My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 111: Special Forces women never shed tears

"do not move!"

As soon as Wang Shuyue thought of getting up, Gu Ziming pressed her hand over, and it happened to hit her left calf, which was shot, and she almost irritated Wang Shuyue's tears.

"Why don't you cry?" Gu Ziming looked like you disappointed me, but he accidentally affected the wound on the corner of his mouth, and his expression became stiff.

Wang Shuyue was about to cry in pain, but she smiled and suffocated her tears when she saw Gu Ziming committing a crime.

Gu Ziming lowered his eyes silently, not seeing and not getting upset. He tore away Wang Shuyue's **** trouser legs, opened the blue potion, and gently fell onto the wound.

The effect of the medicine was very fast. Wang Shuyue didn't feel the pain right away, but felt itchy and numb. After about a minute, the wound healed completely.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Wang Shuyue asked curiously.

Gu Ziming raised his head in a vicious tone, "The medicine used to train you."

Wang Shuyue: Enough is enough, I know you are angry!

"Thank you Teacher Gu." Pai Pai stood up, Wang Shuyue walked out of the barrier, and the friends immediately gave her a thumbs up.

"Assemble!" Gu Ziming suddenly said, everyone immediately curbed their excitement and thought carefully, obediently gathered and stood.

Gu Ziming pressed the corners of his hot mouth with his fingers, his majestic gaze swept everyone over, unloaded all the weapons he had just used, and told everyone what weapons he used and what methods he used. , Knock them down.

Air bullet gun, the gun is 15 cm long, loaded with 0.25 mm micro air ammunition. It can dissolve and has an effective range of 200 meters. It can penetrate the defense of monks below the foundation. It is used for special force soldier training and does not cause fatal injuries.

The blue healing agent can quickly heal small wounds, and the wounds are too large and ineffective.

Decomposing the gun, the gun is 12 cm long, a new type of weapon jointly developed by the refiner and the research institute. The skilled hand finds the weak point of the spell. It can destroy the small elements of the five elements of the spell in one blow and invalidate the spell.

Note that if you want to use the power of the decomposition gun, you must be familiar with the formation principles of various basic spells.

Gu Ziming brought a stack of books, which read: "Application of Basic Spells and Explanation of Principles"

Wang Shuyue everyone was stunned, and never expected that the textbook for cultivating immortals had already been produced.

No loss is my great celestial dynasty, efficiency is high!

Gu Ziming asked Okeqin to come up and distribute the textbooks and homework.

"A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. The main points I just said will be written down silently when I go back. Before the firearms class tomorrow morning, the class leader will give me the silent notes."


"Class is over!" Gu Ziming strode away.

As soon as he left, the team members relaxed immediately, and the abused people did not rush to leave. They gathered together to tell each other about their painful experience of being abused, but in just one afternoon, everyone who was originally a little unfamiliar with it was because of this common experience. , And soon become familiar with it.

The girls invited Wang Shuyue to the cafeteria for dinner, and Wang Shuyue readily agreed.

When I came to the cafeteria, I didn't know who had leaked the news. Almost all the members of the special forces had heard of Gu Ziming's cruelty.

Lin Siqi ran to Wang Shuyue after class and asked her about Gu Ziming.

"Really? Get real gun training?" Lin Siqi was so excited that she slapped Wang Shuyue on the back.

Wang Shuyue was having dinner with the other three girls in Class 3, and when she swallowed half of her meal, she was slapped in the slap by Lin Siqi, almost choking.

"You are sick!" Mo Xiaoyan, a girl in Class 3, looked at Lin Siqi angrily, "I haven't seen Wang Shuyue still eating, do you want to choke her to death?"

Lin Siqi was stunned for a moment when she saw Wang Shuyue coughing and flushed. Realizing her carelessness, she hurriedly gave her a favor.

However, the vigilant appearance of Mo Xiaoyan and the others made Lin Siqi puzzled.

What happened? Why did the three of Mo Xiaoyan suddenly protect her like this?

Lin Siqi didn't know that now Wang Shuyue has become the recognized mascot of the third group. If you don't take good care of it, who will give them a place to get back to Gu Ziming from the third group next time?

Wang Shuyue drank a big sip of water and became angered, and immediately slapped Lin Siqi backhanded, making the back of Lin Siqi's hand red, but she knew that she was at a loss. Anyway, she didn't feel much pain, she didn't feel angry, but urged:

"Quickly tell me how Mr. Gu is. There will be his class in our class tomorrow afternoon. Everyone is panicking now."

Wang Shuyue winked at Mo Xiaoyan and the three of them immediately showed their arms or calves that had been shot. Although the wound was healed, the **** training clothes were still there. I didn’t even look at it, really. Lin Siqi was taken aback.

Wang Shuyue waved her hand, swept away Lin Siqi, and put her left leg on the stool, "Look, it's cruel!"

Seeing Lin Siqi's face turned pale with fright, her voice changed, and she comforted:

"But don't be afraid. The teacher has prepared a special healing agent, and the wound will heal very quickly. It was so painful at the time, and Ren Ren passed."

It hurts for a while, and Shinobu will pass?


Lin Siqi stepped back weakly, not believing that things were really as simple as Wang Shuyue said.

"Hey? Are you crying?" Lin Siqi suddenly asked curiously.

The three of Mo Xiaoyan glanced at each other, shook their heads together, no, absolutely not!

The women of the special forces never shed tears!

Lin Siqi looked at the four people suspiciously, "Shot, won't you cry?"

Wang Shuyue nodded affirmatively, "I passed by after saying forbearance, I didn't cry."

Lin Siqi reluctantly believed it, and signaled Wang Shuyue to continue eating. She wanted to bring this information back to remind everyone to be psychologically prepared.

On the second day, the third class was taking the illusion class comfortably under the guidance of the gentle and beautiful teacher Nangongqin, and there were sorrowful wailings in other training grounds.

It's really sad to smell, and tears to hear, how can it be a tragic word.

However, there is one thing to say. Although Gu Ziming's trick is ruthless, it is very The members of the special forces have a vengeance to kill the firearm teacher. They learn firearms and work hard for it. One day, he was able to smash Gu Ziming's mocking face with a single shot.

In a blink of an eye, one week later, each class had refining tools, alchemy, formation, illusion, and talisman.

From the course, everyone found their own direction and preference.

Director Xing’s principle is not to seek all-round development, but to be proficient in two or three things, not to achieve nothing, that’s great.

Therefore, after the swordsmanship teacher arrives, he will experience all the basic classification courses, and the team members can choose three courses according to their own skills and preferences, and focus on development.

However, the firearms class is a compulsory course, and no one can leave it.

Hearing this last addition, I thought I could get rid of Gu Ziming's special team members, and suddenly I felt naive.

Gu Ziming appeared with arms folded, looking at the lost faces of the members, his smile became brighter...

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