My Disciples Are All Villains

Vol 3 Chapter 594: 1 letter from 9 leaves (Part 2)

"If you are the first nine-leaf, I suggest that you go down to eight and a half. If you are the second one, then please kill the first one. I left a pen in Dayan, A sword and a pair of armor can kill Jiuye with them; if you can't do it, then unfortunately, you will cause a disaster. "

Seeing this, Luzhou found a small piece of content added with a thinner nib beside the letter—

"A big tree with a great shore grows in the jungle. Its top end goes up to seek the most sunshine and rain; its thick branches occupy the space as much as possible to breathe the freshest air; its root system is exhausted Lush, in order to absorb the most of the essence of the earth. However, beside the big tree, a few thin little trees are struggling to survive, their branches are crisp and crisp, and the leaves are close to withered. The little tree stares angrily at the big tree: you Already strong enough, why should I restrict my growth? The big tree glanced at it indifferently and said coldly: For me, your growth is always a threat. "

Luzhou has some doubts.

Law of the Jungle?

He thinks of the super-celestial weapon Ling Xujian, the judge pen with the red nib in Liu Yan's hand, and the red coffin and diary brought by the soft people ...

He continued to read:

"There are a lot of lunatics, seeking the truth of the shackles of the world and the restricted area of ​​life; there are also many lunatics who have become the food of the beasts ... I hope that you are not a lunatic.

"I like Da Yan ... here is quiet and peaceful, not so much killing and killing, and not so many lunatics. The whole life of a person is to go against the sky, eight-leaf thousand years old, enough. So, you must To tell the world, there is no nine leaves in the world, and humans can only live a thousand years at most ... In this way, curiosity will be strangled and dangers will be eliminated.

"Don't try to explore, don't step through the restricted area. What I left is enough to prove everything ...

"You must be curious and puzzled. What is the danger, where do I come from ... I'm sorry I can't tell you.

"Friend, if you can, help me find someone. Her surname is Luo. She came here three hundred years ago and found her and gave her a box. If you can't find it, the box will be given to you. "

Luzhou was surprised, this mysterious master, was actually looking for this woman named Luo? !

Look down:

"May all be safe."

The end of the letter is these five words.

this one?

Didn't tell the origin, didn't tell what the danger was, so I was so alarmist and heard it?

Luzhou turned the letter over and over again.

There is no writing on the back, but judging from the ink, the paragraph of the jungle law should be added later, and the ink is lighter.

Although he did not reveal where he came from and what the danger was ... but through this passage, it can be guessed that something more dangerous exists ... he remembered a few words left after the cheats in the red coffin, plus this Letters, handwriting and tone are exactly the same.

Should be the same person.

If it is said that there is no curiosity, it is false.

Judging from the content of the letter, it will only cause disaster when it reaches Jiuye ... And this disaster may be the law of the jungle.

Like humans don't care about the ants in the grass, but what about when this ant becomes a big fist spider?

Luzhou shook his head.

The old man is not really nine leaves ...

The four elders of the Devil's Court are very curious and want to know what is written above, but they can't see anything.


Luzhou put away the letter.

Remembered Si Wuya's words at the same time ... His favorite thing was to think about these things, and he would have a higher opinion.

He looked at the empress and said:

"What is the name of this emperor?"

The empress shook her head and said: "Never reveal the name."

"He still has something left?"

"Great Flame Imperial City, only these ... even if there are, maybe in other places."

At this time, Li Yunzhao beside him added: "The ten unique battlefields are described by the Emperor Master."


Everyone was secretly surprised.

Luzhou understood the sentence in the letter, and what he left was enough to prove everything.

Can portray such a mysterious ten unique array, indeed it is a simple character. He was also very cunning and did not disclose any information about his origin in the letter.

Maybe ... This is a fear of human curiosity, but also a kind of strangulation.

"Where did he go?" Luzhou asked again.

The Queen Mother sighed:

"When the Emperor Master left, there was no sign and no greeting to the Emperor, as if it suddenly disappeared. The Emperor sent a lot of people to look around ... even sent people to the Blackwood Forest in the extreme west to try to cross Passing through the jungle area, but ultimately failed. "

Pan Litian frowned: "The old deceased had been to the Blackwood Forest, and the old gourds were also found there ... There are many treasures in the Blackwood Forest. Once there was a wave of treasure hunting for human practitioners. Among them. It turned out that all this was manipulated by the royal family in the back. "

The queen mother showed shame.

Li Yunzhao answered: "Mr. Tiange Seven, Mr. Si Wuya, designed a fire that burned the Wanli area on the east side of the Blackwood Forest, stopping the wave of human treasure hunting."


Everyone looked at Luzhou at the same time.

The old face of Luzhou was calm, so I heard nothing.

Off old man farts ...

He set his eyes on the box on the ground ~ ~ With a single palm, he swelled.

The brocade box floated into his palm.

This move attracted everyone's attention ... No longer paying attention to the previous topic, and no longer paying attention to what was written in the letter.

"Master, what is inside?"

The brocade box is very delicate, rectangular, with a few red lines and patterns on it.

At the end of the box, a red lotus flower is carved. Only the lines are outlined, and no colors are painted.

The lid is designed with a card slot, no key is needed, and there is no pattern seal.

Luzhou raised his hand and opened the box.

卡 ——————

Lies quietly in the brocade box, but it is a simple and elegant red string guqin.

【Ding, get weapon ukulele, status: merit is not open, grade is not activated. 】

Hearing the prompt of the system, Luzhou counted the strings and really had nine strings.

He took the koto from the box and put it in his palm.

Is about the same length as Lantian Jade Flute, but as wide as a slap.

"Guqin ?!"

Everyone was surprised.

"It's an Guqin!"

"Looking at it doesn't look like ordinary things." Zhou Jifeng stared at his eyes.

"I feel like you are talking nonsense ..."

When the nine-string piano touches the skin, a faint sense of coolness comes.

The texture is full and the appearance is amazing.

The apprentices looked blank -----

It's just, how can you play such a small guqin? The width of the nine strings is only half of the slap, unless the toothpick bounces back and forth.

The point is not here, the point is ... This great Yan Emperor Master, what is the purpose of leaving such a piano?

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