TV animations, even for "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", which Wanbao is most proud of.

Only in arranging the TV sequel of the second season of "Bear Bears", Gu Miao appointed the person in charge and chose Huang Kun, whom he trusted the most.

"The second season is pretty critical."

"I know what you want to say. Isn't it just a few new characters? Just do the same as the first season?"

Gu Miao glanced at Huang Kun and said with a serious expression: "If you really think so, then you are wrong!"

How many new characters will be added?

This sounds simple to say, but it is difficult to do.

Non-resident characters like Cuihua and Lao Crocodile can be ignored, but future permanent characters like Maomao, King Jiji, Bengbeng, Tutu, and Carrot Tou cannot be easily fooled.

Especially King Jiji and Mao Mao, the two monkeys who first appeared in "Global Adventure", in later animations, their popularity is no less than that of the two bear brothers.

That's an exaggeration.

Maybe King Jiji has more fans than these two idiots Bear Big Bear Er put together!

Such a high-quality gold medal supporting role cannot be wasted in Huang Kun's hands. It must be paid attention to and given greater charm based on the original version to make the character more plump and charming.

"That's not true, is it?"

Seeing what Mr. Gu said was so exaggerated, Huang Kun didn't believe it. In his opinion, the new animal characters in the second season were certainly interesting, but would they steal the limelight from Bear Big Bear II?

Didn't you wake up?

Xiong Daxiong Er is the protagonist and the character with the most scenes. There is absolutely no way that their limelight will be stolen by a supporting character with a pitifully low appearance rate, even if this supporting character is very interesting.

At most, it’s just like Bengbeng!

When Squirrel Bounce first appeared on the show, he also won the love of many viewers. However, as time went by and Squirrel Bounce didn't have many scenes, he was quickly ignored or even forgotten by many viewers.

If we don't emphasize the reminder, many children will even forget that there is a very cute little squirrel in the animation "Bear Bears".

In Huang Kun's view, the two monkeys mentioned in the plan, Jiji and Maomao, were not worthy of Mr. Gu's attention at all.

No, no!

They are just two monkeys with a small role, so a little attention will be enough. The focus must still be on the two protagonists, Xiong Da Xiong Er.

"This is not Bengbeng..."

Gu Miao covered her forehead and said, "I know you may not believe it, but what I said is true. These two monkeys are really likely to become popular, and may even be more popular than Xiong Da Xiong Er."

Be reasonable.

Before the original "Bear Bears" was broadcast, no one expected that the pairing of Gigi and Maomao would bring such a big surprise to the animation.

These two monkeys are really hot!

How popular is it? It was so popular that what was supposed to be a supporting role as a cameo was immediately upgraded to a permanent role, and even made guest appearances in many subsequent movie theater versions.

Before the broadcast of "Global Adventures", when people mentioned the animation "Bear Infested", the first thing that came to mind was Xiong Da Xiong Er and Bald Qiang.

After the broadcast of "Global Adventure", in addition to the "Iron Triangle" of Xiong Da Xiong and Er Bald Qiang, the animated characters that people thought of also had to add "King Jiji"!

People often say.

Jiji is to "Bear Bears", just like Lazy Sheep is to "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

It seems that he is not the main protagonist and does not have many roles, but he has an equally important position. Without it, the animation's appeal to children will be greatly reduced.

"Lazy Sheep?!"

When Gu Miao said that Jiji was as important to the "Bear Bears" animation as a lazy sheep, Huang Kun's attention was immediately attracted.

"Is it really that important?"


Gu Miao said with determination: "Even worse, with the joining of Jiji and Maomao, the animation "Bear Bears" can be regarded as a great work comparable to or even surpassing "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf"."

In fantasy terms.

The combination of Jiji and Maomao is like the "Seal of Heaven's Heart" in the fantasy world. Only by obtaining this thing can it be regarded as enlightenment and becoming an emperor in the true sense.

Didn't get this thing?

No matter how good the results of "Bear Infested" are and how brilliant the performance is, it is nothing more than a holy body at best.

The birth of a super popular animation, or an "imperial" animation that has suppressed the industry for more than ten years, certainly has a charming protagonist, but interesting supporting characters are also the key to success.

In Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, there is the red wolf who dominates the world, the lazy goat who wins the hearts of the audience, and the knowledgeable slow goat...

In the "Bear Bears" animation, do you think success depends only on the three characters of Bald Qiang and Xiong Da Xiong Er?


Also thanks to the interesting supporting characters such as Boss Li, Jiji, Maomao, Bengbeng and Luobotou.

Among them, although Boss Li has never shown his face, he is definitely the number one hero, and the second hero is Jiji and Maomao.

Just think about it.

Assuming that "Bear Bears" did not have these supporting characters, and the entire animation was just a one-man show performed by Xiong Da, Xiong Er and Bald Qiang, would it still be so exciting and interesting? Will it still attract so many children to watch?

"I understand."

Under the guidance of Mr. Gu, Huang Kun finally understood the importance of the combination of Jiji and Maomao.

He decided to study it carefully.

Since these two monkeys are so important, we need to carefully arrange the scenes and rethink the creation of these two characters.

"You should study it slowly."

"The advice I can give you is to think more about complementarity when shaping your character image." Gu Miao said with a smile.

As the saying goes, no one is perfect!

Since no one is perfect, how can animated characters be perfect?

If some shortcomings are properly designed, but the shortcomings are not so fatal, and the advantages are enough to outweigh these shortcomings, then this is a pretty good animated character.

Let’s take Gigi as an example.

This monkey likes to call himself "my king". He is arrogant, pretty and loves to play tricks, which makes a bad first impression on others.

But it is precisely such an unpleasant monkey that has successfully attracted countless children with its advantages of being smart, brave, affectionate, and reliable at critical moments.

What does this mean?

When creating animated characters, you can't just think about "greatness and righteousness". Sometimes, adding some shortcomings appropriately will not only not cause rejection by the audience, but will actually enhance their goodwill.

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