My Attic Connects To Other Worlds

Chapter 4 004: The Attic

"Father, which hospital is my brother in?"

"The county hospital can't do it, it's in the city's second hospital."

Wang Huan said: "Is it already being treated?"

"It's been a few days of treatment, the money has been spent, and I still owe a lot, but if you don't pay any more money, the medicine will be stopped, and your brother can't die." Wang Huan's father cried: "Huan, Dad knows you too. It's not easy, but parents are incompetent, and they really can't find money, so you feel wronged and ask your daughter-in-law to borrow it!"

Wang Huan said, "I'll send you the money tomorrow."

Then, he hung up the phone, closed his eyes and lay down on the bed.

Thirty to forty thousand yuan, to save my brother's life.

Is this much money? Of course not much.

But this is a lot of money, because Wang Huan only has less than 2,000 yuan in his hands now.

Wang Huan dialed the phone number of the manager of the clubhouse and said, "Mr. Qian, I would like to advance one year's salary."

"Dream, you don't have to come to work in the future." The other party hung up the phone directly.

When Wang Huan called again, he couldn't get through.

He hesitated for a while, then dialed another number, Tian Xu.

This is his teammate, the 200-meter champion in the National Games. In the team at that time, he and Wang Huan were both rivals and friends.

"Brother Tian, ​​it's me, Wang Huan."

"Huanzi, is it you? You are finally willing to call me. Where have you been all these years? Do you know how many times I have called you? Don't tell me if you change your number, don't take me at all Be a brother." Tian Xu was very enthusiastic.

Wang Huan said: "Brother Tian, ​​my younger brother has acute encephalitis and is lying on the hospital bed in need of money. Can you return the 30,000 yuan you borrowed from me to buy a car?"

The other party was silent for a moment, and then said: "Huanzi, what a coincidence, if you had called this number two days earlier, I would not only have the money to pay you back, but I could also lend you some money. But I just bought a villa yesterday. Not only did I run out of money, but I also owed a loan of 2 million, I’m really sorry. By the way, I should go to training, keep in touch, drink together, you said how long we haven’t seen each other.”

Then, the other party hung up the phone.

Wang Huan made another call. Li Qing, his high school classmate, is still a good friend. When Wang Huan was in good times two years ago, he transferred 20,000 yuan to Wang Huan for business.

"President Li, I'm Wang Huan."

"Hey, old classmate, big champion, big athlete, why did you think of calling me?" The other party became more enthusiastic.

Wang Huan said: "My younger brother has acute encephalitis and is waiting for money to save his life on the hospital bed. Can you pay me back the 20,000 yuan?"

The other party burst out laughing and said, "Old classmate, don't be joking. You are a big athlete, a big celebrity, and you married a second-generation official wife. Aren't you kidding me with 20,000 yuan? Don't you mean me? You mean me .Okay, I won’t chat with you anymore. I’m urging me to have a meeting. After you come back, let’s get together again and drink to death..."

Then, the phone was also hung up.

Next, Wang Huan made more than a dozen phone calls, all of whom Wang Huan had helped before, but they borrowed a total of 3,000 yuan, which was a drop in the bucket.

The one who lent him money was a girl who went to work without graduating from high school. She was the one with the worst economic conditions in the class. Her name was Li Xiaomei. About 80% of the native families with this name were relatively poor.

At that time, she seemed to have had a crush on Wang Huan.

Everyone else was very enthusiastic when they called, and they kept saying that they were big champions, big celebrities, and praised Wang Huan desperately, but they didn't borrow any money.

The key is that Wang Huan has helped them all the time.

Everyone knew that Wang Huan was down and out, and probably no one would lend money to a person with no future.

In this way, Wang Huan spent three hours on the phone, but failed to borrow any money. However, he annoyed the other residents of the group renting house.

"Don't fucking call, it's already twelve o'clock, why don't you let people sleep? They have to go to work tomorrow."

"Do you have a sense of public morality? I can't make calls tomorrow, and if you make us sleep again, just go over and smash your phone."

Wang Huan climbed the stairs, went to the bathroom in the attic, and looked at himself in the mirror.

The face is puffy, the eyes are red, the hair is disheveled, and the beard is unshaven.

How decadent, how desolate, how embarrassing, what is the difference from the tramp on the roadside?

How high-spirited and handsome was I two years ago?

I have imagined countless times that I am standing on the podium of the Olympic Games, and the scenery is infinite.

"Wang Huan, you idiot, how did you become like this?" He yelled at himself in the mirror, and then punched him hard.

Do you want to make money by crooked ways? Then be crooked!


At the same time, there was a thunderstorm outside, and a bolt of lightning slammed down, directly entering Wang Huan's bathroom.

Immediately, the whole bathroom was brightly lit, I don't know how many times the sunlight, it was almost blinding.

It was as if a burst of electricity penetrated into Wang Huan's body, directly making him faint and unconscious.


After an unknown amount of time, Wang Huan woke up.

He touched his head, and there was a scar.

Is this left over from lightning? Such a fierce lightning left such a scar, shouldn't it burn the whole person directly?

With difficulty, he was about to get up from the bathroom floor and look at the scar on his head in the mirror.

Then, he was completely stunned.

Where is the mirror?

The frame of the mirror is still there, but the mirror surface is replaced by a cloud of light and shadow, in the shape of a door, with a distorted nothingness in the middle.

This... what is this?

It looks exactly like the portal in the game, doesn't it?

Wang Huan felt like he was hallucinating, or was he sleeping?

He closed his eyes first and then opened them again, and found that the portal-like thing was still there. He twisted his thigh hard, and the pain twitched. It was not a dream.

Wang Huan couldn't help reaching out to touch the portal.

Ordinarily, this is a mirror, and his hand should be blocked, but it directly penetrated through it, and his hand disappeared from sight.

What is behind this portal? Could it be another world?

This was too bizarre, too unimaginable, and completely broke his inherent common sense.

In 2003, there were already some time-travel novels, most of which were from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Wang Huan also read a few of them and learned a little bit about them.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Without too much hesitation, and not too worried about any danger, Wang Huan took a deep breath and walked directly into the portal.

There was a burst of coldness, and the brain went blank for a moment.

Then, he disappeared directly into this small bathroom, disappearing from this world.


Open your eyes and see the world inside this mirror. this a different world?

All Wang Huan saw was desolation and ruins everywhere.

This should be a very developed city, but it has been destroyed. The densely packed high-rise buildings are like a steel forest, some of which have collapsed, and some are riddled with holes.

There is no sign of life, as if it is a completely dead world.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Huan discovered that the world inside the mirror seemed to be the earth, or the city of Hangzhou.

Because he saw words such as Hangzhou City XH District in the ruins, and even the location coincided with the reality, and it was also on Zixia Road.

It's just that the city of Hangzhou in reality is far from being so developed, and there are not so many high-rise buildings. Although they have been turned into ruins, these high-rise buildings often have tens or hundreds of floors, and many roads are built at a height of several hundred meters, and the light rail is also in the clouds.

Is this... Could it be the future Hangzhou City?

Everywhere you look, there are ruins of the end of the world, only one building is intact, brand new and eye-catching, exuding milky white light, like standing out from the crowd.

It was a tall pagoda, six to seven hundred meters high, and its volume was dozens of times that of Leifeng Pagoda.

Although this tower is full of oriental simplicity, it is also full of sense of technology, because the whole tower is crystal clear and integrated.

Wang Huan originally wanted to explore the ruins, but was attracted by the tower.

This world is gloomy and hopeless, only this tower is full of hope and shines brightly.

I can't help but walk towards this high tower, and I feel its hugeness more and more when I come to it.


The snow-white door opened automatically, and Wang Huan couldn't help but walked in. It was so dark inside that he couldn't see his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light scanned his body, and then a female voice with a strong electronic feel came out.

"Visitor, male of yellow race in East Asia, aged 24, with level one authority."

"The Tower of Doomsday opened for the first time, April 15, 2303 AD."

2303? Doomsday? The earth will be destroyed in 300 years?

Next, a majestic and solemn voice came from Wang Huan's ear.

"Our civilization is brilliant and magnificent, our history is long and profound, and our people are hardworking and progressive..."

"We have Wang Xizhi, we have Sima Qian, we have Lu Xun..."

"Beethoven, Da Vinci, Einstein..."

"But all of this has been destroyed. In 2188, the world perished, and the earth's civilization was destroyed. Only this tower of the end of the world has become the fire of human civilization."

Listening to this voice, Wang Huan was shocked and puzzled.

First of all, it is certain that this is the earth, and it has perished, and it is still a complete mass extinction.

But what happened to some of the names in this audio material? Wang Xizhi and Sima Qian knew about it, it was all in the history books, but who was Lu Xun?

He knew Einstein, he knew Da Vinci, but who was Beethoven?

In Wang Huan's earth world, there are no such people?

The people who can be mentioned in the fire of civilization must be very good and have made great contributions to civilization, right? Why hadn't he heard of these names?

Next, this audio material continued to be recited solemnly and solemnly, with a total of several thousand words.

"Any human being who enters the Tower of Doomsday has the responsibility and obligation to inherit the earth's civilization fire."

"The tower of doomsday contains the essence of the civilization of the entire earth for thousands of years, covering literature, music, film and television, games, philosophy, technology, industry, energy, etc."

"Music classics that are rare in a century, immortal chapters that are rare in a thousand years, movie masterpieces that have been around for a century, games that are popular all over the world, top artificial intelligence, and controllable nuclear fusion energy are all in the Tower of Doomsday."

"The higher the achievement of the inheritor, the higher level of civilization achievements can be unlocked. At present, the visitor's authority is level one, and can only unlock the first level of the tower, the palace of art, including literature, painting, music, film and television and other art categories .”

"The inheritors must restore the brilliant civilization of the earth in the shortest possible time and reach the peak of civilization in 2188."

"Visitor, are you ready for the task of restarting civilization?"

The audio material is over.

Wang Huan instinctively said, "I'm ready."

Electronically synthesized voice: "Please sit in the chair, before accepting the inheritance of civilization, we will inject you with type A gene medicine."


Note: Ladies and gentlemen, check your pockets, do you have a recommendation ticket? It really lifts my heart.

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