My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 366: Mystery man

When Moroccan who was in the audience heard this, he suddenly laughed, and Long Yi and Wang Shuyue looked at him speechlessly, wondering what the devil was going crazy again.

But not wanting, he said fiercely: "This king knows where he is."

"Who is it?" Wang Shuyue's curiosity was completely hooked.

However, the two people in front of them who were still awe-inspiring a moment ago, when she heard about this person, they were inexplicably outraged.

Moroccan and Long Yi glanced at each other, and the two people who were so uncomfortable had reached a consensus in a tacit understanding.

They would never tell Wang Shuyue that that talent was the husband of Zixiao three media and six hires, Ming media was marrying, and had worshipped.

Long Yi exhorted: "My two will go to explore first, and I will notify you if we have news."

After all, one demon and one god, they fled and left like this.

Wang Shuyue was left standing in the house, blinking and blinking big eyes, completely at a loss.

"Just, just leave like this?"

"Just leave me alone?"

When she wakes up tonight, there are only two days left. Is there still time?

Suddenly, Wang Shuyue no longer had expectations for these two people.

Regardless of whether they help, this sword convention, she will try anyway.

Even if she couldn't get the name or the light water sword, she had to show the attitude she should have and take this matter seriously.

Once she figured it out, Wang Shuyue went to bed with peace of mind and began to practice cross-legged.

The next day, as soon as the sky shone, the entire Hongye Villa became busy.

The Xu family brothers and sisters came to the guest house, called Wang Shuyue and sisters, accompanied by the thick morning fog, the group came to the Xu family sword grave.

In the sword mound, there are countless buried swords, all of them are the treasures left by the ancestors of the Xu family. After the master's death, these swords also became the masterless things with the master's departure.

The Xu family buried these swords in the sword mound, tempered by the Hanyuan Pond, and the sword intent is rippling. The life experiences of the ancestors are outlined by this ray of sword aura, which has greatly benefited the practice of swordsmanship.

Therefore, Jian Tomb became the rarest retreat in Xu's family.

The surface of Cold Abyss Pool is not big, but it is very deep.

Strands of cold air gushing from the depths of the seabed, and ice is everywhere in the sword mound.

You were blowing the warm sea breeze outside the moment before, and the next second, it was as if you were in the ice and snow.

Suppressing the drought is of great importance. Xu's parents and elders all dispatched, led by Xu Wuya, led Wang Shuyue and Wen Qi to the altar deep in the sword tomb.

The elders stood up and worked around the altar to open the barrier leading to the depths of the cold abyss.

Xu Wuya looked at Wen Qi, "Take out the body of Drought Yan."

He thought that such an important thing should be placed on Wenqi, who is a senior sister.

Unexpectedly, Linglong Ball was delivered by Wang Shuyue.

Xu Wuya was slightly surprised and couldn't help but glanced at her more, but he didn't see anything special about this exchange student from Blue Star.

If you have to say something special, it means that you have a very lively personality, and you don't seem to be a disciple.

"The owner?"

Seeing that the other party had been staring at her without reaching out to catch Linglong's ball, Wang Shuyue reminded softly.

Xu Wuya then put away the doubts in his heart, and took Linglong the ball.

The sealing ceremony was very complicated. Wang Shuyue and Wen Qi were only responsible for watching. The specific operations were done by the parents of Xu.

It took all morning, when the sun was the strongest at noon, Linglong Ball was completely sealed on the bottom of the abyss.

Xu Wuya said: "The seal was successful, and the smooth progress was unexpected. The Demon of Moluosha did not come to **** the body of this drought. It is also my fortunate for me to wait."

"Now, the two nephews can safely participate in the famous sword conference."

Wen Qi glanced at Wang Shuyue, and when she saw Xu Wuya's words as if she was okay, she curled her lips secretly, pretending to be like something.

After the seal was completed, everyone withdrew from the sword tomb, and the elders had to worry about holding the famous sword conference and left first.

Wen Qi was worried about the name of the first place in the Famous Sword Conference, so she left Wang Shuyue and went back to the guest house to practice swords.

The Xu family brothers and sisters were left by their father to greet the guests. Seeing this situation, they asked Wang Shuyue embarrassingly:

"Senior Sister Wang, if you want to practice sword, then my brother and sister will not bother you."

Xu Rong looked anxious to leave right away, but Xu Hao looked sad. He just wanted to wave, he didn't want to practice swords.

Wang Shuyue looked at the brothers and sisters with different minds and decided to let them go free.

With a faint smile, "I'm going out to do something, Young Master Xu and Miss Xu, please do it yourself, don't guard me."

Xu Rong's eyes lit up, she couldn't ask for it, bowed her hand, turned and left.

Xu Hao stood in place and looked at Wang Shuyue for two seconds, with a look of expectation that the senior sister begged to bring.

Unfortunately, Wang Shuyue did not leave him behind, so Xu Hao had to leave.

After dismissing the brothers and sisters, Wang Shuyue reported with the housekeeper, leaving Hongye Villa alone, and Yushan went to the mountain fair.

It's impossible to practice swordsmanship. Now I can only think of a way to see if I can find a good contestant, buy him, pass his hand, and take the light water sword into my hand.

However, she never expected that as soon as she came down the mountain, one gold and one red, two familiar figures appeared in front of her.

"Grandpa Long, Grandpa?"

Wang Shuyue hurriedly slowed down her flight speed and looked at the two men in front of her in surprise.

"Have you found someone?" she asked tentatively.

The two nodded, and Morozsha smiled triumphantly: "Kill a few of you who are following this king, there is no news here."

As soon as Wang Shuyue heard this, she knew that this was an operation she didn't want to know, and she didn't ask Moroccan about the specific process.

Long Yi called out Bai Yun and signaled Wang Shuyue to come up, "Let's go."

Wang Shuyue nodded, took the treasure fan, and stepped onto Long Yi's white clouds. Moroccan floated behind alone, and the three came to the dock together.

Here, fishing boats and merchant ships come and go, a busy scene with countless people.

When Wang Shuyue was worried about how to find people in such an I saw Long Yi's palms together, Lang Lang's clear sky, and in an instant it was sheltered by dark clouds, strong winds, and heavy rains pouring down without warning.

The people on the dock ran away in an instant.

Moroccan pretended to hold up a red umbrella, put Wang Shuyue in the umbrella, raised his right palm, red paper money scattered like flowers, the red light was flourishing, and the terrifying murderous intent rose, Wang Shuyue was suddenly shocked.

Is Moroccan planning to kill at the pier? !

Seeing that the murderous red light was about to strangle all the innocent people in this space, at the end of the coast, a white light soared into the sky, breaking the red barrier directly, and flew toward Moraksha.

Moroccan's eyes darkened, but a successful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. She held the umbrella with one hand and grabbed Wang Shuyue with the other, avoiding the fierce white light, and she flashed to the coast.

In the heavy rain, a man wearing a fur coat and a hat was sitting leisurely on a wooden stake, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and was taking up the line unhurriedly.

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