My Disciples Are All Villains

Vol 3 Chapter 929: In fact, the old man is 0 level

Chapter 930

Mo Xinglu and Xuan Chengzi have coveted Mingge Beast for a long time. Prior to this, the research and tracing of Mingge Beast were controlled by Tianwu Academy, that is, Yu Chenshu. When Yu Chenshu died, the sect of the world would have a chance to obtain the beast. How did they know that Mingge Beast was monopolized by Black Lotus for a long time.

"Old gentleman, you have also seen it. It took a long time for thousands of practitioners to go up and down the three sects before beating these three life-sized beasts all over. As soon as you show up, you just open your mouth and ask for two life-sized ones. Xin, this... isn't it just a joke?" Chongxu Taoist Xuan Chengzi said.

They are all elderly spirits who have lived for a long time, who can watch the battle on the top of Donglin Mountain for a long time, and how can they be ordinary people who are not swaying.

Asked Tianzong Zeng Yan consumes a lot in the battle, looks a little embarrassed, and does not want to set up an enemy out of thin air, simply said:

"...My disciple, used his own life to attract the rhinoceros beast, the mountain anointing beast... We asked the Tianzong to damage more than dozens of practitioners. For this price alone, the Mingge beast can't let it."

Lu Zhou Fuxu nodded:

"The old man is not an unreasonable person, and Mingge Beast is not attracted by your disciple, but by the old man's disciple."

Mo Xinglu, Xuan Chengzi and Zeng Yan looked at each other.

This is a bit incomprehensible.

Mo Xinglu smiled lightly: "Old sir, you can't prove that your disciple brought this to you? It's not impossible to attract three heads by one person."

Xuan Chengzi echoed:

"Mingge beasts all have territorial consciousness. Strictly speaking, there is a Mingge beast that appears, and other lifege beasts will not fight again... But there are exceptions to everything. There are also Mingge beasts that have appeared in groups in history. One is two, and they don’t exclude each other's territorial consciousness. Since the old gentleman is reasonable, what I said is reasonable, right?"

Lu Zhou looked at Xuan Chengzi and said:

"There are some truths, but these three life-sized beasts may also be caused by the old man's apprenticeship."


Xuan Chengzi was speechless for a while.

Asking Tianzong Zeng Yan paid a high price, how can he be reconciled, so he said: "Then ask the old gentleman's disciples to come out and see you.

"You mean, the old man lied?" Lu Zhou glanced at Zeng Yan, his gaze slid towards the three-headed fateful beast.

Under the constant output of thousands of masters of the primordial spirit, the collision power and combat effectiveness were greatly reduced than before.

The ground was messy, the trees fell to the ground, and the sky on the west side of the Donglin Mountains was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Mo Xinglu saw that Lu Zhou was about to get angry, and said:

"The old gentleman is not like a liar, but just reasonable. What we said makes sense. According to the old gentleman, how do you tell who is attracted to the beast?"



A series of Jian Gang finally cut down the three life-size beasts and crashed to the ground.

The three big sects surrounded them one after another, dug out the heart of Mingge Beast.

One is Kunlun authentic, one is Chongxuguan, and one is Wentianzong. Just three of them have been "divided into spoils".

The injured disciples rested on the spot to treat their injuries.

The rest flew up in the air, and the battle was quite large.

Mo Xinglu saw that the heart of fate had already arrived, and said: "Old man, do you know the Sky Wheel Mountain Range?"

"Sky Wheel Mountain Range?" Lu Zhou asked in confusion, not knowing why she mentioned this place.

"After the Battle of Tianlun Canyon, Yu Chenshu was killed by the strong ten leaves. Later, a thousand worlds appeared in Kyoto. Taoist Chongxu and I had the honor to meet that strong... The old man can go to Tianlun Canyon. Try your luck." Mo Xinglu said with a smile.

This sentence reveals two meanings:

1. Fate will not let go;

Second, they know the tycoons of Thousand Worlds, you can figure it out;


If you talk like this, you can only show your identity. As a tycoon of the Thousand Realms, there is no need to lie, and always convince people with reason.


Lu Zhou nodded his head, "In fact, the old man is..."


A beam of light pierced the sky from a distance.

Thousands of practitioners were surprised and followed their reputation.

From the northernmost end of the Donglin Mountains, an ink-colored thousand worlds as high as thirty-five meters high came from low altitude.

The unique astrolabe of the Thousand Realms Phantom, and the pierced beam of light blasted out of it, resembled thunder, making all the practitioners present stunned.

"Thousands of worlds whirling!" Mo Xinglu, Zeng Yan and Xuan Chengzi exclaimed in exclamation.


"That's too late!"

After the Tianlun Mountain Range Five Life Form was born, the Red Lotus cultivation world was in a panic for quite a long time. After a long period of silence, the spiritual world gradually forgot about Black Lotus.

Black lotus reappears.

How are they not surprised?

The speed of the Thousand Realms whirling was so fast that the three of them could not have the idea of ​​running away.

And there was more than one person... After a few breaths, the Thousand Worlds whirling disappeared, and six practitioners wearing black armor and holding halberds rushed in the air.

Perhaps it was an illusion, or the worry and fear of the strong in their hearts, which made them feel that the six people's flight seemed to shrink to an inch, and the blink of an eye was a distance, like an illusion.

Lu Zhou also looked at the six people, combining the height of the Law Body just now.

This should be the Black Goe who hasn't shown up for a long time.

Heiwuwei came in a team of three and six people arrived. These were two teams.


The power of fate is just a small operation for them to show their muscles, which aims to warn all practitioners present not to move rashly.

The effect is also good.

None of the thousands of practitioners dared to move.

Even the breathing became cautious, for fear of angering this sudden black lotus visitor.

Frankly speaking, practitioners who reach nine leaves or ten leaves have an illusion - they always feel that someone is controlling everything behind them, making them unable to move on. For many years, there have always been adventurers who are not afraid of death trying to find the secrets, such as Luo Xuan of Tianwu Academy; some are trying to find a beast of life, such as Yu Chenshu; some are willing to be the running dogs of Black Lotus, such as Xia Housheng.

The six black guards, height, fat and thin, weapons and armors are exactly the same.

One hit three, Luzhou still has the strength to fight.

It's a little hard to hit six.

Or, withdraw?

Besides, these three major sects are also present...unless, a peak state card is drawn now.

Mo Xinglu, Xuan Chengzi instinctively backed a few meters...

An unspeakable sense of depression swept across the entire Donglin Mountains.

The six black guards hovered straight in front of thousands of people, with their backs facing the setting sun.

I don't know how long it took.

Hei Wuwei, who was among the three on the left, said in an extremely dull and serious voice: "Hand over your fate."

Asked the practitioners of the Tianzong dared not to speak, but they were somewhat unwilling to let them spend such a large price to obtain the heart of life.

The question is, is there a choice?

"I'll say it again, surrender the heart of life." The voice of Heiwuwei was lowered by an octave, and it was chillingly low.

Zeng Yan refused.

But what can I do if I refuse to accept it?

"Give it to him." Zeng Yan gritted his teeth and gave the order.

Ask a practitioner of Tianzong, holding up the heart of fate, and flying upwards.

"Very good." Hei Wuwei was very satisfied with Wen Tianzong's performance.

Mo Xinglu and Xuan Chengzi had to wave their hands.

The Kunlun authentic and Chongxuguan practitioners flew up each dragging their lives.

"Very good." Na Hei Wuwei nodded slightly, repeating these two words.

The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Lu Zhou did not expect things to develop to this point.

As a four-fateful thousand realms whirling, how can he watch the fateful heart be forcibly taken?

"and many more."

Lu Zhou flew forward several meters, "Shanao's fateful heart belongs to the old man, I am afraid I can't give it to you."

Xuan Chengzi, Mo Xinglu, Zeng Yan: "..."

Is this old man mad at his fate?

It's nothing more than fighting with them, fighting with a thousand realms...

(End of this chapter)

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