My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 102: Happy feeding

"How do you know I'm back?"

She didn't say anything, she still wanted to surprise her family.

Wang Shuyue walked over in surprise, Long Biao stretched out her hand, and naturally took her luggage over.

Wang Shuyue took the time to say thank you, and stared at Ji Rui's shrewd face, bound to see a satisfactory answer.

Ji Rui opened the car door, "You get in the car first, and talk as you walk."

Wang Shuyue glanced suspiciously at him, Ji Rui passed the KFC bag in her hand, Wang Shuyue glanced, fried chicken coke, all she likes!

Okay, let's release Ji Rui for now.

Holding snacks and getting into the car, Wang Shuyue forced her to ask as she ate, "Who the **** is the leak? I haven't said anything about it. Do you have long ears and clairvoyance? You can know this."

Ji Rui sat in the passenger seat, signaled Long Biao to drive, and replied casually: "Bai Wei received your reply and then told us."

Wang Shuyue rolled her eyes silently, took a big bite of chicken thighs, and finished chewing, looking at the vastly changing suburbs outside the window, she tentatively said:

"I probably know what's going on."

Jerry looked back at her, "You know?"

Wang Shuyue nodded. She was not sure at first, but now looking at Ji Rui's reaction, she is sure.

No wonder the yin and yang of the military commander reminded her not to be arrogant because of her pets, and she couldn't understand her being special in her feelings.

"Next time I ask grandma to stop, I'm not so squeamish."

But it's so fragrant to be able to go home on holiday!

Ji Rui didn't answer, reminding him that he didn't dare to tell his boss.

"Go ahead and say it yourself."

The car stopped and stopped outside a lush forest. Within four or five seconds, the forest suddenly came alive and retreated to the sides, revealing an oil parking road leading directly to the mansion.


Wang Shuyue put down the KFC in her hand, leaned over to the window, and watched this scene in surprise, "Auntie has a new formation?"

Ji Rui smiled and nodded.

The cold winter seems to have not affected the mansion at all. The trees here are verdant, the flowers are fresh, and the temperature is comfortable. The heat is so hot that Wang Shuyue took off her thick woolen coat and walked in with short sleeves.

Before reaching the hall, I saw two familiar figures standing outside the door from a distance. Wang Shuyue joyfully yelled "Parents" and rushed up like Fei.

Wang Jianguo and Tian Li hurriedly caught the flying girl, the family of three bumped into each other, so they didn't rush to the ground.

Tian Li pushed her girl away angrily and amusingly, "Isn't it about going to the training camp, why did it turn white?"

Wang Jianguo nodded in agreement: "That's right, your mother and I are still worried that you are losing weight, and now you look a little fatter, with flesh on your face."

"Is there?" Wang Shuyue nervously touched her face, "No, I don't think I am fat."

"If you don't come in yet, how long will you stay outside?"

Ms. Wang Shufen’s dissatisfaction was heard in the room. Wang Shuyue’s family of three looked at each other. Wang Jianguo and Tian Li patted their heads. How could they forget grandma!

Busily urging the girl to go in.

"Your aunt's grandmother misses you tightly. From morning to now, I have read it no less than 20 times, why Hu Niu hasn't come back."

Wang Shuyue rushed into the hall and saw her grandmother sitting on the sofa pretending to be calm and drinking tea slowly. She smiled "hehe", opened her hands, and gave her grandmother a big hug.

Wang Shufen shook his hand and flew out a cup full of tea, but soon stopped in mid-air.

She rubbed her face against her tender and smooth face, "Grandma, I miss you~"

Wang Shufen's sharp black eyes narrowed, and Shili's eyes instantly softened, like a lazy cat.

"Do you know you miss me? I think you don't want to come back."

If the yin and yang are weird, they can't frighten Wang Shuyue. Knowing that grandma is going to be smooth, she kissed grandma's cheek again.

Although she immediately received a disgusting look from her aunt, she was not pushed away.

Wang Shuyue turned around and leaned contentedly on her grandmother's shoulders. The fragrance of her body was not too good.

"Serve it." Wang Shufen ordered.

The servants who were always on standby immediately took action, and steaming dishes were served on the table, even if they had eaten a little KFC to cushion their stomachs, Wang Shuyue was still drooling.

"Auntie, eat and eat!"

Wang Shuyue pulled up her grandma and greeted her parents, and couldn't wait to rush into the restaurant.

Looking at the luxurious dishes on the table, Tian Li said helplessly to Wang Shufen: "Aunty, you are too good for Yueyue, you can't spoil her like this."

Wang Shuyue picked up the chopsticks, gave a chopsticks dish to grandma, father and mother, each of them, and when she fell in front of her mother, she said triumphantly:

"Who makes me spoiled? I can't be spoiled no matter how spoiled, right Dad?"

Wang Jianguo severely ordered a little girl in the air, and persuaded his wife, "It's okay, it's okay, Yueyue finally comes back once, so let her eat enough at a time. The training is also hard."

"I think she is still fat, and I can't see what she has suffered." Tian Li spit out angrily.

However, being careful, she naturally did not miss her daughter's rough hands, as well as her strong arms and shoulders.

This full of muscles, at first glance, only worked hard.

It was not a taste in my heart, so I got up and filled a bowl of soup and handed it over, "Drink some soup first, otherwise, even if you are an iron stomach, this big fish and meat can't stand it."

Wang Shuyue drank the soup obediently, immediately took a huge lobster that was obviously mutated, and skillfully peeled off the shell, digging out the white meat inside ~ Dip it with the sauce and swallow it in one bite.

The smooth, Q-bomb shrimp meat, with the slightly salty sauce, satisfied Wang Shuyue nodded frequently, "It's delicious, this lobster is so delicious!"

Upon seeing this, Wang Shufen shook her head helplessly, but did not forget to pick her a plump one and send it to her.

Wang Jianguo and Tian Li were not far behind. One took the big drumsticks and the other took the juice, and joined the feeding.

The three of them didn't eat it, just watching Wang Shuyue eat meat like this, they felt infinite satisfaction in their hearts, as if they had also eaten it.


Wang Shuyue fell on the chair with both hands and burped full. Seeing that his family wanted to feed her, she waved her hands repeatedly to indicate that she didn't want to talk, so she didn't want to talk.

Wang Shufen put down the big chunk of beef he prepared with a little disappointment, and raised his eyes to look at Wang Jianguo and his wife, "You eat too."

Only then did the couple remember to move their chopsticks and feed themselves.

After the meal, a family of four sat on the sofa. Except for Ms. Wang Shufen who still kept the boss's restraint, the other three all fell on the sofa.

Wang Jianguo covered his mouth and flicked his teeth cautiously. He ate too much duck and got stuck.

Tian Li sipped the digestion tea and digested slowly.

While rubbing her belly, Wang Shuyue told his family about the wonderful battle between him and the megalodon.

Everyone in the mansion worked very hard to cooperate. Every time Wang Shuyue talked about a thrilling place, there would be a sound of inhaling air-conditioning in a timely manner, creating an atmosphere.

Wang Shuyue spent her first night home in such a warm atmosphere happily.

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