My Disciples Are All Villains

Vol 3 Chapter 1421: Wherever you go, no grass will grow (three-four)

Can the Beastmaster-level Drought be killed by Yu Zhenghai with one move?

Yu Zhenghai was very satisfied.

Under the gaze of the crowd, they split the corpse again and took out the heart of its fate.

Pan Zhong and Zhou Jifeng were not able to adapt to this occasion, so they gagged and felt a little uncomfortable.

Yan Zhenluo doubted: "Brother Kong, do I remember that Droughts shouldn't be among the corpses of gods? How come they became beasts?"

Kong Wen smiled and said: "The record is wrong..."

"Then is it possible for us to meet the corpse again?" Yan Zhenluo said.

Kong Wen said embarrassingly: "It is very likely that there is a supreme power, and the ten great corpses will be placed around the Pillar of Apocalypse for protection. Yinggou replaced the 窫窳 as one of the ten great corpses, but appeared in Emperor Qin’s In the tomb, it shows that there have been changes in the middle. However, there are not many people who can subdue the corpse of the gods, so...the probability of us meeting the corpse of the gods is quite high."

"Then we are really lucky, we didn't meet it when we were in the corner." Yan Zhenluo nodded.

"The corpse of the gods met the pavilion owner, and it was a temptation, not luck. I met Tianwu and Hou Zhennan at the time, these two were no more difficult to deal with than the corpses of the gods." Kong Wen said.

Everyone nodded.

As for the four elders who didn't follow Luzhou into the unknown before, the guardians were secretly surprised.

On the way, it’s better to listen and watch, and have a long experience.

"As long as you don't touch the first few corpses, the problem is not big." Kong Wen said.

"The first few?"

"The top few, in ancient times, are worthy of the name-gods. Or maybe they are **** corpses." Kong Wen said, "For example, Yao Ji, it is said that the emperor Sangsang was transformed after her death. Who knows? , I haven’t seen it before, so it’s not easy to comment."

The topic gets farther and farther, the more outrageous it gets.

Lu Zhou looked ahead and said, "The corpse of the gods has no will to dominate, so there is no need to worry."

"The pavilion master is wise."

After the crowd swept the beasts of the swamp generation, they moved on.

Pan Zhong hurriedly came to Yu Zhenghai's side and said, "I'm coming, I'm coming... Mr. Big, this kind of work won't bother you!"

He took over the heart of life from Yu Zhenghai, installed it, and took it.

Zhou Jifeng had to put down his arm and muttered: "You have been ahead of you again."

Then, the huge team of Motian Pavilion opened the mopping mode wherever it went.

All the beasts encountered were basically beheaded, taking away the heart of life.

Luzhou didn't make any moves along the way.

The strengths of Yu Zhenghai and Yu Shangrong have already passed the second life barrier, plus the fierce beasts like Qin Naihe, Lu Wu, and Wannian Chenghuang who are close to the human level, even if they encounter the Beast Emperor, they are still being beaten by groups.

Maintaining this rhythm, lasted a full five days.

Everyone in the Motian Pavilion found a quiet foot of the mountain and rested.

When night fell, Lu Zhou drove the Zhenshou pile into the ground and said to everyone:

"In Zhenshou Ruins, the speed of practice will increase by a hundredfold, and the speed of life consumption will also increase by a hundredfold. If you feel unwell, you can leave one kilometer away."

Everyone bowed and said: "Yes."

They scattered and practiced.

Lu Zhou chose a heart of the life style of the Beast King to transition into the nineteen life style.

Now that the eighteenth fate is on, the nineteenth fate can use the more ordinary mind of fate.

Since it is just past the fate, plus a hundred times the speed, the opening will be smooth. Therefore, Luzhou hardly hesitated, and decisively embedded the heart of "Fei" in the palace of fate.

The beast is a fierce beast that looks exactly like a cow. It has amazing defenses, strong strength and burly stature. It can be said to be a more comprehensive fierce beast, except that it cannot fly, plus it is a fierce beast of the Beastmaster level. The improvement of overall ability is very good.

as expected……

The embedding is indeed very smooth, and it is easy to enter the second stage.

Considering that the apprentices are not short of the heart of life, there is no need to take them out and reuse them.

"The blue law body still needs time." Lu Zhou took a look at the blue law body and put it away again.

It takes 10,000 years for each leaf of the Blue Dharma Body to open, and it happens to increase the life span by 10,000 years after the Golden Dharma Body’s three life passes. But there is no way to predict the future consumption of the Blue Dharma Body Thousand Realms, so it is better to be cautious.

Unknown land above Yunfeng swamp.

A large number of people appeared, they were in groups, their stature was burly, and everyone held a stick engraved with weird runes in their hands.

The head is slightly taller, and the only person wearing a purple robe, wearing a golden crown, thick ink color at the corners of his eyes, and a silver nose passing through the bridge of his nose.

They are different in height, but they have one thing in common-there is a hole in the chest, a hole through the front and back.

They are Guanxiong people.

Several Guanxian men crawled around in the swamp, constantly shaking their noses.

Not long after, they got up, came to the leader, and said, "High priest, it's their taste. Found them!"

The high priest waved his scepter and said, "Chasing."

"They are great."

"We are the king who dominates the unknown, eradicate these alien races!" said the high priest.

"Eliminate alien races!"

Guanxiong people around shouted in unison.

The high priest waved the scepter... the sticks in the hands of all the chest-piercing people lit up at the same time.

Connected with each other, netting all over the world.


The resonance sound spread everywhere, a wave, rippling, spreading for hundreds of miles!

All the chest-crossing people within a hundred miles, received the high priest's signal, looked up at the sky, and made a "Woo" sound in their mouths.

The humming voice spread again, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred... Countless Guanxi people gathered at an unimaginable speed.


It's not dawn.

Lu Zhou, who was practicing with closed eyes, heard the buzzing resonance.

Opened his eyes and looked at Ming Palace.


The nineteenth life pattern was successfully completed.

He could feel a powerful force spreading throughout his body.

There is also a lot of vitality, making him feel like he has become younger.

He looked at the personal panel:

Name: Luzhou

Race: Terran

Merit points: 1526680

Remaining life: 13650509 days.

Props: Fatal Block*118, Taixu Jinjian, Decomposition Card*2

Mounts: Baize, Jubi, Lucky Liang, Qiongqi, Dangkang, Dijiang, Yingzhao, Lu Wu.

Weapons: Weiming, Zi Liuli, Fan Long Yin, Zhen Shou Zhuang.

"An increase of ten thousand years." Lu Zhou secretly figured it out.

The speed of his own improvement is not bad, and the next step is the strength of the apprentices and others.

Since it is necessary to seek the initiative, the improvement of strength becomes very important.

Lu Zhou immediately recited the magical powers of the heavenly books and observed in turn--

Yu Zhenghai and Yu Shangrong are meditating and practicing and are advancing steadily.

For the boss and second child, Luzhou has always been very relieved

The third child was talking with Lu Wu.

"Lu Wu, what do you brag about how powerful Duanmu Zhenren is in my ear every day, really such an exaggeration?" Duanmusheng asked.

"of course."

Lu Wu showed a look of memory, "Among real people, only Lu Tiantong can defeat him. Other than that, the emperor has never seen him defeated."

"How does that compare with my master?" Duan Musheng asked.


Lu Wu closed his eyelids and lay down, "This emperor is tired."

"You haven't answered me yet! Just one sentence, say...who is better?" Duan Musheng jumped over.

Snoring...snoring...snoring loudly.

Just as Duan Musheng wanted to pick up the Overlord Spear to find out, Lu Wu turned around, patted Zhong Duan Musheng with his claws impartially, and flew out.

"You..." Duan Musheng turned over speechlessly, fell into the distance, and glided on the ground for a certain distance.

Lu Wu opened one eye, took a look, then quickly closed it, and fell asleep.

As for the fourth child.

It was dark and sleeping.

The speed of Lao Wu Zhaoyue's progress has also increased significantly.

Lu Zhou looked at the panel--

The effect of and still exists.

I can't help feeling that I'm still making progress with my side.

The old Liu Ye Tianxin benefited from the practice of the White Pagoda Taoist, extremely fast, and there are faint signs of pursuing the old Si Ming Shiyin.

"Old Seven..."

Lu Zhou paused.

Instinct and habit reminded him of Si Wuya.

He wanted to skip it directly, but the thoughts in his heart made him continue to meditate on the magical powers of the heavenly books.

"The so-called immeasurable beings in all the worlds in the ten directions, death in this life, the good and the evil, the good and the evil, all see clearly."

Without hope, there will be no despair.

Lu Zhou continued to meditate on magical powers and observe the old eight.

Zhu Honggong is trying to open the twelfth leaf.

However, it was very difficult for Zhuhong to open up the leaves. It seemed that it would be difficult to get the twelve leaves in the short term.

Xiao Yuan's advancement is as exaggerated as ever.

Facts proved that Lu Zhou's worries were a bit redundant. On the way, Xiao Yuaner completed the opening of the Nine Life Pattern.

The most speechless thing is that she still didn't feel the pain.

In such a comparison, Conch has become a relatively backward disciple among the ten. Fortunately, Conch has a better mentality, not eager or slow, not greedy for meritorious advancement, and not against others.

Just when Lu Zhou was about to put away his magical powers and concentrate on practicing——

Bark bark, bark bark.

Qiongqi's cry rang.

Lu Zhou frowned.

Ming Shi was awakened by the startled, and said, "What is it?"


Qiongqi opened his mouth and made a posture of kicking on his hind legs and standing up.

At this time, Yu Zhenghai and Yu Shangrong rushed to the nearby tree trunks, looking at Qiongqi with some doubts.

Ming Shiyin got up and spread his hands together: "Big Brother, Second Brother, I haven't done anything, it's a nerve. Leave it alone."


Poor and strange fangs showed up.


The hair is upright, like needles!

Ming Shiyin, as the person who knows Qiongqi the best, has never seen it look like this. He was curious for a while, holding his arms, and said: "I want to see what you are doing. I can't give me a perfect explanation, tomorrow morning. Everyone eats dog meat."


Simply leaning against the tree trunk, he observed.

Yu Shangrong smiled slightly and said, "Fourth Junior Brother, it should be improved."


"Too empty breath." Yu Shangrong looked at Ming Shiyin and said, "it stays by your side all the year round, and is nourished by the too empty breath, and its strength and breath are obviously stronger."

Yu Zhenghai glanced at Yu Shangrong and said, "Is this the only way to ascend to heaven?"

Ming Shiyin: "..."

Yu Shangrong said with a look of admiration: "It's a pity that Lucky has not been with me for long, otherwise, with Lucky's talent, he deserves to be promoted."

Yu Zhenghai said, "Yuan has never followed me."

"Big brother, don't you have Kui Niu? Kui Niu is also a rare and rare beast." Ming Shiyin said.

"The first battle of the gods, the senior brother entered the third death, Kui Niu sensed the death of the owner, and then left." Yu Shangrong said.


Ming Shiyin moved towards Zhenghaidao, "I'm sorry, big brother, I didn't mean to mention it."

"Small things." Yu Zhenghai didn't mind either.


Qiongqi's head gradually grew bigger, and his hair became brighter and longer.

Ming Shi stood up straight, UU read www.uukanshu. com looked surprised.

The whole process lasted for about half an hour, and the poor wizard gradually stopped growing.

Yu Zhenghai nodded and said: "It still has a very high upper limit. Looking at it this way, it may not be worse than Lu Wu in the future."

"Hey, thanks to the big brother Jiyan." Ming Shi was happy and patted the dog.

After that, Yu Zhenghai and Yu Shangrong disappeared in a flash.

Qiongqi's cry naturally shocked the others, but because of a little explanation in Ming Shi, everyone returned one after another.

Luzhou took back his magical powers.

"No wonder these beasts are so

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