My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 337: Run errands downwind

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

Zhu Bihai is reliable. On the last day of the month, Wang Shuyue received the package from Blue Star.

The one who came to give the things was a Yunhezong disciple. He also wore an extra red vest over the regular white disciple's clothes.

The color of the vest is bright, and Wang Shuyue noticed the words on it at a glance-run errands down the wind and serve you wholeheartedly!


Is she in Kyushu? right?

As the disciple trot closer, he held a gray package with a "single number" in both hands, and said to her with a smile:

"Uncle Wang? There is your package!"

Wang Shuyue was in a mess, and for a moment, she wondered where she was.

"What are you guys?" The index finger pointed at the red vest, eyes full of confusion.

The disciple explained with a smile: "Run errands down the wind, spread messages, carry things, help call people, as long as it is a job that requires running errands, please feel free to ask us to meet your requirements within a quarter of an hour, saving you time and effort. The happy life of cultivating immortals in the heart!"

"Oh, by the way, as long as five Lingshi errands can run through the entire sect for you, it is affordable and cost-effective!"

As he said, she excitedly took out a golden card from her pocket and handed it to Wang Shuyue, "This is a calling card. You can just call us if something happens."

Wang Shuyue suspiciously took the golden card. It was square, with a triangle-shaped talisman paper pasted inside.

Wang Shuyue unfolded the rune paper, and it turned out to be a rune she had never seen before.

The disciple turned around and was about to leave, Wang Shuyue hurriedly stopped them.

"What's the order of Uncle Master? The first order is half price, do you want to run errands?" The disciple's eyes were bright as stars, and he thought there was an order to take.

Wang Shuyue shook her head, the starlight in his eyes dimmed suddenly, but she still remembered her as her head disciple and kept smiling politely.

"What rune is this?" Wang Shuyue asked him holding a rune paper.

The disciple smiled and replied: "This is a rune developed by our shopkeeper. It is called a call talisman. When you urge the talisman paper, our shopkeeper can sense where there is an order. You can talk to you through the talisman and receive the order. Then send us an order to help you run errands."

"Isn't that a sound transmission talisman?" Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows, feeling that there was no difference between the two.

However, the disciple shook his head and said: "It's different, we have our own positioning, but the current positioning range is only within the area of ​​our Yunhezong."

After that, she asked Wang Shuyue with her eyes, does she really need to place another order?

After Wang Shuyue waved her hand to refuse, she walked away with her sword, rushing to place the order.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyes and looked down the mountain, only to realize that disciples wearing red vests flew in the air from time to time. Because the number was not large, she didn't know when this group of errands appeared on the stage.

Seeing that the disciple of the disciple just now was still an inner disciple, the inner disciples were willing to condescend to run errands, it seems that the shopkeeper is not easy.

She was going to see which ghost it was!

But before leaving, open the package and check it.

Inside the package was a storage bag with restrictions on it, which was exclusive to He Qiang. Wang Shuyue knew how to untie it, so she opened it at once.

The storage bag is full of dangdang, and it contains not only the things she had previously explained to Zhu Bi kelp, but also a mobile phone and a framed painting.

The painting was very immature, and the watercolor colors were used in a mess. There was a cyan bird on it. It was vaguely visible that there were two stickmen on the back of the bird. The overall style of painting was abstract, but Wang Shuyue looked slightly warm.

I saw the blank space at the bottom right of the painting. A frame was drawn with a wavy line. Inside the frame was the subject of the painting: my sister and me.

"Wang Tianci, your kid is very promising!" Wang Shuyue raised the frame and gave a compliment, walked into the room, put the painting in the most conspicuous place in the room, and hung it up.

Take out the phone, the interface is cleaned up, there is only an album icon, Wang Shuyue clicked in, it was a video recorded by her family.

As soon as I opened the video, I heard the voices of my parents and saw what they looked like. Wang Shuyue's nose suddenly became sore, she hurriedly turned off the phone, put it away carefully, and watched it slowly at night when she was alone.

"Wang Shuyue!"

Yu Qilin’s excited shout came from the yard. Wang Shuyue walked out of the house and looked into the yard. He saw two jade unicorns and a white tiger. They didn’t know where the grass was rolling and came home.

"Where did you go crazy?" Wang Shuyue disliked the jade unicorn and white tiger who were about to be posted.

The two beasts shook their bodies, shook the broken blades of grass, and said grinningly: "Houshan, there is a large field of flowers over there."

"Look at Wang Shuyue!" Yu Qilin did a trick, suddenly forming a wreath of flowers, holding it gently with two paws, and handing it to her like a treasure.

The wreath is woven with small white flowers. Although the technique is rougher, it reveals a wild beauty.

Yu Qilin urged Wang Shuyue to bring it to show it, and Wang Shuyue put it on obediently and put it away.

"I'm going to the martial arts venue, are you going?" she asked with a smile.

Yu Qilin still wanted to see her wearing a wreath, and asked a little unhappy: "Why are you going there?"


By the way, bring the rice seed to Gao Yuan.

Yu Qilin had no interest, but Bai Hu was very excited. He called "Boss Boss" beside him, and Yu Qilin nodded reluctantly.

Wang Shuyue shrugged her shoulders, and the two turned into two **** of hair, squatting on her shoulders obediently, one person and two beasts, Yujian came to Yanwu Square.

When they got here, there were obviously more disciples wearing red vests. Wang Shuyue observed that they had all come out of one place. After looking for them, they saw a small courtyard.

The yard is not big, only when you enter the yard, there is a wooden sign saying "Run errands down the wind" hung on the side of the door, and a huge sand table greets you when you walk into it.

"Wow, who made Yunhezong?" Yu Qilin exclaimed.

It is not uncommon for spirit beasts to speak, but spirit beasts that can speak are not simple.

A spirit beast that can speak, unless it is a special breed, is at least a seventh-order spirit beast, which is equivalent to the cultivation realm of the late human golden core.

Sitting in front of the sand table, the short-haired man who was orderly handing out the order handed over the actions to the disciple beside, got up and walked towards Wang Shuyue.

"Are you Senior Sister Wang Shuyue?"

Her two spiritual pets, one green and one white, have become her signs, and the disciples of Yunhezong know more or less that there is such a personal existence.

Wang Shuyue looked at the short-haired young man who came on her face, and she suddenly realized, "You are the second batch of exchange students to arrive, Dragon, Dragon..."

"Long Ruoxuan." The young man took her words with a smile and reported his name to avoid embarrassment.

Wang Shuyue pointed to the huge sand table and tentatively asked, "You did that?"

Long Ruoxuan nodded, "Would you like to take a look?"

Wang Shuyue said excitedly: "Then I'm welcome."

"A red vest gave me something just now. I thought I was at Blue Star. Long Ruoxuan, you actually drove errands to Kyushu, talent!"

Facing the praise, Long Ruoxuan did not deliberately be humble, said thank you, and generously accepted the praise.

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