My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 248: Turned out

Latest website: "Uncle Shi..." Sanshen looked at Wang Shuyue's waist injury with concern.

Wang Shuyue raised her hand, "Stop talking, you can't die."

He took out another recovery pill and swallowed it directly, then grabbed a handful of spirit stones and stuffed it into the young man's hands, "hold the defensive cover, or we will be dead!"

Baili Zhenwei, who was so angry that she lost her mind, came to kill, San Province was busy with distracting thoughts, and together with Wang Shuyue, she supported the defensive formation.

The cyan light was shining, and ten thousand silver knives continued to attack the defensive shield. Several times, the defensive shield was almost broken.

The field was already in chaos, and the top ten strong sects swarmed, and the returnees and the army were blushing.

The Immortal Julu confronts the Immortal Yunrui, and neither of them can do anything about the other.

In this situation, the atomic bomb can't be used. The situation has taken a turn for the worse, and a deep sense of powerlessness has enveloped the people in all flower-growing countries.

Are they really going to lose?

Wang Shuyue felt that she couldn't hold it anymore. Zhuji and Yuan Ying were far apart, Baili Zhenwei's offensive became more and more fierce, and the defensive formation was about to be broken.

My aunt, when will you be able to leave? Wang Shuyue roared in her heart.

It seemed that someone had heard her roar, and the sudden change occurred.

A big hand covered the sky, all the light disappeared instantly, and everyone's eyes suddenly darkened.

The people who had killed the red eye immediately felt a sense of horror, and the two people who were still in the fight felt an oppressive force at the same time.

Especially the two masters of transformation, Yun Rui and Julu, with the highest cultivation base, the first time they sensed that terrifying aura, they stopped their movements together.

Those with a low cultivation base have a slower reaction. As soon as they took a shot, the purple electricity slashed down in the dark, as if the punishment from the heavens came and disappeared!

"Hiss~" The people under the shady took a breath.

Wang Shuyue only felt that the pressure on her body was instantly relieved. Baili Zhenwei, who had just attacked her fiercely, had stopped at some point, and looked up at the shady with horror on her face.


A thunder that made the entire Blue Star Earth tremble exploded in the dark, and the low-ranking monks present knelt down as if they could not bear the power.

The giant Lu and Yunrui who were floating in the air hurriedly flew to the ground, and they didn't care if you hit me or I hit you. They hurriedly ordered their men to hug Yuan Shouichi and don't move rashly.

"What happened?" Wang Shuyue muttered blankly.

As soon as he said something, the voice of Immortal Yunrui came in his mind. This voice spread throughout the audience, and everyone in the flower planter could hear it.

"Anyone who has the power to cross the catastrophe will hurt the innocent. Please don't act rashly!"

Otherwise, he would end up with the sect disciple who had just vanished in smoke.

Crossing the robbery?

What kind of robbery did you cross?

Wang Shuyue raised her head to look at the terrible shady above her head and swallowed silently.

The Kyushu sect had already panicked, because this mighty person who was going through the calamity was actually a monk of the Blue Star.

Suddenly, a dazzling purple light appeared in the eastern sky, and the Thunder Tribulation slashed with a "boom", feeling the power coming from it, the Immortal Julu was shocked, and it was actually the Nine-turn Purple Golden Heavenly Thunder Tribulation!

If crossing the catastrophe is successful, a top Mahayana master will be born!

What is the concept of Mahayana?

There is also Feisheng above the **** of transformation, Feisheng has become immortal, can fly to the upper realm, longevity and Tianqi.

And above the ascent is the Mahayana, living the same life as the heavens and the earth, immortal and immortal, traveling the universe, being the golden immortal.

This has reached the highest state where a person can practice.

Unless there is great merit or other creation opportunities, it is expected to rise to the great Luo Jinxian.

For tens of millions of years, there was only one Feisheng on the Continent of Vital Energy, and he did not show up after the retreat, and his trail became a mystery.

If this is still in the Continent of Origin Qi, the Immortal Julu can be sure that this expert who will be able to break through to the realm of Mahayana will definitely be the Supreme Elder of his Yunhe Sect, Yuanjun Zixiao.

But this is Blue Star.

If Blue Star had a Mahayana master, then this blue planet would no longer be able to move.

Kyushu is in danger!

Julu Shangxian felt chills in his heart, big beads of sweat rolled from his forehead, and his head was full of how to save his life.

Just when the ten disciples were panicking, the purple sky thunder in the east had disappeared, and the entire sky darkened again, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Is this a success or a failure?

Everyone was anxiously guessing, no one knew what the result was.

In a daze, the sky was lit up at some unknown time, the quiet world regained its vitality, and various sounds came into my ears.

"Which one didn't hurt my grandson with eyesight!"

The ethereal female voice came from the horizon, and the overbearing power entered into the ocean, shocking everyone on the square.

This sudden question was as if the sky was being held accountable, and the faces of the cultivators all changed.

Wang Shuyue saw Baili Zhenwei in front of him spray out a big mouthful of Yin Hong's blood. As soon as she raised her head in surprise, she saw a familiar purple figure in the sky.

She looked like a god, high above, indifferently overlooking the ants on the ground, only when her eyes fell on Wang Shuyue, there was a moment of warmth.

The aura of the whole body was countless times more terrifying than before. Even if the blood and family affection were there, Wang Shuyue couldn't stop trying to tremble after being looked at so tenderly.

Thunder Tribulation, Retreat, Breakthrough, Purple Light... Was the grandmother who was crossing the Tribulation just now?

Wang Shuyue laughed excitedly.

Others were so shocked that they did not dare to come out.

Even Yunrui Shangxian bent his back and didn't dare to lift it up.

He was happy and shocked in his heart. He had long known that the returnee of the surname Wang had a higher cultivation base, but he never expected that he was actually a master of the Mahayana period!

Today, the ten cases of Kyushu must be over!

I'm so happy, I never expected that Shangxian Julu would be more happy than him! Still excited!

He crawled down, almost lying on the ground, yelling:

"Disciple Aoki Li knocked to see Yuanjun Zixiao!"


Zixiao Yuanjun?

The remaining nine disciples, who thought they were dead, were overjoyed.

It's actually his own!

Everyone in the flower-planting country suddenly stunned, and looked at Julu Shangxian and the others in surprise. What's the situation?

However, no matter how horrified the people on both sides were, Wang Shufen's eyes always fell on Baili Zhenwei, and asked coldly:

"You hurt my grandson?"

Baili Zhenwei glanced at Wang Shuyue in The girl's appearance was only pretty, but between her brows, she was somewhat similar to Zixiao Yuanjun.

Seeing this, Baili Zhenwei's eyes were bleak, she knelt on the ground and said with difficulty: "Please let Yuanjun let my family go!"

He didn't even plead for himself, it seemed that he knew that he was bound to die.

Wang Shufen remained silent, and Baili Zhenwei turned into ashes without seeing her taking action, and went with her son in despair.

"Do not!!!"

Lu Yuanyou exhaled in pain, but the next moment, his throat was strangled by an invisible hand, and he couldn't make a sound anymore.

The elder of the sect next to him hurriedly asked the purple figure in the sky:

"The head has no intention of offending, and I also ask Yuan Jun to forgive me! I am waiting to send the treasure of the Menzong Chiba lotus to Ling Sun, and keep Sun in good health!"

For fear of speaking slowly, the head will be gone.

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