My Disciples Are All Villains

Vol 2 Chapter 113: 5 Qi Chaoyuan

"Isn't this intentional?" Zhang Chu almost cried. "Is there any reason for this? The Mocha Sect is the one that is causing me to be together!"

The Qingpao swordsman smiled, "I don't think his old man was intentional."

"What do you think?" Zhang Chu found that this image seemed shameful, and quickly sorted out her shirt.


The Qingpao swordsman nodded. "If you feel offended, I apologize to you for his elderly."

Zhang Chu frowned, and said impatiently:

"Who are you, do you apologize for him? How old are you!"

The voice just fell.

The sword behind the Qingpao swordsman vibrates.

Out of the sheath, back in the sheath! bass!

Did not even see the shadow of the sword, Zhang Chu's thumb was cut off.

It's fast, so fast it doesn't even hurt!

"Shangrong in Xiayu."


After the Qingpao swordsman said his name, he smiled modestly: "You don't have to be afraid, I never kill people for no reason."


"It's offensive, farewell."

Yu Shangrong turned and left, his body flickered, and he disappeared into the forest in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Chao screamed, clutching his fingers.


After two hours.

Demon Pavilion Hall.

Ding Fanqiu knelt on the ground tremblingly.

Looking around from time to time.

This hall is not very eye-catching, but ... after all, this is the real Motian Pavilion. Ding Fanqiu was so nervous that he didn't dare to come out.

Duanmu Sheng and Ming Shiyin stood side by side, respectfully.

Luzhou's eyes fell on Ding Fanqiu.

Although this guy pretends to be him, he is always Yunzong's person, or Wuye's Yuanshen. If Hua Wudao is really like Duan Xing said, in order to overcome the knot, he will appear in Motian Pavilion, then Ding Fanqiu as a person of Yunzong will be of some use.

"Put him down." Lu Zhou frowned.

"Yes." Duanmu Sheng left Ding Fanqiu carrying Ding Fanqiu.

"In addition, if you see Hua Wudao, let him see the teacher as soon as possible."

"Follow me."

Luzhou glanced at the nun who stood next to Yanyue Palace, and Fusu asked, "How about Ye Tianxin these two days?"

The female Xiu panicked and stood on her knees, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

Seeing this, Pan Chong said, "Return to the Cabinet Lord, there is no other major problem except for his weakness."

Luzhou nodded.

With Bai Min's constitution, this pain is nothing to her.

Until the truth of Yulong Village is unknown, Luzhou does not intend to take any measures against her.

"Tired for the teacher."

"Congratulations, Master."

Luzhou got up and entered the secret room.

The two days have not been enlightened, and the mental state is worse than before.

Name: Luzhou

Race: Human

Cultivate: The Eight Seas of Vatican.

Merit point: 6212

Body of Law: Four Elephants

Remaining life: 5800 days

Props: Critical Strike 1, Invulnerable Strike 2, Critical Block 7 (Passive), Cage Bondage 4, Shirasawa, 狴 犴

Weapon: Unnamed, Passionate (Master: Ye Tianxin, needs re-refining before use)

Gongfa: "Three Volume Heavenly Books".

"More than six thousand ... more than one thousand." Luzhou frowned slightly.

The legal body is so expensive that it is still unaffordable.

Next we need to figure out a way to get some merit.

Secondly, the task of the truth of Yulong Village has not been completed, and the generous rewards have not yet been obtained.


[Ding, this draw draws merit worth 50 points, thank you for your patronage, lucky value +1. 】

"If you draw again, it is estimated that you still miss the draw ..." Luzhou thought slightly.

[Ding, this lottery consumes 50 merit points and 8 lucky points to get the body ‘Five Qi Chaoyuan’. 】


Is this OK?

Originally it would cost 8,000 merit to be able to afford, but now it takes only 50 points to get it?

This is the same as "I knew that I would eat the seventh piece of cake directly". There is no luck now without the previous failure.


The four-dimensional aspect body was replaced by the five-qi Chaoyuan in an instant.

Refers to the practice of opening up the second pulse of Ren Du, the body's five qi are gathered to Dan Tian Qi Hai.

But the eight pulses of Luzhou have long since penetrated.

Therefore, when the Five Qi Chaoyuan body condensed, the vitality was like the tide, the waves were rough, the whole body was irrigated and it was extremely comfortable.

It took a while for Luzhou to get used to the new body.

I also feel that Xiuwei has made great progress.

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and moved his lower bones.

"You also need to reverse the card."

Compared to what we have obtained in the past lottery, thank you for patronage indeed, but overall, I still make money.


[Ding, this draw draws merit worth 50 points, thank you for your patronage, lucky value +1. 】

Five consecutive, thank you for your help.

In the case of getting the five Qi Chaoyuan body first, Luzhou didn't feel distressed during these five failures. Anyway, you can stack lucky values, as long as you don't get junk, others can accept it.

Luzhou did not continue to draw, but opened the props bar.

He wants to see if there are new prop cards.

"This is ..." Luzhou found that at the bottom, not a prop card appeared, but a purple box.

Notes show: a mysterious treasure chest.

Mysterious treasure chest?

Price: 2000 merit points, limited to one day.

"Sale for a limited time?" Luzhou frowned.

This reminds Luzhou of the behavior of certain games on earth. This is typical of unscrupulous merchants!

But is the system really so boring?

Intuition tells Luzhou that this mysterious box should be a good thing.


With the flash of light.

In the middle of the chamber, a boxy box appeared.

The purple box is exactly the same as on the system interface.

Observing for a moment, Luzhou found that the box had not been opened and was completely sealed!


Just wave it.

The radon hit the box with no response.

Bang Bang!

Continuously waving his sleeves, Luzhou began to bombard this mysterious box.

Outside the back room.

Little Kitty and Ming Shiyin heard the movement in the back room.

"Don't go, Master is going to Yulong Village this time. The harvest is not big, and I'm getting angry." Ming Shi stopped the little kite who wanted to approach ~ ~ Oh. "

"Little sister, are you free?"

"doing what?"

"Practice with me ... Look, my parting hook sheath, what the master gave me ... Hey, little sister, how did you cry !?" Ming Shi lifted the hand, and the parting hook sheath appeared and slowly fell on the palm of her hand in.

Just when Ming Shiyin was surprised.

Duan Musheng's voice came from outside the hall--

"Old fourth, great, I heard that Master has given you Heavenly Order weapons? Come on, come here ... I'm so anxious. Now that you have this good weapon, you must be more resistant than before! Fast and fast ... … "Duanmu Sheng pulled the rifle down with his left hand and forced Ming Shiyin to go out with his right hand.

"..." Ming Shiyin.

Little Kitty hummed, "Deserve it, who made you bully me!"


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