The driver drove the car carefully along the map. Although he used to travel to various places and was familiar with all sections of the road, the northwest was not a particularly far place.

But now, for the sake of safety, he would only look at the map while driving. This causes them to spend longer than normal on the road.

Fortunately, nothing happened on this stretch of road.

After all, Feng Hongxi is not a little guy who can be offended by anyone. Other forces have to give him some face for his goods.

Presumably this cargo delivery process should be smooth. The SUV driver leading the way said to several other people through the intercom:

"I estimate that no one will touch us on this road. The only ones who dare to touch us are either our allies, or their vitality is severely damaged and they are holding back their grandsons."

"Hey, just watch the road carefully. Who knows, what if someone with no foresight comes to steal our goods?"

The small fighter pilot replied that he was cautious and skeptical of all possibilities.

"No, don't talk nonsense, don't curse us. Who dares to rob us with such a big face? Let me tell you, instead of worrying about someone coming to rob us, you should worry about whether those crazy people will wait for the cargo to arrive in the northwest. I regret it and just kill people and sell goods."

"Bah, I think you are the real crow's mouth."

This time it was the SUV driver on the side who spoke back to him.

"But what I said does make sense. I heard that those crazy people don't care about anything. Even a dog passing by them will be beaten several times. I think instead of worrying about the road, we should worry about where we are. How do you get out alive!"

After hearing his words, several people fell silent and stopped talking.

They all knew that although his words were vulgar, they were not unreasonable.

Often, the situation of black and white is most likely to occur at the moment when the transaction is about to end.

No words were spoken along the way. We drove for about an hour and a half. The safety on the road made the driver of the SUV at the front a little sleepy.

In order to wake himself up, he started shouting again:

"Hey, let me tell you, piloting the plane, did you see anything in the sky? Is there really not even a chicken on this road?"

"Not to mention a chicken, I didn't even see a bird."

"It's such a wasteland. Haven't we not reached the northwest yet? No wonder those guys have no food. They want to find something to eat, but they can't even catch a bird..."

He was still talking to himself when suddenly, the fighter pilot saw something dark and round being thrown out by the road not far ahead.

The thing hit the road and then spun around a few times on the road.

His eyes flashed, and then he immediately shouted:

"Stop the car, there's a sneak attack!"

He had just finished shouting this sentence, but it was already too late. After the black thing had finished spinning on the ground, there was another "click" sound, as if some buckle had fallen off.

It's a smoke bomb!

From the hole of the smoke bomb, a burst of thick white mist floated out, and the white mist dispersed quickly. In the blink of an eye, several SUVs and large trucks were surrounded by thick fog.

The small fighter jet flew higher into the sky to avoid being disturbed by the white fog.

"Pilot, give us visibility!"

Someone shouted.


The pilot responded to him and looked at the road ahead, only to see a bus covered with rusty steel rushing out. The bus was like a beast, charging into the white mist.

"Here it comes, it's a bus! It's coming, be careful!"

The pilot said, controlling two machine guns and shooting at the bus, trying to stop it.

Then only a sporadic burst of bullets hit the bus, and the rest hit the road, making several holes in the road in vain.

The bus was not blocked by the fighter jets at all. A few seconds before the two machine guns fired, the bus had already rushed into the white smoke, and the pilot could not see anything.

"I didn't stop it, be careful!"

"Damn it, someone really dares to rob our goods!"

The man who was still talking generously just now could only curse bitterly at this moment.

This sneak attack came too suddenly, and several people were not prepared at all.

The machine gunner who was responsible for operating the machine gun on the roof of the SUV quickly climbed to the front of the machine gun, received a long string of bullets, and was about to shoot, but the opponent fired a burst of bullets before him.

They had no choice but to hide back in the car in embarrassment.

"The firepower on the other side is very strong. Let me reiterate, the firepower on the other side is very strong!"

The machine gunner roared helplessly.

When the truck driver encountered this situation, he naturally panicked, but he knew that he had to stop now. If we don't stop, if we hit something in this white smoke that makes it impossible to see anything at this juncture, and the truck is damaged or rolled over, then everything will be over.

He stopped the truck hastily.

The next second he stopped, the bus happened to pass the truck. If the truck had stopped later, it would have collided with it.

"Madman, you can't see it yourself, so aren't you afraid of something happening!?"

The truck driver was frightened and cursed.

But the next second, he immediately shrank under the driver's seat to avoid being hit by stray bullets.

I am just a cargo transporter. It is not my responsibility to protect the cargo. It is the responsibility of those SUVs and the fighter jets in the sky.

He huddled under the driver's seat and swallowed, hoping that the matter could be resolved quickly.

No matter how powerful the firepower of the three SUVs was, they could only be blinded in this thick smoke. What's more, the bus opposite seems to be more desperate than myself. Now we can only wait for the smoke to dissipate before we can fight easier.

Seeing that the smoke from the smoke grenade was about to dissipate a little, and the visibility was restored a lot, three SUVs were preparing to adopt a double-teaming tactic to surround the bus.

However, their wishful thinking was soon shattered.

Another smoke bomb was thrown from the bus.

Not only that, but another unknown object was also smashed over.

No matter what it was, the moment they saw it being thrown down, the reaction of the three SUVs was to avoid it.

The three drivers frantically stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and turned the car's direction. Two of them successfully avoided the thing, but the SUV at the front was really unlucky and the thing rolled right under its tire.

Then, there was only a "bang" sound.

Everyone knew what it was, it was a grenade!

And it was a very powerful grenade.

The moment it exploded, it overturned the bottom of the SUV and exploded the entire tire.

The SUV was overturned, lying on the ground like an overturned tortoise.


The door of the SUV that was overturned to the ground was violently kicked open. The driver and the machine gunner crawled out in embarrassment. They were gray-haired and looked like they had suffered a lot of injuries, with red blood marks all over their bodies.

The driver who climbed out took out the pistol he carried with him and fired several shots into the sky. Then he asked loudly with all his strength:

"You guys, you guys, do you know whose goods we are transporting? How dare you come to rob us!"

"of course I know."

Surprisingly, it was a woman who answered them,

"You're lucky, it's Feng Hongxi's. You are the ones who are going to rob it."

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