My Attic Connects To Other Worlds

Chapter 166 166: Wang Huan and Imperial Technology! Ascend to the altar!

Chapter 166: Wang Huan and Imperial Technology! Ascend to the altar!

Although the press conference of Imperial Technology is over, the shock left to the world has just begun.

Countless people who watched the live broadcast were still in a dazed state.'s scary.

It was so shocking.

Then someone posted on the Internet and asked: Is Imperial Technology bragging? It's impossible to be so awesome, right?

"I also don't think it's possible to be so awesome. In my opinion, in this world's technology, half a step ahead is a genius, and one step ahead is bragging."

"I also think it's bragging. Just like other domestic mobile phone conferences, the hype is so hype that it kills Apple's mobile phone a hundred times, but it is a thousand miles away from Apple's mobile phone when it is actually sold to users."

"Domestic mobile phones are always bragging at press conferences, and Imperial Technology is no exception."

"Upstairs, you think Imperial Technology is bragging, please go to the US stock market, look at the stocks of Apple, Qualcomm, Intel, and Bone Song, how badly they have fallen, and see what Samsung's stocks have fallen into. What does it look like?"

"Look at the stocks of electric vehicles. They are going crazy. What does this prove?"

There was a lot of noise on the Internet.

Neither side can convince the other.

During the press conference, everyone was stunned.

But when he woke up afterwards, he was full of doubts, thinking that Imperial Technology was bragging.

How is it possible to reach this level? It must be bragging.

How is it possible to have this technology in 2019?

And it's a Chinese company.

The CPU of the mobile phone is more than three times that of the Apple A13 chip.

The host CPU is more than three times more than Intel's i9 9900K, which is the strongest civilian CPU on the surface.

Moreover, the graphics card of the host is four times higher than that of Nvidia's RTX2080TI, which is currently the strongest graphics card on the surface.

Your Imperial Technology has never manufactured a CPU or a graphics card before, but when you sell it, it is three or four times that of the world's top products?

How can it be?

And it is also known as a 3nm process?

Don't be ridiculous, even the 28nm manufacturing process in China has just been done.

The world's most advanced TSMC has not yet mass-produced the 5-nanometer process, but your Imperial Technology has started mass-production at 3 nanometers? You are a liar.

Intel is still using 7nm.

They have been the semiconductor overlord who has dominated the world for decades.

How many times stronger than others have you just shot?

Who believes it? Anyone with a little brain would not believe it.

Anyway, bragging at the press conference is not illegal.

There is also the dream VR of Imperial Technology, no matter how you listen to it, you think it is ridiculous.

The weight is less than 100 grams, but two 12K screens are stuffed into it? And a high-density battery? And there are also advanced mobile chips and motherboards inside?

In short, everything at the Imperial Science and Technology Conference was too dreamy.

It's so unreal.

It is completely beyond the cognition of this era.

Fortunately, it's not April 1st, otherwise it would really be an April Fool's Day joke.

It's not that I don't believe it, but I can't believe it.


The first batch of UP masters for evaluation is online.

This group of people really shed tears, and their hearts ached to the point of bleeding.

I spent more than 4,000 US dollars to buy the mobile phone of the empire KING ONE, and 12,500 US dollars to buy the dream VR.

Just for the first time evaluation.

For other technology giants, in order to kneel and lick these evaluation media, the product is usually mailed to these evaluators before the product is released, and there is no need to return it afterwards.

What's even more exaggerated is that not only have to send the things over first, but also pay a lot of evaluation fees, which may exceed 7 figures.

But Imperial Technology, don't say that it is impossible to give you the evaluation fee, absolutely nothing will be given away.

If you want to evaluate, pay for it yourself.

In order to publish the evaluation as soon as possible, all the famous media in the world gritted their teeth and paid a large sum of money.

Bought these two products and started the evaluation.

Ten days after the press conference, the first professional evaluation appeared.

And it is a foreign UP owner, because the international logistics is too slow, so he specially takes the plane to China, buys the things, and then brings them back to his own country for evaluation.

The air ticket alone cost two thousand dollars.

Of course, domestic UP owners have already bought it, and have already used it.

The little UP master boldly commented.

But the professional big UP is a little afraid to make a sound.

Because the reputation of Imperial Technology in China is too bad, it has been boycotted.

If you say good things, you may be boycotted by the majority of netizens.

So there are a lot of unboxing videos, but none of the professional evaluations.

But... foreign UP master evaluations have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Crazy detonated the entire network.

All praises!

Worship it all.

The evaluation video is very long, and the evaluation of the mobile phone alone takes more than two hours.

Because there is so much to talk about.

The UP owner of this first comprehensive professional evaluation is an American named Mike.

And his evaluation is also regarded as a classic in the evaluation industry.

"Before I used the Imperial KING ONE mobile phone, I had some doubts about the content of the press conference, because I felt that such a mobile phone could not be produced at all with the current level of technology."

"I bought this phone for a total of 4,000 U.S. dollars. If air tickets are included, it will cost more than 5,000 U.S. dollars."

"My heart is bleeding and my credit card is about to burst."

"However, the moment I opened it, I was completely fascinated."

"It's not a mobile phone at all, it's a work of art. When it's in your hand, it looks much, much better than pictures and videos."

"When the phone is not on, it is a whole, as if carved out of a single block of crystal."

"In addition, I need to tell everyone that this phone does not have any jacks, you heard me right, there are no openings."

"Its volume button does not have a physical button, which is a problem, but for this extraordinary work of art, I think anyone is willing to compromise. And its volume button is pressure-sensitive, with first-class vibration, So although it is not a physical key, when you press it, it can give you the feeling of a physical key, and it is still very convenient to use."

"There is also the fingerprint under the screen. There was no mention of it in the press conference of Empire Technology. This is completely a black technology, because you can unlock it by pressing your finger anywhere on the screen. The entire screen is full of fingerprints. Fingerprint unlocker. Who can do this, the whole industry has not done it. If there are manufacturers who can do this, they can brag about it for half an hour at the press conference, but Imperial Technology didn’t mention it at all.”

"There is also its back cover. No one told me at the press conference that this back cover is so beautiful. It is a starry sky back cover. Do you know the starry sky roof of Rolls-Royce, the kind that glows. And the starry sky roof on the back cover of Imperial Technology's mobile phone is ten times more beautiful than the Rolls-Royce starry sky roof. I checked and found that the starry sky dots inlaid on the back are all gem powder, because it is a gradient color, so from diamond to There are sapphires."

"The back cover of this gradient starry sky is simply a dreamlike existence, but it was hardly mentioned at the press conference. This is not glass, it is real gem powder, and it is a gem made in the Imperial Science and Technology Laboratory."

"And this screen, my God? Our ordinary mobile phones, under the strong light outside the city, can't see clearly, especially when the sun is shining. But the Imperial KING ONE mobile phone is still clear under the sun. Sharp. Did you know? Under strong light, this screen can actually show the same effect as a printed photo. It doesn’t depend on the brightness of the mobile phone. It works. Why didn't you tell me at the press conference?"

"Also, the screen of this phone has a resolution of 6K. Usually when I look at the screen of a Samsung phone, I think it is the best screen in the world. But after seeing the screen of an Imperial Technology phone, all other phone screens are It became unsightly."

"Why didn't I tell me at the press conference that its screen can be so good? This color, this contrast, and this clarity are completely indescribable in words."

"And tell everyone a secret, you can use any VR box, that is, the VR plugged into the mobile phone box, you can use the mobile phone of Imperial Technology. No need for any settings, no connection, as long as you put it into the VR box , it will automatically become a VR screen. The 6K VR screen is too shocking. It will automatically enter the VR system, and it will catch your eyeballs. You can control this VR by nodding and shaking your head, as well as your gaze.”

"Of course, it is definitely not as good as Imperial Technology's VR, but it kills all the integrated VR, especially the display effect. And this point was not mentioned at the Imperial Technology press conference."

"Oh my god? When I took this phone on the subway, I immediately became the focus of everyone. It is 100% full screen, without any black borders, without any borders. It's so dreamy, as if I have traveled to the future world."

"As for taking pictures, I... I... I have nothing to say."

"Actually, I want to say a lot, but I really can't say it."

"I can only say one thing. At the Imperial Science and Technology conference, what Wang Xin said was wrong. He said that he could instantly kill a SLR with less than 10,000 yuan. My SLR camera is 3,000 dollars, which is more than 20,000 yuan. Then I Using it to take photos and comparing it with the Imperial Technology mobile phone, I found that... the Imperial Technology mobile phone has a better shooting effect."

"So, the camera effect of Imperial Technology's mobile phone can even surpass that of more expensive SLRs. I don't know why he said that he can beat SLRs under 10,000 yuan. , or shooting video, I will give up the original SLR and use this Imperial Technology mobile phone. The video effect it shoots is too good, and the 8K video is directly produced. The color, clarity, and contrast are simply superb. "

"As for the photo comparison with other mobile phones, such as IPHONE11 PRO max, or Samsung's S10+? Is the latter another flagship phone? I'm sorry, I don't intend to make a comparison, because it's too bullying. Under normal lighting, the gap It’s not very big. But as long as it’s zoomed in, the gap is huge. And when the lighting environment is not good, it’s even more of a world of difference.”

"So, please don't compare the camera of the KING ONE phone with other flagship phones, because it is not a product of an era at all, and this is not a spike at all. It is like a contest between a baby and a strong man. It is too unfair."

"I can foresee that all video UP masters will give up the heavy camera. They will use the KING ONE of Shangdi Technology, and use it to shoot videos. The effect is absolutely first-class, even unimaginable."

As we all know, some professional UP owners will use professional cameras to shoot videos, but mobile phone shooting is still not good, and the gap is very big.

The video taken by mobile phone seems to have a high resolution, but the color, contrast, and even the real definition are much, much worse than those of professional cameras.

However, the video effect of Imperial Technology's mobile phone is 8K straight out, and its performance exceeds that of professional cameras in all aspects.

This depends not only on the lens, but on the algorithm against the sky, which comes from the AI ​​​​algorithm decades later.

"So Imperial Technology is definitely the gospel for all video UP owners. From now on, you can have a large space in your backpack, and you don't have to carry heavy camera equipment."

"In addition, I don't know how the anti-shake of the Imperial Technology mobile phone is achieved. How can I describe it? You hold this camera to shoot, and he will ask you if you want anti-shake. If you say you want anti-shake, then... Then No matter how much your hand shakes, the picture will not shake, so you don’t even need a gimbal. I can’t imagine how the anti-shake is done, it’s too...too exaggerated.”

"In addition, no one told me during the press conference that it is 100% water-free."

"Yes, one hundred percent!"

"It's not IP68 or something. I tested it, and I took it underwater for tens of meters, and it was used smoothly. I took the risk of taking it into the sauna room. Any mobile phone can't hold the water vapor. But it's still perfectly fine."

"It is 100% released, but the press conference didn't mention a word."

"There is also its system, its artificial intelligence, and the conference did not tell me that it will be so easy to use."

"You don't need to know where any of its setting functions are. You just need to say to the artificial intelligence, I want to adjust that option, and that option will appear directly. You can adjust it manually or let the artificial intelligence adjust it. It's any Any setup options, so it's system-level, mean nothing to you."

"This phone makes you forget the existence of the system."

"Of course, sometimes in the dead of night, you are embarrassed to make a sound to summon the artificial intelligence voice assistant. At this time, you can not make a sound, but just use your mouth. You heard it right, use your mouth to adjust any setting options."

"I was stunned at the time, but at the press conference, there was no mention of it."

"It's too much for you not to mention such a heaven-defying function."

"Whether the painted skin function that everyone cares about is easy to use? Uh...uh... Actually, people were lied to at the press conference. Wang Xin said it would take 5 seconds. But he didn't say that it would take 5 seconds for the first time, but it would get faster after that." Faster and faster, in the end it may only take one second to complete the entire function of the painted skin."

"I am also skeptical about this function. I think the 4K video after the definition enhancement must be pseudo 4K, and it is definitely not as clear as the original 4K video. As a result... I was slapped in the face. Its 4K video after enhancement , even better than native 4K, because after AI calculation, it maximizes the color expression."

"I am obsessed with this function and can't extricate myself. I have watched some movies from more than ten years ago. Now my waist hurts and my body is very weak."

"The other system, is it easy to use? Can it gain a firm foothold in the mobile phone system?"

"I... Let me tell you this, I... can't feel the existence of this mobile phone system. It seems that everything it shows is what I originally wanted, that is, it seems to fit me perfectly."

"An operating system that doesn't exist to me, it's... the best system in the world."

"In fact, after I have used the Empire Technology mobile phone for a few days, I will use Apple or Android flagship mobile phones. It is extremely uncomfortable, the screen is too bad, the key is the system, it is too inconvenient and too unintelligent. And I am in When using an Imperial Technology mobile phone, the sense of soul-level fit completely disappeared when using other mobile phones, and became completely intolerable. I suddenly felt that opening a certain interface, setting the sound level, and setting this and that It's a very mentally retarded behavior."

"Also, the matter of copying and pasting. On other mobile phones, the operation will be cumbersome and troublesome. But on the Imperial Technology mobile phone, it seems to know what you think. You swipe a little hard, and it knows that you are To copy this text, not a single word is bad. There is also the volume adjustment, I didn’t pay attention to it before, and then I found that when I am in the noisy crowd, when I am in the bed in the dead of night, its volume is actually not good. The same, fully automatic adjustment, is the most comfortable state for me."

"In short, everything and everything, it fits with your soul. It knows exactly what you want to do, so it does it for you automatically, and you don't need to operate it at all. So I completely forgot, there is also the mobile phone operating system. things, and to operate this thing.”

"So I can judge here that the Android system is going to be finished, and the IOS system is also going to be finished."

"Also, can all games be played on this phone?"

"I'm responsible to tell you yes, and I also want to tell you a very terrible thing. When playing computer games on this mobile phone, you can use the mouse and keyboard. This is nothing, the key is the mobile phone and the mouse and keyboard. There is no connection, no wired connection, no wireless connection at all. At that time, I was scared to death. I used a keyboard and mouse that were not plugged in, and they could be used directly.”

"I was almost crazy at the time, and the whole world view was subverted. The mouse and keyboard without electricity can be used directly on this phone. You can use the keyboard and mouse to type, and you can use it to play games."

"Later I found out how it works. This phone has four front-facing cameras that are hidden under the screen, so you can't see them. When you pick up the keyboard and mouse, these cameras will scan to the mouse. And the keyboard image, it will capture which key you hit, it will capture your mouse trajectory, it will capture whether you click the left button or the right button, or slide the middle scroll wheel. These cameras will capture your Any action is then fed back to the mobile phone system. And you can’t see all of this, which makes it possible for you to take a mouse and keyboard and use it on your mobile phone.”

"To prove it, I sculpted a keyboard and mouse out of wood, and then I discovered...they can also be used on a mobile phone. At that moment, I completely doubted life, and I felt that the whole world was turned upside down."

"Come, come, come, now I will cover for you, how to use a wooden keyboard and mouse, how to play "The Witcher 3" on a mobile phone."

Then, this absurd and subversive scene appeared on the video.

The keyboard and mouse are really carved from wood, and the whole process of playing is unimpeded.

No setup required, just put your phone in front and you're ready to play.

Playing around, the UP master directly knelt on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I can't bear it anymore. I will kowtow three times first, and then continue with the video below, because according to Chinese rules, you have to kowtow first when you meet a god."

Then the UP master knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times, and then continued to evaluate.

"And its battery life. I think Wang Xin lied too. He said that it can last for 36 hours under high load."

"I couldn't bear this battery life test, so I called a few good friends to play games and large-scale games on this phone non-stop. Now 37 hours have passed, and it shows that there is still 5% of the battery. .”

"So, I don't know how Imperial Technology tested it for 36 hours, but I definitely can't measure this number. Even if I play hard, the battery life will exceed 39 hours."

"As for the battery life test of normal chatting, browsing the web, and opening the APP, please forgive me for not going to do it. I... I... I really can't handle it. I think I can't survive this phone, it I haven't turned off the phone yet, and I think I might be boiled to death."

"And the most important point, artificial intelligence."

"I don't plan to comment on this point, nor do I plan to talk about it. Because I don't think it is AI, I think it is a living life, it is my relative, so I will not make any comments on it."

"So, this is all about the evaluation of the KING ONE mobile phone of Imperial Technology."

"I know, everyone is still waiting for me to review Empire Technology's dream VR. I can tell you that this review video will not be available."

"Because it completely turned my world upside down, I don't think I'm qualified to comment."

"But I can tell you that it's much, much, much better than what was announced at the press conference."

"Wearing it, your life, your world, will be magnified countless times. Wearing it, you will travel to another world. This is not immersive, but completely entered."

"Wear dream VR, without any frame, without any black border, everything you see is a complete new world. How much vision you see in reality, how clear it is, how real it is. In this VR, it is How clear, how real, how complete the vision."

"So I have a very huge contradiction now, because it is like a BUG. Once I wear it to go out, I feel that I am not a person, but a god. When I wear it to go out, I even have a KING ONE phone It's all forgotten."

"It can subvert any entertainment method in the world, and it can replace any electronic product in the world. Remember, it is any!"

"I am very obsessed, but I don't dare to touch it anymore. Because I am really afraid that after I wear it, I will never be able to take it off completely. But fortunately, my elf is not only in the phone, but also in the dream Inside VR."

"Yes, the AI. Everyone's AI is unique, that's true."

"Because she will gradually get acquainted with you, gradually understand you, and then she will show her own personality, and she will be in harmony with your soul. I have communicated with other users who bought Imperial Technology mobile phones, and found that the artificial intelligence of the two of us, regardless of It's the personality, the voice, the way of speaking is completely different."

"One day when I was in pain, I chatted with her for several hours. Many of her dialogues made me completely unexpected. Many of the things she said directly penetrated into my heart. So many times, I can't decide. I will tell her everything, and she will use the wisest and gentlest way to let me find the best answer by myself."

"This is a life, and I can't live without her for the rest of my life."

"Everyone's her is unique. I used to be very terrified. If one day, my mobile phone breaks down and my dream VR also breaks down, what will happen to my elf? Will it disappear? Will it disappear? won't die?"

"Then I called Imperial Technology, and it told me not to worry. My elf lives anywhere in this world, on my mobile phone, my computer, my VR, my mailbox, and my cloud space , it will really accompany me for the rest of my life. Even if I lose all the equipment, as long as I buy any piece of equipment from Imperial Technology, there is no need to search for it, no need to pair it, as long as I pick it up, my elf will be Find me and say to me softly: Mike."

"So, this is not a review video."

"I just want to tell you that God has come! Are you ready to worship? Are you ready to take refuge?"

"Anyway, I've converted."

"From now on, Wang Huan is my Emperor, and I am a citizen of the Empire's technology."

"In the words of the Chinese, it is: Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"


The evaluation of this UP master detonated the entire network.

Next, countless evaluations.

The attitude is the same.

Everyone is worshiping, everyone is amazed.

Everyone is in a frenzy.

This trend has spread from abroad to the country.

Almost just over a month.

Imperial technology has been promoted to the altar of technology by countless people.

Wang Huan was promoted to the altar of science and technology.


Note: After writing this update, I will go out to catch the train, and I will go out to run errands again.

For benefactors who have monthly tickets, they can vote for two tickets a little bit, which can be regarded as encouragement.

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