My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 239: All captives

Exchanged a look with Bai Qingfeng, the two quickly reached a tacit understanding.

Bai Qingfeng urged the spell, and an ice wall rose from the water, blocking the path of Lu Heng and others.

Upon seeing this, the female soldiers attacked again.

With the sound of the flute, with the help of the other disciples, the powerful sound wave condensed into a huge tiger in the air, and roared at the female soldiers with a big mouth open!


The fierce tiger shouted angrily, and the powerful air wave directly overturned all the female soldiers.

Obviously, in terms of spells, these sect disciples are real experts.

Various sonic spells emerge in endlessly, and Wang Shuyue and others have never seen it before, so how can they solve it?

When the two parties were in a state of anxiety, Yu Qilin's voice came into Wang Shuyue's mind:

"You can't do this. The other party has a treasure in his hand. Strong attack is not the answer. You have to block his sonic wave so that he can't use it."

Wang Shuyue asked anxiously: "How to seal?"

Yu Qilin said helplessly: "Do you still want to ask me? You have them in your elementary school textbooks. Sound transmission requires a medium. A vacuum cannot transmit sound. The tiger you see is just a phantom. In fact, he still attacks you by sound. "

"As long as you make the sound impossible to spread, they will naturally have nothing to do with you."

Upon hearing this, Wang Shuyue's inspiration flashed, "I know what to do!"

Somehow, Lu Heng in the sky suddenly had an ominous premonition.

At this moment, a golden mask fell from the sky, covering all Lu Heng and others.

Lu Heng was shocked, and he took a deep dive, but it was not the enchantment he had expected, but an ordinary isolated enchantment.

This kind of enchantment, he can easily escape.

At this time, Bai Qingfeng had already come, and the sharp ice rushed towards the front door. Lu Heng's eyebrows jumped and he hurriedly blew the jade flute in his hand.

But I didn't want to, the air next to him suddenly disappeared, and Yu Xiao could not make a sound.

Not only couldn't make a sound, but all the sounds around him seemed to have disappeared.

The short-haired woman flying in front of him disappeared. Lu Heng's heart suddenly sank. He quickly turned his head and saw that a bullet had quietly hit his abdomen. He looked down in a daze, watching the red color spread out on the white clothes, shocked.

At this time, the golden light dissipated, and the sound seemed to resume in his ears.

I only heard the woman yelling excitedly: "All prisoners!"

Then, a dazzling white light flashed in front of him, and the cold lock spirit handcuffs had already handcuffed his left hand.

All of this happened in that short instant, before the sect disciples had time to react, they fell severely on the deck heated by the sun.

Several vines flew out of Wang Shuyue's hands and tied the twelve fairy men in white clothes firmly.

Lu Heng opened his ascetic eyes, looked at the enemy in front of him, and asked quietly:

"What kind of formation is this?"

Wang Shuyue snatched the jade flute from his arms, and under the cold warning gaze of the man, jokingly raised his chin with the jade flute, and replied with a smile:

"It's not a formation, it's science, science, do you understand?"

"Ha, obviously you don't understand." She added, her smile on her face was so brilliant.

Lu Heng swears that the woman in front of him is the most annoying one he has ever seen!

Wang Shuyue doesn't care how this person hates herself, if it is not useful to keep this prisoner, she stabbed him to death with a single knife!

Zhanfeng took the brothers out and looked at the angry and hateful fairies in white surrounded by female soldiers, without any expression on their faces.

Glancing at the two women who were surrounded by the crowd in the distance, there was a little appreciation in the eyes.

"Are you served?" Bai Qingfeng came over.

Zhanfeng didn't answer, just asked her: "What are you going to do with these people?"

Wang Shuyue ran over to answer: "Of course I said before, how to deal with it now!"

Zhanfeng shook his head: "No."

"Since you are a prisoner, you must follow the prisoner's procedures."

Zhanfeng's expression was serious, and he didn't mean to be a joke.

Wang Shuyue was startled, her excited brain instantly calmed down.

Yes, they are still on the battlefield, and the battle did not end because of today's small victory.

"Then what to do with them?"

Zhanfeng: "Go down first and wait for the instructions above."

Wang Shuyue and Bai Qingfeng looked at each other, and Bai Qingfeng gave a boring tut and waved to the team members to take them down.

"Do you want to interrogate?"

Before Zhanfeng left, Bai Qingfeng asked suddenly, his eyes full of eagerness to try.

Zhanfeng coldly warned: "Take care of your own tasks. You shouldn't worry about it."

After speaking, leave coldly.

Looking at Bai Qingfeng's darkened face, Wang Shuyue laughed unkindly.

Bai Qingfeng squinted his eyes and frost appeared on his fingertips. Wang Shuyue was not afraid, picked up the coat and hat that fell on the ground, humming a little song, and returned to the cabin.

There was someone on duty in the afternoon, and Wang Shuyue was rarely free, lying on the bed in the dormitory, playing with the jade flute snatched from the enemy.

I don't know what's wrong. No one wants her to hand over Yuxiao. Even Nangongqin, who is very curious about Yuxiao, didn't ask a question, as if he hadn't seen it, making Wang Shuyue very guilty.

"Jade Kylin, can I use this stuff?" Wang Shuyue asked curiously.

Yu Qilin squatted on Yu Xiao and shook his head, "This requires special exercises to achieve the maximum effect. If you use it, it's very tasteless."

"Moreover, there is a soul mark on it. If the master is immortal, outsiders can't use it."

Wang Shuyue had guessed that this would happen a long time ago, but she was not disappointed, so she took the jade unicorn away from Yuxiao and held it up to admire the light.

I have to say that this jade flute is very beautiful, eighty centimeters long, and the whole body is bright and white. The two ends are inlaid with gold wire for embellishment. It is low-key and atmospheric, which is very similar to the feeling of its owner.

"Huh?" Wang Shuyue stopped turning Yuxiao's fingers. She seemed to see words on Yuxiao.

It's a pity that she used the characters from the Douqi Continent, and she only recognized a few of the characters over there. It just so happened that she didn't recognize these two.

Googou's finger motioned Yu Qilin to come over and take a look. Yu Qilin blinked his big eyes and moved closer, and saw two characters painted on the inside of the tail of Yu Xiao.

"Do you know?" Wang Shuyue asked Xuan Zhu, Xuan refers to as beautiful as beautiful jade, and the two characters together make bamboo as beautiful as jade. "

After Yu Qilin finished explaining, he couldn't help but vomit: "This word looks pretty narcissistic."

Wang Shuyue thought of those nice phoenix eyes, "It turns out that his name is Xuanzhu, but it's a pity...the enemy."

The gentle gaze chilled for a moment, and after a long time, it was calm.

Wang Shuyue put the jade flute away, and was about to close her eyes to rest up her mind. The sky outside the window suddenly darkened, and the speed was extremely fast, as if it had been stained with ink.

The eyes that Wang Shuyue was about to close opened instantly.

"A storm?"

Muttering in a low voice, a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart, and he couldn't rest anymore, turned over and got off the bed, and went straight to the general control room.

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