My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 153: Means to the sky

   Chapter 153

   "Go faster, the police station will be off work at night, and you talk a lot."

   gave Qian Hao a slanted look, and Wang Shuyue pulled the vines and dragged the bald-headed group of people to stride forward. The bald head was so angry that he would kill her when he turned his head.

  Wang Shuyue turned her head coldly, "You're afraid you won't have this chance to come out and kill me."

  The bald head was suffocated by her cold gaze, and she couldn't speak.

  What's the source of this dead girl?

  At this time, the bald head was still holding a fluke mentality. After all, the police station nearby, the people above him had already arranged for them. At most, they would go through the procedures and let them sleep in the police station for one night.

  At dawn the next day, let them out without any delay.

  However, the bald head probably didn't even dream of it. This time he mentioned an iron plate.

  Wang Shuyue's arrests are so loud that the nearby community police station has already received the news and is ready to respond.

  Although he was angry and bald the behavior of causing trouble to himself, but the police station still thought about dismissing Wang Shuyue, the three armed forces, to clean up his own people.

  So, as soon as Wang Shuyue and three people came over, the police station immediately sent a handover officer to express his gratitude enthusiastically, and at the same time felt sorry for his failure.

  In short, the posture is adequate, so that people can't make mistakes.

  The bald head was watching, and her heart was secretly refreshed. She looked at Wang Shuyue's trio with disdain, but felt that these three were all stupid.

  The person in charge noticed the arrogant look of the bald head, and gave him an unpleasant hate, and said in his mouth:

  "This time we will make a thorough investigation. The three comrades can rest assured that this matter will be handed over to us, and the people must be handled well. You can go ahead. We are here."

  Piao Xiaojie still couldn’t understand these hypocritical masks. Hearing what the police uncle said, he asked happily:

   "Uncle Police, do these bad guys have to be locked up?"

  The head of the police station unnaturally pulled the corners of his mouth, and soon put on a gentle smile, squatted down and said to Pu Xiaojie:

   "Yes, bad guys will definitely be punished, kids, don't worry, you are safe now, and the next thing about punishing bad guys is left to uncle."

  Piao Xiaojie nodded obediently, "Hmm, good."

  "Madam, then you come over and simply make a transcript, and then you can go back." The person in charge reminded Chen Huizhen with a smile.

  Chen Huizhen glanced at her bald head, then looked at the person in charge of the police station, she always felt something was wrong.

  Finally saw Wang Shuyue, Wang Shuyue walked up with her mobile phone, "Leave a call, maybe you will need to testify at that time."

  The person in charge of the police station seemed to just remember this, and quickly took out the notebook and asked for Chen Huizhen's call.

  Wang Shuyue raised her hand and said, "Just keep it for me."

The person in charge of the police station glanced at her suspiciously. Wang Shuyue kept moving, leaving Chen Huizhen's phone number alone.

   Then someone came over to lead the mother and son to make a transcript, and then sent the mother and son away.

When    came back, the person in charge of the police station found that Wang Shuyue and the three did not seem to want to leave.

   Deliberately reminded: "If the three are busy, let’s go first. We are here."

  Qian Hao and another power army nodded, preparing to leave.

  Wang Shuyue did not leave. Not only did she not leave, she also found an empty seat to sit down, looked at her bald head, and said with a smile:

   "I'm not busy, I will sit down again to see how you deal with this matter, and learn by the way."

  The bald head rolled his eyes speechlessly.

  Qian Hao also sighed unhappily, opening his mouth to speak, and Wang Shuyue directly said:

   "If you want to go, you will go by yourself. I'm still on holiday anyway. I must see a result for this matter today. I won't go if there is no result."

  Qian Hao frowned and said in a low voice: "You can't do anything while sitting here. We still have inspection work. You have to stay by yourself, I'm leaving!"

  However, Wang Shuyue only glanced at him lightly, and continued to stare at her bald head, as if you just wanted to leave.

  Qian Hao got angry and wanted to leave, but was afraid that Wang Shuyue would find something to the Armed Forces Department, and finally waved his hand to let the other companion go first, and stayed with Wang Shuyue.

  He wanted to see how this woman wanted a result.

  The head of the police station saw that the two of them sat down like this, and was speechless. They had to follow the procedure to put the bald heads and the others in a temporary prison.

   "Aren't you cross-examined? Don't you need to report to the procuratorate?" Wang Shuyue suddenly asked such a sentence.

  The person in charge of the police station was taken aback, and then he explained that he was too busy today and would do these things tomorrow.

  Qian Hao laughed immediately, he didn't believe this, would Wang Shuyue believe it?

   turned his head and looked, the woman really looked gloomy.

  "Your handling method seems very unprofessional, and you are willing to let it go when you have such a big performance in front of you? Don't you want to be promoted? This case is enough for you to get a first-class promotion."

  Speaking, regardless of the cold look of the chief of the police station, she looked down at the phone and smiled:

   "Since you don't want this first-class work, give it to the person who wants it."

  Qian Hao was about to ask her what she was pretending to be. The door of the police station was suddenly pushed open. Five men in black suits and uniforms walked in with briefcases.

  There are men and women in this group, with uniform badges on their collars, and the police officers who often communicate with the prosecutor’s office immediately recognized these people as prosecutors!

  The leader, the person in charge of the police station, knows Wang Fei, who is the gold-medal prosecutor of the Supreme Procuratorate of G Province, who claims to be ruthless, and the king of heaven and Laozi will not stop him from investigating the truth.

  Why did he come here?

  Suddenly five prosecutors swarmed into the small police station, which immediately exploded.

  The bald head lying in front of the temporary prison railing caught a glimpse of this scene, and hurriedly looked at Wang Shuyue’s face, and saw her smile coldly at herself, her bald head was struck by lightning, and the whole person was shocked.

  He was not the only one who was Everyone in the police station was confused, and Qian Hao was also confused.

  Only Wang Shuyue stepped forward soberly to greet Wang Fei and the others, "I beg you for this matter."

  Wang Fei did not smile and responded coldly, "Investigate the truth, this is what I should do."

  Wang Shuyue gave Ji Rui’s phone number to Wang Fei, “If you have any difficulties next, please contact this person and he will help you deal with the troubles. I hope that there will be a result as soon as possible. Thank you for your hard work.”

  Wang Fei glanced at the handwritten phone number that Wang Shuyue handed over, then glanced at her again before accepting the number.

   "Why are you doing this?"

  When Wang Shuyue finished the handover and was about to leave, Wang Fei suddenly called her out.

  Wang Shuyue turned her head and smiled brightly, “What I can do, why not do it well? It’s just a matter of hand.”

  The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. She is no longer the former Wang Shuyue. While enjoying the various privileges brought by her aunt, she will also use these privileges to do more things.

   "Please!" Wang Shuyue clasped her fists, turned around and left.

  (End of this chapter)

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