Chapter 164 Awards

   Hao Lei, standing at the entrance of the hall, spotted the two men first.

  "Wang Shuyue! Min Hao! You guys again." Are you reunited?

   Hao Lei looked at the hands of the two holding together, the look of a talented woman, and the anger in her eyes was pouring out.

  I am afraid that even she herself does not know what she is angry with.

  In short, seeing these two people appearing in front of her together, she already had a foreboding that something bad would happen.

  Gu Yechi cast his eyes down and glanced at the hand that his fiancee was holding fast, and the delicate fingers with pink nail polish had already pinched him into his soft flesh.

  The appearance of these two people in front of him caused Hao Lei's mood swings, and Gu Yechi's eyes flashed a little bit of playfulness.

  His instinct told him that the man Wang Shuyue brought tonight was not easy.


  In the silence, Bai Wei, who was wearing a white dress with sweet make-up, rushed out carrying the skirt happily.

  Li He chased behind and reminded: "Be careful with the skirt!"

  Unfortunately, Bai Wei in front of her didn't listen to her words at all. She rushed to Wang Shuyue and said in surprise:

   "I thought you couldn't make it, but I didn't expect you to come!"

   "Quickly come in, the ceremony is about to be held, you are just right." Bai Wei, if no one else took Wang Shuyue's hand, was about to go in, and when she turned around, she discovered that Wang Shuyue's other hand was still holding a person.

  I looked up and saw Min Hao, who is now stylishly dressed from head to toe, and almost didn't recognize it.

   "Min Hao?" Bai Wei looked at the hand that Wang Shuyue was holding in surprise, "You? You"

   "They are all classmates, I happened to meet him, so I brought him over." Wang Shuyue looked at Hao Lei generously, "Hao Lei, would you mind if I bring your ex-boyfriend?"

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of Min Hao, Hao Lei, and Gu Yechi went black.

  Min Hao understands that the current Wang Shuyue is no longer the previous Wang Shuyue, she has evolved and become insidious!

  Hao Lei took a deep breath and hurriedly looked back at Gu Yechi’s expression. Seeing him laugh, her heart suddenly became cold, and she quickly explained:

  "Don’t listen to Wang Shuyue’s nonsense, she did it on purpose. The person I love the most is you. My heart has been filled with you a long time ago and I can’t tolerate anyone else."

   "I know." Gu Yechi interrupted Hao Lei's words, and instead shook her hand, freeing her hand from the scratch.

  He didn’t look at Hao Lei’s nervous face, and raised his hand to make a gesture to Wang Shuyue and Min Hao.

   "It is really an honour for my sister to be here with you. The two will enter the venue soon. The engagement ceremony will begin soon."

  Already knowing that Wang Shuyue had pitted him, Min Hao smiled reluctantly, and could only bite the bullet and stepped into the arena.

  He wanted to pull his hand out in the middle, Wang Shuyue grasped it tightly, her hand was like a pair of iron tongs, and he couldn't get rid of it anyway.

  Hao Qingzhou and Long Yutan helped the old man of the Hao family to greet him. Hao Qingzhou already knew the identity of Wang Shuyue. He was very happy to be able to make such a friend with his daughter, with smiles on his faces.

  Long Yutan squeezed a smile in front of him and acted like a hate.

  No one knows better than her, the real purpose of Wang Shuyue with a decent smile in front of her.

  Where does she come here as a classmate to attend a good friend’s engagement banquet so simple?

  It is clear that she is here to support Bai Wei, this little bitch!

Not to mention the aunt of her family who can reach the sky, she said that she is now the Sunshine Woman. As long as she appears at Bai Wei’s engagement banquet and the matter spreads, Bai Wei’s prestige in the clan may be overshadowed immediately. Her family Hao Lei.

  The old man had liked this little bitch, and now he saw Wang Shuyue appear again, he didn't know how happy he was!

  And that Min Hao, she is sure that Wang Shuyue deliberately brought Geying and their mother and daughter.

  "Quick, quick, rare guest, rare guest, please take a seat!"

  Old man Hao personally pulled away the chair next to him, and happily invited Wang Shuyue to sit down, even looking a little humble.

  This award made other guests secretly surprised.

  Although the name of the Sunshine Woman is also worthy of this position, there is no need for the old man to tell her personally, right?

  Does this Sunshine Woman have another identity they don’t know?

  The guests who came were all people in the Hao family business field, or government officials, they were all thoughtful people, and soon someone came over and wanted to take a look.

  Old man Hao couldn’t help shivering when he thought of Ms. Wang Shufen’s cold face, but he dared not reveal Wang Shuyue’s identity.

  A few vague words and sent people away.

  It was someone from Li He's family who came to ask, but he didn't say anything.

  The Li family turned to ask Wang Shuyue. The young man seemed to be more foolish.

   "There is no delay in auspicious hours, you guys sit down first, let's talk about it later."

  Old man Hao smiled, persuaded people to go back in time, stood up on crutches, nodded, and signaled that the master of ceremonies could start.

  The Li family can only give up temporarily.

  The old mansion of Hao’s family is old-fashioned, and the old man Hao is still old, and the engagement etiquette is also carried out in accordance with the ancient rituals. The two young people, in front of the guests, made a marriage contract in front of the ancestor's tablet.

The whole process was full of ritual. The marriage contract with the names of the two turned into a golden light, divided into two, and escaped into the dragon and phoenix cards prepared by Li's early. The dragon card was given to Li He, and the phoenix card was given to Bai Wei. The red line is set up like this.

  Lee’s parents didn’t come. It was Li He’s uncle, Li’s uncle in a green shirt, holding a jade-colored square plaque, and reading the offer list.

  There are not many things, but every one of them is not easy to read.

  A bottle of third-rank middle-level restoration pill, a bottle of thousand-year-old chalcedony, and a lower-grade spiritual weapon, the Qingluan sword.

After a pause, Uncle Li Jia glanced at Wang Shuyue, who was sitting next to Old Man Hao, and suddenly added:

   "There is one Zhujidan."

  Building Jidan?

  This is a treasure that the monks can’t buy if they want to buy it now, and it is almost monopolized by the cultivation family!

  Li's family, this is the capital.

  The guests all cast envious glances at the Hao family and his But in fact, the Hao family never knew that the Li family also prepared this gift, and they were also very surprised.

   does not appear on the face, I plan to ask again.

  Long Yutan and Hao Lei’s mother and daughter were blushing with jealousy. Seeing Bai Wei who was standing beside Uncle Li’s accepting the betrothal gift, the mother and daughter just wanted to ask:

  Are your Li family crazy! Marrying a little **** is worthy of such a precious Jidan?

   turned his head and gave Gu Yechi a cold look!

  You Rongyang Gu's family doesn't always say that you are better than Li's family?

  Now that he can't even give it to Zhujidan, what is the point of getting married?

  Faced with the cold eyes of the future mother-in-law, Gu Yechi just returned an apologetic look, and then turned his gaze to Wang Shuyue.

  Others didn't pay attention, but he saw Uncle Li's take out Zhujidan, and gave this woman a special look.

  The elders of the Li family have sharp eyes and are willing to pay.

  However, they are not afraid of the time. They will lose their money?

  (End of this chapter)

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