My Disciples Are All Villains

Vol 2 Chapter 111: Give you a parting hook

The cultivation of Zhang Qiuchi's Yuanshen Realm was obvious to all.

The sapphire disciples present were excited.

Ming Shi frowned because of Ben, watching the door fingerprints gradually increase, shook her head and said, "I said I don't want to hit, I have to hit."

"Can't help you!" Zhang Qiuchi snorted coldly, smashing towards Ming Shiyin.

In the Ming Dynasty, due to the outbreak of vitality, the guardian's breath blocked the fingerprints and said, "I haven't seen you in a few years. Your fingerprints have gone backwards?"

"If you lose, you will only speak for yourself."

Zhang Qiuchi made a lightning attack towards Ming Shi.

Bang Bang!

The two men's silhouettes immediately tussled together, forming an afterimage.

Suddenly, staggered collisions!

Ming Shi because of fighting and retreating, his hands constantly threw out his breath to resist.

Bang Bang!

"The fingerprints of the elders really got the essence. I am afraid that the demon head will not be long before they will lose the battle."

"However, it's weird ... I heard that the remaining disciples in Motiange were deliberately suppressed by Ji Tiandao. Now he can be as good as Elder Zhang who is in a terrible state.

"Not surprising, Elder Zhang has not done his best yet. We are watching ..."

"Even without Elder Zhang, there are masters watching, don't worry."

Everyone nodded, rest assured to watch.

Most of the disciples are practitioners below the Vatican Sea, and it is rare to see a battle at the level of Yuan Shen's robbery. It was all a look of admiration.

Taoist fingerprints are almost the same as those of Zen.

Ming Shiyin also knows how to deal with such fingerprints, and constantly uses his own radon to resist them.

In this way, Zhang Qiuchi belongs to the offensive side and Ming Shiyin is the passive side.

"Old thing! Don't force me!" Ming Shi came out because he waved his hands and held his breath.

Bang Bang!

At the same time keeps back.

Zhang Qiuchi said in a deep voice: "Too weak!"

He didn't even look at Ming Shiyin.

The whole body of radon gas skyrocketed again.

Ming Shi's eyes changed slightly because she felt something was wrong.

This old thing is stronger than before ...

He looked around and felt a bit jealous of this place, after all, it was not far from the jade altar. If the Yuanshan Mountain and those elders appeared, it would be difficult.

When Ming Shi saw Zhang Qiuchi's palms open, dozens of palm prints came down like mountains.

Immediately backed off, withdrawing some vitality.

Bang Bang!

Ming Shi retreated because of being hit!

"You are indeed as weak as before!" Zhang Qiuchi took advantage and overjoyed.

Ming Shi ran because of a U-turn.

"Intentionally?" Zhang Qiuchi froze.

In an instant, Ming Shiyin had traveled a distance of hundreds of meters.

He did use the power of Zhang Qiuchi intentionally.

"Come after me if there is one ... my three brothers and master will be here in a while!"

Zhang Qiuchi wasn't at all concerned, but said coldly, "Want to run? Late!"

"Hundred Calamity Caves!"

"Great magic!"

Zhang Qiuchi finally cast his baijudong meditation body.

Two big moves stacked together, Zhang Qiuchi's figure flickered.

The next second, it appeared next to Ming Shiyin and shot it with one palm.


"I had expected that you would come to this trick! Old thing!" Ming Shiyin's Baijie Cave also opened instantly, blocking Zhang Qiuchi's trick.

But Zhang Qiuchi is a two-leaf golden lotus.

The Ming Dynasty was much smaller than Erye because of its unopened body. It's as if a child met an adult.

When the radon on the body of the law collided with each other, Ming Shi fell down.

With a bang, Ming Shi fell to the ground.

The disciples in the Sapphire Altar rushed to the neighborhood and saw this spectacular scene.

"As soon as Elder Zhang Erfa emerged, there was no doubt that the cause of the Ming Dynasty would be defeated."

"However, this Ming Dynasty is not simple because it has condensed the Dharma body and became a practitioner of the Yuan God's calamity."

"Even if he is unlucky, only Elder Zhang is here now, but he was bumped into him. Elder Zhang, is born of this nemesis!"

The disciples of Jade Jade looked at the excitement proudly.

at the same time.

The cormorant was suspended in the low air nearby.

Luzhou touched his beard lightly and kept watching the battle.

"Master, don't you help the four brothers?" Xiaojie said.

"Ming Shi has been in the divine realm for a long time, and his talent is no worse than that of Duanmu Sheng. If his teacher helped him, how can he temper himself in actual combat?" Luzhou said.

"I still want to be thoughtful, Master. I want to fight ... fight with them." Xiaojie pointed to the disciples in the jade altar.

"Watching the war, it will take a lot of rest," Lu Zhou reprimanded.


Those sapphire altar disciples are a bunch of low-level practitioners. Such actual combat is meaningless.

Zhang Qiuchi hit with a single blow and stared down at it with satisfaction.

This time, even if Ming Shi died because of immortality, he had to be injured.

Ming Shi hit the ground, splashing dust and blocking her vision.

When the dust is gone--

A creak came from below.

Creak, creak ...

The vines rose up one by one.

Like countless tentacles, he grabbed at Zhang Qiuchi.

"Aoki Mind?"

Zhang Qiuchi, an old opponent of Ming Shiyin, recognized this move at a glance. This is the essence of Aoki's mind, which can mobilize vitality and promote plants.

In the woods, Ming Shiyin's cultivation and strength will greatly increase!

Is it intentional again?

"Cunning! You think so many years, I haven't thought about how to deal with Aoki Mind?"

Zhang Qiuchi suddenly put away the Bai Jiedong meditation body.

Without retreating, fly towards the dense vines!

"Elder!" The sapphire disciples were shocked.

That is at this time--

Several ravioli staggered among the vines.

Bang Bang!

The fire is burning!

The vines receded instantly.

"Old guy! I really have you! I won't hit you!" Ming Shi coughed a few times and turned to escape.


Luzhou's face was calm, but his heart was speechless ... Ming Shi's survivability was much stronger than he thought. He just wanted to escape, instead of facing the enemy and defeating his opponent.

Ming Shi ran because of this.

Zhang Qiuchi said loudly: "The devil of the demon tower, but so ..."

Sound waves rolled.

The disciples in the Jade Altar laughed.

It seems that the demon head of Motiange is not as scary as imagined.

One day the devil is scared away!

Zhang Qiuchi said in a deep voice: "The two-leaf law body, if you let the demon without leaves run away, why does my face of Zhang Qiuchi exist?"

Hundred Calamity Caves!

Great magic skills!

Zhang Qiuchi once again performed great magical powers.

Body flashes!

Almost copied the last move, appeared next to Ming Shiyin.

The powerful suffocation centered on Zhang Qiuchi's Dharma body, and it was rippling!


Because Ming Shi didn't have time to start the body resistance this time, the whole person was like a flat boat in the suffocating ocean, and flew out.

At the same time volley flip!

"Come again ... this patience can't kill your grandpa and me!" Ming Shi fell to the ground because of a flip, holding the ground with a single palm, holding back the rolling blood, mocking his mouth.

Zhang Qiuchi volleyed proudly: "Do you think I will continue to perform great magic skills? Think too much ... because, then, it is your death."

Zhang Qiuchi raised his right palm.

A gray weapon appeared slowly, hovering above his palm, spinning for a moment, and slowly falling.

It was a knife, half gray and half dark red.

"Killing knife! Elder Zhang's killing knife!"

"Three years ago, Elder Zhang brought back the sky-ranked weapon from Rongbei!"

"No wonder Elder Zhang is so confident that he has performed four big moves in a row. It turns out that there are sky-level weapons nearby ..."

"Because of Ming Shi, it's doomed! Once this sword comes out, there will be human life!"

Buzz ~ ~ Buzz ...

The beheading knife began to tremble, and a layer of extremely pure radon appeared around the knife, wrapping the blade.

As if ghosting appeared.

"Because of the Ming Dynasty, died of--"

Ming Shiyin did not expect that Zhang Qiuchi would have sky-ranked weapons.

Zhang Qiuchi is not the four **** riders. He knows the weaknesses of Aoki's mentality, and now he has a sword.

Zhang Qiuchi raised his life-saving knife!

The knife did not fall, and a sound came from a distance--


call out!

Parting hook sheath, paddling in the air, straight to Ming Shiyin.


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