My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 225: It's also a shared happiness

"Captain?" The instructor looked at Tang Lin puzzled.

With a faint smile on the corner of Tang Lin's mouth, he looked at the two phantoms in the sky.

"Anyway, there is a penalty. Before the penalty, it is good to let the newcomers see the strength of the seniors."

The waste materials of the Five Spirit Roots had actually built the foundation, and he really wanted to know the full strength of the Five Spirit Roots Foundation building monks.

Wang Shuyue did not disappoint Tang Lin either. The Five Elements Spiritual Power faintly revealed a domineering aura that could destroy everything. That is Yuqilin’s favorite Chaos Power. Although there is only one prototype now, it is against her opponent, Bai Qingfeng. Generally speaking, it is more difficult to deal with than before.

The level of suppression between the auras spreads invisibly, even if Bai Qingfeng's ice system is really superior, but gradually, there is always a feeling of powerlessness.

"Wang Shuyue, what kind of technique are you practicing? It's getting more and more evil!" Bai Qingfeng tentatively asked.

Naturally, Wang Shuyue would not tell her that it was only until today that she realized that the Five Elements Hunyuan exercise given by her grandmother was a bit difficult.

In the beginning, she was really inferior to Bai Qingfeng in everything, and every time she dealt with Bai Qingfeng, she tried her best to be equal to her.

But this time, she felt a little relaxed.

Originally, according to Wang Shuyue's own thoughts, Bai Qingfeng was stronger than herself before, but now that she has built the foundation, she should be stronger than her.

However, in fact, it is completely the opposite. She is also a foundation-building monk, but her aura is much stronger than Bai Qingfeng.

Not to mention five times, there are also two times.

Moreover, during a fight, as long as she can mobilize the trace of unnatural energy in her body, all of Bai Qingfeng's spells can be easily deciphered.

As a result, after thirty rounds, Bai Qingfeng's attack speed became slower and slower, while Wang Shuyue was flustered and helpless from the beginning, and gradually became calmer.

By the fiftieth round, Bai Qingfeng issued a big move. When the ice was frozen for thousands of miles, the aura had been exhausted, but Wang Shuyue was still able to wander under her big move, and there were still three layers of aura left in her body.

"You actually won again?" Bai Qingfeng took the initiative to stop the offensive, holding the big sword, looking at Wang Shuyue in disbelief.

The new people onlookers saw that Bai Qingfeng, the most powerful of the predecessors, had lost. They were surprised and asked the companion next to him who had defeated Bai Qingfeng.

"Could it be that this is the legendary, senior Wulinggen, Wang Shuyue, who is on standby for a long time?"

Some well-informed newcomer whispered.

Although he was whispering, all monks were present, and he was able to hear them all.

Immediately, there was another burst of air-conditioning.

Wang Shuyue looked at those surprised eyes and wanted to tell them that she was actually quite dazed.

Wulinggen has never been optimistic, and she herself finds it difficult to practice, but she did not expect that today she would have won Bai Qingfeng with ease.

It seems that although Wulinggen is **** in the early stage, it becomes stronger in the later stage.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and came to the disbelief Bai Qingfeng, jokingly said:

"Lost again, with me, don't think about being the first, and be your second child for ten thousand years."

"Really?" Bai Qingfeng curled his lips and suddenly smiled.

The triumphant expression on Wang Shuyue's face suddenly froze, but soon she smiled again and raised her head and said, "Of course!"

Well, if this sentence of course deserves less confidence, Bai Qingfeng thinks he will believe it.

Tang Lin walked out and coughed twice to remind the two violators not to forget their existence.

Wang Shuyue furrowed her brows, and was about to put aside her and throw the pot to the culprit Bai Qingfeng, but Tang Lin refused to give her a chance to speak, and said coldly:

"Go to the gravity field. Seeing that your energy is so vigorous, one person with 100 laps seems to be light, then one person with 200 laps is fine!"

Wang Shuyue stunned: "I am innocent!"

Bai Qingfeng smiled contemptuously at her, "It scared you like this for just two hundred times, what a cute little bag~"

Having said that, he picked up a one-meter-and-five-foot sword, tilted his head to throw away the messy bangs in front of his forehead, and strode towards the gravity field.

Wang Shuyue: "..."

Tang Lin urged: "Are you not going?"

Wang Shuyue wanted to cry without tears, so she could only follow Bai Qingfeng's back and accept the punishment honestly.

After not running the gravity field for a long time, I am really a bit uncomfortable. After running two hundred laps, I lost a layer of skin without dying.

Wang Shuyue secretly glanced at Bai Qingfeng, and seeing her panting and sweating profusely, she suddenly felt that she was actually okay when she was lying on the ground.

"We are also suffering together, right?" Bai Qingfeng came to Wang Shuyue and said jokingly.

Wang Shuyue suddenly got excited and got up from the ground. She coughed and coughed to cover up the fact that she was lying on the ground. She held out her hand in a serious manner and warned:

"You don't suffer me!"

Bai Qingfeng sighed when she saw her in this way, "You are so good at it, this time you are lucky, next time...I will definitely use my best!"

After letting go of the cruel words, he dragged the big sword away.

Wang Shuyue immediately let out a sigh of relief, and screamed at her away back, "What are you doing with such a strong desire to win? It puts a lot of pressure on people!"

But I am still very happy to win~

"dare you laugh?"

Yu Qilin flew out, looking at the woman in front of her with trembling legs, it was really hard to understand her brain circuit.

But seeing that his own spiritual pet is so miserable, it still feels distressed.

"Hurry up and take a pill that your aunt's grandmother gave, so that it gets better quickly, otherwise you don't want to get out of bed tomorrow." Yu Qilin reminded.

Wang Shuyue felt that it made sense, so she immediately poured out a pill and took it, jumping back to the dormitory refreshed.

He also deliberately bounced past the door of Bai Qingfeng's dormitory, and successfully saw the other person's surprised eyes, and then returned to the dormitory to rest with satisfaction.

Lying on the single bed in the dormitory, listening to the roommates explain that they would go to the dock together to meet Okeqin and the others, Wang Shuyue agreed and gradually fell asleep.

I thought that tonight was a good start, but I didn't expect the accident to come so unexpectedly.

At three o'clock in the morning, when people fell asleep, a vigorous voice spread to every corner of Blue Star.

He used the harshest, most disgusting, and most contemptuous and said cruelly:

"The fools who came from outside the territories killed my disciples of the Seventh Sect, and caused the elders of our Sect to die unfailingly. For such a great vengeance, I will avenge the Seventh Sect!"

"Dare to move my disciple of the Seven Kills Sect, wait for the foolish people and wait for death!"

People woke up from their sleep, leaving their bodies full of chills.

The lights of the entire base were all turned on, and there was a intensive call of "jingle bells" in the communication room, one telegram after another, bringing shocking bad news.

The correspondent yelled: "A battle report is coming from the north! The Xing'anling supernatural group has been attacked!"

"Northern Emergency Report! Several otherworldly golden core cultivators, led by a god-transforming power, launched a retaliatory attack on our military command post!"

"Our military command post collapsed across the board, with heavy casualties, and the initiative in space cracks was seized!"


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