My Attic Connects To Other Worlds

Chapter 92 092: Out of nowhere! last-ditch

Chapter 92: 092 is born out of nowhere! last-ditch

Wang Huan thought for a while, then tapped four times on the wall.

After getting this response, Zuo Ling got into bed happily.

Wang Huan didn't know how Zuo Ling guessed these four characters.

But what he wanted to say was: I


New Year's Day.

Many media, especially online media, expressed their views on last night's Spring Festival Gala program.

Almost unanimously praised Wang Huan's sketch "Selling Abductees".

Don't be stingy with compliments at all, and praise this sketch to the sky.

It even keeps raising it, declaring that the skit is not only funny, but also full of irony.

"Wang Huan's first TV work after more than half a year of silence, did not disappoint us, and brought a huge surprise."

"Wang Huan, an absolutely talented comedian."

But then, an eye-catching banner appeared on a portal website.

"Does this mean that Wang Huan will make a comeback in comedy?"

For this topic, many people can not discuss.

Because once he makes a comeback in comedy, will he give up winning the Olympic Games?

Immediately afterwards, the articles on this portal became more direct.

"Has Wang Huan given up on winning the Olympic Games?"

I really don't blame others for having such speculations.

After "Wang Huan's Personal Show", Wang Huan once publicly announced that he would never perform cross talk and talk shows on TV again.

Since then, he has completely focused on the training of the 100-meter sprint, and has not appeared on a TV show for more than half a year.

He was on stage this Spring Festival Gala.

Does this mean that he has no hope of winning the Olympic Games, so he picked up the comedy job again?

In domestic public opinion circles, Wang Huan still belongs to the kind of person who is not very able to criticize.

So at the beginning, everyone discussed it cautiously.

But then, countless people gradually let go and discussed this topic.

Finally, a consensus of views was gradually achieved.

It is because Wang Huan has no hope of winning the Olympic Games that Wang Huan chose to come back on stage.

As long as there is hope of winning the championship, he will definitely concentrate on training and wait for the moment when he wins the championship.

In the following time, discussions on this topic became more and more heated.

Finally, in a public event, the reporter interviewed Director Li of the Field Management Center.

"Director Li, this time Wang Huan appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and performed a skit. First of all, I want to say that this skit is very good and brought us a lot of laughter. But does this mean that Wang Huan has given up on winning the Olympic Games Woolen cloth?"

Director Li frowned and said, "First of all, Comrade Wang Huan has always trained very hard, there is no such thing as giving up."

"Secondly, in the Olympic arena, it is important to carry forward the style and level. As for the final result, as long as you work hard, you will have a clear conscience."

The reporter asked again: "Then, may I ask if the field management center's expectations for Wang Huan's performance have dropped? Or have they given up on the goal of winning the championship?"

Director Li was silent for a while and said: "First of all, there is no such thing as giving up. As for the final result of the Olympics? Even if it is just winning the silver medal, it is a huge breakthrough for our country. Our track and field team is always proud of Comrade Wang Huan."

This should be the first statement made by the Athletic Management Center on Wang Huan's goals in the Olympics after more than half a year of silence.

Immediately caused an uproar.

Everyone suppressed their disappointment and sighed inwardly.

Wang Huan really had no hope of winning the gold medal.

Even the Field Management Center publicly admitted it.

As expected, we Chinese still cannot create this history.

Then there is an analysis of the article:

"Director Li of the Field Management Center must have thought twice before making this statement."

"This proves that Wang Huan's training performance has not been satisfactory in the past six months. Now it is only five months before the Olympic Games. Russell is in amazing condition. Just a month ago, he still ran an astonishing 9.59 seconds. score."

"So the field management center has no hope of Wang Huan winning the championship. The purpose of Director Li's remarks is to lower the expectations of the whole people."

After being sad for a while, people across the country have gradually accepted this reality.

Wang Huan can't win the Olympic gold medal.

He was unable to make zero breakthroughs on behalf of the yellow race, and was unable to make history.

Then, countless people expressed their views one after another.

"The silver medal is already very good, it is not easy."

"It's not that our Wang Huan is not good enough, it's that the opponent is too strong."

"Wang Huan is still our pride, we must understand him and support him."

"Wang Huan, even if you won the Olympic silver medal, you are still our hero!"

Under the guidance of relevant departments, this kind of public opinion gradually occupied the mainstream.

In the Olympics, as long as Wang Huan wins the silver medal, it is a huge victory.

Is this a mental victory?

Is it a kind of self-deception?


However, it is still impressive.

What else? Could it be that if Wang Huan can't win the gold medal, let him die? Just condemn him?

How can it be?

As Director Li said, even if he wins the silver medal, Wang Huan is still everyone's hero.

Although the hearts of the people of the whole country will be lost.

But it is impossible to blame Wang Huan, he is good enough.

silver medal!

silver medal!

silver medal!

Next, people across the country automatically lowered their targets.

Start staring at the most valuable Olympic silver medal ever.


in mid-March.

At the Madrid station of the IAAF Diamond Cup League, another genius stood out and shattered the illusions of the Chinese people.

Jamaica's talented athlete, Bogart, ran an astonishing time of 9.62 seconds and won the championship of this competition.

The western world is completely boiling, once again playing the crown to celebrate.

And the Chinese people have been completely poured a basin of cold water.

This is the first time Bogart has appeared in an international competition, and he has achieved such an amazing result, an absolute genius.

9 seconds 62, compared to Wang Huan's 9 seconds 67, also a lot ahead.

You must know that in the Diamond Cup last year, Wang Huan almost desperately ran 9 seconds 67 with the help of more than 10,000 Chinese people.

And according to the news from the field management center, no matter how hard Wang Huan trained for the past six months, he still couldn't break through this result.

His best results are always between 9.67 and 9.68.

This means that in this year's Olympic Games, Wang Huan can't even keep the silver medal, so he can only compete for the bronze medal?

The field management center, as well as the people of the whole country, were really beaten with a sap.

God, why are you so cruel?

Giving us great hope first, then driving us to despair?

Let us first feel that Wang Huan was able to win the Olympic gold medal in the 100-meter sprint, and he was elated and elated.

As a result, the gold medal was not obtained.

After buffering for more than half a year, we think that silver medals are fine.

And now, can't even get the silver medal?

Are you here specifically to torture Wang Huan and the people of our country?

For the Western world, although Bogart is black, Jamaica is North America and still belongs to the Western world.

The 100-meter sprint is one of the Olympic sports with the highest gold content.

It represents a certain limit of human physical ability, which can completely rise to the theory of racial genetic superiority.

Therefore, as long as the yellow race is not allowed to take away this honor, as long as the Chinese are not allowed to take away such an honor, the whole West will celebrate together.

It can still be said that you yellow people are weak.

The 100-meter sprint is not good, and neither is that, so it is not popular with Western women.

Russell, the famous American general and the king of the 100-meter sprint.

It was the bastard who hit Wang Huan hard on the back of the head with a baseball bat in Paris, and then the villain filed a complaint first and wanted to send Wang Huan to prison.

He presented the award to Bogart and said in front of all the news media: "Congratulations Bogart, welcome to join the ranks of the pinnacle of the 100-meter sprint. In the Olympic Games, I hope you will stand with me, Not some burlesque actor."

Then, he put his arms around Bogart on the left and American star Alexander on the right: "I hope that in the Olympic Games, the three of us will be on the podium."

"I'm very sorry, but the Olympic podium is too narrow for a fourth person, dear burlesque actor."

The comedian he kept talking about was, of course, Wang Huan.

This means that in the Olympic Games, they will not even leave a bronze medal to Wang Huan.

Gold, silver, copper, they all have to take care of it.

You Wang Huan, there is no hope, go and win the fourth place!

If it is really only the fourth place, then Wang Huan is no longer a hero, and has been completely reduced to a laughingstock.


Wang Huan himself was also very anxious.

He didn't know how many times he entered the Tower of Doomsday, wanting to forcibly undergo the third stage of hell training.

Although his current 100-meter sprint time is 9 seconds 59, tied with Russell.

But this result is not safe, nor is it what Wang Huan wants.

He even felt that Russell, the old silver coin, was too brave. During the Olympics, his performance might be improved even a little bit.

So Wang Huan's current results, the Olympic champion is not at all safe.

In the first two stages of hell training, Wang Huan directly improved from 9 seconds 67 to 9 seconds 59, the effect is amazing.

The third stage is a state-of-the-art high-G training room.

Can bring greater breakthroughs and progress.

Once the third stage of training is completed, Wang Huan will not only be able to win the Olympic champion, but his results will make Russell and others despair.

Can really make history.

It can slap the entire western world in the face like crazy.

However, without achievement points, one cannot enter the third stage of hell training.

At this time, the Olympic Games are just over three months away.

Also, there is no way to earn points at all.

The last time he participated in the Spring Festival Gala, the skit "Selling Abductees" won the first prize in the Spring Festival Gala, but the score was only 15 points.

And if you want to carry out the third stage of hell training, you need at least 100 points.

Achievement points are far from enough.

Now he can't find any competitions to participate in. Even if he goes to participate in the cross talk competition or the singing competition, even if he wins the first place, the achievement points will be greatly reduced.

Because... these honors have already been obtained.

There is absolutely no hope of earning Achievement Points in sight for now.

Do you just stare at the score of 9 seconds 59 to participate in the Olympic Games?

Pin your hopes of winning the Olympic gold medal on luck?

No, absolutely not!

Wang Huan is going to make a final fight!


Note: I am asking for a recommendation ticket for the last time, if you still have a ticket, please give it to me! please

Launched at 0 o'clock, it is finally time to enter the climax of the Olympic Games.

I recommend "Great Country and Small Business" by a beautiful author floating in Melbourne. It is absolutely beautiful, and the writing is very sweet.

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